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Team Erkrath RS

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:39 pm
by kielgy
The current Riders of the Team Erkrath RS:

1. Aaron Alvarado - 49 85 50 46 55
2. Aaron Brincat - 61 81 75 48 47
3. Alberto Gimenez - 48 77 66 48 82
4. Constantin Draghici - 58 84 79 53 47
5. Fons Baas - 63 79 72 54 54
6. Hector Lopez Image - 65 82 74 60 60
7. Jörg Naumann - 47 80 72 47 44
8. Liam Ruchaud - 50 85 50 50 59
9. Luuk vanKekkerstan - 52 87 70 49 57
10. Maurizio Olcese - 50 79 81 47 46
11. Morton Hillininen - 49 60 51 53 89
12. Vasile Stinga Image - 76 80 80 50 58
13. Leonardo Merzagora - 85 56 80 49 59

Re: Team Erkrath RS

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:51 pm
by kielgy
Stinga wins in Race Nr 1.000 of Team Erkrath RS!

Nice... :-) Two attacks, the right moments, the right group, riding all the way... the right wheel in the sprint at the end... Nice Victory of Vasile Stinga, romanian Champion!

Re: Team Erkrath RS

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:56 pm
by Luna
Congratulations on the 1000th!

Re: Team Erkrath RS

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:31 am
by kielgy
Thx :-)

Re: Team Erkrath RS

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:14 pm
by kielgy
Back to Div 1?

The Team Erkrath is back! Yeah, we want this sence come true tonight. Currently 10th place in second division, nine points in leading on Team Lumbi!

"Hey Lumbi, you don t need to ride today!!!"

March was a good month for Erkrath. Four Victorys, nice and suspensfull races! But not succsesfull in that important ones. We want to change this for April!
Last race in March was a victory for Traian Vanko, probably his last one. He ll become 34 tonight, and we ll have a big Party. And what moment could be better to retire, than as a winner! At all, 140th victory for our Team in 1019 races.

We are still looking for climber in the Team. Or just a new successor for Vanko and Stinga. Baas and Brincat are still young and they still need time and Training!

We ll see, what the new Transfermarket this night will show us to buy :-) 8-)