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Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:05 am
by flockmastoR
Zauberlehrling wrote:Tab: abgegebene Gebote.

What there is:
1 name
2 bidden price
3 time, when he will reach it

What I would like:
1 values: Mountain, flat etc just everything
2 market price
3 bidden price
4 maybe even percents I've bidden
5 time

The name is really really useless, they're all called "name geben", seems to be a quite normal name in Herne ;)

Edith: And I would like as someone mentioned already that the riders I've bidden for are marked at the JTM. Better with the bid and the Time it will be over, so I can place my other bids more easily.
well just a klick on the rider and you have skills, percent and you can change the bid, this should be enough buhmann said

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:49 am
by Zauberlehrling
Buhman says much if the day is long...

I really don't see why the name is mentioned, it's always the same, so better put in there something useful.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:56 am
by Robyklebt

Do you have something in place to track how many riders are bought and for how much?
I as a hobby analyst of all things RSF would like to see a public list, all youth riders off the market in a separate list, with "bought"/"off the market"-"Price"-"Percentage"-"which motherfucker". No reason not to do it, except it means work for you... who bougth him could be shown too no problems, when a young rider signs his first contract he is presented early as well after all.. not just the day the season starts...

But if you don't want to do that, you have to make something internally for you, so the quest for the right interval doesn't become an endless one.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:24 pm
by Elaska
gaurain rx wrote:The minimum bid is 95% of the price... Is it?
Luna wrote:Right

maybe should be mentioned somewhere in the bidding box.

But when a put a bit of 89% of the price, seems to be ok and even there is a date wich maybe the rider accept it :roll:

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:27 pm
by flockmastoR
all under 94% there is no date (never) given, for 94% there can be some kind of rounding-mistake, but shouldnt be able for 89%

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:39 pm
by Elaska
Math I said a had a date for a 89% !!!! I let it for a few days but i changed it now

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:05 pm
by flockmastoR
yeah and i said: shouldn be, so something for buhmann to look up

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:41 am
by Elaska
Another bug : when i put a price for a rider the system gave me another one, cannot change it ! it's 95% of the rider's price but have no date

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:17 pm
by Robyklebt

I have a bid for a rider on the market.

He hasn't reached the limit yet, IMO the bid is valid, not too low.

But it already tells me=already rejected.

What does that mean? That somebody has a higher bid? In that case that's not good, it's supposed to be BLIND! I don't have enough money for the guy anyway, so what happens if I bid 110%? The guy who bid more than I bid (just testing) sees rejected, ooh, goes higher?

Now I put in a 114% bid, tells me a time, went back to my original bid, it tells me a time too again.. strange.

Anyway, the "offer already rejected" should only show up if the offer is too low, or if the rider has been bought, not if there is a higher bid, then it's not blind anymore.

Plus again, do you have a system in place internally to track how many riders are sold for how much?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:56 am
by team fl
Funny thing I experience is that the riders are crappy as hell. I wasn't really a fast buyer with the old system, but I got better riders that I see right now...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:12 pm
by Robyklebt
Let me delete "own bids"!

Don't delete them automatically, let the user delete them on his own.

And ZL is right that the big NAME GEBEN there is a bid useless, maybe put the values in instead?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:02 am
by claw
team fl wrote:Funny thing I experience is that the riders are crappy as hell. I wasn't really a fast buyer with the old system, but I got better riders that I see right now...
was one of the fastest..
same opinion!

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:20 am
by Quick
First i had the same opinion... but after ca 10days - no. There were several riders which i would have loved to buy...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:25 am
by Zentaron
There was a nice sprinter on the market. Worth to buy. He was under 100%, Roby said to me after the 14 h race today. Somebody bought him? Then fine. Not really, because he was under 100%, but bought. So okay. It was a good rider, no one bought him for a good price. So don't complain that there are not enough good riders if there are still good riders that aren't bought.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:58 am
by Robyklebt
Still think too many. Still without having access to secret Buhmann analyzing files.

