Spring classics, afternoon

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:34 pm

Ronde.... many strangers not only the usual afternoon stars. The race... different from other years. The harder parcours with more flat pavé and more importantly the incredible number of 70+ mountain riders, 36 in our race if I remember correctly.... So for me was the first time I really didn't feel in "control" of the race... 07-09 while not controlling the race, not commanding it I always felt fairly comfortable, basically knew what was going to happen more or less, could influence it a bit to make it go in my preferred direction. STill missed the right attacks etc. but had the riders I wanted where I wanted them more or less, knew what was going on. This time 0, was always fighting to be in contention, while other years I could act, this year I was only reacting. In the end Philipp was there... no luck in the lottery, well, next year maybe.

The race: My favorites: Voinea, Petit. Depending a bit on the form, but both Voinea and Petit usually need to have 100 form here, Branco unclear, 91 would be my guess since LBL is still coming... chances too, but not more than Voinea and Petit... Then, surprisingly for me TVE rides for Frick... that's ok as a second option I think, but with no sprint and the decisive part very hilly.... it's almost impossible for him to drop the 70-80, there. Petit on the other hand one of the strongest on the Muur and Bosberg... Ok, changes things, Voinea vs Branco now... or a small group of 70-80 behind... Hard race, the "pavé siebs" followed by "hill siebs"... my brillant leader Philipp with 62 mountains and 72,7 pavé risks being dropped in both places and was dropped in both places... "kämpfen/tout donner" no until the Muur... can't afford to lose energy before. What I didn't like is that I had to use all my co-leaders, Nedelcu-Duculescu (ok ok, actually he helped early and never rode.. but should not have helped one time and stay in front longer like that) and Thomas had to work early, in retrospect there was no need for Thomas, since the "pavégroup" got back to the " 70-80 group" just before the Muur..could have waited for them... So.. from the Muur on Philipp alone basically. And the Muur decided the race. The 2 (+maybe Hansen of EPO) favorites lost the race there. Philipp with 62 mountains and 72,7 pavé stays on... that shows that the muur was just ridden to slowly, Support riders with not that much energy keeping the group together, so if not even Philipp is dropped, of course nobody except the dead ones like Thomas will suffer. Salzgruber who already worked a bit, Santeris as well I think etc. in tempo.. perfect for me. And very bad for their leaders, the bosberg will sieb much less, a big group over the Muur means a big group over the Bosberg, which means 10 Km masstempo in the back... What they really needed to do there was destroy the group.. destroy unity of all those with 55-64 sprint with chances in the sprint. Instead they helped exactly those riders by keeping the group intact. How to destroy the group. A sieb. Take the risk and put in Voinea, or Hansen or Branco in tempo that one km. And you won't only get rid of Philipp (who used his "give it all" there) but of a LOT of other riders. Who will then not be all together and organized but alone or in small groups.. Do you get rid of everybody? Probably not, but maybe yes, in the 3 Muurs I saw nobody tried it... it was all either attacks, hopeless unless you are alone in tempo and nobody else has the brains to go in too or control. But feeling, no numbers... A Thomas G. as a leader... I hope he manages to hang on.. but I'm not sure. A Thomas with only 72 mountain? I'm very afraid of Branco in tempo at the Muur. A 72-75 (mountain-pavé) ok... maybe.. don't know.. 75-72 the same.. but most of the group had less. No guarantee, but I certainly would have tried and think that you would have dropped people like Feet, Jones, Fuglsang, Vanko, Epeho, Hofstad, Vilafuerte, VandenAkker etc and certainly all the support riders. Maybe somebody like Vanko who obviously had 100 form (wouldn't have retired otherwise) can manage to hang on.. maybe... Vanko with 72-72,7, becomes a 74-74,7.. but then Voinea with 100 form is a 75-80,3 and he should be as fit as Vanko.. .Anyway, take the risk and make tempo with the leader. Don't think you can drop everybody, if Branco goes Voinea, Hansen will be there, maybe a Clausen with 74,9 pavé too, I don't know.. but even if... THEN you have the bosberg for the attack And there no Clausen can follow. Of course, he'll be in tempo and limit the damage, but then he will have to get you back.. I mean, you saw how much time you got there... don't remember exactly who was in tempo actually, but you got a lot of time. Sieb at the Muur and that 25 peloton that got you back doesn't exist. It's a much smaller one and it's probably further back. With Salzgruber/Santeratempo you controlled when you didn't need control. Ok, if there was a 75 sprinter, clearly the strongest, then ok, keep him in the group so that the peloton won't work together, but nothing like that was there, so just take the risk of increasing the chances of Voinea/Hansen/Branco, whichever of the 2 is not yours... your increasing your own as well...

