Size of D1-5 youth market

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Size of D1-5 youth market

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:10 pm

As usual I'm not sure if this is in the right place, maybe the new c4f thing better?

Anyway, can we know the size of the D1-5 youth market? Discussion in the main chat today: Bottom to top, off-topic deleted.
Big Donkey(19:09): Active teams? Not the size of D1-5?
Alive And Dead(16:38): most of this are shit with 68TT
r TAKA(16:34): 96 a month is already too much
r TAKA(16:33): 96 rider per day? Lol now I want to uninstall the game
Alive And Dead(14:38): that was a very early implementation. I think like one rider every 15minutes. But the code says it was changed to include the number of active teams. More active teams, more riders
Big Donkey(14:27): Random? Would be a change from the Buh system then? From what I remember there it was just non-random a rider every x minutes. Not sure why randomizing it makes sense...
Big Donkey(14:25): Hm, so there's more youth riders/team than there used to?
Tukhtahuaev(14:11): I would like to see how it looks with 96 youth riders per month
Elaska(13:39): creation is happening every minute with some probability.? What's the probability for? That the creation happens or not?
Alkworld(13:33): guess :-)
r TAKA(13:14): 96 youth riders in the month or the day?
Alkworld(12:47): 96 youth riders, 288 regular riders per 100 teams in Div 1 to 5
Alkworld(12:44): probability depends on size of Div 1 to 5
Alkworld(12:44): it's random, creation is happening every minute with some probability.
Alive And Dead(11:22): frequency of newly created riders is in minutes, but I am not 100% sure how it works.
Romoc Riders(10:35): was there a frequency of hours or something like that?
Romoc Riders(10:35): hello. what were the times when new youth riders are generated and added to the market?
96 riders per day if there are 100 teams in D1-5 is what I would understand from this. Which is what we have now.

First questions: How long do riders stay on the market? My faulty memory says 3 days until they reach 100%? When introduced Buh once said something about 60 hours? So 2,5, so 240? Or was it 3 days, then 288?

Then automatical adjustment if you make D1-5 bigger, correct? Like it!

Random: This I don't get, what would the use of that be? 96 riders a day is just one every 15 minutes, but why would it then be random every minute? Then risk of having more or less, but average these 96? What exactly is the reason, goal for this unless I misunderstand it.

AAD active teams: I guess he meant size of D1-5? Active teams including D6 or active teams only counted in D1-5 would make little sense.

Anyway, these 96 riders a day actually might be too many still. It's more per team than it used too I think. Let's not forget that when this system started, we had 4 full divisions participating, 180 teams it seems, later a 5th one added, and if I remember correctly we had 278 youth riders on the market at any given moment (well, depending on how many were bought too of course) So 250 teams? 278 riders (or was it 282?) on the market. Now possibly more for less teams? Of course we all got used to getting almost everything for 95%, so making it much more expensive now would be shocking for all of us, but if we really have more riders available for less teams... maybe tightening it a bit would be sensible.
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Re: Size of D1-5 youth market

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:35 pm

r TAKA(20:45): no rider is special lol
r TAKA(20:45): 65flat 88sprint, 36riders in 33teams
r TAKA(20:42): if you filter 70-75-60sprint, you get 39active riders, in 32teams.
r TAKA(20:37): but too many popular riders
Alkworld(20:34): looking at the auctions, there's quite some competition for popular riders
Alkworld(20:34): and I think there are more useless riders
Alkworld(20:34): exactly 100 teams, only Div 1-5 can buy them
r TAKA(20:29): let's say 80 are useless riders that nobbody buys, it leaves 480 rider per month for 100? active team, that's way too much.
Alkworld(20:25): If that's too many or not is a different topic. Don't forget all the riders nobody ever buys, they are part of these 96
Alkworld(20:24): correction: 100 riders = 100 teams
Alkworld(20:24): random is easier to handle with flexible market size, numbers were the same for 100 riders with the Buhmann system, there it was one every 15min. Now it's 96 in 1440 minutes (1 day), which in avg is one every 15min
To have it in the in the forum too since we'll forget stuff only in the chat

Donks-comments, seems only for myself:
Alkworld(20:24): random is easier to handle with flexible market size, numbers were the same for 100 riders with the Buhmann system, there it was one every 15min. Now it's 96 in 1440 minutes (1 day), which in avg is one every 15min
So it's fix 96? Chance can't make it 102 or 90? Ok
Numbers same for Buhmann system, not sure I get it, same as in 96 riders for 100 teams or same as in 96 riders per day (and as written above, during the heyday of c4f that was 250 teams in that market.)
Alkworld(20:25): If that's too many or not is a different topic
Ok, different topic, let's do it. It is probably too many. Agree with Taka. We could really make it half of that and it would arguably still not be too few. But since a biggish cut like that, would shock us all, including the sensitive Donkey, I'm for the frog and boiling water method... Slowly slowly decrease the number of riders/100 teams. How about going to 72? Or 84 and in a few months whenever somebody remembers this topic, down to 72 then possibly further in the far future :lol:

Because Taka is right, everybody gets the good rider, there are no special riders, it really doesn't make the game any better if everybody has almost all.
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Re: Size of D1-5 youth market

Post by schappy » Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:54 pm

IMO the reason for the "good" Teams so everybody has every rider is, that we have too much money here. The little fields makes it easily possible to earn much money. So much, that we have often teams with really high salary.
It is easy to change and then guys have to specialized more then now. 1. Change the money calculation at 10 teams, do it at 22 Teams. So in every race is the same money and we have less money. 2. We have to cut the 20mio reset/start money back to 15 mio. So you have to decide how you want to build your team.
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Re: Size of D1-5 youth market

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Wed Aug 14, 2024 3:18 pm

I would be in favor of a slight reduction at least. 72 sounds good to not make the changes too radical.

I don't think money is the root cause of this specific problem. The really good riders will get bought regardless. Less riders automatically makes it impossible for everyone to have every kind of rider they want

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Re: Size of D1-5 youth market

Post by Radunion » Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:23 pm

I do not think it would improve racing when we have fewer top riders in the game. Training separates here well enough. You have either to be very lucky or just buy enough young riders of a kind to force luck. In many cases, it is just a psychological problem. When you give a random market value nobody wants to overspend it by much.

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