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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:34 pm
by Luna
No more flags in the general classifiction overview :(

Btw. the new flags graphics are somehow unstylish...

Re: Flags

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:23 am
by captain ahab
...talking about flags(maybe wrong fred,but good situation...)

can we stop using flags when comes down to what languague one speaks?

instead of using flags(german flag,french flag,etc...) we could spell it out(G,F,I,E,...) what language one speaks...

now, I am an austrian who happens to have german as mother language, but who is as well speaking and understanding english good enough,and all I get is an german flag...still not liking it(...and still thinking,that having shortcut-letters,like G,F,i,E- instead of flags-would help more, than the current system of using one single national flag as a denominer of what languages one speaks...)


Re: Flags

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:16 am
by Buhmann
Not really important. Not the time to change this.

Re: Flags

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:23 am
by captain ahab
Buhmann wrote:Not really important. Not the time to change this.

somehow i was expecting this answer...still i think that it would be more helpful if we could see what languages a manager is speaking, instead of seeing what country the manager would be from,if we would live in world where every language is spoken in just one single country...

but yes,there are more important things...

Re: Flags

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:38 am
by Buhmann
You donĀ“t see there where the user comes from. You see what language he has choosen.

Re: Flags

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:08 am
by Robyklebt
Yes. But we anti-germans loathe your flag.

So would prefer something else. But ok.

What I still would like to see though is:

MAIN LANGUAGE. Bold. Big flag (if really necessary) other languages that the user can understand/use; small flags, not bold. Profile, new thingy, mother tongue:
Other spoken languages. Make that appear somewhere so that when you're in a race you can see who speaks what, so that if somebody speaks only something, you know it and can see who else can help if you want to communicate with that guy.

Re: Flags

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:56 pm
by captain ahab

what language one has choosen doesn't really contain any useful information...

but if I knew,which languages one is able to speak it would help me-in the race chat,when working for the nations-comittee(when I have to send someone a comantary why his rider got trotteled,the french flag doesn't help at all-I want to know if I can comunicate with that person also in german or english...) or simply when i want to send that team a PM

...besides that we do loathe your flag :D