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what about prologue skill?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:44 pm
by Pirkio
was thinking about prologue skill, one skill like reg (impossible to train) maybe secret maybe not is the same (MUCH EXPENSIVE IF NOT SECRET) skill from 60 to 90 valid only for the first day of one tour (or 2 - 3 in big tour like Giro Tour Vuelta who have prologue of 3 days) prologue 70: Rider can only use only the 70% of his skills, prologue 90: Rider can use the 90% of his skills (nobody in the real can use the 100% of his skill since the 1 day, they have to go in excellent form and have to rest in form for 3 weeks or 1 in small tours)

I think is possible to improve this with the new regeneration so - reg cost + prologue cost, riders maybe can be no more expensive but game will change a little bit more

Re: what about prologue skill?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:56 pm
by team fl
My question is: Why?

Re: what about prologue skill?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:43 pm
by Rockstar Inc

Re: what about prologue skill?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:13 pm
by team fl
Team Franconia wrote:Realism...
Does the proposal really reflect more realism?

I would like it much more if a "Prologue skill" would be the sum of already existing skills and not a newly created skill, for example (randomly taken!): 25% sprint, 25% flat, 50% TT.

In my opinion, a user should decide by himself, how much effort a riders uses for the Prologue (although in 99,9% it is 100% ;) ). Everything else should be a matter of already existing skills. At the moments it is of course only the TT-skill...

Re: what about prologue skill?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:23 am
by Zentaron
I remember a proposal where the sprint skill was the important skill for the first (and last) x kilometres of a time trial. So because prologues are always short, ....think the rest by yourselves ;)

Re: what about prologue skill?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:39 am
by auxilium torino
Zentaron wrote:I remember a proposal where the sprint skill was the important skill for the first (and last) x kilometres of a time trial. So because prologues are always short, ....think the rest by yourselves ;)
yes, you are right, was in german Part: