What future for RSF ?

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Allagen » Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:24 pm

Radunion wrote:Another problem for new teams could be that you see (nearly) nothing about the game before you register. In the (ancient) past you could see the whole game before you register, including the spectator chat. I like to know more about an online game before I register, maybe I am not the only one.

good point!
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by lesossies » Thu May 01, 2014 10:51 pm

Allagen wrote:
Radunion wrote:Another problem for new teams could be that you see (nearly) nothing about the game before you register. In the (ancient) past you could see the whole game before you register, including the spectator chat. I like to know more about an online game before I register, maybe I am not the only one.

good point!
That´s what I said to Buhmann for a week, but he didn´t hear to me ... maybe now :roll:

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Buhmann » Fri May 02, 2014 3:29 pm

That won't be a main reason, so i will not use time for imlement it.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Allagen » Sun May 04, 2014 4:17 pm

sorry for switching into german. the last part is in english (google translator)

also buhmann. klaro ist das nicht der hauptgrund weshalb es nicht so läuft. meiner meinung nach gibt es aber auch nicht den einen hauptpunkt. es sind eben viele kleine Punkte die in ihrer Gesamtheit dennoch eine Gewichtung haben die du scheinbar unterschätzt.

Anmeldefrist verkürzen

Man kann RSF aktuell nicht mal eben spontan spielen. Die Anmeldefrist von 30 Minuten ist viel zu lang. Sehe überhaupt keinen Nutzen bei so einer langen anmeldefrist. 10 Minuten oder 5 Minuten würden es auch tun und so könnten sicher einige kurzentschlossene mehr am spiel teilnehmen. Lass es pro Rennen nur 1 Team sein was so mehr mitfahren kann, aber jedes Team zählt doch bei diesem Spiel mit sinkenden Userzahlen. Also ich persönlich verpasse pro Woche ungefähr 1 Rennen weil ich nicht kurzfristig spielen kann. Speziell diesen Monat waren es sogar schon 3 Rennen, aber das ist sonst nicht so extrem. Ich mein wenn ich kurzfristig Zeit habe, weil z.B. ein Unikurs ausfällt oder aus welchen gründen auch immer, dann verbaut einem die lange anmeldefrist einiges, ohne das man durch diese lange anmeldefrist einen großartigen vorteil hat. Der einzige Vorteil ist, dass man so 30 Minuten hat sich das Profil und die Gegner anzuschauen. Aber das sollte auch in 5 oder 10 Minuten möglich sein.

Spiel für nicht User sichtbar machen

Finde den Punkt gut. Man kann sich das Spiel erstmal anschauen bevor man sich direkt anmeldet. So sieht man im Zuschauerchat vielleicht zufällig 1-2 spannende Rennen und denkt sich dann, hey super das möchte ich auch spielen. Und wenn sich auch hierbei nur ein paar neue User zusätzlich anmelden, lohnt sich das doch schon.

Mehr Werbung + Werbevideo

Das Spiel ist gut. Macht einfach mal mehr Werbung. Gerade jetzt in der Phase nach den Klassiern und vorm Giro, Tour de France usw werden doch viel mehr Leute wieder auf den Radsport aufmerksam. Und schnippelt mal ein Werbevideo (könnte man auch als Wettbewerb im Forum starten, Gewinner bekommt ne Lizenz geschenkt) über RSF. Das stellt man bei Youtube rein und bindet es auf die Startseite ein. So können alle neuen User direkt in 1-3 Minuten einen Einblick in das Spiel erhalten.


