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Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:58 am
by Buhmann
Waek team because of Div 5? Don´t think so. Youth riders are not necessary for a good team. Most players buy them because of having more fun with young riders, but are they really much better?

Current situation:

- there is a 87 mountain rider fro Div 5 on the market
- a 70 mountain, 81 flat rider
- 8394832492342 riders with sprint 92
- a 88 flat rider

So where is the problem?

And come into Div 4 is not a big problem if you really want. If this will be too hard anytime, we have to create a new division.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:39 am
by Quick
It's the 31st... few people still believe that tomorrow the auction-system will be online. Buh, or someone else..., can you summarize what was discussed in the last 100posts here?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:07 am
by Robyklebt
- D1-4 auction system
- Online on saturday
- From 1000% - 95% in 3 days
- number of riders seems unclear
- What exactly happens with D5 seems unclear

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:10 am
by Buhmann
- not a complete market refresh: every X minutes (between 5 and 15, not cleared) a new rider on the transfer market

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:15 am
by Quick
Ok, thanks. Seems to be ok :)

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:42 am
by Pirkio
All strong team :lol:

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:01 pm
by Radunion
In div 5 there are currently 60 teams with more then 200 races and at least 1 race this month. There are not only new teams that could endanger the system. If you sell your best rider and do not ride many races in a month it is easy to go down to div 5.

If you realy want to restrict the youth marktet make a new div 5 with 60 teams give them the same transfer and youth market than div 1-4. If the number of active teams increases also offer more new divs.

If it is necessary you can implement price restrictions for the teams in lower divs or a low number of total races.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:17 pm
by Luna
Buhmann, how about:

- no access to youth rider auctions with less then 8 active adult riders on the team at the same time.

Would be a good moment to iplement this.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:39 pm
by Buhmann
Hmm. And if anybody sell all riders at 30th of a month. Don´t allow him to buy a team completly with young riders?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:40 pm
by Luna
No. If he's got 9 riders, he may sell one to buy a youth rider, but not sell all riders at once to start with a full youth team.
We discussed it already there -> viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1502

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:20 pm
by Robyklebt
Of course not only teams that endanger the auction system in D5. It's probably a minority, but they would endanger or complicate it a lot. And hurt D1-4 plus other D5 as well. Plus Buh now says no.

What to do with D5?

A new D5? IMO right now a bad idea, plus one that would hurt the teams that want to go up the most. It just takes longer to come up then. IF Rsf grows fast in the next

Same as now, problem long term they get another advantage. Cheaper top riders. Doesn't bother me all that much, would cut their "cheapaned"riders anyway, but ok. Bothers me a bit from the "reality" perspective.

A weakened youth rider market? That means without the topvalues and combinations? Buh ignores it each time I write it, so seems a no go, I kind of think it would make sense. For many type of riders 1 point below the max is actually not all that tragic. flat riders, classic guys etc. It still would be cheaper than the same rider in D1-4 auctions most of the time. 55-73-78 will very likely go for over 100%. (if we get the number right) Less good for climbers, even the 72-55-78 in D1-4 will probably not be that popular... But in general for the moment the thing to me seems to be a fairly ok trade off. They get a bit worse riders than in D1-4, but with a fixed price, that often will be lower than what D1-4 would pay for the same rider.

The leftover: In a way still my favorite: It's nice and logic, the riders that can't get a contract in the high Divs say ok, let's try D5. The big question is.. what will be left? Only shit? Or some useful riders. I think some useful ones will come down. The question how many... and here is the problem, if it's many, then the prices in D1-4 are probably just too low, too many good riders available. So shouldn't be too many....


1) Riders at 95% from D1-4 auctions, not deleted but go to the D5 youth market. They stay at 95% too. Doesn't hurt anybody if we try and see if there's anything useful landing there. And, they stay until the end of the month. (unless bought of course), since the number coming down will not be that big (since the number appearing in D1-4 will not be that big anyway). If it's too many good ones, the D5 profits from the too low prices in D1-4 too, quite a few useful riders there.
2) Refreshes like now, but only weakened riders, max 72 mountain etc. combinations. They stay only until the next refresh like now. Number don't know. They cost 100%.

This combi for the moment sounds ok to the ape, just deleting it actually wouldn't be the end of the world either, but don't see it as necessary or especially good. (Plus doesn't fit with my devilish plan to cut other things there...)

Interval, 5 minutes would be too many riders Buh. It's 180 teams, you'd just hand out very good riders for 95% to D1-4. Absolute top ones maybe would go higher, but not even that really sure. I say make it: 12 min. Maybe actually even that is too many... If 5% are useable that would be 1 per team...mmh, ok, since I really don't know how many of one refresh now are buyable/interesting etc. Handgelenk by pi (dumbed down to 3 for this purpose) says, blind shot, every 12 min.

