Team FL

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team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:08 am

Ever year in October...

...Team FL seems to win a national championship. One national championship? No, three this time! Count in Algeria, Barbados and Bulgaria

The Liechtenstein NC is still the most won by Team FL, even three times by one rider, Stefan "King" Küng, the 4th but first ever by Lorenz Dürr. The others have been until yesterday: Czech Republic and Serbia by Jan Flachbart and Elvis Bogdanic. Fun fact: All but two NCs were won in October and so it happened this year too. Hassan Dif for Algeria, Elwyn Oxley for Barbados and Valentin Bratoev for Bulgaria won their NCs. It was the first time that more than one rider could win a National Championship at one date. In the end, all three were lucky shots as all three were the only active contestants. It also looked good for Carlos Tejeda in Venezuela until Auxilium Torino decided that he won't give up his winning streak in their NC just yet. Finally, the Team FL management is very happy to see so many of its own riders in the jersey of a national champion.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:30 pm

Lakhdar demands doping controls!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:41 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Lakhdar demands doping controls!
Interestingly, Dif hung on Lakhdar. But when he saw that Lakhdar was not interested - he seemed to be occupied with something in his donkey ears -, Hassan decided to attack himself. No comment about illegal substance shere besides a bit of increased patriotism.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:00 pm

Is he even Algerian? No Algerian would hang on Lakhdar, they all know they can't follow him!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:14 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Is he even Algerian? No Algerian would hang on Lakhdar, they all know they can't follow him!
Clearly a mistake of youthfull cockiness/overconfidence.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:55 pm

Is it Christmas already?

Only three days of sleeping left until Christmas. Very surprisingly Team FL has been collecting presents already during the December Tour as well as in todays one-day race.

Team FL seems to be in Christmas mood already. Or wait.. that means giving, not taking. Got that wrong. Dammit. So maybe the other teams are in Christmas mood, or C4F in general, who knows. Besides the discussion about religious traditions and their meanings, the Liechtenstein cycling team is happy about the current outcome of races and esp. with the results during the December Tour 2015. And of course that all riders got back alive from Mexico. So what's the reason for all this fuss you ask? Well, it's the race wins of course! Simon twice, Tejeda, Oxley and and Ospelt collected 5 stage wins while Perry Henzell added a one-day-race win jus today. Looks like 2015 will be finished in style and will be a good sign for 2016, hopefully. Another nice byproduct is the shitload of money the team is swimming in now.

Hugo Marxer has already ordered a money bin incl. a spring board. You know, the one from the comics. Ducktales. So the question is what Team FL should do with that money. Keep Hugo Marxer busy with it or invest it for future 2016 winners for the team? Currently, the team scouts are watching the youth transfer market and have already found some possible prospects. Maybe that will be the real Christmas present? We will see...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:39 pm

Team FL Rückblick 2015

As every year, Team FL presents a review of the past cycling year, as usual in German. At the end of the review you can see the nominations for the Team FL rider of the year. So go and vote for your favourite (or nominate even another rider?). The Team FL management also welcomes Iwan Franko and Amartya Sen, who both have been new in the roster since 1 January 2016.


Ohne grosse Umschweife lässt sich festhalten, dass der Start ins Jahr 2015 als phänomenal zu bezeichnen war. Die Gründe dafür werden nun aufgezählt:

Traditionell startete das Team FL ernsthaft zum Jahresanfang an der Tour des Pavés. Traditionell – kann man mittlerweile sagen – war auch das Resultat, nämlich sehr erfreulich. Neben einem Etappensieg konnte Fran Peterlin das Punktetrikot mit nach Hause nehmen. Darüber hinaus gewann Royston Lightning die Jungfahrerwertung, aber das i-Tüpfelchen war der Rundfahrtsieg durch Valentin Bratoev.

In diesem Stil ging es bei der Tour Down Under weiter. Paul Betancourt gewann das Gesamtklassement und völlig überraschend Alain Yoda das Bergfahrerklassement. Da war wohl die Macht mit ihm. Zusätzlich überzeugte das ganze Team und so konnte auch noch die Mannschaftswertung abgestaubt werden. Weitere Highlights waren die Qatar Rundfahrt und die Tour du Haut Var, wo es einen Etappensiege bzw ein Podiumsplatz im Gesammtklassment zu bestaunen gab.


