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Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:56 am
by Vea Olio
team fl wrote:Hard to believe that somebody is not able to buy a licence anyway.... as it's ridiculously cheap (15 € for 365 days).
Maybe I'll have it for my Saint's day as present...boh...

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:07 am
by olmania
team fl wrote:Hard to believe that somebody is not able to buy a licence anyway.... as it's ridiculously cheap (15 € for 365 days).
For some countries (I am talking for the countries people of RSF are playingfrom) it will be the price of 2 working hours, for other countries it will be a full working day, or even more ... (based on minimum salary) ...
So if you have a good salary in Germany, maybe you make this money in less than an hour at work, and maybe I need to work 10hours to get it ... ;)
but yes, it's cheap compared to many other games I agree on that point. :)

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:03 am
by team fl
olmania wrote:
team fl wrote:Hard to believe that somebody is not able to buy a licence anyway.... as it's ridiculously cheap (15 € for 365 days).
For some countries (I am talking for the countries people of RSF are playingfrom) it will be the price of 2 working hours, for other countries it will be a full working day, or even more ... (based on minimum salary) ...
So if you have a good salary in Germany, maybe you make this money in less than an hour at work, and maybe I need to work 10hours to get it ... ;)
but yes, it's cheap compared to many other games I agree on that point. :)
Which countries are you talking about? And why then you have a computer incl. internet for 2h to race more than 10 times a month? And then still 15 € PER YEAR are extraordinarily cheap. Even if you earn less than 1000 € a month. That fact does not change because some have more, some less money to spend. Maybe it would... in countries like Tansania.

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:20 am
by olmania
Well, here minimum salary will be 280euros (with which it's difficult to live), and it's not Tanzania but still E.U, so, 15euros here would be like 60euros for a 1000euros basis salary in the West ... If you are paid 1000euros in Germany/Benelux f.e, you will think a little bit before investing 60euros in a game (because life is not easy with 1000euros, so with 940...) :D
I don't complain about anything ... I agree that the game is cheap for most of us :) I just understand if for some 15euros is "something that counts" and that 15euros doesn't have the same 'value' for all of us :)

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:24 am
by team fl
olmania wrote: I just understand if for some 15euros is "something that counts" and that 15euros doesn't have the same 'value' for all of us :)
It's called relative poverty. You also find that in countries like Germany of Belgium themselves, not only in the comparison of different countries. But as said, if you have a minimum salary of € 280 / month, you will have other problems than paying € 15 for a browser game.

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:46 pm
by Vea Olio
It's not a money problem...

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:49 pm
by team fl
Vea Olio wrote:It's not a money problem...
technical problem then?

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:04 pm
by Vea Olio
team fl wrote:
Vea Olio wrote:It's not a money problem...
technical problem then?
yes :cry:

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:15 pm
by team fl
Vea Olio wrote:
team fl wrote:
Vea Olio wrote:It's not a money problem...
technical problem then?
yes :cry:
I am sure you can send Buhmann the money in an envelope. His adress you can find here: ... ressum.php


Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:08 pm
by Vea Olio
team fl wrote:
Vea Olio wrote:
team fl wrote:
Vea Olio wrote:It's not a money problem...
technical problem then?
yes :cry:
I am sure you can send Buhmann the money in an envelope. His adress you can find here: ... ressum.php

I win a short race :mrgreen: now I'll do another one :mrgreen:

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:40 pm
by Mangahn
Mal abgesehen davon, dass diese Kurzrennen furchtbar unfair sind, alte und/oder Sprinterteams bevorzugt... und ganz abgesehen davon, dass es furchtbar nervig ist darauf zu warten, dass das Rennen irgendwann endlich mal startet... funktioniert das überhaupt noch? Ich hatte vor dem Kurzrennen 3 Rennpunkte und habe es nach dem Kurzrennen auch. Und ja, ich hatte es gewonnen. Flanderen mit 96 Sprint und dazu 92 und 85 Sprint reichen selbst mir im neuen System um einen Fahrer nach ganz vorn zu kriegen.^^

Oder gibt es irgendwelche zusätzlichen Bedingungen? Muss man am selben Tag ein Rennen fahren bzw. darf man das Rennen nur mit der Maus in der linken Hand fahren?

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:51 pm
by flockmastoR
Hast es mit Abmelden und wieder Anmelden versucht! Bei mir funktionierts

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:43 pm
by Mangahn
Ja, danke!
Jetzt steht da 5, wie es sein sollte. Auf die Idee mit der Abmeldung war ich nicht gekommen.

Re: New race points/licence system

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:08 pm
by Robyklebt
Und das obwohl du ja der intelligenteste Mensch der je gelebt hat bist.

Hoffen wir mal findest bald wieder Arbeit und verschonst uns vor weiteren Mangahnismen