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L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:05 am
by team fl
Hello. This is the race thread for L'Ain 8h. Team FL participates too:

x1 Luigi Mastrangelo
x2 Fred Colon
x3 Frantz Granvorka
x4 Tim Hamberger
x5 Toni Hassler
x6 Wesley Lichtekiesel
x7 Hugo Marxer
x8 Pit Schlechter
x9 Cédric Schmarotz

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:17 am
by team fl
And here the big check:

General classement:

***** Nathan Bailly (forever)
**** Schrödinger/Rondeau (Equipe Mathematique)
*** GarciaMarquez (Alkworld), Mastrangelo (Team FL), Regis Loisel (Sky Riders)
** Rossi (Sangiulianese), Mubarak (Junior Racer), Chipmunk (high-road-mo)
* another climber, a surprise winner

Points classement:

*** Schrödinger/Rondeau/Heuser (Equipe Mathematique)
** Arbenz/Kahlo (Alkworld)
* any other rider

Mountain classement:

*** anybody who wants it
** a climber
* a surprise winner

Youth classement:

*** Joe Tikki (SV Furpach)
** Armin elAzad (Junior Racer)
* Ramakers/Frederick (Flyingdutchman)

Team classement:

*** Equipe Mathematique
** Alkworld
* A surprise winner

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:19 am
by Alkworld
Team Alkworld welcomes all other guests of the show of Erwin Schrödinger and his 8 cats. Our audience for this show will be led by Frida Kahlo and Gabriel GarciaMarquez, who will mainly use their time for working on the newest book / painting while watching the race.

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:21 am
by flockmastoR
So The Mathematician finally again in the morning! We want to present our Tre Valli Team here at Ain and hope we still have money to start at Tre Valli :lol:

Our goals: 2stages, general, Team and green. Still dont know who is our leader, will be decided during the race. I guess it will be Schrödinger. so first we have to get rid of this Bailly but we think this should be possible, Frida just a lucker in the TT i guess, and Rondeau a loser if i watch his form dont really know how he looses that much, but he just dont like TT (like at suisse or Burgos). Hope that the climbers dont work for Bailly on the next stages and attack him too ;) but for me there are bigger dangers than Nathan

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:46 am
by team fl
First stage was clearly made for Saffunzanos, again a double victory, like at Burgos and Robov to carry yellow and green. He should be able to wear it until the day after tomorrow, also having a sprinter in his team.

The real favorites for the tour have the following time gaps after the Prologue:

0:16 Nathan Bailly (forever) -> mountain 86
0:34 Gabriel GarciaMarquez (Alkworld) -> mountain 86
0:36 Luigi Mastrangelo (Team FL)-> mountain 88
0:37 Regis Loisel (Sky Riders) -> mountain 88
0:39 Frida Kahlo (Alkworld -> mountain 83 (flat 70)
0:41 Erwin Schrödinger (EM) -> mountain 86 (flat 69)
0:44 Fabi Rondeau (EM) -> mountain 86
0:44 Hans Peter Heuser (EM) -> mountain 79 (flat 79)
0:44 Marcus Mubarak (Junior Racer) -> mountain 87
0:46 Alvin Chipmunk (high-road-mo) -> mountain 87
0:52 Alessandro Rossi (Sangiulianese) -> mountain 87

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:49 am
by Samurais
Also FL diese bewertung ^^ Ohne Jini nur die Hälfte wehrt. Das stimmt wohl aber sagt man das einem so einfach ^^. Das feld sehr interessant. Bin gespannt ab Nathan das hinbekommt weil equipe sehr stark und auch alk mit seinem duo äußerst stark. Und da Nathan überhaupt kein starkes team um sich hatt sehe ich da sogar eher wenig chancen bei ihm um ehrlich zu sein .

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:52 am
by team fl
War auf das Gehalt bezogen natürlich, Samurais, nicht auf das Team an sich ;)

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:03 pm
by Samurais
aso ^^ na ok dann ist ja gut . Ja ehrlich ohne jini ist das gehalt fast ein traum

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:15 pm
by flockmastoR
pf Samu ohne Jini? bin enttäsucht, wofür hab ich denn das teure Team hier dabei?