Verheissungsvoll ging es weiter zum Start des Klassikerfrühlings 2015. So feierten die Fahrer um Fran Peterlin dessen Etappensiege bei der Classique Loire Atlantique und Dwars door Vlanderen. Leider war’s das auch schon an gewichtigen Siegen im März und April. Bei den Klassikern und Monumenten können die Resultate durchwegs als unglücklich bezeichnet werden. So gab es massenweise Podiumsplätze, insbesondere durch Fran Peterlin, oder das Team schaffte es nicht, den eigenen Fahrer in eine Siegposition zu bringen, wie bspw. bei MSR. Immerhin verteidigte Phineas Federspiel seinen Sieg aus dem Vorjahr beim Scheldeprijs und Royston Lightning gewann Tro Bro Leon, da PR leider aus logistischen Gründen erst nicht gefahren werden konnte.

Il Giro

Als Girovorbereitung gönnte sich das Team FL die Tour de Romandie und das erfolgreich. Fran Peterlin gewann sowohl die Gesamtwertung als auch das Punkteklassement. Es deutete sich schon an, was im Giro 2015 folgen sollte. Und das war einiges. Fran Peterlin und Eric Lichtenstein feierten in Italien gemeinsam sechs und jeweils drei Etappensiege. Wie bereits Stefano Benni gewann auch Fran Peterlin das Punkteklassement und platzierte sich auf dem dritten Schlussrang und somit auf dem Podium der Gesamtwertung.

Le Tour

Der Sommer war sehr ruhig für das Team FL. Im Gegensatz zum Giro liess das Liechtensteiner Radsportteam die Tour aus. Auch das Parallelprogramm wurde nicht genutzt, um das Palmares zu vergrössern. Die gefahrenen Rennen beschränkten sich folglich jeweils auch auf eine einstellige Anzahl im Juni und Juli. Erst im August ging es wieder ernsthafter weiter.


Wie der Frühler war auch der Klassikerherbst 2015 war vor allem durch Podiumsplatzierungen geprägt. Fran Peterlin verabschiedete sich von seiner aktiven Karriere mit einem 3. Platz bei San Sebastian und Jungsprinter Perry Henzell führte sich mit einem 2. Platz beim GP Fourmies ein. Dennoch gab es Siege zu bejubeln, nämlich die von Elwyn Oxley beim GP Hamburg und von Eric Lichtenstein in Québec. Bei den Halbklassikern klappte es sogar noch besser. So gewann das Team FL auch noch den GP Prato, Piemonte, das Memorial VDB und Bourges.

Zum Abschluss des regulären Programms 2015 gewannen gleich drei Fahrer ihre Nationalen Meisterschaften: Elwyn Oxley in Barbados, Valentin Bratoev in Bulgarien und Hassan Dif in Algerien (allerdings gegen Protest von Lakhdar Gaouaoui).


In der zweiten Jahreshälfte bestritt das Team FL praktisch keine Rundfahrten und hob sich damit ein kleines Highlight für den Dezember auf, nämlich die Dezembertour, dieses Jahr in Nordmexiko. Und was für ein Highlight. Neben fünf Etappensiegen von vier verschiedenen Fahrern platzierten sich die Hugo Marxers Schützlinge in praktisch allen Wertungen in den vorderen Regionen. Und fast endete das Jahr 2015 noch mit einem Sieg, wenn da nicht noch ein weiteres Rennen gewesen wäre. Aber gefühlt passt das schon.

Ausblick für 2016

Für 2016 hat das Team FL vor allem zwei Leader: Carlos Lampe für den Giro und Perry Henzell für… nun… für… ähm… Sprint? Ja, Sprints. Evtl. auch beim Giro. Der Rest des Teams darf mitnehmen was liegen bleibt, wenn möglich so ab Kat. 4, zum Beispiel Tasher, Franko im Frühling auf Pavé und die Klassikerfahrertruppe halt das hügelige Zeugs. LBL fehlt schliesslich immer noch im Palmares… Elwyn Oxley hat ja bereits bewiesen, dass er Klassiker kann.