User die andere User anwerben, sollten gestaffelt von der anzahl der neuen User eine belohnung erhalten, nachdem diese Teams eine gewisse anzahl an rennen gefahren sind. Verteilt Lizenzen als Lohn. Wenn man z.B. 5 neue User angeworben hat, die auch jeweils mindestens X Rennen gefahren sind, dann bekommt man X Tage/Wochen/Monate als Lohn.

verbesserte App

Also die App ist soweit gut. Man kann alles ganz gut anklicken, Fahrer kaufen und verkaufen, Training schauen usw. Allerdings ist es extrem umständlich mit der App das eigentliche Spiel/Rennen zu spielen. Also angenommen ich kenne RSF nur über die App, dann wäre es für mich kein Spiel was ich spielen möchte. Man bekommt vom Renngeschehen viel zu wenig mit. Das Einstellen von Attacken, Tempo, Verhängen dauert viel zu lange, bzw. die KM sind dafür zu schnell rum. Abgesehen davon, könnte man im Appstore auch ein Werbevideo platzieren um weitere User für das Spiel zu begeistern.

kürzere Rennen

Zeitmäßig kürzere Rennen. Ob die Distanz kürzer werden muss, weiß ich nicht. Vielleicht sollte man einfach den KM-Wechsel weiter nach hinten verlegen und gleichzeitig die Renndistanz etwas verkürzen. Durch den Livesprint ist das Spielzeit ja bereits wieder länger geworden. Ich fände Rennen mit 100-120 KM gar nicht mal so schlecht. Vielleicht startet man dann auch nur mit 7 Fahrern. Der Zeitaufwand bei RSF ist schon ganz schön groß, das schreckt vermutlich auch einige User ab. Oder man geht einen Kompromiss ein. Während der Woche etwas kürzere Rennen, am Wochenende auch mal längere Rennen.

Anleitung für Neulinge

Eine Anleitung für Neulinge wäre sicher nicht falsch. In form eines Videos und/oder in Text form. Hatte ja bereits unzählige Mentees als Mentor betreut. Gefühlt 8 bis 9 von 10 Fragen sind immer die gleichen. Und die Tipps beim Zusammenstellen des Teams und zu Renntaktiken sind auch immer ähnlich, bzw. die Antworten sind es. Über die Jahre ist das Spiel nun mal sehr komplex geworden, da kann ich schon verstehen das Neulinge Probleme haben es zu verstehen. Dafür punktet das Spiel mit einer Spieltiefe und super Balance, die eine Langzeitmotivation garantiert, insofern man die Eingewöhnungsphase in das Spiel überlebt. Da springen mir zu viele ab. Ist zumindest meine Erfahrung mit den Mentees.

Aktivitätssteigerung von Buhmann oder Verantwortungsteilung

Buhmann hat wenig Zeit. Klaro die Zeiten als Student sind vorbei, da will ich ihm auch überhaupt keinen Vorwurf machen. Problem ist nur, dass dadurch das die Zeit so beschränkt ist, man als Nutzer lange (teilweise vergebens) auf Antworten bzw. Problemlösungen warten muss. Dadurch ist eine komische Grundstimmung im Forum entstanden. Früher fand ich es persönlich richtig toll, dass man hier eigene Ideen (z.B. das Live-Training) ansprechen konnte und falls diese für gut Empfunden wurden, wurden diese umgesetzt. Aktuell spricht man einige Probleme an (z.B. eine ewig verbugte WM um mal etwas belangloseres zu nennen) und es passiert einfach nichts. Einfach weil die Zeit fehlt. Klar, verstehe ich.

Nur was ich nicht verstehe, wieso holt man sich nicht andere Freaks mit ins Boot die auch was vom programmieren verstehen. Wenn die die Hauptarbeit machen, braucht Buhmann selbst doch nur noch deren Lösungen zu checken und freizugeben. Abgesehen davon, dass dadurch wohl viele Bugs behoben werden können, schafft man dadurch diese Stimmung der Gleichgültigkeit ab. Und das frischer Wind von außen gut tut, sieht man ja auch bei dem Fairplaykomitee, welches durch frisches Blut auf einmal wieder (halbwegs gut sogar) funktioniert. Da hat man als User doch gleich ein viel besseres Gefühl und ist ein Stück weit lieber im Game aktiv.

