New flags for the teams

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VC Aywaille
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New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Fri May 14, 2010 6:56 pm

Hi, it's not something important, but is't it possible to have a belgian flag for the teams in the divisions? That don't need a new site translation, just the same than in french, but with the belgian flag.

I have nothing against our "south-friends", but i am not french. :D
VC Aywaille
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Cerro Torre RT
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Fri May 14, 2010 10:29 pm

This flag has nothing to do with what nationality you are, but which language you skeak. It's not just an optical gimmick, it is an informaton for other teams which language should be tried to communicate. Due to that I am clearly against other flags than the language that is chosen.

VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Mon May 17, 2010 1:37 pm

So maybe we can add a column with the nationality. Just for fun...

1 for language, 1 for nationality is probably not enough.

It's the beauty of the sport, generally we like champions and riders/teams with our nationality (ok there are some exceptions, i don't like Devolder verry much). I find fun to see who is the first belgian team, italian team, austrian team, ...

We can think about a national team-classement too, as well as for the riders.
Cerro Torre RT wrote:which language should be tried to communicate
Ok, but i never see a french chat. Some french-teams speak in french, sometimes, but the chats are generally in german and in english. And of course i never see this to begin my chat. But it's another thing. ;)
VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Luna » Mon May 17, 2010 2:14 pm

I agree with Aye. The nation of origin could very well be stated in the profile and the team page.

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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Mon May 17, 2010 5:10 pm

and wont tell anything, as many would just pick states like Vanuatu instead of their home country. Yu can easily take the Team nationality instead, it will tell nearly the same.

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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Robyklebt » Mon May 17, 2010 5:27 pm

More interesting:

Main language flag as now, but you can click on the other languages if you are able/willing to use them and then there will be other small flags somewhere that show in what languages you can be insulted.
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by lesossies » Mon May 17, 2010 10:17 pm

OK we could have a flag or a symbol or a character for the language
and a flag for the country of the team.

VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Tue May 18, 2010 1:36 am

Nice leso, i am happy :)

You can insult me on each language you want Roby. It don't make me anything when i beat you (99% of our battles)! 8-)
VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by lesossies » Tue May 18, 2010 8:11 am

Now we must hope Buhmann implement this. :lol:

VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Tue May 18, 2010 9:07 am

Let's hope! :D
VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Buhmann » Tue May 18, 2010 2:45 pm

lesossies wrote:OK we could have a flag or a symbol or a character for the language
and a flag for the country of the team.
We have exactly this...

VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Tue May 18, 2010 5:49 pm

and a flag for the country of the team.

??? There are just english, german, italian and french flag (for the language). Not a belgian, austrian, switser, dutch, ... And no national teamclassement (one step more). ;)
VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by NoPikouze » Tue May 18, 2010 5:52 pm

He means the flag on your team's page
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Cerro Torre RT
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Tue May 18, 2010 10:33 pm

the flag on the team's page is free to choose from many, even very exotic ones. Why do we need another one that would be used in exactly the same way?

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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Luna » Tue May 18, 2010 10:42 pm

What makes you think that it would be used in the same way? The language setting for exaple is used correctly by most of the users. I know only one who chose french although he doesn't speak french. If there would be two flags to chose with one being singned as "Nation of the team", and the other with "User's nation", then the chances are high that most od the managers would put in their real nationality. For those who don't want to tell from which country they come, there could be left a white flag or the possibility to not chose any flag.

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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Buhmann » Wed May 19, 2010 10:33 am

We could replace the team nationality, which we have now, with the users natioanlity. Who is interested in the team nationality at the moment? Right, nobody. Choose 3 different nations i a little bit too much.

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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Wed May 19, 2010 10:49 am

So what, if some like a third uses it incorrectly it perfectly loses it's assumed sence to show where a user is from because you can't really believe in it.

Totally agreeing Buhmann, chosing 50 Nations for free is pretty unnessessary. If you want to be known where you are from you have a ton of possibilitys in the forum, and who doesn't read or write in those threads is probably not interestet in that. So i just don't think this helps us in any way.

VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Wed May 19, 2010 11:52 am

Who is happy now to see the national rider-classement? Nobody? Hum, i think it's the opposite. I think it would be the same for team classement. The game would be more complete in my eyes. But okay, maybe it was a bad idea.

We can be desappointed leso! :mrgreen:

I'll continue to have a french flag, but no belgian in the team-classement. :x
VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Robyklebt » Wed May 19, 2010 1:44 pm

Who is interested in the team nationality at the moment? Right, nobody.
Pff, as usual Roby doesn't count. I like to be a romanian team. Pff.

You want to see what nationality the user has without having to deal with bella thinking he is italian then french or something?

Then add it somewhere. Who cares. Can I have Bern? Better than Switzerland.
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Buhmann » Wed May 19, 2010 4:08 pm

Give your team a nationality could be nice. You are a rumanian team? You only see this if you really searching for that information. If we want to have team nationalities which are usefull, we should give it more attention. However realize this. The easier way is to obmit it.

VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Thu May 27, 2010 1:17 am

With the ip-adress?
VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Buhmann » Thu May 27, 2010 9:39 am

Hmm. Maybe a problem of anonymity.
And do you know here i can find a list with ip-range belongs to which country?

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Thu May 27, 2010 12:01 pm

This could be a problem of data protection. And be sure, i wont except the new user rules you may have to introduce.

VC Aywaille
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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by VC Aywaille » Thu May 27, 2010 4:15 pm

You're right, maybe a problem with this idea.

So, let the users choose a country. Finally they can choose the riders nationality and we find this nice. We can make the same for the team-nationality. ;)
VC Aywaille
The team to beat

Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

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Re: New flags for the teams

Post by Buhmann » Thu May 27, 2010 4:56 pm

I can only repeat, that you are already able to choose a team natinonality...

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