2015 in Zahlen

Rennen: 190 (~15.83 Rennen/Monat)

Punkte: 35’524 (~187.0 Punkte/Rennen)

Etappensiege (48):
14 – Fran Peterlin
6 – Eric Lichtenstein
5 – Phineas Federspiel
4 – Royston Lightning
4 – Carlos Tejeda
4 – Robertlandy Simon
3 – Elwyn Oxley
3 – Perry Henzell
1 – Harrison Tasher
1 – Otto Ospelt
1 – Hassan Dif
1 – Valentin Bratoev
1 – Paul Betancourt

Klassikersiege (3):
1 – Elwyn Oxley (Hamburg)
1 – Eric Lichtenstein (Quebec)
1 – Phineas Federspiel (Scheldeprijs)

Rundfahrten (3):
1 – Fran Peterlin (Romandie)
1 – Paul Betancourt (Down Under)
1 – Valentin Bratoev (Tour des Pavés)

Punktewertung (3):
3 – Fran Peterlin (Giro, Romandie, Tour des Pavés)

Bergwertung (1):
1 – Alain Yoda (Down Under)

Jungfahrerwertung (1):
1 – Royston Lightning (Tour des Pavés)

Mannschaftswertung (1):
1 – Down Under

Team FL rider of the year 2015 (nominations):

1.) Phineas Federspiel
5 Stage wins
Won Scheldeprijs the second time

2.) Fran Peterlin
14 Stage wins (3 Giro wins, DdV)
Podium at RvV, LBL and San Sebastian
GC at Romandie, GC Podium at the Giro
PC at Giro, Romandie and TdP

3.) Eric Lichtenstein
6 Stage wins (3 at the Giro)
Won Quebec, Podium at GW

4.) The helpers
4 Stage wins for Tejeda and Simon
GC at TDU for Betancourt (who was responsible for many Peterlin wins)
Yoda with mountain classement at TDU,
team classement at TDU

Who was the best rider in 2015? Vote for your favorite here! Winner will be announced at the end of January 2016…
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:51 am

No pavé team? No problem.

As usual, Team FL attended the Tour des Pavés in January. Although not having a real pavé team at the start, Harrison Tasher could win a stage and the general classement

So yes, the attendance was not very good. Well, it was pretty bad actually. Only three teams rode the Tour des Pavés at 10h. Which is sad. Anyway, Team FLs co-attendants were Mosca Cicli Italia and SV Furpach. Both with nice teams, Mosca going for his classic rider Cameron Phelan and SV Furpach with the pavé duo Help and Malampa, while the Liechtenstein cycling team mainly brought Harrison Tasher. Due to the profiles, this was not a huge disadvantage tougth. The first stage was perfect for Iwan Franko, but Hugo Marxer must have been distracted in the sprint, otherwise, the result is not explainable. During stage two, the first GC action took place, but in the end, ist was Phelan going for the win and the yellow jersey. Next stage was won by Sid Help, taking over the yellow from Phelan but having now Tasher in his back. The latter then took over at the weekend when winning stage four and defending the GC lead in the last stage on Sunday. Even better, Team FL could win the team classement additionally. But because of only three teams, this all neither gave lots of points nor lots of money. Still, the team management is happy so far and is looking forward to the Tour Down Under.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:43 am

Team Down Under

For the second time in a row, Team FL wins the team classement at the Tour Down Under. Besides that, Perry Henzell could win the bunch sprint in the final stage.

Looking at the success from 2015, Team FL started with high expectations at stage 1 of the Tour Down Under 2016. With Lampe leading the GC squad and Henzell with his sprint pack, the Liechtenstein cycling team was well prepared for high temperatures and lots of fun. However, the results didn't turn out that well, although Perry Henzell won the final stage in a bunch sprint. Lampe was not able to get a top 5 GC placement and so Hassan Dif had to help out. And in cases where the Team FL riders could dominate the opponents, like Elwyn Oxley, there were still riders from an early group in front, as usual. Anyway, all in all it wasn't that bad and the team is still pretty young. Hence, this can be labelled as gaining experience for the real goals 2016, the classics and the Giro. And as far as the team management sees it, the team is still on track.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:24 pm

The sun shines for FL

After quite a quiet February so far, Team FL had a pretty nice Ruta del Sol with Elwyn Oxley winning green and Carlos Lampe winning white while Dif won a stage.

