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TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:07 am
by Samurais
So werde wohl wie es aussieht hier starten , habe zwar noch die 14 Uhr variante aber mag es früh. Team wird zu 100 Prozent so aussehen.

Kapitän und mein ganzer stolz : Jinichi Nasawa 82-55-77-78-53 47 reg. Er Soll im GK ein gehöriges wort mitreden .

Berghelfer und einziger nicht Japaner:Maksim Zhukov 81-65-79-51-55 46reg. Er soll Jini im Gebirge Helfen .

Klassiker 1: Tatsuki Nasawa 74-80-61-51-45 63reg . Guter Klassiker mit toller reg immer wichtig
Klassiker 2: Aki Hong 72-80-75-49-52 65 reg Klassiker der Abfahrt hatt und auch mega reg

Halbklassiker 1: Souta Nasawa 66-80-58-61-49 40 reg. Hauptsächlich Helfer fürs MZF wichtig
Halbklassiker 2:Jinyi Yumishitu 66-79-79-67-46 41reg Neuerwerbung mit abfahrt und gutem zf wert

Flachhelfer1:Yutaka Tochimoto 57-84-50-60-49 59reg Sehr reg starker Flachfahrer wichtiger man
Flachhelfer2:Kouki Hong 56-86-54-58-53 42reg Helfer auch fürs mzf
Flachhelfer3: Hiroshi Abe 55-77-49-57-43 42reg Helfer mehr net


Ziele : Podium

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:12 pm
by Philéas
;) Hum nice group, probably at 9H for my team.

See you saturday 2nd July...

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:54 pm
by Samurais
I hope of a very big field. 15 Teams minimum .

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:20 pm
by Lizard
Mensch Samu, stell ein realistisches Ziel auf... GK Sieg!! Man fährt nur für den Sieg!!!

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:23 pm
by Alkworld
Samurais wrote:I hope of a very big field. 15 Teams minimum .
I will make it three then :D More to come for sure. Team Alkworld will probably look like the following:
1) Gabriel GarciaMarquez: wants to be the 1st Nobel prize winner to win the Tour de France
2) Frida Kahlo: Might also be the captain or just a stage hunter
3) Julio Cortazar: Really sucks downhill and with his regeneration, but is still irreplacable
4) Jacobo Arbenz: The multitalent, wants to win a stage
5) Octavio Paz: Like Arbenz, he also wants another GT stage
6) Joao Gilberto: The TTT expert with great flat skill (but nothing else)
7) Joao Bonifacio: The oldie of this team and still he might have to do a lot of work
8) Mario Vargas: Another Nobel prize winner, but w/o the ambitions for the Maillot Jaune

Number nine is still open, Miranda, GoncalvesLedo, Quiroga or maybe even another classic rider are the options.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:23 pm
by Alkworld
Samurais wrote:Gehalt:592,840
Warte mal den 1. Juli ab ;) Und rechne dann mit > 600k.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:08 pm
by Samurais
Lizard ich weiß ja net wer mitfährt, obwohl jini stark ist werde ich probleme gegen berg doppelspitzen haben denke ich ma. Und alk ja ja ja ich weiß ^^ will gar nicht das gehalt von Jini nächsten monat sehen. der will der teuerste fahrer werden den es im mom gibt ^^. Und alk freut mich das dabei bist hoffe lizard und equipe sind es auch. Und elb kann auch gerne kommen ich bin bereit für Kamehame ^^. Aaaa ich freu mich will sofort losfahren muss fahren.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:11 pm
by Lizard
9Uhr ist zu früh für mich, ich fahr die 14h-Veranstaltung. Und völlig egal wer mitfährt ist das ein Fahrer, der eh um den Sieg fährt! Immer Ziele stecken! ;)

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:08 pm
by Celtic Club
I will be here for my 1st Tour !
My team will probably :

1. Yvon Madiot : captain for stage's wins
2. Philippe Chevallier : captain for stage's wins
3. Jacques Esclassan : sprinter
4. Denis Roux : helper, maybe escapes
5. Francis Castaing : helper, maybe escapes
6. Vincent Barteau : helper to control the end of sprinter's stages
7. Jacques Bossis : helper to control the end of sprinter's stages
8. Philippe Casado : helper with good reg
9. Justin Jules : helper with good reg

I'll probably miss some stages, so the only objective is to win 1 or more stages, and have fun !

