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Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:05 pm
by team fl
But this is not a problem of auctions. This is a general problem of the "new" D6 transfer market, even without auctions. Anyway, I like your formula though :)

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:12 pm
by Gipfelstuermer
Ok, that's true. Only the impact would be different:

Wrong balance without auctions: You always find many, many excellent riders or you find no good riders.
Wrong balance with auctions: You can buy excellent riders for 85% or you have to buy average riders for 120%

Good balance with auctions: Everything is great 8-)

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:38 pm
by Radunion
Talking about sold riders in div 6, the number is fixed. In my experience good riders are sold immediately, so they would get more expensive. But it is still better to give it to the team which has the money and is willing to pay it, instead of selling him to the guy who is on the market in the right moment. Div 7 can buy the riders after the auctions are over (under the current restriction).

For nameless riders auctions make little sense. Just offer plenty of them, they are not extremely strong riders that should be rare. This should be the standard choice for new teams.

Young riders (and 21 year old riders) are more difficult. I would suggest to make them weaker (2 points on their top skill ?), and again there is no reason to make them rare. To abolish young riders would still mean that there is a run on 21 year old riders in the beginning of the month. And I do not think it is motivating for a beginner that he has to be on in the middle of the night (month change) or often check for a refresh to get the best young riders.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:20 am
by Robyklebt
Buhmann wrote:Okay, summary of the most imprtant things i have to do now for the TM:

Adding a division
Div 1-5: Whole transfer market like now in Div 1-4
Div 6-7: No youth market

Changing the current transfer market on Div 1-4(5): Possibility to bid for riders until they reach 85% of the market value.

You are welcome to expand this list.
Get rid of the bugs!
-That unrestricted D6 or D5 cheapened bug.

-50 day rule for youth riders. In whatever form.

Then: Add a 5th Elite Division but wait for lesossies. Possible calendar things etc. Or want to do it from September on? Could work, but then don't forget to change some of the races that are D6-6 now.
Div 6-7: No youth market
Is that what you wanted to write?? No auctions maybe?
Changing the current transfer market on Div 1-4(5): Possibility to bid for riders until they reach 85% of the market value.
That's only for sold riders,right?

One problem that just occured to me, in combination with the 21 year olds. Especially without the 50 day rule, but even with if it becomes the 50 days from the moment they were bought rule. Going down to 85% with 21 year olds opens up a big possible "cheat"... the 20 year old bought, sold with a second team (multi/friend in new D5, which for a while should be fairly easy) sold, the main team can get him for 85%. With a name that the manager likes, for 10% less than he could be bougth at 20. Maybe for 21 year old sold riders just to 95% like the youth riders is better.

Anyway your plan is: ?

Auctions for everything in elite divisions: 1-5
Changes to be done
- 50 day rule for youth riders
- Down to 85% for sold riders in auctions(exception 21 year olds, 95%) (maybe speed them up a bit compared to 20 year olds and later nameless ones too?)
- introduce auctions for nameless riders. (down to 95% as 20 year olds, I would say)

- I think those 2 should have the EXACT same rules.
- No auctions (you seem to say, I agree) (big reason the reset)
- Youth riders in some form (weakened seems to be a fairly popular choice)
- I'd say kill the cheapened riders, you disagree, ok ok.. let that go not to hold up things I think..... (they still make no sense)


-Radunions "only nameless" proposal IMO sounds good.

Another thing... a review of starting values out of the question? 21 only TT (as announced in 2009....) Rest for 22-23-24 year olds would make sense. But the risk of endless discussions is fairly high on that topic...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:57 am
by Buhmann
Start values another thig, better don´t talk about this mow...

Elite Divisions:
- 50 day rule for youth riders
I thought this rule already exist. When you click on a free youth rider it is written that there is the rule. But it does not work?
Down to 85% for sold riders in auctions(exception 21 year olds, 95%)
Maybe it would be the best to delete 21 years old riders which are sold.
introduce auctions for nameless riders. (down to 95% as 20 year olds, I would say)
Yes, but will be the last step.

Beginners Div:
I think those 2 should have the EXACT same rules.
You mean youth market for absolute beginners, too? But why? If such a team buy these riders it is 95% a fault of him. So disagree, no youth market for the lowest div.
No auctions (you seem to say, I agree) (big reason the reset)
Same opinion, no auctions for both divisions.
- Youth riders in some form (weakened seems to be a fairly popular choice)
The way like now should be okay, no reason to implement something new for this. But which values? Lower max skills?

Absolute biggener division:
-Radunions "only nameless" proposal IMO sounds good.
I like it that new teams has the possibility of a bargain buy. So i would say exactly the same like now for this division.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:18 am
by Robyklebt
Buhmann wrote:Elite Divisions:

- 50 day rule for youth riders

I thought this rule already exist. When you click on a free youth rider it is written that there is the rule. But it does not work?
Thinking good, knowing better. Do you have a 21 year old you bought as 20 year old? Last time I had, when I tried to sell him (not really, just checking) there was no 50 day rule.
Buhmann wrote: Down to 85% for sold riders in auctions(exception 21 year olds, 95%)

Maybe it would be the best to delete 21 years old riders which are sold.
Works too.
Buhmann wrote:Beginners Div:

I think those 2 should have the EXACT same rules.

