Elk Grove 9h

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team fl
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Elk Grove 9h

Post by team fl » Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:58 pm

Corezze two days, Elk Grove three days. Yay. It's getting longer as August continues. Nate, Benni and Unsinn will stay at home for training while Taverna gets a chance for another GC-podium place this month. So here the line-up... uhm... only 6 riders... well... have to think about it... ah yes:

x1 Nils Hörnö, he is were Jean is, and if only for three days.
x2 Stefan "King" Küng, King for another three days
x3 Jean Ollé Ollé, can't live (and smile) without Niels, even for three days
x4 Pit Schlechter, can only be better the next three days
x5 Gaudenz "Cronos" Taverna, our GC-leader for three days.
x6 Walter "WaWa" Walch, Wawants to ride another three days.

Goals: GC, Green for Jean, White for WaWa, Red for Pit (yes, it's possible! even with no mountain sprints!), a throne for the King.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

RS Ostfriesland
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Re: Elk Grove 9h

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:28 pm

Im not sure if i start at 9oclock. Still early for me on a weekend.
But FL, if i start white is for my new superhero! :)

Anonymer RSFler: ich trink glaub ich 2 mal im jahr alk und einmal resette ich :-D

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Team ABC-Polsat
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Re: Elk Grove 9h

Post by Team ABC-Polsat » Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:41 pm

i will also start here but just because i hate one day races..

x1 Emilien LeMounier preparing for Eneco

rest not important

wish a nice ELK Grove Tour

team fl
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Re: Elk Grove 9h

Post by team fl » Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:21 am

Very nice start for Team FL. Taverna wins the Prologue and can now be seen as the favorite for the GC, although with only 6 riders per team, it's a bit different. Therefore, Team FL is willing to work with the sprintteams for an MS. I skip the favorite check this time, I already made it in my team presentation ;)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Elk Grove 9h

Post by schappy » Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:45 am

I love to drive with Team FL

x1 Gregor Gorki, he never reach his Grandfather Eugen, but he always try
x2 Karol Bielecki, maybe he can win a tour in his career
x3 Richard Weizel, a helper for nothing
x4 Eugen Sandomierski, one more helper
x5 Andreas Stoffel, one more senseless helper
x6 Grzegors Wojtkowiak, very bad fresh sprinter

I ride only for fun and not to drive with VC Frankfurt,

Congrats for the good position now
I´ve got the magic in me

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