Still young Carlos Lampe had not many ambitions for this year's Rute del Sol but going for the youth classement. As there was only won opponent worth calling him that, his success might be not the most outstanding effort in his carrer. But then again, it counts. Same has to be said about the points classement win by Elwyn Oxley. Anyway, the most exiting thing for Team FL might habe been Hassan Dif's stage win, a huge burst for his self-confidence after an awful result at the National Championships. So the Liechtenstein cycling team still seems to know how to ride stage races, which is a good sign looking forward to the Giro. But first things first, the next goal will be a one day race, the many times won Omloop het Nieuwsblaad and then in March MSR of course. So the sun keeps on shining for Team FL, although the team management doesn't know yet who exactly it will shine for at the upcoming races. But there something intruiging about surprised, esp. if they are positive.

Fran Peterlin Team FL rider of the year 2015

In the meantime, the poll for the Team FL rider of the year 2015 has been finished and with a tremendous lead, Fran Peterlin won by far. The croatian allrounder has won almost everything for Team FL, despite a classic race. So this will be the main reason why he will be only shortly shy of having the No. 1 all time spot, which will still be occupied by Stefano Benni, the MSR and Lombardia winner.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:17 am

First Classic, first win!

Today it began: The spring classics season 2016, with Omloop Het Nieuwsblaad. And guess what? Iwan Franko won it.

Against very active opponents, Team FL controlled Omloop Het Nieuwsblaad almost from the beginnig against a small early escape group, but certainly from the first pavé km when Zwiebach siebed half of the peloton. From this point, Robertlandy Simon dictated the pace in it and kept valuable helpers from other teams away for around 30 km when he took a break himself and settled down again. During the final 50 km, Team FL cooperated very well with Team Hunsrueck as both teams looked forward to a sprint for Iwan Franko and Jesper Jebjerg. Slowly but surely decimating the main group, the two teams had enough power to counter all attacks from their opponents. In the end, Iwan Franko was the one that had the most power left and one the sprint for his first classic win and his first race win ever at the age of only 22. His victory also meant classic win No. 26 and Omloop win No. 4 for Team FL, after the Omloop hattrick in 2010, 2011 and 2012 (Nederlof, Garrido, Küng).
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:35 am

Breytenbach March(es) on

With his 26 years, Breyten Breytenbach, the riding alliteration and pun machine, decides that he wants to win. And he does, twice in March so far.

March has started well for Team FL. And the team management hopes that this will continue and maybe end with another classic win after Omloop in February, with MSR as the biggest possible reward of course. Anyway, also cat. 3 race wins are celebrated in Liechtenstein, which means the team had a nice Saturday night. Breyten Breytenbach was in the center of attention as he was responsible for the festivities with his win at Monte Paschi. It was his second career win and his second one in March. Both victories have been achieved in the same style with long distance escapes. In both cases, none of the favourites left in the main group felt responsible to respond with action or did it too late. So, the team is happy that Breytenbach seems to be ready for more challenging tasks, first at Tirenno-Adriatico that will be ridding for the first time by Team FL most likely and second in the second half of March at the classic races.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:55 am

Tirreview of the Adriaticompetition from Camaiore to San Benedetto del Tronto

For the first time ever, Team FL participated in the sprint tour Tirreno-Adriatico. Result were the points classement, a top5 GC placement and three stage wins

Traditionally, Team FL is riding in France during this time, in the stage race Paris-Nice, if Team FL is riding a stage race during this time anyway. Great memories pop up when the team management thinks about Wesley Lichtenkiesels mountain jersey for example or Gaudenz Taverna's furious appearance in the time trial in 2012. But also former Team FL sprinters like Cédric Schmarotz and Lorenz Dürr showed their skills there. Well, this year, the Team FL riders couldn't show off their attributes in France, but had to in Italy, at Tirreno-Adriatico, for the first time ever. And to anticipate the result already, it was good PR for the team. Besides the time trials, one team and one individual, on each stage there was a Team FL rider on podium. Three times, they were on top, while "they" means once Breyten Breytenbach (stage 2) and two times Elwyn Oxley (stage 4 and 6). Young climber Carlos Lampe came very close to a stage win with his second place on stage 5, only behind later GC winner Paquito Ortiz. And on stage three, Elwyn Oxley got third. Even better, the Barbadian Ox gathered enough points with his good results to win the points classement, while Lampe missed the win of the youth classement only by 9 seconds and finished with a top5 GC placements. Not the team management hopes that these results are a good sign for the upcoming classic races, esp. the monuments, as well as the Giro, where Team FL plans to start, traditionally.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:36 am

Megaranto shines at De Panne

One stage win, two and a half days in yellow and winning the youth classement: Megaranto shows signs of Greatness at the Three Days of De Panne.