You mean youth market for absolute beginners, too? But why? If such a team buy these riders it is 95% a fault of him. So disagree, no youth market for the lowest div.
6 and 7 b!!!! Not 7. So what now is D5 and 6b. The restarters. There is no reason to treat them differently than D6
- Youth riders in some form (weakened seems to be a fairly popular choice)

The way like now should be okay, no reason to implement something new for this. But which values? Lower max skills?
That seems to be a popular proposal.... you want me to do a summary of the different proposal?
Absolute biggener division:

-Radunions "only nameless" proposal IMO sounds good.

I like it that new teams has the possibility of a bargain buy. So i would say exactly the same like now for this division.
Shit idea of course :lol: And why exatly do you like that possibility?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:36 am
by Buhmann
Beginners should have a little bit fun with the small managerpart of the game. Only buy standard riders is really boring i think.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:49 pm
by claw
lil question
know its written anywhere, but to lazy to search for

if i buy a youthrider who would be in my team at 1.9. around 2 a.m. , he will become 21 in october? :/

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:08 pm
by NoPikouze
I believe there is some kind of exception, if he's on the market this month and is bought next month, you get him immediatly. Maybe someone should confirm :P

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:23 pm
by Zentaron
You get him, when the auction is done as a 21 year old as long he was placed at the youth transfer market before the 1st of the next month. Means: Every rider you see now, you can bid on and will get him immediately when you won the auction.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:54 pm
by claw
ah nice.. thought it would be quite more complicated^^

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:41 am
by team fl
Maybe someone should confirm
for some empiric evidence: bid on Stefan Küng in July and got him at 3rd August with 21 directly.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:55 pm
by Buhmann
One open point:

Auctions for Div1-4 for new riders (riders without name): Abolish the TM refresh at a special time? Integrate instead the system we have for the youth market at the moment? Means no refresh times but a new riders very x minutes?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:24 pm
by Robyklebt

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:15 pm
by Robyklebt
Other thing.

Where can I see how much I payed for a rider?

There is price and value in the rider pop up. For 21 year olds, it works. Price is what you payed, value what his market value is. But for my older ones, price and value is the same. In the list under transfers in your team, the value shows up for guys you bought. Not what you payed.
For the 22 year olds strangely enough the price is probably what you payed, see Bird in Aixteam. Zavarov NoPikouze. But 23 years old price and value the same.

Mmh, I'm going to hijack Aix team a moment....

As I thought... the 22 year olds that stil have the "buying price" as price when they are sold the selling price is calculated from there... corrected for the old ones, not the new ones it seems.

Redo that

Plus, let us see our buying and selling price somewhere. Maybe under finances? Or add a column in the transfer thing, value-price?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:22 am
by Robyklebt
Is it wanted or is it a bug that riders can be bought for under 1 million?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:46 pm
by Buhmann

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:07 pm
by Buhmann
By the way: For new transfers the displayed "price" is not the market value anymore. You will see the real price the team paid.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:38 pm
by Robyklebt
The old bug ist still there:

youth riders bought for under 100%. Selling price calculated according to the price they were bought.
My guess is that it's the same for 23 year olds, not going to check if you debugged it last month. If you did, good, but maybe think of a way to debug it completely...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:52 am
by Buhmann
Which bug do you mean? Youth for under 100%? Of course, for 95% for example. Or what do you mean?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:24 pm
by Robyklebt
I mean Dante Mattarozzi:

Bought for 95% I think.

Now market value: 3'735'844

The "selling" tab says:

-70% tax
= 969'069,60

But of course the correct result would be

The 969 etc are calculated from the price payed when Mattarozzi was bought.


For 24 year olds it works.
For 23 year olds it doesn't I think. (Didn't when they were 22 years old last month)
For 22 year olds it doesn't work as you see from the Mattarozzi example

So: Youth riders bought for under 100% in auctions don't "increase" their sales value. Which last time I asked you declared to be a bug. ...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:11 pm
by claw
same here, but not with 95%
timmy hendrickx for example was bought at 1,5 mio (his value was bit below that - 1,49.... - now its around 1,9 mio)
hes 24 in the meantime, and if i want to sell him, these 1,5 mio are still the calculated value (-taxes)

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:16 pm
by Robyklebt
For me it works with 24, Olteanu bought at probably 95% has the correct selling price, calculated from his market value

But anyway, seems to be highly buggy, solve it!

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:15 pm
by NoPikouze
Why is it impossible to MAKE a bid when you don't have the money ? Is this on purpose or ?
Because it's a bit annoying imo... you can earn the money or sell a rider during the auction... But now you need to have enough to even make an offer ?!

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:25 pm
by Pedrocito
I don't have this problem...