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Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:15 pm
by Robyklebt
The Vatican?

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:46 pm
by team fl
Robyklebt wrote:The Vatican?
if el jeffe allows to chose it as a rider's nation...

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:02 pm
by Luna
el jeffe? you mean the pope? :D

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:36 pm
by NoPikouze
team fl wrote: Luxembourgian power demonstration.

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:57 pm
by Robyklebt
Short report from my race...

I suck. 2 huge fucking mistakes that just shouldn't happen.

Basically I rode a good race until then. For me was clear that I was going to try something else than last year, last year it was, bring Grillboy and Iordan over the Carrefour, hope for a good wheel that Franconia is not following, hope for the best. With Conias team actually was not really a tactic either, was the only thing anybody could really do. Fucked it up by being to optimistic about Grillboy, who I thought would go over it for sure, helped him too little, Iordan too much.
This year, wanted to a) have Olimpiu, who has some sprint in the back b) try an attack from further with Bakthiyar or Qian.

All worked perfectly, big group going, the guy with the best pavé and the best sprinter, Ciclistas worked well. But alone difficult to get them, he can only get them if he weakens himself too much too early, but then he can't hold anything together in the last 40 km. He didn't do too much, tried to provoke with some siebs, he stayed calm, then after a sieb others had less helpers than I had, rode a bit. A bit later NoPik did the same, I then helped. Until then: Good race, the tempo was more than ok, keep Ciclistas alert, guarantee that we get the group, and Ciclistas was weakened anyway. Can't keep more than 2 riders fit if you are doing tempo too, the third one already only with one helper... plus he lost some early, so helper 3-5 were certainly not at the top. Then the ideal situation for the attack... NoPik and Iordan in tempo, group no far back, will come back, no problem, few others with less helpers for a while, good, further back Ciclstas 4+5. The group comes back, NoPik goes out. Perfect. Attack. Waited a km too long, should have gone one earlier, Iordan alone lost quite a bit of time. cost us a few seconds. Then before the next pavésector, a single 4 I think, Attack with Bakhtiyar who as nr 2 was still fairly fit, not as fit as Olimpiu, but since I had the most helpers with NoPik, Liberty and Strohhut most of the time certainly one of the strongest nr 2. Send Fouché too, just in case. Excellent group. Lots of flatpower monsters, Bakhtiyar one of the fittest and 55 sprint, 30"+ seconds to Ciclistas who had only one rider to spare until Carrefour de l'Arbre. the 2 that came back in that km were useless, if he uses them for that single pavé he might lose to much.

And what does the idiot ape do? Out of tempo, good. Freude goes in. Then? I wait. A fast scan of the group had told me. Libby with an 78 pave 88 or 87 flat, 55 or 56 or 57 or 54 sprint. Ok, I go in after she goes in. Others with sprint, Freude, Road (his could even have been the nr 1 in the team, don't know) went in fast, Adler with 56 or no not, but didn't care, was sure his guy had less energy and less pavé anyway. Adler had few helpers often, but with Kutti a real potential winner. Freude and RR demanded all, of course I was the guy that should have gone in then. But now, I said the moment Libby is in, so am I. After some disussions, way too long, some noob tempo by Allagen with 2 guys that had attacked earlier, had no chance to do anything anymore, went in when nobody else was in for a km since I refused, Libby went in, Bakhtiyar too. Ehm... what did I see then. Libby with 43 sprint, had somehow read the sprint on the wrong line or read the TT or something. IDIOT APE! Just can't happen something like that. The attack was good, the group was good, Bakthiyar strong, that group actually had a chance to go far I react sensibly and go back in the moment RR is in, which was early. Ciclistas can't get us at the end of the sector right after Carrefour de l'arbre, the 2 basically, like he finally did. And if he doesn't have us there, not sure he get's us at all. 10" there, which was possible IMO and it could be that that was the winning move. Or then he puts in the leader too, Adler a bit later his monster, in case his rider in front is dropped (at the time thought possible, rethinking it now maybe not..) which only helps me as well, Olimpiu happy in the back. But no... the ape sees fantasy sprint values and fucks it up. FAir chance to win it, others too, but liked my chances with Bakhtiyars fitness and form.
But ok, so we are caught. Next, follow Kutti in the back with Olimpiu, until then he had followed the Cicli nr 2, just in case he wants to go, not sure I follow, but with more energy could be. Maybe not, but if he goes and don't try. So on to Kutti now for the **, all good. At the 2 in tempo just in case, Ciclis Wolowitz too, good, Kutti goes anyway comes away 2"... where is Olimpiu? He really didn't follow??? Ok, slightly less pavé, 0,2 I think, 8 less flat which on 2 counts, but still, was sure he follows... oh, he didn't try. Oh, he's on Burja... wrong Adler. Second colossal mistake. 2" which we never got back, Cicli handled it perfectly, he helped in the back first, then when after a few km went in in front. Me and Hansa, the 2 only ones with 6x sprint not in front, he because he was too weak in the 2, me because I'm too stupid, had no real chance to get him back, Aut then helped with Aschbacher, at the end, who won the sprint in the back... but wouldn't have won it if we get to the front, but wasn't enough. Idiot Ape. Ok, here, even if I'm in front I don't win. I get 2nd or if I don't get Wolowitz wheel 5th or something. Doesn't really matter, but what matters is: HOW CAN AN APE BE SO STUPID AND HANG ON THE WRONG RIDER?? The intention was the right one, the action got the wrong one, have to get that stuff right, nothing to do with new design or anything, just not thorough enough.

In front then Cicli won, deserved, rode very well, took some risks with the Bakhtiyarattack IMO, rode the finish perfectly with the right mix of bluff and tempo. Adler with a really good final too, attack, he had to try, even if it was clear that x riders would be on his wheel, he was too obvious for an attack with 89 flat, 81 pavé and 64 sprint. Then held still, get Wolowitz's wheel and hope. Wasn't enough, but rode the final perfectly too.

The APE? If I do the right thing with Bakthiyar, regardless of the result in that group in the end, good race, very well ridden, until then I really believe I rode well. Including the first x km changing helpers nonstop.. thanks for that superb feature Buhmann. Then... absolute catastrophe. Reached new lows, even beat my 07 performance where I let Bumbescu follow Koknoka, Bumbescu who was I don't know where, while Hadorn was the guy in the Koknokagroup who should and would have followed. REally bad ape anyway. Sorry for all guys in the Bakhtiyargroup, especially Freude and RR who rode early (rightly, they had chances), Libby who was forced to go in with a 43 sprint before a 55 went in. Unbelievably bad ape, we had a chance I think, basically destroyed it (after creating it, as I said, until then I rode well I think, but doesn't help if you then fuck all up). GRRRRR, getting angry again, how can you be so dumb?

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:15 pm
by Lizard
Hooray, that looks good. First testing for the ardennes-week, van Amstel takes Brabant afternoon edition. Funny race, entertaining, I liked it. Looking forward to Amstel Gold Race!

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:51 am
by team fl
Amstel Gold Race is also waiting for Team FL!!! Most probably in the morning. I just don't know yet how the Team will look like for the race...

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:01 am
by Lizard
Amstel line-up:

Image Tom van Amstel 74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg
Image Karim Boutannassimi 56-78-54-46-60, 37 Reg
Image Eddy Eickendreyer 83-54-78-53-57, 58 Reg
Image Jamal Jemomo 61-81-56-49-56, 35 Reg
Image Michael Murphy 53-85-51-47-48, 46 Reg
Image Ernie Oysters 66-78-60-49-56, 58 Reg
Image Vincent Soneau 49-85-75-52-48, 46 Reg
Image Barney Stinson 62-79-73-55-53, 54 Reg
Image Andrew Stockdale 83-55-66-61-54, 58 Reg

Salary: 516.767 Credits

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:12 am
by JPS Classics
Line Up Amstel Gold Race
1 Image Martijn Schoenmakers
2 Image Prince Caines
3 Image Park Dong Soo
4 Image Lev Litvinov
5 Image Vjeko Onishchenko
6 Image Fjodor Shovkovsky
7 Image Sven Sjögren
8 Image Manuele di Vaio
9 Image Ernesto Vidal

Salary: 543.645

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:59 am
by Robyklebt
Hate it more every year. Small shitty prep. race for Flèche and LBL. Doesn't deserve a Apelineup posted anywhere.

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:59 pm
by JPS Classics
The Classics won his first Springclassic .... i am so happy for this victory :-)

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:26 pm
by team fl
JPS Classics wrote:The Classics won his first Springclassic .... i am so happy for this victory :-)

Luigi bettern than the italian champion! yay :)

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:42 pm
by Lizard
Bah, mistakes mistakes. First no fighting, but was okay in the end. Then after the Keutenberg no attack by van Amstel, but was okay. I only need to not ride the km with Putz, then ride the very last km with van Amstel and I had it. Too bad :D

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:52 pm
by Robyklebt
Ah well. 2nd again in this race. If it's a race that doesn't bother me too much not winning, it's Amstel. What bothers me though is my sprint with Uchigasaki.. not even in. Not that it would have changed anything...

The Wizardsiebs? Basically good, excellent. For him too. Until then he was in front of Berlo-Uchi and Qian with Van Amstel at each strong sieb. Not at this, no fighting with Van Amstel I guess, downhill, another 8, I ride with Fahrny, I have only Qian in front, this time Fahrny to strong for Qian, he drops, but in the back Van Amstel still not fighting? He drops behind Uchigasaki and Berlogea.... he fights there he's there. And then Uchi has his chances, because then I can kill Berlo first, Qian later and be fairly sure he'll control the Cauberg with one of his climbers. But he's in the back, 4 in front, ride with Berlo til the 9, Fahrny, then the problem.. what to do know... Swoopes 65 sprint, 2 helpers, 71 mountain, but I honestly simply don't trust Glamour to do the right thing. 88 climber, he might use him to attack or some other idiocy, a useless 72 flat rider too. Qian in tempo, attacks, Swoopes not following.. hmmm. In retrospect good, Wellington-Swoopes-Uchi-Qian wouldn't have worked, Wellington no reason to ride, all Qian, then at the Cauberg Wellington drops us and not sure we come back.. plus we're caught if Qian rides alone. So worked perfectly, except that I was 75% sure to lose the sprint if we arrive together... which I didn't think would happen. Behind, the 60sprinters group at 6" or so seconds, no cooperation, if they cooperate, ok, I can give up in front and fully ride for Uchi after they rode a few km. Let Qian fall back, help with him... But no cooperation, the Clawgroup comes back. Gain some time, little, a lot on the 6, another 2" on the 2.. 1", I lose the sprint... as expected... but took the 25% or so chance (I'm usually too optimistic as well.... might have been 15%) in front over the one with Uchi in the back... or took both. Couldn't go out, thought about a deal, I do the 2 downhill km alone, he compensates 2 in the flat, costs more, I gain more, but too complicated to explain, I thought, just ride. Then forget to sprint with Uchi and had the wrong wheel anyway... so ok, took my small chance in front over the lottery in the back, there I thought the 2 70 would be hanging on each other, 75% sure again :), was right, but if Uchi hangs wrong and doesn't sprint (forgot to put it in, no bug, fairly sure, 95% this time)... ah well.

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:52 am
by Robyklebt
Flèche Wallonne, the ape hates it, but will have to ride at 9, not his beloved afternoon.

The team:

1 S. Berlogea
2 O. Fahrny
3 O. Feng
4 P. Haryono
5 F. Montandon
6 B. Qian
7 O. Uchigasaki
8 S. Urganov
9 S. Uzielli

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:05 pm
by Bear
I think I can ride 9h too. But I am not 100% sure, maybe I have to do "some stuff"...

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:01 pm
by team fl
FL will ride Fleche! morning or afternoon. have to see tomorrow.

Line-up (most probably):

x1 Chuck Bass
x2 Daniel Clavadetscher
x3 Pedro Garrido
x4 Frantz Granvorka
x5 Wesley Liechtenkiesel
x6 Tony Longo
x7 Hugo Marxer
x8 Luigi Mastrangelo
x9 Haruki Murakami

changed Garrido for Colon. And definitly 14h

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:30 pm
by Lizard
Stupid Fleche Wallonne! Here's my LBL line-up:

Image Tom van Amstel 74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg
Image Karim Boutannassimi 56-78-54-46-60, 37 Reg
Image Eddy Eickendreyer 83-54-78-53-57, 58 Reg
Image Jamal Jemomo 61-81-56-49-56, 35 Reg
Image Michael Murphy 53-85-51-47-48, 46 Reg
Image Ernie Oysters 66-78-60-49-56, 58 Reg
Image Vincent Soneau 49-85-75-52-48, 46 Reg
Image Barney Stinson 62-79-73-55-53, 54 Reg
Image Andrew Stockdale 83-55-66-61-54, 58 Reg

Salary: 516.767 Credits

Same as Amstel Gold Race. This time No. 3 is not enough!

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:00 pm
by Bear
Fleche Wallonne.

Only 9 80+ climbers (too bad Trentino is on the same date) and some really good classics. But the race was not really hard, only weak siebs till the end. I wondered that my formless classics were in front till the last km. I thought of big siebs by jps, to go for his superclassic or Vidal. Anyway, OL seemed to be unbeatable today. His classics in very good shape could defend every attack, and his climber was strong in the end (although the sprint was close). And he was attentive all the time, the group was never a danger and he controlled the entire race. Well done.

Podium for Jamie, a bit unexpected. After my silly setting of topforms, it was not a good day to try something. The escape was just a try to have a helper in front, this one worked out perfectly. My classics were not in a any riders wheel, just a protection for Jamie. Jamie was fit and attacked at the final km. I didn't know who I could be able to follow, so just tried myself, 3rd is ok..maybe a bit better than ok. But far from perfect.

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:50 pm
by olmania
Bear wrote:Fleche Wallonne.

Only 9 80+ climbers (too bad Trentino is on the same date) and some really good classics. But the race was not really hard, only weak siebs till the end. I wondered that my formless classics were in front till the last km. I thought of big siebs by jps, to go for his superclassic or Vidal. Anyway, OL seemed to be unbeatable today. His classics in very good shape could defend every attack, and his climber was strong in the end (although the sprint was close). And he was attentive all the time, the group was never a danger and he controlled the entire race. Well done.

Podium for Jamie, a bit unexpected. After my silly setting of topforms, it was not a good day to try something. The escape was just a try to have a helper in front, this one worked out perfectly. My classics were not in a any riders wheel, just a protection for Jamie. Jamie was fit and attacked at the final km. I didn't know who I could be able to follow, so just tried myself, 3rd is ok..maybe a bit better than ok. But far from perfect.
Thank you :)
I did a good race imo, and you are the surprise of this podium ! I did not thought that someone else was able to attack with the Hansa's block ! He looked really strong ... maybe a lack of energy compared to you in the last 20kms. Excellent result for Jamie I guess !
That was good to see the attacks by Roby, his last attack helped me a lot to control easily the end of the race. :lol:

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:59 pm
by Bear
Yap, liked the attacks too. Although it seemed to be not planned it was a bit of action in a quiet race. I think you controlled the end very well and the others had no chance, even with fresh guys they wouldn't get away that much.

Hansa looked really strong and with his tempo/controlling he showed his topform. I thought that he has a chance to follow you or diVaio. That's why I attacked, just for safety reasons, 3rd place was very surprising.

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:43 pm
by Robyklebt
Last attack didn't help you, didn't hurt you either, was completely irrelevant. After that 7 you had it, you or DiVaio, if I don't attack, nothing really changes, nobody can get enough time against your 2 classic riders to make up for the energy lost with the attack. Not even close, even if Schoenmakers and Vidal attack at the 5... you control them easily.

Not planned, kind of half planned. The fix plan was the 2 siebs I missed, fairly easy one at the first Muur, just see what happens, tougher one with Uchigasaki or Berlogea at the 6, followed by attacks after a while. Then see how it develops. And that really would have been needed to have a chance. but even then, not really a big chance, too many too strong teams. Plus I knew I had to attack repeatedly, let the favorites, OL and JPS IMO today use riders, knew that it didn't make much sense saving anybody for the last Muur, what can I get? 3-5, I ended up fifth anyway. Could have been 10th, no problem have to try to go for the win. Never had a chance, but no reason not to try, OL might make a mistake, OL might follow with Laflèche or something else. Vidal might be on Fahrny and follow, Schoenmakers on Berlo, who knows.

But yeah, without a harder race early I never had a chance really. Plus ok, fucked up the early attacks, there I partly blame the connection, saw a blocker in, just waaaay to late to get my guys out again etc. But well, had nothing to lose anyway, didn't lose anything logically, nothing gained either, all ok.

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:27 pm
by team fl
Luigi! Mastro of La Flèche Wallonne!

4th classic 2011 :)

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:30 pm
by JPS Classics
gw fl!

Re: Spring Classics 2011

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:38 pm
by Bear
Scary, so much teams don't ride la Fleche Wallone.

I have to say, I was thinking of Trentino too. But never thought of so much teams don't pay attention on the big classics.