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auxilium torino
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Post by auxilium torino » Tue May 10, 2011 5:01 pm

I think that Resistance are one of the most importante Value in real race

i copied this from Sterrato topic by OL:

2°/ An other new skill, for a biggest reform : Resistance (my favorite idea, to develop and discuss)

:idea: A skill for each 21years old rider !
:idea: Why not the idea of the scale 1-5 (or a classic value, a big number) !
:idea: Why not hidden for the others teams !
:idea: A resistence value that influences differents parameters of the action on RSF :
- Dirt Road, of course (we need to include the Roby idea for that ^^)
- Following the attacks on hard "terrains" : moutain >6% / pavés / Downhill >-10% / Dirt Road
- Lose of energy depending the weather
- Taking the wheels in a sprint ?

The advantages of this new skill :
- a new suspense (and strategy) in RSF, with this hidden value. And the tacticals changes induced. Novelty is excellent to continue to be excited about the game !
- a new kind of races (dirt road)
- a possibilty to adjust the problems in many actions of RSF that we talk about a long time : Following the attacks, losing of energy, (flat value), the wheels, dirt and pavé roads selection ... I don't know the mathematicals problems ... but I think adjustment of all of that with a value is maybe possible ...

If you have other potentiels benefits in mind ... :)
And, give me the disadvantages, because I don't want to continue to write and do a post in a RobySize.
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Re: Resistance

Post by Pirkio » Tue May 10, 2011 5:11 pm

Agree for resistance!

We need this revolution and we need soon as possible! It's impossible one 50 mountain lose the group with 1 only km of 6%
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Re: Resistance

Post by olmania » Tue May 10, 2011 5:48 pm

Great to see that someone appreciated the idea.
Need to be developped, though.

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Re: Resistance

Post by Elaska » Tue May 10, 2011 7:44 pm

How many races with dirt road we have per year ? 2 ? 3 ?

Resistance don't mean nothing, because you are resistant you lose less energy ? you are stonger in sprint ?? just looool

In this case why not add the motivation too ???

And for the suspense I don't think there will be one , if a good rider (favo) has a high resistant too like you say where will be the suspence ?

The resistant and the weather ? :?: :!:
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Re: Resistance

Post by olmania » Tue May 10, 2011 7:47 pm

2-3 ? x10 ? + fantasy ? :lol:

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Re: Resistance

Post by Pirkio » Tue May 10, 2011 8:23 pm

What aux mean for resistance? resistance = stamina big mistakes in english.. but ok!

A dinamic point form 0 to 100 every km it can decrase or incrase..

I give you an easy example

you start with 100 make an red attack and your stamina come to 20? after a few km your stamina incrase by 2 ? - 5? point each km and you return to 100.

If your attack fail your stamina go to 20 and you can't do another red attack.

Not only this!

Pave, Mountain, all can be influensed by the stamina, and stamina can be influesed by the track (during an 8% a good mountain rider lose 3 - 5 point, one rider with 70 mountain lose 10 - 15, one with 60 20 - 25, one with 50 30 - 35 when one rider have 0 stamina he lose the peloton STOP UNREALISTIC SHIT IN MOUNTAIN) during the downhill one rider don't incrase by 5 - 10 a good one in downhill incrase by 20 one with low dowhnill incrase by 10.

All this influensed too by regeneration and stamina of one rider (i like the initlial idea not big number we can have one SECRET value from 1 to 5) you don't think this give suspance?
ok so take this, form of rider give malus and bonus to the stamina!!!

I think is the best revolution we can have in this moment and this can revolution the strategy and give new air to this game ;) wait for the ape, luna and buh
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Re: Resistance

Post by auxilium torino » Wed May 11, 2011 1:20 am

Resistance (or Stamina) are very important for escape, for long ride , and in mountain too, not only for Sterrato...
i don't speak from Sterrato, or not?
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auxilium torino
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Re: Resistance

Post by auxilium torino » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:44 pm

in my opinion i wuold give a new value,that like mountain, flat, etc., with graduation 0-100
this value chained to the normal value and red tempo, or attack,/conterattack, let the riders lost resistance
resistance would be a stroke from 0-1000(like energie)
mountain 6%
rider A mount 65 resistance 80
rider B mount 70 resistance 45
rider C mount 75 resistance 65
rider D mount 75 resistance 65
rider C make tempo red
in energie, normal rider A lose more energie as B; C lose more, while ride tempo, then D
In resistance, rider A must lose less resistance then B; rider D lose exactly the same resistance then C, while the resistance value the same is.

as long is the race, the uphill, the red tempo, big is the effects of this value

to have the effect we have at end energie x (resistance x coefficient)
coefficent not little as 0.6, not big as 1
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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