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RC Matrosen OttaKring

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:09 am
by captain ahab
snap back to reality!
Uh! ...there goes gravity!
(Marshall Bruce Mathers III)

matrosen finally arrived on new planet rsf...

we are a poor pannonian-irish team ,only eating potatoes and fish,drinking lots of everything,stricktly anti-doping(according to louison bobet) and still liking loud music & hating the eagels(according to the dude)...
mothership of aaron blau and some of the finest irish riders evrer here on rsf(brendan,seamus-pavegod-elliot,tom,cosmo-bestfuckinprenameever-riordan,jason,wonderboi,kevin r,maines & hassan familes an the rest...cheers!)

we are not the worst rsf-team here,but we could have done better,our manager is a little bit clumsy at times...and he is old-but let's not talk about that...
right now,riding for the matrosen cycling team:

Garth Wilkings,30,south african-invictus(just check out his actual skills and what he has done in the last 5 weeks...most favorite buy-in ever...!)
Benjamin Maines,24,irish,young sprinter
Ronnie Drew,31,irish,cobbelstoner
Quentin Bird,30,irish,would deserve it last...last man standing...whatever...muchos apriciatos!
Benjamin Bode,29,german,...yep,there was at many times a kraut in our team-like holger k-never forget!-we like krauts,good workers at know ;-)
Tristan Doherty,22,irish,he will get it!...somthing,sometimes...probably one year too young for that race though...
Randy Burns,28,irish,randy is name,randy is his game...
Jake Burns,30,irish,stifflittlefinga
Chris Leary,26,irish,downhillcobblestoner

..and that is it...just 9 :(

donations welcome, and postings in bad english as well...


who cares ?
c'mon everybody !
(Ray Edward Cochrane)

Re: RC Matrosen OttaKring

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:28 am
by captain ahab
shit happens,matrosen will be relegated again to div 4(unless some miracle is going to happen in the next 48 hours...)

we are sausage,and we know we are... :(

Re: RC Matrosen OttaKring

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:04 am
by captain ahab
ole,ole,ole- so feiert feld 2 paris-rubä!!!

free beer in the matrosen tent! ganze nacht! la boum boum!

ronnie drew-we luv u !


Re: RC Matrosen OttaKring

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:36 pm
by captain ahab
rumor has it,that the matrosen team will take part in a grand tour for the very first time since they did enter the wonderful world of rsf-according to a unidentified spokesperson of the team,the chances to start at the giro are at least 80%...

meanwhile there where also some massive personal changes in the team line up...

ronnie drew,the winner of paris-roubaix(field2),has left the team...with 33 years he thinks it is better for his health to spent more time in shady cocktail-bars than hammering down those cobblestone roads-we whish him the best of luck-cheers ronnie!

more suprisingly came the sudden departure of quentin bird(32) this morning,the reasons for this are still in the dark...that his dislike of pasta,pizza and prosecco has something to do with his leaving the team at this time and day has not been confirmed yet...

benjamin bode left the team already a week ago,allegedly he was sick of hearing bad jokes about germans all the time...

new team members are olaf björgvinson(25,isl,59-79),declan grimes(30,irl,63-81) and reto schneuwly(26,sui,62-83,82pave)...

building a team around garth wilkins??? we will see if this will make any sense at all ....:roll:

Re: RC Matrosen OttaKring

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 1:35 am
by captain ahab
well,it looks like building a team around garth wilkins can make some sense,sometimes at least :D

with the help of a great team,the not-so-young south african was able to land his 5th victory in his career at the giro di toscana in the sausage-group...espaecially the two noobies in the team,declan grimes and reto schneuwly were essential for this victory,since they were able to keep the flat-sprinters away after the peloton was split into two groups of about 30 riders after the one big hill of the race...
declan even managed to get into an 6 piece break-away 6 kms before the finishing line,but with many teams working together on that last kms,the group got caught on the final km...the following sprint was an easy game for garth wilkins,the other sprinters could match themselves for place 31 some 9 seconds after the top-group...

cheers garth wikins,no other rider in the matrosen-history was able to win more single races!

Re: RC Matrosen OttaKring

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:05 am
by captain ahab
one week of giro di italia/divisione salsiccia, and we are quite happy...

ok,garth wilkins could't score so far and we made a little financial minus(and we havn't had any real mountains yet...) but reto schneuwly could win the prestigious(and highly discussed) stage up to the montalcino...once it was out,that the last climb will have some cobblestones in the world of rsf,it was clear for us,that we wanted to win that stage...
thanks to a passive field at the first two unpaved hills and very passionate performances of dave wooderson and declan grimes on the first kms on the pave,where the peloten was thinned out on every km until a small group of about 20 riders remained, it was an easy thing for the "swiss sailor" to attack about 12 kms before the finishing line,with no rider even trying to follow the end he won 39 sec before thorsten braft(team bratebecker)

and already the next day,reto was hyperactive again and attacked on km1 together with olafur björgvinsson,both beeing part of a then five piece group that arrived with almost 18 minutes advantage(thanks again to a passive and disunited peloton) at the foot of the terminillo,the final climb of the day(kat1) the end reto finished 3rd,beaten only by fellow escapists peter vankemske(francais) and bernd grube( team velde) who came in 2:19 before the swiss...the best climber of the field,retho botha(eviam-sport),came in some 1:40 after reto schneuwly at 4th

today we took it easy,garth was second in the sprint of the peloton,wich let him end up at the 5th place of todays stage...