This year's De Panne was not very selective, so Team FL started with Franko as the GC-leader and Henzell as the stage hunter in bunch sprints. But it turned out a bit different than exptected. While Franko and Tasher build a great duo during stage 1 and kept up with all main favourites, Megaranto surprised everybody with an early escape and the resulting stage win out of a two man group in the end. The stage win also made him wear the yellow GC-leader jersey and also leading in the points and youth classement. Unfortunately, it was pretty clear that he would lose two of these leading positions until the end of the tour. Anyway, he defended his lead in the youth classement until the end of the final ITT and finished 8th in GC, while Franko made a precision landing in the top10. Only Henzell was a bit dissapointed with having no chance in two the bunch sprints of the tour. Anyway, this result has been a nice compensation for having not been able to ride Harelbeke and GW. Now, the team focuses on the classic races in April, esp. RVV, PR and LBL. And the team management is also happy to welcome two new riders, Anselmo Grau from Uruguay and Tony Woodcock from New Zealand.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:46 am

Iwan the Terrible wins the Tour of Flanders!

Iwan Franko won RVV! He's the second FL rider next to Jens Scholz who has ever won the Belgium monument. After Omloop, it's his second classic win already.

Contrary to Omloop, the weather at RVV was very nice for cycling. So all Team FL riders were already in a hopefull mood at the start. Right after that, an early group went with two CircleCycle riders and one ONCE-Team rider. For the first 100km, the race was rather slow and when it started pacing up, it were mainly Team FL and Chartreuse Monks to dictate the pace in the peloton for Franko and Panckoucke. And so the race went on, without much change besides some siebing and controlling the gap to the three riders in front. To call it by the name: The race was a bit boring. Nobody really tried something, as some seemed to be deluded by the gap to the front group. Of course, the race got harder later on, some others tried to sieb more riders, but in the end, it was a sprint of a 30 rider group were Franko was the lucky bastard with the right rider in his wheel (a bad sprinter so to say). Anyway, it was a great team effort and so all FL riders celebrated a lot. For Iwan "the Terrible" Franko, it was the second classic win already, after his Omloop victory. Who knows, maybe he does the Federspiel and defends his titles next year, as he's still only 24 years old...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:58 am

La Doyenne! Finally!

All monuments, the big five, all won now by Team FL, as Breyten Breytenbach was victorious in this year's Edition of Lüttich-Bastogne-Lüttich.

MSR, RVV, PR, Lombardia. All of These four monuments have already been won by Team FL. The only one missing was (!) Lüttich-Bastogne-Lüttich, LBL, La Doyenne. And now, what Benni and Peterlin missed by one rider only in 2013 and 2015 in, Breyten Breytenbach did 2016: He won it! And he won it in style. After a first group of escapers tried their luck, Breytenbach and Oxley attacked at km 189, around 65 km before the finish line, when the favourites were distracted by Chartreuse Monks and Idéfix. Inspired by the two FL riders, more teams decided to attack, esp. from Chartreuse Monks and Team Trojer Velau. The latter team was still a thorn in Team FL's side, as Augustin Falterhoecker stole Fran Peterlins win in 2015. Anyway, Breytenbach and Oxley, together with their co-attackers Fredrick Riseth from Team Obk and Lilian Brider from pontepiscopiens decided not to wait and try their lock on their own. On the way, Breytenbach and Riseth lost Brider who wasn't able to keep up the pace in the climbs. In the end, although the race got a bit chaotic, the dynamic duo safed their lead until the last km, where "BreyBrey" could outsprint his fellow Opponent on the last 150m. The rest is history. So, Team FL has the full collection now: The big five, the cycling monuments. And this LBL win was the final piece. I guess it's time for a list:

Team FL Monument wins:

- MSR: 2008 (Harald Mühlenberg), 2013 (Stefano Benni)
- RVV: 2010 (Jens Scholz), 2016 (Iwan Franko)
- PR: 2011 (Gilles Braas), 2013 (Kari Steinsson)
- LBL: 2016 (Breyten Breytenbach)
- Lombardia: 2012 (Stefano Benni)

If you're interested in more Team FL statistics, have a look here
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

Posts: 52
Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:39 pm

Re: Team FL

Post by Obk » Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:27 am

Pretty nice win yesterday, congratulations! Well deserved as you initiated the attack. Had a lot of fun in this race even though Riseth lost it in the end! :)

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:45 am

2 Monuments this season is outstanding too
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

team fl
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Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:43 am

Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon May 02, 2016 11:16 am

This is Sparta!