Then the Bosbergattack, got lots of time, very very difficult position for Voinea then... how much work? I thought his help in the -1 was ok... he was close to Branco in the Bosberg.. lost only one second, so probably Branco has no form or 91, Voinea "only" 6 less... help ok, how much, I wouldn't konw either.. .worst situation to be in... Brancos situation much easier, just ride. get help in the downhill but stay in, and ride... didn't see everything there, was busy being pissed off at the rest in the peloton :D Since nobody wanted to work at first... ok, Philipp the strongest sprinter, 64. And probably good form, ok ok 100, so 66 although in the heat of the battle most probably won't take that into consideration... but Philipp was in tempo. Bosberg already, then the downhill, then finally managed to get Feet into tempo, despite Radlers question "why me?" he went in. Correct, the rest... waiting...bah.. if my leader rides, at least your number 2 could help... but no.. grrr... so Roby out and not in anymore.. ended up being the second strongest of the sprinters going from 50, but if I had gotten help from the nr 2... Bergwerk, Erkrath (ok, Vanko had attacked and followed already, didn't see that yesterday..), I probably would have stayed in another 2 km with them and without the leaders... but no... probably ended up being stronger the way it worked out... Sprint. lottery, follow Clausen, without thinking too much actually.. he goes at 50, Jones early, others to... place nr 8. Lottery of course, but my only chance to win. At first slightly pissed of at not having taken the wheel of Fuglsang who went early, and I should have known it... but after a few minutes, no actually Clausen was exactly the wheel I needed. If Clausen is on me, he beats me he was the strongest, not that I really thought about that stuff before but ... so Clausen, good choice.

Enjoyed the race, was very lucky to have a chance to fight for the win in the end though... But happy with my race too.. leader Philipp really my only rider who can win, Thomas can be a very likely top 15 rider, even Top 5-10 depending on the race, but with his sprint really not somebody who can win it. Philipp can be anything from nr 1 to number 30 as a leader.. took the risk, ran with it, it almost worked... actually a bit proud to have been in the fight with a 62-82 with 72,7 pavé. OK, normally shouldn't happen, I profited from the way too soft Muur, with a tough Muur it will be place 20-25 probably..but hey...let me have my small reasons to be proud too...


01. 00:00:00 Roy Jones (Onkel-Eddy)
02. 00:00:00 Ignacio Castillo (Los Galacticos)
03. 00:00:00 Marcel Salzgruber (Adler)
04. 00:00:00 Scott Hansen (Team EPO)
05. 00:00:00 EmilSander Hofland (Demuth)
06. 00:00:00 Manuel Clausen (Wizards Cycling)
07. 00:00:00 Jacob Fuglsang (VC Aywaille)
08. 00:00:00 Philipp Guggisberg (Robyklebt)
09. 00:00:00 Anthony Colby (bergwerk)
10. 00:00:00 Pete Feet (Radler)

Update for the afternoon classification later.
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team fl
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by team fl » Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:36 am

unfortunately i could not start in the afternoon because easter is for family during the day. so i had to win the evening competition at 21h ;)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Aixteam » Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:41 am

Roby roby roby ... even in French I wouldn't read this text ^^ How is it possible to have all this things to say ?
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:57 am

I'm a deep thinker and super analyst Aix! You should read everything and learn, then maybe you'd win as many races as me too! Ehm... ok, forget that.. :D

01. Teddy Epeho (Aixteam) 19
02. Ignacio Castillo (Los Galacticos) 17
02. Manuel Clausen (Wizard Cyling) 17
04. Didier Dupoing (iBanesto) 16
05. Roy Jones (Onkel-Eddy) 15
06. Thomas Guggisberg (Robyklebt) 11
07. Fabrice Philipot (Celtic Club) 8
07. Arnaud Vervaecke (Quick-Step) 8
07 Marcel Salzgruber (Adler) 8
07. EmilSander Hofland (Demuth) 8
11. Kato Wolfsong (Wizards Cycling) 7
11. Scott Hansen (Team EPO) 7
13. Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto) 6
14. Aurelio Quintana (Gaurain Rx) 5
14. Ulugbek Khashimov (Les Palmiers) 5
14. Humberto OsorioBotello (Poison Dwarves) 5
17. Otton Solis (LosTicos) 4
17. Jacob Fuglsang (VC Aywaille)4
17. Philipp Guggisberg (Robyklebt) 4
20. Adam Wollfinger (Wizards Cycling) 3
20. Nero Latrell (Neutrogena) 3
20. Leo Seikkula (Schappy) 3
20. David Silva (Cerro Torre RT) 3
24. Guilhermo DelPozo (OLcycle) 2
24. Adrian Bonilla (LosTicos) 2
24. Panayotis Yammas (Quick-Step) 2
24. Anthony Colby (bergwerk) 2
28. Juan Gorvu (Team Sagunto) 1
28. Pierre Martin (Aixteam) 1
28. Pete Feet (Radler) 1

