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Paris-Nizza 18h

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:57 pm
by el Galactico
Good news. The Galacticos will drive their first tour since january's Tour Down Under!

Very expensive and without any form but less chances to win a thing! ;)

I'm not sure at all about the line-up, for the moment i think about a 481k team with 6 riders 60+ at mountain.

I want to have fun and i want to drive very activ! Hope there will be some likeable managers with me.

The sportive objects will be a stage win and hopefully a jersey! Green, white or red, i don't care.

Who will join this field??

Re: Paris-Nizza 18h

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:00 pm
by Allagen
allagen ist am start. team um lasse und wackelknie. naja, werde wohl gelb holen am anfang, aber sonst nicht was reißen können. aberl äuft schon