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Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:16 am
by BMG-Allstars
Well, as noone else did before I'm going to start the morning tour thread. Can't tell you my complete team yet, I have to think about, but of course the old Swede Martin Dahlin is going to fight ZA-hero McFadden again as my captain, backed by Joris van Hout. All other decisions will be made today, so let's have a great morning tour.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:32 pm
by olmania
I'll ride the Tour here, and not at 14H !

And I've an horrible News !
Yesterdy during his last training, the Giro's winner Lhotellerie was crashed by a car on the road ! His elbow is broken ! He won't be at Amsterdam, he's just hurt and sad ! He hopes to come back for the Vuelta, but cannot ride the TDF is a big disillusion.

The team will ride for 2stages : The pavé stage, and an other stage. The GK is not important. That's the first that I will ride without a GK goal in a GT, but it's necessary (I can't take the risk of a 500k's salary team because I'm not sure to continue the Tour after one week, I maybe will find a job for the end of the summer ...)


Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:06 pm
by Bara
also back at the morning gt. team expensive but hopefully with bit more proactive riding possibilities this time :)

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:18 pm
by Robyklebt
Chicken, what a chicken!

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:33 pm
by Rockstar Inc
@Bara: na dann offenbare doch mal deinen deinem eigenen Team haste ja keinen einzigen Fahrer

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:42 pm
by Bara
Les den Morgen giro thread.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:52 pm
by Rockstar Inc
and now what?

you wrote:
also back at the morning gt. team expensive but hopefully with bit more proactive riding possibilities this time
for me it sounds like "i'm riding the tour with an expensive team"...i look at your team and don't see any rider?

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:53 pm
by olmania
Who will be here with a sprinter.
Because I don't know if I take one or two 87flach guys ... :?:

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:56 pm
by Bara
Bara wrote:
olmania wrote:
Good luck everybody, eventually you probably see me again some day. :)
I am sad sad, and angry.
Oh, dont worry about me :)
Its all fine, there are some goals i can only manage to do with a restart and this seemed like a good opportunity. Yeah probably doesnt make much sence but it does to me :D
I really wish all of u fun with the rest of the giro. :)
Bleib bitte bei einer Sprace - Kurzum: Du schaust nicht mein Team an.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:59 pm
by Rockstar Inc
i remain in english...

Your team isn't Baratellos anymore?

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:11 pm
by Bara
Ok. yes i quit that day and anounced that at the forum. Just fired the riders after the giro, because of the triningtroubles rsf has, so the wouldnt cause troubles. I let all riders fall out of the relevant gk positions and didnt ride neither another giro stage nor an stage after the giro with that team.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:24 pm
by BMG-Allstars
First of all, thought we see the complete Giro podium here as I saw OL is on the line - but without Lhotellerie? Would be a shame, Dahlin wants to beat him as hell in France :evil: ;). Also good to see VC here, need some sprint teams in the morning.

Anyway, have to agree to Franco, can't understand you Bara. Understand why you completly fired your team after that unlucky autotempo stage at the Giro, but do you have a new team now? Or what ist going on?

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:25 am
by NoPikouze
Probably starting here for first GT
With a sprinter and a classic rider, that's all... :lol:

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:49 am
by BMG-Allstars
NoPikouze wrote:Probably starting here for first GT
With a sprinter and a classic rider, that's all... :lol:
Nice to have you on the tour, but I hope you only bring one sprinter, not the young one too, because you can't work for sprint at all (or not much) and you would only profit of VCs work.
Overall, looks like there will be only two (VC Ay and GDM) sprint teams here which can work for a sprint, but maybe a lot of sprinters and nearby sprinters who can't and can only suck. I hope that will not destroy the flat stages.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:14 am
by NoPikouze
But maybe a lot of big flat riders who are not in the sprinter teams, hmm...
And I hope Aywaille doesnt bring 2 sprinters neither, mine would have no chance ;)

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:32 am
by auxilium torino
The AUXILIUM TORINO participate 'for the first time to a great tour!
Today, July 3 will be the Turin Team at the start by the TOUR DE FRANCE!

Giuseppe Plato
25 anni - Italia
FabioLuca Razcon
27 anni - Mexico
Oracio Vasquez
25 anni - Paraguay
Paolo Dainese
28 anni - Italia
Ilario DellaCasta
26 anni - Italia
Lorenzo SantiNelli
22 anni - Italia
LuisMaria HuamaniBendezu
24 anni - Peru
Biagio Fasulo
27 anni - Italia
Gaetano Dallara
30 anni - Italia

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:46 am
by BMG-Allstars
Well, only one hour to go and I made my decision, herewith I proudly present my team for the Tour 2010, mostly made of Skandivian and Belgian riders:

1. Martin Dahlin - Indisputable captain of the team, third of this years GIRO. The man for mountain arrivals and the CG. Image
2. Joris van Hout - Captain's number one helper for up- and mostly downhill parts. Image
3. Patrick Anderson - Experienced classical rider, can win stages but will also be a helper in the mountains for Dahlin. Image
4. Steve Gohouri - Half-classical rider with chances for stage wins. Image
5. Sharbel Touma - Helper with good flat and downhill skillz. Image
6. Kjell Carlström - Joined the team some days before the tour for Jörgen Peterson, who ended his career. Allrounder with an iron loung. Image
7. Erik Thorstved - Young helper who should get his first experiences at a GT here. Image
8. Filip Daems - Helper, but also a possible stage winner in groups. Image
9. Peter van Houdt - Helper who fills up the team as low cost rider. Image

So, I wish everyone a nice tour.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:49 am
by Kaju
So Kaju is starting here too. Very very cheap salary, 380k or so...