google Translation

Shorter deadline

You can not even just play spontaneously RSF date. The registration period of 30 minutes is much too long . Do not see any benefit in such a long registration period. 10 minutes or 5 minutes would do it too and so could certainly take some shortdecided more on the game . Get it per race only one team which can be ride as more, but each team counts but in this game, with declining user numbers . So I personally miss per week about 1 race because I can not play the short term. Especially this month there were even 3 races , but this is not usually so extreme. I mean if I have a short time , for example because a Unikurs fails or for whatever reasons whatsoever, then built a long registration deadline some without notifying you in time through this long has a great advantage. The only advantage is that you have so 30 minutes , the profile and the opponent to look at. But it should also be possible in 5 or 10 minutes.

provide an opportunity of watching RFS-Races as a non member of the game

Find the point well . One can look at the game first before you log on directly . Thus one sees in the audience chat maybe 1-2 random exciting race and then thinks , hey I want to play the super . And if only a few new users in addition sign up here , it's worth but already .

More Advertising & Promotional Video

The game is good. Power simply times more advertising. Right now in the phase after the Klassiern and in front of the Giro , Tour de France , etc but a lot more people will again pay attention to the sport of cycling . And snips times a promotional video ( you could also start as a competitive forum , winner gets ne license paid ) on RSF. This one is purely on Youtube and binds it on the home page. For all new players can get right into 1-3 minutes an insight into the game.

recruitment reward system

User from other users recruit , should staggered by the number of new users will get a reward after these teams have gone a certain number of races . Distributed licenses as wages. If , for example, Has 5 new member recruited , who are also at least X raced , then you get X days / weeks / months as a reward.

improved app

So the app is well so far . You can click all very good, buy and sell drivers , training look etc. However, it is extremely awkward to play with the app the actual game / race . So I accepted RSF only know about the app , then it would be for me not a game I want to play . You get the racing action with far too little. The setting of attacks , speed, imposition takes far too long , and the KM are too fast around. Aside from that , you could also place a promotional video on the AppStore to inspire more users for the game.

shorter race

Default time shorter races. Whether the distance has to be shorter, I do not know. Maybe you should just move on the KM change to the rear and at the same time shorten the race distance something . Through the Sprint Live the game time has already become longer again . I would find races with 100-120 KM not so bad. Maybe you start then only with 7 riders. The time spent at RSF is already quite large, the scares probably from some users . Or you can go a compromise. During the week slightly shorter race , the weekend also times longer races.

Guide for newcomers

A guide for newcomers would certainly not be wrong. In form of a video and / or text DOCUMENT had already overseen hundreds mentees as a mentor . Chill 8-9 of 10 questions are always the same . And the tips when assembling the teams and racing tactics are always similar , and the answers are there . Over the years, the game is now time become very complex , because I can understand the newbies have problems to understand it. For scores the game with a depth and great balance , which guarantees a long-term motivation , inasmuch as you survive the acclimatization phase in the game. As I jump from too many . Is at least my experience with the mentees .

Increase in activity of buhman or responsibility sharing

Buhmann has little time . Klaro the days as a student are over, because I want him at all not to blame . Only problem is , in that this is the time so limited , one long ( partially in vain ) to wait for answers or solutions to problems as a user. This a funny mood has arisen in the forum. Before, I found it personally really great to have your own ideas here could appeal ( the live training , for example ) and if it were for good Heartfelt , these have been implemented. Currently talking to some problems (eg an eternally verbugte World Cup at times to call something belang looser ) and nothing happens . Simply because there is no time . Sure, I understand.

Only thing I do not understand why not bring you other freaks on board who also understand what the program . When do the main work , Buhmann itself needs but to check and release only their solutions. Apart from the fact that this probably many bugs can be fixed, one thereby creates from this mood of indifference. And the breath of fresh air from the outside is good , so you can see even in the Fair Play Committee , which at one time again ( even half-good ) works by fresh blood. Since you have as a user but equal a much better feel and is a bit dearer far in the game actively .
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Buhmann » Fri May 09, 2014 11:14 pm

Thank you for the advices Allagen. We will check what we can do easyly.
By the way: You are welcome to create a video or something like this :)

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Roessing » Wed May 14, 2014 4:56 pm

Hello everyone,

I rejoined the game a few days ago and first of all let me say it's good to be back.
But I was shocked to notice that we are a lot less players than back in my days (2007 and 2008, for those that don't know me or have forgotten me. (I won't be mad))
Actually that's not quite right. Back then in 2007 we maybe had a few more players ( the board was much more active, though) but when I attempted a restart in 2011 the field was always really stacked.
So naturally I thought, now in 2014 we will have at least two divisions more with the amount of new users that must have come in.