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:50 am
by team fl
Very sweaty, a member of the Team FL manamgent arrives at the TdF front desk and hands over some forms and a bag full of documents. he stops, bends over and breaths heavily, cursing: "Never Air France again, fucking stupid airline, always delays... argh!". Then he collapses and lies quietly on the floor. Some people from the front desk start to shout something about an emergency call, a good looking french secretary tries to bring him back to life (how she did it will not be discussed here). Finally, somebody from the front desk takes a look at the forms and his face changes to a huge smile first, then he pronounces happily under huge amounts of joy*:


And he reads the Team FL rider's nomination, while people around him begin to dance and to celebrate around a stunning but recovered Team FL manamgent member:

x1 Luigi Mastrangelo
x2 Chuck Bass
x3 Fred Colon
x4 Franz Granvorka
x5 Toni Hassler
x6 Tim Hamberger
x7 Wesley Lichtenkiesel
x8 Hugo Marxer
x9 Cédric Schmarotz

While reading their names, the Tour de France employee starts crying and falls down on his knees, holding the form with the rider's names up to the ceiling, praising them. Now he is ready to die...


Rumour has it, that nothing of this really happened at all, that it was just a mouse click (well, several mouse clicks), but then everything would just be 0 and 1. And we know it's not. It's Team FL!

*while in other parts of the world, an ape has just died because of a broken heart...

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:10 am
by Robyklebt
Good that you ride the tour actually. The tour doesn't need only stars, but cannon-fodder teams as well :lol:

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:35 am
by team fl
Robyklebt wrote:Good that you ride the tour actually. The tour doesn't need only stars, but cannon-fodder teams as well :lol:
Well, I also appreciate your self-sacrifice at 14h :)

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:48 pm
by team fl
Absolutly no action here...

Ok, then I will play the nerving lad: First stage Team FL could not be there the most time, did not do anything for this reason. A rider out of a group won, got yellow and everything else. Today, lost it in the TTT, Alkworld got yellow. Samurais won it and has now a good basis for the rest of the Tour, although Unlingen did also not bad. Alkworld and BMG are around 1'30'' behind. Mastrangelo still in Top10 position. Good. Tomorrow the first stage that will be taken seriously. A Sprinter stage. Team FL will be there, vigilant, aware and ready. Stop.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:19 pm
by team fl
Still nothing going on here...

So, today we saw the first sprint at the morning Tour. fdJ won it, despite only 46 flat... hihi. Schmarotz 3rd, not bad, but also not very good. Goal is still one stage with Cédric. So far, good cooperation among the sprintteams.

Tomorrow a nice stage for the climbers, especially for Bamba and Mastrangelo. Thus, lots of work for FL during the first week it seems. But if the sprintstages work out like today and Ivan Basso will also help a bit in the coming stages, it will be possible to do it.

In the GC nothing has chancges. Alk still with yellow, looking forward to lose it, or in other words: To keep it but not fighting for it. Anyway, so far, the race is fun, although people could be a bit more active here in the thread.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:13 pm
by Alkworld
There will be more going on soon from my side. I had guests on the weekend and therefore didn't spend much time online.
Getting yellow yesterday was done in 2 minutes thinking about the best TTT settings. However I was pretty surprised when I saw Octavio in yellow in the end. The problem with it is, that I have no use for it. Octavio won't carry it very far anyway and it stops me from riding for stage wins. This doesn't matter as long as we have stages with clear favorites where no group would be getting through. Maybe Octavio will disappear just before the end on some of the next stages to get rid of the jersey ;) With 20k a day only and no Palmares entry, which is the same for p11 in a cat 1 race, it's just not worth carrying it, even if it's the mighty Maillot Jaune. I guess Voeckler some years benefitted a bit more from it ...

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:08 pm
by team fl
Damn it, one second... hmm... Chevalier really strong. Not siebed at the 10, even Alks 86 climber was in Tempo... BAnd he also got the climber's jersey.... grrr... Besides that, nothing has changed. Alk still owns yellow, ah, yes. the points jersey has changed, also to Celtic. What a lucky bastard ;)

So I guess now the first week now belongs to Schmarotz for Team FL to win a stage. Don't think at Saturday that Luigi will have a equal chance like today to win a stage.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:00 am
by Alkworld
Grrr, Chevallier ;) I actually didn't see him. Frida would have followed him otherwise of course, guess she could have made it. After all he was only 2s ahead in the end. Even an attack by Frida would have been better. It would have given her at least the extra second on Luigi. But one minute (or even a little less) for the last km was not enough, I need the 2 or 3 minute tact for the last km. Tomorrow Octavio could even defend yellow again after I tried something (but not really actively) to get rid of it yesterday. Maybe today somebody else will get it ...