01. Wizard Cycling 27
02. iBanesto 22
03. Aixteam 20
04. Los Galacticos 17
05. Robyklebt 15
05. Onkel-Eddy 15
07. Quick-Step 10
08. Celtic Club 8
08. Adler 8
08. Demuth 8
11. Team EPO 7
12. Los Ticos 6
13. Les Palmiers 5
13. Gaurain Rx 5
13. Poison Dwarves 5
16. VC Aywaille 4
17. Schappy 3
17. Cerro Torre RT 3
17. Neutrogena 3
20. OLcycle 2
20. Bergwerk 2
22.Radler 1
45. Team FL 0
1822: Zauberlehrlinge 0

Hope no mistakes, probably there are... who cares... corrected one and probably made 5 others.

Next race today, Scheldeprijs

Roby the favorite as usual, the fantastic team:

1 S. Berlogea: Early support rider
2 I. Duculescu: Leader nr 2
3 D. Erioli: Support rider
4 O. Feng: Early support rider
5 A. Grillboy: Leader nr 1, barely... the idiot is lazy and only 89 flat now.
6 P. Guggisberg: Joker.
7. X. Nedelcu: Support rider
8. B. Qian: Student, early support rider
9. S. Uzielli: Support rider

The group doesn't look too impressive right now.. few teams I know... many do Pais Vasco, probably others start at 13h.. mmh, so if I don't win it will be because I don't know my opponents!
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Aixteam » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:26 pm

Cat 3 , you can't count it as a classic ! You didn't count GP Induran so you can't count it too :)
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:41 pm

Oh... only cat 3 this year... didn't realize that. Good, less work for me.

http://www.radsportfreaks.com/radsport/ ... Stats=true

Always cat 4... as it should be....

leso, leso... 1.B. in the old cycling4all calendar = cat 4
that's why it should be cat 4 and Indurain cat 3, even though both are 1HC....

Ah well,Roby needs to pay more attention...

Decided to make the classement anyway, just because Leso makes mistakes I don't have to make them too!
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Aixteam » Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:13 pm

Unfair ! You'll win points alone ... Unfair !

But ok , that's the only one you found to win this rank , we can understand you :)
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:21 pm

Well... don't actually think I'll make that many points, but who know...

Pissed off it's not cat4.

RSF hates Belgium!

Scheldeprijs less important then Frankfurt?
Scheldeprijs only as important as Rund um Köln?
Schledeprijs and Tro Bonbons (never get the real name right anyway) are worth the same?
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:43 pm

I´d like to have GP Indurain count aswell. Since Dwars Door Vlaanderen counts as a cat 3 race too..
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:01 pm

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

That's the kind of thing that makes me go off.... re-read the PNs :!:

WHERE DID DWARS count here?????
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:03 pm

Argh! I was sure it counted. Why did not? :mrgreen:
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:11 pm

Smilies won't save you... you are on the black(in purely non-racist way of course) list now.

Dwaars: Cat 3, a normal "quarter classic" if that exists. No reason to put it in "afternoon classics..) Schelde, a downgraded semi-classic, fully deserves to be discussed here.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:14 pm

Then black list, okay.

And yes, I´d also say Schelde is prestigious enough being part of the classement (why no cat 4?). So we have Schelde, Amstel, Wallone, LBL left. Something else to be mentioned?
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:26 pm

Well, I kind of thought of putting Paris Roubaix in as well...
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:55 pm

Seems like I´m somewhere else with my mind. Nevertheless here´s the start-up for Paris-Roubaix:

Image Jan Vermaart 49-86-79-51-67, 83 Pavé
Image Joost Berkefeldt 49-79-69-46-58, 70 Pavé
Image Basil Broucek 73-81-77-50-43, 73 Pavé
Image Manuel Clausen 72-83-63-46-63, 74 Pavé
Image Jaroslav Jendl 58-82-70-46-55, 80 Pavé
Image André Katchono 50-88-58-52-52, 77 Pavé
Image Nicolas LaCroix 55-85-73-53-55, 80 Pavé
Image Ndale Mbeki, 60-78-73-52-56, 71 Pavé
Image Alfons Ulminger 48-74-50-61-57, 68 Pavé
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:48 pm