Turns out I was very wrong, sadly.

So maybe I can help out by giving a litte insight into my thoughts now, in 2011 and back when I began in 2007.

Back then in 2007 I got into the game because a few friends of mine were playing it. Besides from the fun I had debating about the game with my friends, I also found this community to be very likeable. Sure, there were some enemies and even feuds going on, but I felt it gave the game much more depth and it was always fun to follow through these "storylines". I remember how Los Ticos or Mangahn had a bad reputation for manipulating the field and I know of other users that were always trying to tell the field to not be manipulated by these masters of the game. It really was about winning, no matter how. It made the game great.

In 2011 I came back and I noticed how some of the users I got to know were no longer active on the board. Also, the "storylines" seemed to have disappeared. Additionally, the way back up was a boring one with many races in the second field with noone to talk to and uninteresting races. (Beginners doing crazy shit is only fun the first time...maybe) The motivation for me to get back into the first division was also not there, because why? Why will I torture myself with these boring races if there's nothing I can really win, anyway. Sure, the main goal is to win the division maybe, but who actually cares? By now there must have been a hundred first division winners and it's just nothing anyone but yourself will remember in the long term.

Now it's 2014 and the community is smaller again. I like it. I want to get to know the users I'm riding with. Maybe even build some kind of a relationship, no matter if it's a good or a bad one.

I have seen a lot of great advices on how to make this game more interesting again and I don't want to repeat them. I just want to focus on one thing that I think has gone mostly unmentioned in here:
Give us something to fight for, something to be proud of, something that makes us stop being friends and actually fight against each other, because it matters if we win or not.

If I didn't have my friends to talk about the races and maybe push each other some of the time, I would have no motivation to keep playing this game. Let's say I win the green jersey in a tour. Great, I really fought for it. Now everyone that clicks on my team and then on my palmares can see that I won this jersey and will think "hey, look at him, that's a great jersey. how did he do that?". Except, noone will think that because noone will have clicked on my palmares in the first place, anyway.
In fact, we just ride along and sometimes I win and sometimes you win. Aren't we all just a happy family?

We all have friends in real life, I don't need any more friends on here. I want a challenge and having this challenge is what made this game great in 2007.

All I want is some motivation. Something that gives me some kind of privilege or advantage ingame. Not just more in-game money, but something that makes me stand out and makes me have something that others want to have.
Maybe start with something easy like giving me a special chat color when I win the first division. Or better percentages in training when I won the Giro, because my riders are more motivated and proud to be in my team.

Something like that.

I feel this game has a lot of potential to be something unique. And I'm just not ready to give up on it.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. I just hope this game will never die.

Best regards

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Buhmann » Wed May 14, 2014 7:34 pm

Hi! Welcome back and thank you for sharing your thoughts.
The color is a nice idea. Do you have more than this? Something similar to this would be that the Div 1 winner will get a clip in the television which is shiwn at the top of the page.
Or is it time to reactivate a ingame Gazetta de la RSF? :) This was really cool..

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Freudenfeuer » Wed May 14, 2014 8:18 pm

Sorry, i must write in german...............
alles das was Allagen geschrieben hat sind sehr gute Vorschläge und Ansätze. Da hat er sich richtig Gedanken gemacht und gehe ich voll mit. Wäre super wenn man davon was umsetzen kann. Ich bin ja nun ein Süchtiger und hoffe das das Spiel sich weiter entwickelt und mehr neue Teams reinschnuppern und auch für länger dabei bleiben. Vielleicht hat Buh ja was interessantes aufschnappen können und hat Zeit, Lust und Energie was daraus zu machen .
And welcome back Roessing ;-))
bergwerk: Freude is a "Spielverderber" ... i dont know the english word for that ... a gamekiller?

gary moore rocks..............