73-56-78 went for....2'540'000. until now would have been 2'660'xxx. (mmh, bid and price show different things though, maybe he went for 2541?
50-59-70-xx-80, good reg for a sprinter wasn't bought
50?-54?-xx-xx-82 good reg for a sprinter wasn't bought

So far the only rider that went high that I bid on was a 55-74-74 for 1870 that went for 2400. Of course the guy dumb enough to overpay tha much when there seem to be more than good riders was a complete overhauler, restarter, further strenghtening my belief that those who do that, do it because they lack the brain to do more difficult things.
Other classic riders might go for a bit more too, don't know, don't bid on all of them. But for the rest, 95% or as close as possible to it seems to be the rule. Which isn't really the point of the system.

That might change a bit later in the month, when more people have the money. But I think... too many riders for the moment. One ever 10 is too much, change it to... 12?15? Ok, first hopefully Buh checks the whole thing with his numbers, that I hope he has...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:56 pm
by flockmastoR
Hm i think its about 100% or close

One Team from Liechtenstein bid on a 54-74-77 Value: This is a really good helper and goes by 104.5 % was expected
another manager payed 1.750 for a 56-74 with vallue 1.723 about 101%
saw a flat guy going out for about 101% too

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:34 pm
by team fl
flockmastoR wrote:Hm i think its about 100% or close

One Team from Liechtenstein bid on a 54-74-77 Value: This is a really good helper and goes by 104.5 % was expected
another manager payed 1.750 for a 56-74 with vallue 1.723 about 101%
saw a flat guy going out for about 101% too

Yes, I really liked that rider. And as far as I had not time to watch it, I bid as much money as I was willing to spend. 80k more does not seem very much vor this very nice rider.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:05 pm
by Robyklebt
And I still think it's too many! Show me that list Buh!


Own bids: Auction still running in for riders that are not there anymore. Very likely riders that weren't bought, clicking on it brings an empty popup like the ones with show all bids that weren't bought. Some sort of bug.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:41 pm
by NoPikouze
I think I was able to buy immediatly a rider for 91% when the auction was still around 100%
He was supposed to arrive at 1.2m at 12h45, but at 12h15 I bought him for 1.1m...

Hmm according to Roby I have payed the full price... What an idiotic buttons, it's so unclear... i dont want to pay 1.25m for this guy...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:36 am
by Robyklebt

1) Can you let the managers delete the "own bids" they don't want to see anymore? The expired ones etc.
2) Can you correct the "auction is still running" bug.. that it shows auction still running for some guys who just simply aren't in the auctions anymore.
3) Analyze your lists!

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:15 am
by Robyklebt
Basically I'll rewrite my last post now:

1: Let us delete the list in "own bids". It's getting kind of long in my case...
2: Auction still running bug. No it's not! I'm not sure in what cases it doesn't change to show all bids, but 7 of my 27 bids are still running. And they are over, rider bought or disappeared.
3: ANALYZE YOUR LISTS. Or send them to me... I still say it's too many. If a 55-73-65 for 1,615 goes for less than that...
4: May is coming, what will the system be for D5?
5: Has something been done in the "complete overhaul" thingy?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:49 am
by sylvainmeteo
Yes, it's really hard for me, just to find a good low cost 53/72... :?
I prefer the old system... even if I was not often here during market updates...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:27 pm
by Luna
But you can be sure it's the same for all.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:42 pm
by NoPikouze
That's right. If there are not enough 55/74ers, maybe people will get used to buy 52/73ers to get classic riders.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:48 pm
by Lizard
I like that there are less strong riders.. but still too many for Div 5-6. All in all, getting used to buy 53-72 riders will improve the RSF system I guess. How many 77-80s do we have by now? I want to see two, maybe three Clausen's or Terranova's in a year, not 20. I want one Ysaye in Div 1-4, not plenty uber-classic-sprinters. It's okay like this, it just needs 5-6 months until the old superstars will get to old and a more balanced elite will appear...