In the team were Roller, Zylstra, Vladovic and than 6 helpers...Maybe Roller is riding for the red jersey, but we will see...

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:05 am
by Bara
BMG-Allstars wrote:First of all, thought we see the complete Giro podium here as I saw OL is on the line - but without Lhotellerie? Would be a shame, Dahlin wants to beat him as hell in France :evil: ;). Also good to see VC here, need some sprint teams in the morning.

Anyway, have to agree to Franco, can't understand you Bara. Understand why you completly fired your team after that unlucky autotempo stage at the Giro, but do you have a new team now? Or what ist going on?
Da es auf Englisch offenstichtlich nicht klappt: Baratellos ist nicht mehr mein Team.Ich habe ein anderes Team und fahre mit dir die Tour. In was du mit Franco übereinstimmst ist mir aber ein Raetsel. Er sieht ein Team das offensichtlich nicht mehr faehrt und keine Fahrer im Team hat und schreibt dann als erste Reaktion erst einmal groß Multi ins Forum, statt das ganze per pm zu klaeren. Warum dies so passierte ist mir dank seines in der Vergangenheit getaetigten Wichser implizierenden Satzes in meine Richtung schon klar. Das du jetzt natürlich an Farming, Rennbeeinflussung durch mehrere Teams, das betreiben mehrer Teams denkst war voll beabsichtigt, weswegen hier von Franco auch kein Satz mehr kommen wird der das Multi relativiert.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:07 am
by olmania
English please ! Even if yor english is bad, not a problem, just try in english please ;)

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:14 am
by Kaju
Bara wrote:
BMG-Allstars wrote:First of all, thought we see the complete Giro podium here as I saw OL is on the line - but without Lhotellerie? Would be a shame, Dahlin wants to beat him as hell in France :evil: ;). Also good to see VC here, need some sprint teams in the morning.

Anyway, have to agree to Franco, can't understand you Bara. Understand why you completly fired your team after that unlucky autotempo stage at the Giro, but do you have a new team now? Or what ist going on?
Da es auf Englisch offenstichtlich nicht klappt: Baratellos ist nicht mehr mein Team.Ich habe ein anderes Team und fahre mit dir die Tour. In was du mit Franco übereinstimmst ist mir aber ein Raetsel. Er sieht ein Team das offensichtlich nicht mehr faehrt und keine Fahrer im Team hat und schreibt dann als erste Reaktion erst einmal groß Multi ins Forum, statt das ganze per pm zu klaeren. Warum dies so passierte ist mir dank seines in der Vergangenheit getaetigten Wichser implizierenden Satzes in meine Richtung schon klar. Das du jetzt natürlich an Farming, Rennbeeinflussung durch mehrere Teams, das betreiben mehrer Teams denkst war voll beabsichtigt, weswegen hier von Franco auch kein Satz mehr kommen wird der das Multi relativiert.

And which is your new team? Talkisch EAP i would say ;)

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:28 am
by Rockstar Inc
@Bara: really simple...not at home=not able to post an answer

so you got a new team, what about a new account here in the forum...this would misunderstandings exclude previously

It is normal that you think of a multi-account, in such case "No riders, but riding...hmmm" - Before i postet my Suspicion, i didn't read the Giro Thread, why should i?

currently i think about 35% Multi-Accounts at rsf...perhaps more...if you read other threads in the forum you see some of them

Bara you achieved something...a :lol: about you...Do you really think I wanted to expose yourself in public? your not interesting enough for it...i also forgot the sentence you talk about, but now i remember of my best in the last couple of month

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:10 pm
by Bara
Kaju wrote:And which is your new team? Talkisch EAP i would say ;)
Relevanz? Natürlich ist es das, was angesichts der Einsebarkeit der gründunsdaten nicht so schwer herauszufinden sein sollte.

Franco, ich suche hier keinen Streit aber du weißt genauso gut wie ich dass das Image in rsf genauso wie der Chat einfluss darauf hat wie ein rennen ausget. Das was ich dort gemacht habe war das selbe was du getan hast - öffenlickeitswirksam schnell zu Schlussfolgerungen zu springen. hat ja auch geklappt, warum wohl ist plötzlich Kaju mit am diskutieren ;)
Was mich einfach stört ist das du als Reprsaentant des Fairnesskomitees vor beginn einer grandtour eine harte anschuldiung reinschreibst, aber nach der klaerung als eben jener Repraesentant nichts mehr dazu sagst. Über Andreas Türcks Vergewaltiunsvorwürfe konnte jeder lesen, sein Freispruch hinterher interessierte dann keinen mehr und seine TV-Karriere war gelaufen. Dramatisches Beispiel, aber nichtsdestotrotz wenn du schon den öffentlichen Weg waehlst dann mach es doch bitte bis zum Schluss sonst schadest du Leuten.

P.S.: habe nichts zu verbergen aus der alten Zeit da scheint mir ein Nickchange nicht nötig.

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:21 pm
by Rockstar Inc
you explained it, i understand's okay for need for another answer i think...less writing--->more free time to call other teams multi :lol:

Re: Tour de France - 10.00

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:35 pm
by Bara
Ok, Bara no longer riding with Baratellos, Bara rides with Talkisch EAP and only with Talkisch EAP. Lets stop it. :)

Back to the Tour bad first stage for me missed the first 2km so wasted some secs, but dont think the will be that important. Beastie Boys for me the big favo and others will have to go for attacks to make a surprise. Thats my plan, too. :D