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Pokemon Club » Wed May 14, 2014 9:20 pm

Buhmann wrote:Or is it time to reactivate a ingame Gazetta de la RSF? :) This was really cool..
What was this ?

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Roessing » Thu May 15, 2014 11:46 am

Buhmann wrote:Hi! Welcome back and thank you for sharing your thoughts.
The color is a nice idea. Do you have more than this? Something similar to this would be that the Div 1 winner will get a clip in the television which is shiwn at the top of the page.
Or is it time to reactivate a ingame Gazetta de la RSF? :) This was really cool..
The Gazetta was indeed really cool and I also like the idea of a little clip, though I wouldn't prioritize it.

When I said different color I had this here in mind. So not only different color, but make it big, so everyone knows that this guy is something special and probably better than yourself.
That would be a nice incentive to start with. But I really don't think that this will be enough. There has to be a bigger incentive to become one of the best.

Now stick with me here. If we can give the real freaks among us incentives to keep playing this game even if they won the division or the three big tours, than we make sure that the core players, the players that made this game special, stay in the game for a long time. The incentive has to be having the possibility of building a legacy. Something that makes people remember that you not only won the division but for example the Giro. To make sure people actually remember you have won the Giro, there has to be a reward for winning it. Something you can only get by winning the Giro and nowhere else. Some advantage that makes other players jealous and fight extra hard to win the Giro the next time around.

Spontaneously, I have three rewards in mind that you get for winning each big Tour: (these are merely examples of what could be done)
Winning the Tour de France: For one year until the next Tour de France, your earnings of each race are increased by 5%.
Winning the Giro d'Italia: For one year until the next Giro d'Italia, every rider of your team has a 2% bigger chance of increasing a attribute.
Winning the Vuelta a España: For one year until the next Vuelta a España, you know the form of every rider you ride against.

With these rewards two things are important. One: In no case may the user who wins all three big tours get too strong and unbeatable. Two: The rewards may not be too weak, so the users actually fight for winning one of the three big tours with these rewards in mind.

Also, like one other user has said in this thread already, send out some mails to the big dogs from older days after you've done these changes and tell them it's time to find out who really is the best of them all.

Finally, the gazetta will give this game a place to let people know of all the backstories if done correctly.
I would be willing to sacrifice some of my time and bring the gazetta back because like I said, this game is something unique. I already have some ideas in mind and would start working with a team if I see that some of these changes are implemented.

Looking forward to playing this game a long time

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Rockstar Inc » Thu May 15, 2014 11:59 am

Roessing wrote: Spontaneously, I have three rewards in mind that you get for winning each big Tour: (these are merely examples of what could be done)
Winning the Tour de France: For one year until the next Tour de France, your earnings of each race are increased by 5%.
Winning the Giro d'Italia: For one year until the next Giro d'Italia, every rider of your team has a 2% bigger chance of increasing a attribute.
Winning the Vuelta a España: For one year until the next Vuelta a España, you know the form of every rider you ride against.
a bit overpowered imo....

@gazzetta: nice idea, but i guess it lacks cooperation and interest to rebuild it...ok, maybe some guys are active at the start, but imo it will "go back to sleep" after 3,4 months
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Roessing » Thu May 15, 2014 12:09 pm

Rockstar Inc wrote:
Roessing wrote: Spontaneously, I have three rewards in mind that you get for winning each big Tour: (these are merely examples of what could be done)
Winning the Tour de France: For one year until the next Tour de France, your earnings of each race are increased by 5%.
Winning the Giro d'Italia: For one year until the next Giro d'Italia, every rider of your team has a 2% bigger chance of increasing a attribute.
Winning the Vuelta a España: For one year until the next Vuelta a España, you know the form of every rider you ride against.
a bit overpowered imo....

@gazzetta: nice idea, but i guess it lacks cooperation and interest to rebuild it...ok, maybe some guys are active at the start, but imo it will "go back to sleep" after 3,4 months
Could you explain why you think it's overpowered?

