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spaces and -'s in names

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:53 am
by Team Lidwinia
I think the name-accepting system is too strict and I'm proposing a change: Allow spaces and -'s. In quite some countries there are double first names (like Jan-Peter Balkenende or Lars Iver Strand for instance) or a prefix in last names (like Marco van Basten or Christophe Le Mével, or my own name) or double last names (Alejandro Valverde Belmonte). You get the point. Is that possisble? Would be fun to be able to create myself :)

EDIT: a ' could be nice too. Dutch have names with a 't in it, like Maarten 't Hart and John van 't Schip.

Re: spaces and -'s in names

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:37 am
by Buhmann
But then there are more possibilites for stupid names, too. Jan Ull'rich or Jan Ull rich and so on.
But if the most want to uses spaces in names, i could change it. If the teams create too many strange names, we go back to the old name-rules.

Re: spaces and -'s in names

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:19 pm
by Team Lidwinia
so people create strange names because they are allowed to create normal names? sounds strange in its own right. Jan Ull'rich is not stranger than Dave Supertramp or Mobile Phone. I find JuanJose GutierrezPalacios stranger to be honest.

by the way, if you are looking to prevent strange names, why use the name choosing system anyway? you could make a name database and pick names at random.

Re: spaces and -'s in names

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:27 pm
by flockmastoR
always the same answers from buhmann in this case Hans Peter Heuser, much nicer than HansPeter Heuser, thats just wurstig, but thats the way it is on RSF. the same with accents.

Find a solution to change really crap names and be more tolerant in the nations comitte for names that doesnt fit 100% but sound real(istic) then give us the freedom to name our riders REALISTIC with double names and accents and so on