01. 00:00:00 Randy Fraiter (RoadRacer)
02. 00:00:01 Dace Kaspars (Flinky)
03. 00:00:01 Cornelius VanOoijen (Deuseburger )
04. 00:00:01 Philipp Guggisberg (Robyklebt)
05. 00:00:01 Anton Martin (BikeExtrem)
06. 00:00:01 Maxi Herber (BayernPower)
07. 00:00:01 Adriano Taxa (Scilo)
08. 00:00:01 Hemza Mihoubi (Deuseburger )
09. 00:00:01 Scott Davis (heuberger ac)
10. 00:00:01 Reinhart Fjöllinen (L RSV)

Race comment (long of course) and update tomorrow.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:21 pm

Short race comment: Interesting race, Deuseburger vs Flinky vs Ciclistas, Ciclistas then had to leave, only Flinky vs Deuse. Deuse probably spent to much too early, there was no real need for it even, the nice little group in front was not a big danger. Yes, could become one.. when we were caught still 500 energy. but still... we were caught 30-40 km from the end..(resp. gave up without fighting for the last minute) Then it was almost clear that he would have problems keeping the peloton together... early attack, Flinky reacts.. badly at first, then better ... last sieb not strong, Duculescu strongest pavé still in the peloton (Deuse in front) Philipp stays in.. .then Maris from Flinky comes back, mistake on my part, should ride a few km so he doesn't get back... with him chances to win for PHilipp small. Then road goes... then Martin with Philipp on his wheel.. .grrr, no chance to get Road in front, last km the try from Anthony to get everybody and hope for the sprint, but didn't work, plus as feared Maris was used for the sprint by Flinky... so only 4th.. bah..

01. Teddy Epeho (Aixteam) 19
02. Ignacio Castillo (Los Galacticos) 17
02. Manuel Clausen (Wizard Cyling) 17
04. Didier Dupoing (iBanesto) 16
05. Roy Jones (Onkel-Eddy) 15
06. Thomas Guggisberg (Robyklebt) 11
07. Fabrice Philipot (Celtic Club) 8
07. Randy Fraiter (RoadRacer) 8
07. Arnaud Vervaecke (Quick-Step) 8
07 Marcel Salzgruber (Adler) 8
07. EmilSander Hofland (Demuth) 8
12. Kato Wolfsong (Wizards Cycling) 7
12. Scott Hansen (Team EPO) 7
14. Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto) 6
14. Philipp Guggisberg (Robyklebt) 6
16. Aurelio Quintana (Gaurain Rx) 5
16. Dace Kaspars (Flinky) 5
16. Ulugbek Khashimov (Les Palmiers) 5
19. Humberto OsorioBotello (Poison Dwarves) 5
20. Otton Solis (LosTicos) 4
20. Jacob Fuglsang (VC Aywaille)4
22. Adam Wollfinger (Wizards Cycling) 3
22. Cornelius VanOoijen (Deuseburger ) 3
22. Nero Latrell (Neutrogena) 3
22. Leo Seikkula (Schappy) 3
22. David Silva (Cerro Torre RT) 3
27. Guilhermo DelPozo (OLcycle) 2
27. Adrian Bonilla (LosTicos) 2
27. Panayotis Yammas (Quick-Step) 2
27. Anthony Colby (bergwerk) 2
31. Juan Gorvu (Team Sagunto) 1
31. Pierre Martin (Aixteam) 1
31. Pete Feet (Radler) 1
31. Anton Martin (BikeExtrem)

No change, but Philipp slowly moving up.. very slowly :lol:


01. Wizard Cycling 27
02. iBanesto 22
03. Aixteam 20
04. Los Galacticos 17
04. Robyklebt 17
06. Onkel-Eddy 15
07. Quick-Step 10
08. Celtic Club 8
08. Adler 8
08. RoadRacer 8
08. Demuth 8
12. Team EPO 7
13. Los Ticos 6
14. Les Palmiers 5
14. Gaurain Rx 5
14. Poison Dwarves 5
14. Flinky 5
18. VC Aywaille 4
19. Schappy 3
19. Cerro Torre RT 3
19. Deuseburger 3
19. Neutrogena 3
23. OLcycle 2
23. Bergwerk 2
25.Radler 1
25. BikeExtrem 1
43. Team FL 0
2022: Zauberlehrlinge 0