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by luques » Thu May 15, 2014 12:56 pm

Rockstar Inc wrote:
Roessing wrote: Spontaneously, I have three rewards in mind that you get for winning each big Tour: (these are merely examples of what could be done)
Winning the Tour de France: For one year until the next Tour de France, your earnings of each race are increased by 5%.
Winning the Giro d'Italia: For one year until the next Giro d'Italia, every rider of your team has a 2% bigger chance of increasing a attribute.
Winning the Vuelta a España: For one year until the next Vuelta a España, you know the form of every rider you ride against.
a bit overpowered imo....

@gazzetta: nice idea, but i guess it lacks cooperation and interest to rebuild it...ok, maybe some guys are active at the start, but imo it will "go back to sleep" after 3,4 months
Don't know what Gazzetta is but sounds good, actually it is true that we don't have many players, but it's also true that we have a little base that is (almost) always on the game.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Roessing » Thu May 15, 2014 1:12 pm

luques wrote:
Rockstar Inc wrote:
Roessing wrote: Spontaneously, I have three rewards in mind that you get for winning each big Tour: (these are merely examples of what could be done)
Winning the Tour de France: For one year until the next Tour de France, your earnings of each race are increased by 5%.
Winning the Giro d'Italia: For one year until the next Giro d'Italia, every rider of your team has a 2% bigger chance of increasing a attribute.
Winning the Vuelta a España: For one year until the next Vuelta a España, you know the form of every rider you ride against.
a bit overpowered imo....

@gazzetta: nice idea, but i guess it lacks cooperation and interest to rebuild it...ok, maybe some guys are active at the start, but imo it will "go back to sleep" after 3,4 months
Don't know what Gazzetta is but sounds good, actually it is true that we don't have many players, but it's also true that we have a little base that is (almost) always on the game.
This is what I am thinking.

Luckily, this game is not about maximizing the profit for the owner, so a bunch of new players is not necessarily what this game needs right now. Instead, make the game great for the core players. Once this is settled, new players will come automatically (with a little help of better advertisement)

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Pokemon Club » Thu May 15, 2014 1:30 pm

Anyway, if you don't want to demotivate too much newbie you can working on some easy thing like change the salary cover for races Master Buh. You can r to make it depend of the categorie of the race.
For 9 riders 375k salary cover for cat 1 race? Let's down at 310 or 320, maybe big teams stop take 600k line up just for GP uselessrace.
For 9 riders 375k salary cover for cat 5 or 6 race? Let's up at 450k, maybe some teams will stop considers GT or Classics just like money races like that.

And in parallel decrease the money prize at the end of races, money is now too much important on the game, big priority now for news teams is to make money to have a decent team, before to have fun. And you can't blame them for that. Before with 2 or 3 group for 1 time, newbie could learn the game at their rythm. Sometimes on g1 against big teams where it is hard for them, but sometimes on g2 against teams at their level where they can ride for win, not bad to have motivation to progress and ride always with big teams.
But actually we need a miracle to have 2 groups, and when newbies on cat 1 against team who ride always with 2 climbers + 7 classics, when they have only 2 weak classics + 7 weak 50-70, there is no surprise to see them demotivate after 1 or 2 weeks.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Rockstar Inc » Thu May 15, 2014 2:04 pm

Roessing wrote:
Rockstar Inc wrote:
Roessing wrote: Spontaneously, I have three rewards in mind that you get for winning each big Tour: (these are merely examples of what could be done)
Winning the Tour de France: For one year until the next Tour de France, your earnings of each race are increased by 5%.
Winning the Giro d'Italia: For one year until the next Giro d'Italia, every rider of your team has a 2% bigger chance of increasing a attribute.
Winning the Vuelta a España: For one year until the next Vuelta a España, you know the form of every rider you ride against.
a bit overpowered imo....

