Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by toreeto » Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:54 am

I don't thing that I am favorite to win this tour.I am new on this game I try to learn now.Yes i have to riders with 85 and 83 mountains,but I must learn how to use them to win a stage and later a mountain tour.If someone help me and teach me I wil ride for him this tour.

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by flockmastoR » Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:06 am

If someone help me and teach me I wil ride for him this tour.
Hope you are not really riding for anybody else except your own team. We all will try to help you, so if you have questions about the game, just ask in the chat.
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by toreeto » Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:10 am

ok.I will do that.But i thing that I have a change to be in first 10 at the end no?

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by flockmastoR » Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:38 am

of course, you still have chances for top3 too, its very open
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:51 am

You are an outsider of course, in 99 of 100 cases you will not win.. let's hope (for me, hihi) that case nr 100 doesn't happen. But as EM (flockmastor) said, better not to ride for anybody but yourself.
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by superemre » Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:28 pm

toreeto wrote:ok.I will do that.But i thing that I have a change to be in first 10 at the end no?

oh sure, Torstein is a very good climber
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by toreeto » Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:56 pm

Yes he is a good climber but I don't have a team to suport him like bergwerk have for Eddy.

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:05 pm

Good to see you active here anyway!

The 83 guy already is a good support, only I have a better second climber at the start 8-)

Behind that you don't have much, true. But you only have 6 races so far it seems, you have time to build your team. Usually people don't win immediately! Try out the tactics, ride and learn basically. For the GC and stage 4+5 you should be able to do good results, the other stages seem more difficult. If you have questions during the stages, just ask, we'll try to answer as good as we can.
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:42 pm

Interesting first stage. OR second stage.

Big group at km 2, km one was cleverly blocked by Wei. Big group, 66 mountain by Austis in not my favorite scenario, especially with his bit reg, but ok, not going to kill my team on day one to be taken apart in the following days. So nothing until the first climb, since by then couldn't expect any help in controlling anymore, sieb, then ride with Olteanu, at least let those who want to be in front ride too. A first group with yellow Red wine came back fairly soon, or 20 km or so, he continued riding, not sure why, IMO there the chances to keep yellow were already minimal... he continued, me covering with Gong, nothing more, then finally he stopped, the Katagas group with his sprinter, that had been chasing for 130 or so km, impressive chase, but what for? came back and kept riding too... Still Gong covering... In front group through anyway, they had a nice fight, although I missed the end, jsut saw that Lavella won. In the back, last 6, the expected Gaurain attack, of course I mishandled that one... instead of following with Fahrny, Sjoemelen I had thought, I only put Mattarozzi and Todea, both not following, no wonder in Dantes case, a bit worrying for Todea though... advantage of the Matarozzi sieb though, Alighieri still there, 3" back, in the end one. Maybe would have caught them without wasting energy with an own attack... that didn't go anywhere of course.... but ok, I have an ornyorny-complex rigth now, thought try to win time on him. Didn't work, 1" to the Gaurains, irrelevant too finally, roughly 9' behind DeSchoef, possible still. thought max 25' at one point.. mmh, thinking about it now that seems like way too much to give him, but ok with everybody happily riding only 9'. Stage 4-6 the time to get that time back.
Tomorrow we'll see, probably another attacking day, expect even more than today, we'll see... not going to kill my team for Tirreno on day 3 either, but not going to gift it to an escape either, as long as I have chances we'll do what we did today, cover more or less.
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by superemre » Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:49 pm

  • 2 stage:

    1 Clemy Tedesco (Club Lavella)
    2 Pierrick De Shoef ( Bike Austis) a 2sec
    3 Clemens Hollstein ( Montezuma) a2sec
  • C.G
    1 Heino Maier (Escartinos)
    2 Jean Sauciere ( Team Sansoucci) a 23sec
    3 Pierrick De Shoef ( Bike Austis) a 28sec
Last edited by superemre on Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Bear » Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:00 pm

It was really a nice stage. And I also think the group was good. We worked good together in the beginning, then some nice attacking, following, sucking, waiting - action. I think my tactic to not do too much in the group was right. The attack on -7 not the best one, and the last km... was confused by all the this group, didn't even know who to follow, didn't even know who I actually followed, obviously it was the wrong rider. Lavella was the strongest, should have known that. But was fun anyway, and 4th is not that bad. Was a good start to me. Too bad, Sansoucci was a bit angry. I don't know why, because we had different fights going on. He fighting for yellow against the peloton and escartinos, and the rest fighting for the stage.
Besides that, I was totally confused by all this groups. Didn't recognized the Gaurain attack. Tomorrow my team has to recover from todays hard day. Maybe I sent one guy in the escape, have to think about which rider...
And white. I realized that in the middel of the race, really clever to send Mathieu in the escape. No chance for white in the end, but some money tomorrow, thats it.