To make things easier to track and analyze:
- Make a tab somewhere in the auctions that keeps track of the riders, mention if they were bought or not and what price.
- For now, predictions: Add a filter in the filter.. äh, something like that. Riders: add Divisions, so I can easily find out how many 21 year olds are in D1 right now....

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:19 pm
by Buhmann
I don´t know if a own youth rider transfer market is necessary for Div5. So i will delte it for the first time, because i need implement anything for that ;)

Track and analysize? Maybe i give the transfer-tables a new column "price". At the moment there is only the fairvalue.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:37 pm
by Robyklebt
Don't call it fairvalue since that's simple not understandable.

I'd like a nice list too see who was bought who not, who bought for how much in one place...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:28 pm
by flockmastoR
Roby says Pi is 3? What a shame

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:30 pm
by Radunion
The problem with good riders on the div 5 transfer market is that they are not yet buyable (have not checked many and I cannot sort for the buyable riders). Yes there are good riders but not enough for the number of teams, and do not forget, that the new teams also buy on this market.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:24 pm
by Buhmann
I have a test account and i looked at the buyable riders. There are many good and somme super riders.

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:41 pm
by sittinbull11
never bought 20 year old rider yet ) Probley never will becourse i realy cant see advantage you have buying 20 year old riders beside that he start training AT 21 . But doesent 21 year do just the same ?

So why paying 3,6 mil for 20 year ols that cant use for atleast 1month if you can buy almost the same guy at 21 year old for only 3 mil .

And yes there should be 41 4B 5A 5B 5C 5D would make thing inresting played from Juni 2010 and its Pretty Easy to get in D2 . already was there .

100 teams in Each 5 div Top 10 should go to Div 4A our 4B botem 20 from each 4 Divsion goes back to 5 D

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:31 pm
by Robyklebt
Anyway, better think about the number of riders.

Look how many 21 year olds are in D1-4
It's 470 in D1-5 right now.

Looking at these numbers I'd actually guess a try with ZLs number for the interval would be ok. 15 min, that's 2880 per month for 180 teams. Ok, a bit less, since the last 3 days won't work really...mmh, and one day late, ok go for every 12 min to start with, that's 3600 per month... Ah, don't know, just think yourself. But more would be too many I think.

And think about Lunas post too, can't buy youth riders unless you have 8 active riders!

If unclear why, post somethin in the thread.

I'm talking with superbuh btw...

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:09 am
by Robyklebt
-410 riders already on the market: So... ? That means the system started almost 69 hours ago? Now it seems to be ok with the pace of additions though
- When I go to youth market, I see 1283 riders. Lots of Div 5-6 riders. OK, now they seem to have them too (or just leftovers from the normal update?) Whatever it is, I don't need to see them as D1-4 user, or at least not in the same place. Add a tab.

And an important question: Bid are blind, yes? You only see your own? Not mentioned in the :?: ingame, so I thought I'd ask

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:55 am
by Pirkio
i realy don't like this "i can see all with my new superpower!"

Can i see only div 1 - 4 when i'm in 1 - 4, or 5 - 6 when i'm in 5 - 6?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:57 am
by Quick
I see no tm actually. No powers for quick :(

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:48 am
by Buhmann
Robyklebt wrote:-410 riders already on the market: So... ? That means the system started almost 69 hours ago?
i have put 400 riders into the market, because i don´t want to wait 3 days too use the new system...
When I go to youth market, I see 1283 riders. Lots of Div 5-6 riders. OK, now they seem to have them too (or just leftovers from the normal update?) Whatever it is, I don't need to see them as D1-4 user, or at least not in the same place. Add a tab.
it is the normal market as before for Div 5. We need tu discuss what happened now with them. And thats the reason why there is no tab: it is only a temporary solution. For that it should be okay now to use the filter.
Bid are blind, yes? You only see your own?
Can i see only div 1 - 4 when i'm in 1 - 4, or 5 - 6 when i'm in 5 - 6?
You see all. Why do you don´t know this? I think you are not Div 6...
I see no tm actually. No powers for quick
Same for you...Why can´t you see this?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:54 am
by flockmastoR
so? is the TM full off now? Are you working on it still? Dont see anything like quick, saw the market on time today then nothing

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:57 am
by Buhmann
See you the other markets?

Re: New transfer system for youth riders

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:59 am
by flockmastoR
sehe nur einen blauen hintergrund sonst gar nichts, also auch keine anderen märkte