@gazzetta: nice idea, but i guess it lacks cooperation and interest to rebuild it...ok, maybe some guys are active at the start, but imo it will "go back to sleep" after 3,4 months
Could you explain why you think it's overpowered?
the fact that you can "buy a GT win" with farming or late buying of the whole team is a negative point...
let's assume, you buy a whole team of oldies, win the giro...have a 660K or more expensive team...then your losses were big, you do a reset...15 new mio, buying riders...these riders have more % for training..are in a good age for the classics in march/april...

money...it's way too easy to earn money ingame, you get soo much money for nothing...especially with bugs like "full money, although the number of teams in a tour are low"....you already have teams with 18 or more riders and 12 or more mio cash...no need to push even more money into the game
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Roessing » Thu May 15, 2014 2:19 pm

Rockstar Inc wrote:
the fact that you can "buy a GT win" with farming or late buying of the whole team is a negative point...
let's assume, you buy a whole team of oldies, win the giro...have a 660K or more expensive team...then your losses were big, you do a reset...15 new mio, buying riders...these riders have more % for training..are in a good age for the classics in march/april...

money...it's way too easy to earn money ingame, you get soo much money for nothing...especially with bugs like "full money, although the number of teams in a tour are low"....you already have teams with 18 or more riders and 12 or more mio cash...no need to push even more money into the game
I agree, these rewards only work when you say that they are gone once you restart. The whole point of these rewards is to give the freaks the chance to build a legacy. What good is a legacy if you reset your team? Once you have resetted, the rewards are gone. Good point though, I didn't think about that.

About the money reward, I see your point and think there are better incentives out there.

What do you think about the Vuelta reward? It was the last one on my mind and at first I didn't like it but now it's growing on me. It gives you only an advantage if you know how to use it. Makes it a bit bigger of a challenge to actually gain something out of it but can prove quite useful in key moments.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Rockstar Inc » Thu May 15, 2014 3:00 pm

vuelta reward...first, it hurts my stomach a bit, cause it's simply unrealistic...we want to have at least something like a simulation of real racing no arcade-game...

in the end, most of the time you know the form...or at least can assume it...f.e. this giro, most of the guys will have late form...mountainstages, mountain-timetrial...at the classics, in general you know also that your opponents will have good form...only in one-day-races or breakaways it's an advantage to know your opponents form...so it doesn't interfere that much into gameplay...

but in the end, personally i stay with the "unrealistic" point

some rewards can be nice, but shouldn't interfere too much into gameplay...but to be honest, at the moment i'm lacking better ideas
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Robyklebt » Thu May 15, 2014 3:48 pm

Building a legacy by getting 5% of something?
That's almost the opposite of building a legacy, that's riding for a reward. And the completely wrong way to increase the popularity of GTs actually. Rewards=more investment to win the GC, more pure "money battle". Higher average salary, for "cannon fodder" team it becomes even less attractive to start in GTs. Higher salaries by the "reward-chasers", to bring in the money, they'll need to get stage results too, less chances for the weaker teams to get a stage in the end. IMO would be counter productive.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Roessing » Thu May 15, 2014 7:01 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Building a legacy by getting 5% of something?
That's almost the opposite of building a legacy, that's riding for a reward. And the completely wrong way to increase the popularity of GTs actually. Rewards=more investment to win the GC, more pure "money battle". Higher average salary, for "cannon fodder" team it becomes even less attractive to start in GTs. Higher salaries by the "reward-chasers", to bring in the money, they'll need to get stage results too, less chances for the weaker teams to get a stage in the end. IMO would be counter productive.
In the beginning, you ride for the reward and win the Giro. Afterwards, you build your legacy by using the reward. Next year, you are already one of the greatest and you want to keep it that way. So what do you do? You try to win the Giro again.

I have a fix for the "money battle" problem. Every user that gets above the 375k gets a penalty for each race. Similar to the penalties we have now. If I start with 400k, every race I have to cede with 25k. If I start with 600k, every race I have to cede with 225k. The problem is, the beginner can never even ride with a team that has 600k salary. And the pro knows how to make profit despite having a 600k salary. So what can we do? I say, work with a coefficient. Lets use 1,05 as an example.