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:30 pm

Mmh... my plan today was simple, ride with Olteanu til 0, then Gong too, then nobody else under reg, see who wants the stage. Unless, Austis goes into the escape, then I go too.. He went, Gong followed with 700... Then Gaurain comes on... chases a bit, attacks with 2 and rides to the front group.... Danger, danger, sirenes in Shanghai, my wife called a doctor and a restraining jacket for the ape, the big fear was: Bad sieb at the 15, as usual Todea dropped, by now expect him to be dropped and not following always... grrr, then Gaurain gains around 2' in the hills with his hill guys, waits with Legende and del Ponte, rides. I kill Leibundgut, Wei, Haryono in the back to come back a bit, and then he attacks with his classics and I have Gong to chase... not sure if he would have been effecttve.... brr, saw me losing 1'30" already there... but he didn't uff. Happy like that, no problem. In front, sansoucci went, too early, then toreeto and kas. Then finally my pilot for the day, Mr Scrocchiazeppi. 57" back I think... gained time from the start, was clear we get them... ok I helped too, too early, but being a natural optimist was relying on some malus for him and everybody else. Good 3 man group with Hueso, got Kas/toreeto first, they stopped working, Scrocchiazeppi went again, caught the sanscoucci, sprint, Blanco went early, the rest at 50, Blanco from Hueso wins.
More important the team is more or less ok for tomorrow, don't need to fear being left with 5 riders at km 27 already, good. But as Gaurain said, tomorrow serious stuff begins. Fight between the climbers. Fight between the climbers and the bad Gaurains. And the bad Mathes. Fight against that Austis guy. Mmh. We'll see, Gong stole a tactic paper from Scrocchiazeppi today in the escape, we'll analyze it later tonight, and adjust our tactic accordingly.
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by superemre » Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:42 pm

3 stage:

1 Alfonso Bianco (Hueso)
2 Tommaso Scrocchiazzeppi ( Bike Austis)
3 Bang Gong (Petit Singe)

1 Heino Maier (Escartinos)
2 Jean Sauciere ( Team Sansoucci) a 23sec
3 Pierrick De Shoef ( Bike Austis) a 28sec
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by toreeto » Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:51 pm

It was a very nice stage for me.I lose 1 rider but i gain experience.I make a mistake who cost me win of this stage but i don't repeat it in the future.Tomorrow I hope to do more than today and win some point for mountain jersey,or to win the stage who knows.

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by NoPikouze » Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:44 pm

Exciting race!
Not so happy about the result, I was hoping for a Gaurain victory... But great performance by Austis, winning this cool stage and probably the tour!
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Bear » Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:04 pm

Yes, Austis with the best ride today. Very special to win the stage with Gadret (really like this old guy) and get yellow in the back and the chance for the GC. Let's see how he will control tomorrow. This is another chapter...

My race was ok. Kept the young riders jersey with 3min advantage. Tomorrow it's gone. And Massimo a really good 2nd today. I shouldn't have try to follow Dante on Lanciano, cost me just energy. Was stupid because i actually thought of a ape-sieb.

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:35 pm

Mmh, yes yes, sieb would have been MUCH better. But the original plan was.. attack at the 5. missed that one.. grrr. sucks. Why 5? Anti Frinder.. ok, realized fairly soon he was off without settings, still, the plan once taken usually isn't changed.. apeism. so attack, was clear very soon that wasn't going to work, not gaining enough on the Gaurains, 1'10" 20" ? on top, way too little, tought would be over 2'. Ok, maybe with 100 energy more each would have been that.. .but then a group with so many climbers never works... probably best to sieb and go towards the top or something... Anyway, for the GC had to start early, that was clear. GC 2'30" gained, not really enough, was hopoing on at least 4'... Nothing really worked out that well today finally. Ok, the end, not really sure how it happened but somehow Mattarozzi up there in 4th, for a moment looked worse. But not completely hopeless, important IMO was to come as far as possible before being caught, come as close to the hills in the end as possible to then defend and come back there... that part worked, somehow, not sure how, Mathe+Gaurain both wanting to win the stage had to collaborate and ride against each other... so it was fairly unpredictable and worked out well for Gadret. And Mattarozzi finally too. Gaurains attack earlier than I thought, saw some geniality in it, weaken mathe by not following with Maréchal and Gaiolle, but then he didn't ride decisively enough behind right after the attack. So turned out to be an own goal.. but looked like pure genius at the moment.

yellow, still almost 7' for that Austis guy... bah.. looks likely now... didn't think that either :D He'll lose more time for sure, but enough to lose it? We'll see. Maybe I ride for Todea now! Mmh, ok, maybe not.
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by gaurain rx » Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:13 am

Don't really agree with the ape... I had to attack soon. the last 10km were not pro gaurain + Wanted to get rid of gauss. Plus, I don't I rode too low after the attack... Lost 4-5 secks max but in any case, I wouldn't have come back soon enough.

But ok, 2 mistakes :

1. Finally, didn't need the gaiolle boy. Without him, no grossner too. And grossner fucked up my races at the end. Spiroux/Maréchal vs gauss alone would have been really easier to deal with;
2. Didn't really remember... Ah yes, coming back one km sooner and could have attacked at 228! (a 0)

Anyway, find Mathe rode not to win but totally anti Gaurain;

1. Siebed me 3rd time in the back (or 4th)... Energy and time loss (15 secs or so);
2. All in spiroux's wheel means if I do Gaiolle/Marcéchal, grossner/Szolem then rides in the back and takes me back... or at least keep the gap low enough to avoid my chances in the end.
3. Rode in front gauss without any chance against the climbers... Gauss can't get rid of them on flat (and have bad downhill)... and 12 at the end too steep. So there, killed grossner for p.3-4;

So, I was quite angry after the race. Without me, he had 0 chances to win. Then thanks me back by siebing and riding against without chances! I hoped for collaboration, and maybe a deal (ride together and no attack or a thing like that).

