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Sloveniji 14h

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:25 pm
by team fl
After the Tour de Suisse, Team FL will attend the "Dirka po Sloveniji" also in the afternoon (most probably). Although the line-up is not fix yet, Hugo decided to take the following riders to the former part of Federal Yugoslavia, now Republic of Slovenia:

x1 Eddie Sixpence
x2 Stéphane Antiga
x3 Kenny Banzer
x4 Stefano Benni
x5 Victor Fargas
x6 Jan Flachbart
x7 Tomasz Kowalski
x8 Martti Rosenblatt

possible substitutes:

- Joe Friesenbichler for Rosenblatt
- Roy Lichtenstein for somebody else
- Henri Bienvenu for Kenny Banzer

After a somehow frustrating Tour de Suisse, Team FL has only one goal: win everything!

Re: Sloveniji 14h

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:41 pm
by Robyklebt
Interesting stuff this Slovenia thing

GC could be very interesting. No Huber showing up, Vuvu comes without his one.. .so?

Climber? After the TT all at the same level more or less, except Gezmis who is 1x" ahead. 86, will that be enough against the other climbers? Melotte 88, Uran 87, Momyshuly 86, Sixpence 85, the other 85+ all offline and lost too much time normally.
Or TT guys?
Here another Tralia in a pretty good position:
- Canaerons, 70 mountain, 60 flat.
Then there is Van Heerden 75-59 at 32"
And Alexandrow, 76-81 at 40"

Tralia really in the fight in both categories, climber and TT guys. Alexandrow will be very dangerous, with his 81 flat he can attack Canaroens easily, although Tralia with Kling has a 76-82 as well... but no downhill. Tomorrow gaining time on Canaroens should be even possible without an attack actually, and maybe some bonifications too. Plus on Thursday in the mountain.... there Alexandrow risks gaining a lot too. On Canaorens... but not sure he gets him either. And not sure what will happen with the climbers either.... will they gain enough on those 2 in the mountain stage? Very open and very interesting IMO.

Re: Sloveniji 14h

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:47 am
by team fl
A very interesting group indeed. I just hope I can enjoy the tour as well. Does not look good at the moment as I will be quite busy these days. Most probably will miss the first 30 min of today's stage.

Re: Sloveniji 14h

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:17 pm
by Robyklebt
Afternoon dominator of mountainstages in June! 4th win this season! Great Alkworld of course. New devilish ape plan. I just let him sit everyday, after 2 months I write to Buhmann and accuse Alk of multi accounting, then he loses the team Alkworld, I take Petit Singe again and stay eternal nr 1 forever. Ha. Ok, might not work. Anyway, great win, didn't expect a win, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten it. But Alk seems to have a little Hugo Marxer in him. And Alktastic result today, yeah.

GC stays interesting. Pawel at 16", he still can attack Gezmis. I'll help Tralia of course, after all I want a sprint. Just think it will be rather difficult... but worth a try, that's what Gao came here for.

Re: Sloveniji 14h

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:53 am
by Radunion
Of course I try to find a way to still win this race, but it will be more than difficult. There are 3 Teams on the podium at the moment, and I do not think they give their position away. On the other hand there is no need to keep the team fit for the next stage, so expect a move, maybe only a senseless move to please the fans.

Re: Sloveniji 14h

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:15 am
by team fl
I could attack with Eddie... It seems he loves surprise attacks. Even ones that surprise his team.

Re: Sloveniji 14h

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:00 pm
by Robyklebt
Finally no attack by Radunion... And no sprint for me. After all I rode too much too, especially after seeing how Gao was dominated in the back. OK, he wasn't fit, but not that dead either... and my sprint was far from perfect as well... and -1, still, didn't expect to be that outclassed. So maybe should have stopped earlier and let Australia do it.. .but since he kept riding almost non stop too... was a good cooperation, no need to let him alone too early... after all he continued too when the danger for him was mostly gone. The group in front. Was far from perfect, but that was enough, since we didn't have all that many riders in the back to spare either. Win by Bengals. Vuvu though did everything wrong, hihi. Either let his guy in front to make cooperation more difficult, or start helping in the back earlier. He always had a chance against Gao today, even if he had been fit...

Anyway, finally a stage win thanks to Alk with great Rakhat, who now is sure to start the TdF, (he really was sure even before that, just not officially), white with Groselj, a bit unexpected against King actually... of course Primoz had topform here, so not completely absolutely sensational, but still, good man this Primoz. And second in GC for Rakhat too, nice, money and points. GC for Gezmis who from what I was told did everything right yesterday, and today too acutally. Radunions team too dead he said to really have a try today, and off at the start, so missed the possibility to attack at km 1 for more pressure behind.