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Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:36 am
by Buhmann
Now, you can not buy riders because of some reasons.
For example:
1. because the rider is only available for Div1-4 / 5-6
2. because you already have 2 strong climbers (2 strong sprinters, whatever)
3. because you have enough riders, which were bought cheaply.

My question now: Which of these rules do we really need? Reason because i ask: I want to create the transfermarket-page in the new layout soon. And if we don´t need any of this rules i need not integrate this.
Really necessary is the first rule. But the others i don´t know. What do you mean? Especially the 3. rule is very very old.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:22 am
by Neutrogena
I think the rules 2 / 3 are still pretty useful.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:26 am
by Quick
They are all very good. Maybe we could change the second rule, so it depends on the team size. 9 riders=2 strong Climbers. 13 Riders =3 strong, 17 riders= 4 strong or somethin like that... but i think its not important at all, because you can buy 9 climbers, if you use the JTM... maybe there it should be changed?

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:57 am
by skull
i dont like the restrictions
they are not necessary and they are not useful

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:11 pm
by Cerro Torre RT
Rule 2 is not very usefull in my eyes, too. Let the teams the freedom to choose their riders in their own. There will be no team with 9 sprinters or mountain riders because it has no worth for races, so it will not happen

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:22 pm
by Luna
I'm pretty sure it will happen...

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:32 pm
by Cerro Torre RT
well if, then should be thought abput if it would be a real problem. And don't think so.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:33 pm
by Zentaron
I'm with Luna.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:53 pm
by Luna
It will even happen on a quick-buy-quick-sell-basis. Lonestanding team time trias already lost the public interest because of that. They could as well vanish from the calendar. It's only stuff for the lower Divs. Noone else sees a real competition between grown teams in that. I'm not very interested in riding for example the Dauphiné with a tolerated multi like KRAMPUSTAG or MAPLE SIRUP lining up with 9 climbers and forcing the whole field to attack from km 0. Or imagine the Vuelta with teams that consist of 9 sprinters from 90 to 96. No one would be interested in working for a bunch sprint. That would create races far from what we would expect from a GT.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:15 pm
by NoPikouze
There are small teams with 3 sprinters now, cutting that rule would only make it worse

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:33 pm
by Elaska
Héhééé where is the problem ?
I have 4 sprinters and so ? :D

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:42 pm
by Pokemon Club
I feel I will make me friend again, but well. Today when we have 2 sprinters we can't buy a third 91+ sprint guy. Why not down this limit at 82 or 83, something like that, now ?

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:48 am
by RS Ostfriesland
I dont know if this is the right topic...
We had an youth market update tonight. Riders available in div 6-7: 700
Riders available in div 1-5: 276
Only 6 riders with 73 or better flat or only one with 73 mountain.
That cant be normal. Im looking for new riders cince days...

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:51 am
by Robyklebt
There are no youth market updates for D1-5... or it's a "constant" update. Every x minutes there is a new rider coming on, an old one leaving.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:00 am
by RS Ostfriesland
Man, im really up 2 date :(

Just saw the "Letzte Auffüllung am " and searched for new ones.

Mea culpa!

But the other part: Why only 1/3 of the rider for div6-7 are available in div1-5?

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:24 am
by team fl
Because, when that was implemented, there were a lot of more teams in Div. 6-7 than in Div. 1-5.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:45 pm
by RS Ostfriesland
I am not allowed to buy more than six riders younger than 23. Ok, no problem.
But i cant a buy 20 year old rider. thats shitty! I cant use him before he gets 21, so my riders which are 23 now, are 24 when i can use my now 20 year old rider.
can we change that?
Not 6 riders under 23, it should call 6 usable riders under 23

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:25 am
by Allagen
RS Ostfriesland wrote:I am not allowed to buy more than six riders younger than 23. Ok, no problem.
But i cant a buy 20 year old rider. thats shitty! I cant use him before he gets 21, so my riders which are 23 now, are 24 when i can use my now 20 year old rider.
can we change that?
Not 6 riders under 23, it should call 6 usable riders under 23
sounds good

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:28 am
by team fl
Allagen wrote:
RS Ostfriesland wrote:I am not allowed to buy more than six riders younger than 23. Ok, no problem.
But i cant a buy 20 year old rider. thats shitty! I cant use him before he gets 21, so my riders which are 23 now, are 24 when i can use my now 20 year old rider.
can we change that?
Not 6 riders under 23, it should call 6 usable riders under 23
sounds good
What sounds good, that you call it different but mean the same?

Anyway, what's not to understand in the sentence: "not allowed to buy more than six riders younger than 23". 20 yo are younger than 23, aren't they? :P

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:35 am
by RS Ostfriesland
But thats the problem FL.
I can use them only, when they are 21 but buy them with 20 years of age.

My two 23 year old riders will get 24. So i have only 4 riders under 23.
We should count only from 21 to 23.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:38 pm
by team fl
The restriction is not about the USE, it's about the AGE of the riders :)

But of course I get the problem. The question is, WHAT exactly Buhman and leso wanted with this rule. Did they really want only to have a team have 6 riders 23yo and younger, incl. the 20yo youth riders or did they want the teams not to have 6 USABLE riders 23yxo and younger in the team... The answer to that question should provide a good basis for a solution.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:13 pm
by RS Ostfriesland
Jip, thats the question.
One idea for that rule: is you have many young riders, they become olde togehter and you have to buy many new riders in few month.
Thats maybe good for new teams or team managers without a plan. ;)

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:52 pm
by team fl
RS Ostfriesland wrote:Jip, thats the question.
One idea for that rule: is you have many young riders, they become olde togehter and you have to buy many new riders in few month.
Thats maybe good for new teams or team managers without a plan. ;)

But that's exactly one point what should be avoided through this rule... that teams build a whole new team (or a big part of it) full of youth riders.

This should be stated and explained in the in game guidelines....

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:00 pm
by RS Ostfriesland
My keyboard an my brain working not very well together today...

I know that the rule is exactly for that point. thats why i mentioned it.

Re: Transfermarket - Rules of available riders

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:26 pm
by Robyklebt
I happen to know something about this game destroying rule.

The plan wasn't 20-23, but 21-23. Or 20-22 of course. At one point in time Buh seemed to have corrected the early problems, it was possible to buy a 20 year old rider if you had 6 guys 21-23... since the 23 year old would be 24 a month later when the 20 guy would be 21... but obviously the game is having an acid flashback, so we get old bugs again? Or maybe it never was corrected.