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Down Under 10h

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:59 am
by team fl
No Thread yet... Well, here it is, Team FL participating, with 9 other teams so far.

x1 Chuck Bass, dreams of the GC
x2 Ronny Beck, dreams of the coming Gemeinderatswahlen
x3 Daniel Clavadetscher, dreams of the Bündner mountains
x4 Lorenz Dürr, still dreams of Ireland
x5 Frantz Granvorka, dreams for french dressing
x6 Tim Hamberger, dreams of Hamburger...
x7 Haruki Murakamid, dreams of a hard boiled wonderland
x8 William deWorde, dreams of a good newspaper

Nothing to gain, nothing to lose. Team FL is in for the win, tries to have fun and to look cool, as usual, still waiting for wonders and signs.

Re: Down Under 10h

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:48 am
by claw
There is a thread in german part :P

Re: Down Under 10h

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:51 am
by team fl
Well, but not in the International part. And what is a race thread worth that excludes non-german speaking users (in this case OLcycle)?

Re: Down Under 10h

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:14 pm
by Alkworld
team fl wrote:Well, but not in the International part. And what is a race thread worth that excludes non-german speaking users (in this case OLcycle)?
OL waited until I created the German thread and then he signed in ;-) But ok, let's use this one now.
Team Alkworld came to the Adelaide region to have some decent wine, a good time on the beach and maybe even some stage victories or the overall win.

Re: Down Under 10h

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:43 am
by team fl
Well, since OL is out of the game, there is no reason for this thread anymore and we can continue in the german part:

