TDF 9 Uhr

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by Samurais » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:58 am

Bisher sehr feine tour , ein wenig stress mit fl gehabt aber ansonsten tolle tour. Ich fand das gestern net ma so toll das da einige zeit ließen. mit furpach als hilfe hatte ich gerechnet aber derhatt nu 2 min aufgebrummt bekommen was ihn sicherlich nicht zwingen wird zu fahren. Die beiden sehr starken Teams um Alk und Bmg sind absolut für mich alleine schwer im zaum zu halten. Habe mir ma noch die etappen angeschaut die da noch kommen und ich bezweifle echt das ich aus den bergen mit unter 5 min rauskomme an vs den ich in etwa brauch fürs zf. Werde es aber hoffen und vielleicht ja doch den coup landen. Das schlimme ist bei den beiden man muss jederzeit wachsam sein und sich nicht eine kleine unachtsamkeit leisten . Gestern leisteten sich einige dies und verloren zeit.fl ist nun ein kandidat für einige etappen da er erst ma gar nix mehr machen muss. dies ist nun wiederum gut für mich . Naja tour geht noch eine weile und es kann jederzeit was passieren also nie aufgeben

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by Vuvuzela » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:38 am

Hi guys. Yesterday I saw the second half of your stage. Nice active riding from BMG/Alk vs Samu. But somehow it looked like Bamba and Gabriel play in their own class. Only one mountain rider who could stay with you and luckily take the victory. Where did Luigi and the others lose all the time (not only yesterday)?

PS: Ich hätte wohl doch hier starten können - schade.

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by Alkworld » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:51 pm

Vuvuzela wrote:Hi guys. Yesterday I saw the second half of your stage. Nice active riding from BMG/Alk vs Samu. But somehow it looked like Bamba and Gabriel play in their own class. Only one mountain rider who could stay with you and luckily take the victory. Where did Luigi and the others lose all the time (not only yesterday)?

PS: Ich hätte wohl doch hier starten können - schade.
The others? Either no teams supporting the leader like Saffunzanos and ivan basso or glorious sitters who make little helper mistakes ;-) And Unlingen was the really unlucky one losing everything because of a crashed PC before doing proper helper settings. And Saturday should certainly have been a stage for Luigi, but there are more to come anyway.
And Vuvu, would we have worked more together this time? At the Giro we would have needed only one or two stages with collaboration to beat the Hubers (Jini was only 79 back then). Here it's still possible, but not easy.

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by Samurais » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:43 am

sEIT DEM GIRO IST VUVU EIN HELD FÜR MICH ^^ ER VERSCHAFFTE MIR WEIß dort und dafür bin ich ihm was schuldig^^. Und nee vuvu bin froh das net hier bist ich habe mit den beiden genug zu tun^^.

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by team fl » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:45 pm

Today was an interesting stage and the first, where (almost) everybody was just riding and not raving. Although Frantz was not very happy about the end, I liked the situation in the group. Something different to the usual km 1 attack with harmonic tempo until some km before the finish or the completely opposite. Then action in the GC, Alk-made. Also very nice. Unfortunatly for him (I myself does not care about it), Bamba got help from strong downhillriders. And in the end, it was Nasawa with the stage victory, also interesting. Sadly, Mastrangelo could not sprint from more than 50m because of the two Gabriel attacks and the his stupid Reg. I really have to think about that the next time I buy a climber, although Mastrangelo was clearly bought for one day races (which he did Well at La Wallonne).

Anyway, so far, I consider myself a bit unlucky during this tour. Either Schmarotz gets mali in the sprint, my sitter makes stupid mistakes (and it costs me the mountain jersey too. Not that I am very angry, I did this kind of sitting mistakes myself, but I did not expect it from Roby!) or I do it myself. I just hope that there is at least on stage left during the last week, or better: at least one for Luigi and Cédric in Paris at the Champs-Elysses.

In the GC, nothing has really changed so far. I still consider Nasawa as the big favorite. For GaricaMarquez it will be hard against Bamba. But without Alk, Bamba will not win agains Samurais (except he makes a stupid mistake).

Hopefully, I can ride myself for the whole week left. Then I can also blame everything to myself, or to RSF and the stupid sytem ;)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by flockmastoR » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:20 am

Oh man furpach, what the hell are you doing in the last climb, unbelievable
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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:10 pm

what happened?
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by team fl » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:05 pm

He was going for yellow but stopped when waiting for Madiot, because he wanted to give him the stage. Loses aprox. 10 secs because of it. next km, Madiot attacks and Furpach, who does not follow and is not in tempo, loses time again.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by Alkworld » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:08 pm

Robyklebt wrote:what happened?
Long story ... First Furpach helping Samu to win the tour finally, then doing a really good thing and attacking. Samu then feeling on the safe side and giving 5 minutes to Langeleben with the goal of taking away podium positions of the mountain riders. But 5 minutes was badly miscalculated, with Furpach meanwhile in virtual yellow and more than 2:30 ahead of Samu's Huber. So far so good, but then it got weird: Furpach siebing Celtic's rider who was escaping with him and then he waited for Madiot, bad idea, but still ok. Celtic and Furpach then with communication problems and Celtic immediately attacks making Furpach lose almost a minute again.

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by sylvainmeteo » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:52 pm

Really interesting tour here, the TT will be very close for GC!
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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by Samurais » Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:22 pm

So das GK steht und ich habe es wohl echt geschafft. Ich kann das schwer fassen aber ich habs tatsächlich geschafft, am ende mit glück weil ich bei furpach die falsche entscheidung traf aber egal ein fehler muss auch ma zu verzeihen sein ^^. Nach p 4 beim giro schafft Jini tatsächlich das was ich am meisten wollte einen toursieg unfassbar. Möchte mich bei allen teilnehmern bedanken und auch entschuldigen denn so wie es aussieht muss ich einige ziemlich genervt haben denn alk und bmg net gut auf mich zu sprechen und ich weiß net wieso ^^. Muss aber sagen war eine sehr faire tour bis auf einen streit zwischen mir und fl war alles friedlich (sitter tage rechne ich nicht). Ich hoffe ich habe dem Shogun ehre gemacht und auch wenn einige grad net gut auf mich zu sprechen sind hoffe ich das sie net allzu lang sauer sind denn es war wirklich eine tolle tour mit tollen gegnern.

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Re: TDF 9 Uhr

Post by team fl » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:22 am

Tour is over, here the results:

General Classement:

01. 00:00:00 Jinichi Nasawa (Samurais)
02. 00:00:20 Martin Langeleben (SV Furpach)
03. 00:00:37 Bamba Anderson (BMG-Allstars)
04. 00:01:00 Gabriel GarciaMarquez (Alkworld)
05. 00:01:35 Nico Logocic (Animal House)
06. 00:06:36 Luigi Mastrangelo (Team FL)
07. 00:07:12 Jorge Ruiz (Luebeck-Oilers)
08. 00:08:44 Gael Barron (Team ETBI)
09. 00:10:12 Ghingo Davide (la fr des Jeux)
10. 00:10:49 Marc Sage (Kitovras)

Other Classements:

Mannschaftswertung: SV Furpach
Jungfahrertrikot: Joe Tikki (SV Furpach)
Sprinttrikot: Philippe Chevallier (Celtic Club)
Bergtrikot: Bamba Anderson (BMG-Allstars)

Stage wins by riders:

3 - Phillippe Chevallier (Celtic Club)
2 - Jacques Eclassan (Celtic Club)
2 - Jinichi Nasawa (Samurais)
1 - Bamba Anderson (BMG-Allstars)
1 - Cedric Schmarotz (Team FL)
1 - Francius Casus (Kitovras)
1 - Igor Camargo (BMG-Allstars)
1 - Kouki Hong (Samurais)
1 - Lucius Bises (Kitovras)
1 - Luigi Mastrangelo (Team FL)
1 - Nico Logocic (Animal House)
1 - Porto Rico (la fr des Jeux)
1 - Roman Kacza (BMG-Allstars)
1 - Sebastian Kletter (RSC Unlingen)
1 - Thomas Bloris (Kitovras)
1 - TTT (Samurais)
1 - Yvon Madiot (Celtic Club)

Stage wins by teams:

6 - Celtic Club
4 - Samurais
3 - BMG Allstars
3 - Kitovras
2 - Team FL
1 - Animal House
1 - la fr des Jeux
1 - RSC Unlingen
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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