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by toreeto » Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:25 am

I like this race but i lose a lot of energy because i wasn't on last km.Maybe tomorrow i will be on and try to win the stage and some places on GC.
Congrats austis for stage and yelow jersey

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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:58 am

Toreeto: The attack before going offline wasn't very good. There you should just have followed somebodys wheel, even before. Gauss from Mathe, or one of the other climbers.
Otherwise, the tempo with your Japanese guy in Lanciano didn't really help you. You saw that with him you were not going to catch the group in front. Then better do nothing. It was clear that the group in the back was coming back, better save energy there I think, to be fit for the finale. There you used a bit too much energy I think. But ok, I didn't ride better, so maybe don't listen to me.

Gaurain.... The stage win was complicated for you and Mathe anyway... for everybody actually, but talking about you now. Before the stage I didn't really think you had a chance. Then, yes, but still complicated, the last 10km as you say is definetly not for you 2... That's why I didn't really understand (but was fearing it, since he loves his 80-70ies..) that Mathe rode for Gauss instead of Mandelbrojt. Ok, he said it was my not really brilliant attack that made him decide to ride for Gauss.. .bah. Bad attack. With Lanciano first, and the end, IMO just very tough for you guys. Even if Todea did everything to make it easier (he has form 79 by now it seems) Mathe anti-Gaurain.. his attack that got rid of Spiroux, yes, didn't really understand that one either... brr. Otherwise... the siebing in the Lanciano IMO was not wanted, just to optimistic? I mean that didn't help him either...You really think he rides in a way that hurts him just to hurt you? Anyway, both of you were mostly anti-ape if you want to put it like that :D

Then no chance to win it... was unlikely he wins in front, yes... he kept riding.. correctly. Same as you in the back. You both kept riding for the same reason I hope. Which is that the GC isn't necessarily closed. 6-7' for Austis, today, tomorrow, he will be attacked from all sides the way I see it. It's likely he'll keep it in the end, because behind him, far behind him it's so open that very likely we'll all keep "sabotaging" each other. Which is normal, our strenghts too different finally. Today Mattarozzi, to a certain degree Gauss, to a lesser degree your 3 guys. (Can you take todea with you for once?) are stronger. Tomorrow it's the complete opposite, it's you with the big strength. So riding for Gauss in front was as correct as you riding in the back. Not for the stage win anymore, but for the outside GC chances. 7' is a lot, and finally I think he'll keep it, again, everybodies different interests and strenghts not being the same plus he has the team to protect De Shroef, his own reg, Kashanov, DePedis... Unlikley, yep, but Gauss isn't beaten, you aren't beaten (and that you know) Dante the same. At least I hope that's the reason you in the back and Mathe in front kept riding :)
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by superemre » Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:34 am

4 stage.

1 JeanPaul Gadret (bike Austis)
2 Massimo Mangini (Team Bearclaw) a 5sec
3 Carl Gauß (Equipe Mathematique) a 7sec


1 Pierrick De Shoef ( Bike Austis)
2 Clemens Hollstein (Montezuma)
3 Thyrann Mathieu ( Team Bearclaw)
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by superemre » Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:05 pm

about tooreto:
when you go off line, you shouldn't ride, just follow.
if you're offline you can not control the race so you can not win.
so you better save your energy, and try to win the stage the next day, where you can have more chance
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by superemre » Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:52 pm

okay. the challenge begins
I think it is difficult to maintain the advantage, but everything will be fascinating
good luck all
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:29 pm

Ah... grrr.. brrr.
43".. plus another 30 or so in the TT missing. Basically it worked well after a rocky start. the 2 last climbs were ok, not too happy with the stuff before, but ok, that's life.. you had an easy first 140 km.. hoped to make them hard, but wasn't to be. Then ok, lost a few seconds with 2 attacks, maybe maybe if I don0't attack at all, just ride up, I'm at 20"... problem is still not enough. Might ride for red tomorrow actually now... :twisted:

We'll see, you defended well again, maybe could have let Gadret drop and ride the 5 etc in the first hill with him. Then some parts of the downhill too, to save DeSchoef a bit and gain more time in the 4 and 5 of Pian di Roseto. But good defense, just let you too much time on the first day, today was ok, yesterday not really, but not catastrophic.. first day too optimistic :D
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Re: Tirreno-Adriatico 16h

Post by superemre » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:51 pm

Well, maybe I should drop gadret to make the descent .. Maybe I made a mistake :? :? :?
”This land is unlike any other place. Sardinia is another thing: enchanting space and distance to travel around, nothing done, nothing definitive. It's like freedom itself ". (D.H.Lawrence, 1921)

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