The beginner with 400k salary now doesn't have to cede with 25k per race but with 25^1,05 = 29.365 credits. That doesn't hurt him at all. The pro though, he now has to cede with 225^1,05 = 294.979 credits per race. That will hurt him. So much even, that he thinks twice about really starting with 600k salary. I think we could even work with a higher coefficient. What good does the reward do you, when after the Giro you don't have any money left to use it?

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Weezel » Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:35 am

Allagen wrote: Anmeldefrist verkürzen

Man kann RSF aktuell nicht mal eben spontan spielen. Die Anmeldefrist von 30 Minuten ist viel zu lang. Sehe überhaupt keinen Nutzen bei so einer langen anmeldefrist. 10 Minuten oder 5 Minuten würden es auch tun und so könnten sicher einige kurzentschlossene mehr am spiel teilnehmen. Lass es pro Rennen nur 1 Team sein was so mehr mitfahren kann, aber jedes Team zählt doch bei diesem Spiel mit sinkenden Userzahlen. Also ich persönlich verpasse pro Woche ungefähr 1 Rennen weil ich nicht kurzfristig spielen kann. Speziell diesen Monat waren es sogar schon 3 Rennen, aber das ist sonst nicht so extrem. Ich mein wenn ich kurzfristig Zeit habe, weil z.B. ein Unikurs ausfällt oder aus welchen gründen auch immer, dann verbaut einem die lange anmeldefrist einiges, ohne das man durch diese lange anmeldefrist einen großartigen vorteil hat. Der einzige Vorteil ist, dass man so 30 Minuten hat sich das Profil und die Gegner anzuschauen. Aber das sollte auch in 5 oder 10 Minuten möglich sein.
My problem today!
At 8:25 i thought - oh, i could ride @9 o'clock.
Switched the pc on, then i was at the rsf site at 8:31.
Too late.
What would be the problem, if teams could sign in till 15 minutes before the race start?
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team fl
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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by team fl » Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:58 am

Weezel wrote:
Allagen wrote: Anmeldefrist verkürzen

Man kann RSF aktuell nicht mal eben spontan spielen. Die Anmeldefrist von 30 Minuten ist viel zu lang. Sehe überhaupt keinen Nutzen bei so einer langen anmeldefrist. 10 Minuten oder 5 Minuten würden es auch tun und so könnten sicher einige kurzentschlossene mehr am spiel teilnehmen. Lass es pro Rennen nur 1 Team sein was so mehr mitfahren kann, aber jedes Team zählt doch bei diesem Spiel mit sinkenden Userzahlen. Also ich persönlich verpasse pro Woche ungefähr 1 Rennen weil ich nicht kurzfristig spielen kann. Speziell diesen Monat waren es sogar schon 3 Rennen, aber das ist sonst nicht so extrem. Ich mein wenn ich kurzfristig Zeit habe, weil z.B. ein Unikurs ausfällt oder aus welchen gründen auch immer, dann verbaut einem die lange anmeldefrist einiges, ohne das man durch diese lange anmeldefrist einen großartigen vorteil hat. Der einzige Vorteil ist, dass man so 30 Minuten hat sich das Profil und die Gegner anzuschauen. Aber das sollte auch in 5 oder 10 Minuten möglich sein.
My problem today!
At 8:25 i thought - oh, i could ride @9 o'clock.
Switched the pc on, then i was at the rsf site at 8:31.
Too late.
What would be the problem, if teams could sign in till 15 minutes before the race start?
That the same shit happens to you when you think about it at 8:40...
Last edited by team fl on Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Weezel » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:57 am

Don't think, that 30 Minutes time to prepare are necessary.
Or you think, this is important?
15 Minutes before the Race is really enough.
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team fl
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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by team fl » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:08 am

Weezel wrote:Don't think, that 30 Minutes time to prepare are necessary.
Or you think, this is important?
15 Minutes before the Race is really enough.
Me as a slow and lazy person, I like 30 min to prepare. But I don't see a problem in doing it 15 min before. I just don't get the huge advantage to change it from 30 to 15 min.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: What future for RSF ?

Post by Weezel » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:11 am

More teams in races, because people can join lately, if they have unexpected time...
Manager von T-Mobile-A

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