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:28 pm
by Samurais
Für Nathan ^^ nee die paar zf km waren mir zu wenig um mir chancen auszurechnen.Ich versuche doch wirtschaftlich zu arbeiten ^^. Jini hatt nun 3 gute Touren gewonnen er brauch erholung.

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:45 am
by team fl
Bähhh, Cédric HAS to make that sprint... damn it. And L obviously going for the mountain jersey. Besides that, nothing really important happened. Sadly, there are a lot of offliners in the peloton.

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:24 pm
by flockmastoR
A bit disappointed by Bürgi, I think i have to sell him after this season, he has no punch anymore, and for failing he has to bolz tempo in the next 3 days, i really hope i am waking up early enouth tomorrow, otherwise i hope alk could avoid a 60man escape :roll:

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:01 am
by flockmastoR
überaus erfolgreich die etappe, mal gespannt auf morgen. fahrer alle so halbwegs in reg, die wichtigen auf 1000 morgen, kann also weitergehen. War mir mir nicht sicher ob heut schon Gelb drinnen ist, dazu halt auch mit glück die Frida in Gelb, hätte mir heut nicht gefallen :D. Mal gespannt ob man den Heuser auch noch aufs Podium bekommt morgen. Gelb natürlich noch nicht sicher wobei man das wenns normal läuft schon halten muss bei meinem team, naja we will see

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:08 am
by team fl
Stage as expected. Strong Equipe Mathematique. I hope, tomorrow there will be less tempo in the peloton from other teams.

New standings in the GC:

1. 0:00 Erwin Schrödinger (EM) -> mountain 86 (flat 69)
2. 0:03 Frida Kahlo (Alkworld -> mountain 83 (flat 70)
3. 0:10 Hans Peter Heuser (EM) -> mountain 79 (flat 79)
4. 0:15 Nathan Bailly (forever) -> mountain 86
5. 0:27 Armin elAzad (Junior Racer) -> mountain 78 (23 yo)
6. 0:33 Gabriel GarciaMarquez (Alkworld) -> mountain 86
7. 0:35 Luigi Mastrangelo (Team FL)-> mountain 88
8. 0:36 Regis Loisel (Sky Riders) -> mountain 88
9. 0:36 Joe Tikki (SV Furpach) -> mountain 84 (24 yo)
10. 0:39 Alberto DeLaLuna (Saffunzanos) -> mountain 80 (flat 69)

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:32 am
by Alkworld
flockmastoR wrote:Gelb natürlich noch nicht sicher wobei man das wenns normal läuft schon halten muss bei meinem team, naja we will see
Gelb kannst auch fast wieder mit Settings verteidigen, Frida kann ja nicht wirklich wegkommen, weniger Berg, nur minimal mehr flach, weniger Sprint, schwächeres Team. Sie wird sich wohl mit Platz 2 zufrieden geben, mehr ist bei halbwegs fehlerfreier Fahrt nicht drin.

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:29 am
by team fl
Damn, I really thought that Luigi would not fall away from the Schrödinger group. Thought wrong. But At least he could distance some other GC-contestants and is now in the Top 5.

Anyway, tomorrow will be an interesting stage. Schrödinger with no intention for the stage I guess, but then again, if he gets help from the climber teams, he still ist top favorite for the stage too. Team FL will of course have a look how the race develops and hopes for the best.

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:32 pm
by flockmastoR
we will see, i know sky only by doing no tempo for his climber and hanging on the best climber in the field. tomorrow the tactic will not be to hard for the climbers in the final mountain. Schrödinger has to ged rid of Frida, today this didnt work. we will see i am expecting nothing, but dont blame me when you then not get your stage

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:31 pm
by Alkworld
I didn't see this coming today and I think Mathe wanted a bit too much. The Schrödinger attack might have made the difference today. For GC the whole Heuser attack wouldn't have been needed, but that way he is on the podium. Or a late green attack by Heuser also would have left Erwin with the yellow jersey. Frida of course was lucky with that sprint and will fight hard tomorrow to keep yellow. Let's see how it will end :-)

Re: L'Ain 8h

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:09 am
by flockmastoR
hm i really thought i could get rid of frida yesterday, but luckily for her he changed wheel and i didnt attack on the 6, so it can be interessting

heuser on the podium? not that sure for me