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:35 pm
by team fl
Chevallier again. He will follow me into my dreams... But clearly the mistake of the sprintteams, although the race went not very well in general. So, green and red vor Chevallier, BMG now in yellow. Tomorrow another funny stage for Chevallier again. Team FL will try to save some energy for the really important stages.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:43 pm
by Alkworld
Chevallier even again, this time not as a winner, but still Chevallier. Stupid Alkworld thought Frida can follow him and Julio can attack himself, just in case Chevallier doesn't attack. Stupid idea. Race was anyway weird, Samurai with kind of revenge tempo for the oh-so-bad FL agitating the whole group into Anti-Samurais tempo. I didn't really see the point for that. But the group handled it well, until others stepped in to get the group. Let's see, if these things happen more often ...

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:29 am
by team fl
I have just no comment left for the stage yesterday...

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:11 am
by Samurais
Ich auch nicht ich sag dazu nix mehr.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:16 pm
by Philéas
:lol: Celtic Club again, again and again... When it's not Chevallier is his sprinter Essclassan for the victory! Congrats Celtic Club you're very strong and good stratege.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:09 pm
by Celtic Club
thanks Equipe.
Very nice week for Celtic Club, 3 wins and 3 2nd place. Good cards for green jersey now, but the race is very long.
Now we start mountains, the fight for GC will probably start ! And Celtic Club won't be in this fight.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:18 pm
by Alkworld
After some quiet days here, now there's something to talk about again. The GC was ordered a lot more like it would be in Paris and a lot of co-favorites already lost a lot of time today. Autotempo today for sure did its share in this, but not as bad as feared. Unlingen seemed to have big trouble with his PC and still the settings from yesterday's sprint stage, so even w/o autotempo he would have been out of the race today. Basso got what he deserved after being off the whole tour already. So who's left?
***** Jinichi Nasawa (Samurais), Bamba Anderson (BMG)
*** Gabriel GarciaMarquez (Alkworld), Martin Langeleben (Furpach)
** Luigi Mastrangelo (FL), Velasco Sanchez (Saffunzanos)
* Gael Baron (ETBI), Jorge Ruiz (Luebeck)

Who will make the first place, is still pretty open and strongly depends on how we will ride. Furpach still in the race for the podium, but his fate depends strongly on Samurais. Gabriel has to see what he will be doing. Podium is possible, but winning is not possible without riding against Bamba. The other four on the list theoretically have good captains and are in a good position but lacking a strong team to gain sufficient time on others. Unless they ride some nice attacks without being properly followed.

Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:46 pm
by team fl
Ok, today was again a interesting stage, especially due to Alkworlds Attack After the H.C. which was not answered by Team FL's Mastrangelo, Furpach's Langeleben or already out of GC Unlingen's Kletter. The stage was won by Chevallier (again him!) which boosted his chances for the Points Jersey. Luigi could defend the Mountain Jersey, white is still with Furpach's Tikki. So, at the moment the GC is the following:

1. 00:00 Sanchez (Saffunzanos)-> ZF 53
2. 00:17 Nasawa (Samurais)-> ZF 78
3. 00:21 GarciaMarquez (Alkworld)-> ZF 52
4. 00:41 Anderson BMG-Allstars)-> ZF 56
5. 01:57 Logocic (Animal House) -> ZF 60
6. 02:47 Langeleben (SV Furpach) -> ZF 64
7. 03:07 Barron (Team ETBI) -> ZF 50
8. 03:14 Mastrangelo (Team FL) -> ZF 53
9. 03:38 Ruiz (Luebeck-Oilers) -> ZF 48
10. 04:12 CostaSantos (BMG-Allstars) -> ZF 53

So I guess the Places on the Podium are decided among the first four of the classement. Saffunzanos in a good position, but not with a good team compared to the other three. Alkworld and BMG still need time agains Nasawa who will gain lots of time in the final TT. Logicic is somewhat in a waiting position. With his TT-skill he is for sure able to be a threat for the podium. But like Saffunzanos, he lacks the support at the end of a hard stage. Langeleben, like Nasawa, will certainly lose time tomorrow and in the Alps. The rest is there for the Stages. Barron, Mastrangelo or Ruiz. Mastrangelo of course fighting for the Mountain jersey too.

Hard to say who will win. So far, Alkworld made the best impression, but it will be hard against Bamba and the Team of BMG. And still, Samurais, if not doing a huge mistake, will stay in reach with his TT-Skill. But who knows... perhaps there will be a surprising winner?

To work with Alkworld's rating, I present you mine after today's stage, slightly modified:

***** Jinichi Nasawa (Samurais), Bamba Anderson (BMG)
**** Gabriel GarciaMarquez (Alkworld)
*** Velasco Sanchez (Saffunzanos)
** Martin Langeleben (Furpach), Logicic (Animal House)
* Gael Baron (ETBI), Jorge Ruiz (Luebeck), Luigi Mastrangelo (FL)