Next race, Paris-Roubaix obviously

1 S. Berlogea: Start to get tired of this pavé... and Roubaix seems to be even worse.. The race? No chance, just want it to be over, finally fell ok again after Flanders.. and in 2 days the same shit again.
2 I. Duculescu: Rokokeko! Rokokoko!Kokoroko!
3 O. Feng: My role will be the same as usual.. help, help help... Anthony and Iordan this time.
4 A. Grillboy: I'm ready. No, nothing more to say.
5 P. Guggisberg Jo, ender nüt für mi.. hoffe trotzdäm d nummer 3 dsi. wer weiss was di angere wider chüngele... do chönnt sogar i plötzlech chance ha.
6 T. Guggisberg Wer liäber ned a start, aber dr Erioli u dr Wassissi
7 X. Nedelcu: As Philipp said, with the weak ass riding with seen in some of the past races he might even win it... so ok, I'm ok with being nr 4 again..
8 B. Qian: Here to learn, as Flanders.. but don't think it will ever be a race for me, actually, Mr Klebt said I should concentrate more on hills than flat pavé
9 S. Uzielli: Con Grillboy e Iordan abbiamo due buone carte da giocare. come sempre tutto si decidera negli ultimi chilometri, io saro nel gruppetto come sempre...

D. Erioli
W. Machoro
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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gaurain rx
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by gaurain rx » Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:08 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Smilies won't save you... you are on the black(in purely non-racist way of course) list now.

Dwaars: Cat 3, a normal "quarter classic" if that exists. No reason to put it in "afternoon classics..) Schelde, a downgraded semi-classic, fully deserves to be discussed here.
Pfffff... You only say this cause I've won it :-)

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:43 pm

The team landed in Roubaix a few minutes ago.. Utter stupidity of course, bunch of idiots, including Wang Ruihuan who is responsible for that colossal fuck up... Now they have to transfer to Paris by train, with their bikes and everything.. idiots. In case the win escapes me tomorrow we'll know who to blame... Wang Ruihuan for tiring my stars. He probably is being paid by scared adversaries... early suspects are Aix and Wizard, they know they can't beat Grillboy and the rest of the boys in a fair fight! We'll look into it closer, but for the moment Wang Ruihuan is suspended. Or ok, he can keep working but we'll withhold his salary until we managed to figure out what happened exactly.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Aixteam » Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:43 pm

Aix's team !

1. T.Sheringham = 79 pavés
2. A.Marchino = 76 pavés
3. T.Epeho = 73 pavés
4. L.Gautherie = 73 pavés
5. E.Rounnoud = 72 pavés
6. A.Dalcin = 72 pavés
7. M.Tissot = 70 pavés
8. K.Degre = 67 pavés
9. P.Oconnel = 66 pavés

Never had a team so good in pavés . I'm even a little bit surprised .

And I don't answer to the bad accusations of the Chinese team
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:55 am

Okay, let´s face the truth. No one can say no to chinese doping affairs :mrgreen:
Mr. Gamov is involved too, I heard.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:13 am

The headlines:

Anthony Grillboy and Iordan Duculescu arrived in Paris a few minutes ago.

Jan Vermaart nervous, made pipi in his pants.

Bohnenbrecher in the house! The legendary Bohnenbrecher joins the afternoon?

Sandow plans tactical revolution, double attack on km 1!

Aix: Here as a tourist, but doesn't know it.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Aixteam » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:11 am

But do you know that Paris-Roubaix starts in Compiègne ?
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:54 pm

And you get a knowing tourist, too, Cerro also will start at 15 o'clock aproximatly...


Aron Palmarsson
Julen Aguinagalde
Alberto Entrerrios
Ion Belaustegui
Radomir Antic
Vukasin Rajkovic
Natko Zrncic-Dim
Ricard Rubio Vives
Siarhei Harbok

So looking at the pave-skills, we have no 80, so above 75, 7 above 70 and 2 below. Best flat value is 87, only 3 with 85 or above. Alltogether, comparing to the top level, this is the weakest roubaix lineup i ever had. even Brajkovic had been stronger in relation to Hasler in 06. But one thing is equal, again like 06 we have a pure tourism ride today.

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:48 pm

Yep, but don't know how far from Paris Compiègne is.. thought a suburb or something probably...

Knowing Tourist: From the ZC of the 10h race:
Cerro Torre RT: again, the little sector in roubaix decides a race (300 m with very easy paves) this one should have been eliminated from the course
No, that one was taken out by iBan last year, rightly so. The * is:
2 - Hem

Length - 1,400m

This sector is believed to have been first used in 1968 but perhaps as early as the 1950s. A winding section rising from 25m to 30m. Always swept by wind. In 2004, Johan Museeuw suffered a puncture on this stretch, which cost him the chance to contest the sprint for a record-equalling fourth victory.[32]

Cobbles rated *. Fairly good state, sometimes separated, but the riders take the two strips of tar, even if they are pitted by holes that cause frequent punctures
Wikipedia the source..
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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