Well, not exactly, were more like FL, a small Country that hides behind mountains and wants to do shady stuff while being left alone from Germany, or other curious organisations that have "tax" somewhere written in their official documents. Anyway, Team FL reached 300 (!) race wins when Carlos Tejeda won the Grand Prix de la Mouldre last Friday. So to honour that, here is the list of stage winners that added to that number (riders with an * behind their name are still active, NC = National Champion, WC = World Champion, funnily, it doesn't add up...):

Stage Wins (300):

25 - Image Fran Peterlin
21 - Image Stefano Benni
18 - Image Phineas Federspiel
13 - Image Cédric Schmarotz
12 - Image Jean OlléOllé
10 - Image Gaudenz Taverna
10 - Image Xaver Unsinn
8 - Image Stefan Küng (3x NC)
8 - Image Joe Friesenbichler
7 - Image Harald Mühlenberg
7 - Image Lorenz Dürr (U23 WC, NC)
7 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo
7 - Image Ryan Kilfeather
6 - Image Eric Lichtenstein
6 - Image Elwyn Oxley* (NC)
6 - Image Perry Henzell*
5 - Image Pedro Garrido
5 - Image Severino Nicolosi
5 - Image Kari Steinsson
5 - Image Martti Rosenblatt
5 - Image Carlos Tejeda*
4 - Image Steve Hasler
4 - Image Gilles Braas
4 - Image Roy Lichtenstein
4 - Image Jan Flachbart (NC)
4 - Image Royston Lighting
4 - Image Robertlandy Simon*
4 - Image Breyten Breytenbach*
3 - Image Andrea Clavadetscher
3 - Image Sylvain Boss
3 - Image Louis Thuilliez
3 - Image Raffael Kämpfer
3 - Image Keyser Söze
3 - Image Alex Goop
3 - Image Guus Nederlof
3 - Image Victor Fargas
3 - Image Eddie Sixpence
3 - Image Ariel Weisman
2 - Image Roger Schnitzer
2 - Image Jens Scholz
2 - Image Frantz Granvorka
2 - Image Toni Hassler
2 - Image Nathaniel Biedermann
2 - Image Janis Smedins
2 - Image Wilhelm Wahlforss
2 - Image Paul Betancourt
2 - Image Valentin Bratoev (NC)
2 - Image Harrison Tasher*
2 - ImageHassan Dif*
2 - Image Iwan Franko*
1 - Image Josef Fichtl
1 - Image Knut Bakke
1 - Image Bill Schneider
1 - Image Ewald Wolf
1 - Image Dimitri Jiriakov
1 - Image Elmar Goop
1 - Image Zak McKracken
1 - Image Tommy Zech
1 - Image Larry Erkisson
1 - Image Steve Becker
1 - Image Hannes Büchel
1 - Image Chuck Bass
1 - Image Hugo Marxer
1 - Image Wesley Lichtenkiesel
1 - Image Tim Hamberger
1 - Image Harry Hole
1 - Image Tomasz Kowalski
1 - Image Lars Hirschfeld
1 - Image Alain Yoda
1 - Image Elvis Bodganic (NC)
1 - Image Desideriu Vatca
1 - Image Otto Ospelt*
1 - Image Bambang Megaranto*
Last edited by team fl on Mon May 02, 2016 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

Posts: 495
Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:18 pm

Re: Team FL

Post by Chense » Mon May 02, 2016 1:09 pm

This cheater has two oxleys in his team!!! BUGUSING!!! FINE HIM! Burn the witch! :D

team fl
Posts: 5043
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:43 am

Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon May 02, 2016 2:34 pm

Chense wrote:This cheater has two oxleys in his team!!! BUGUSING!!! FINE HIM! Burn the witch! :D
That would explain the difference in total race wins and adding up the riders' race wins :geek: 8-)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

Posts: 495
Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:18 pm

Re: Team FL

Post by Chense » Mon May 02, 2016 7:44 pm

Even more reason to ban this guy! He is cheating at statistics!!! :D This is worse then using his mad BreyBrey to take Revenge on the Falterhöckerstyle!

Posts: 2504
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:33 pm

Re: Team FL

Post by Allagen » Wed May 04, 2016 12:43 pm

Glückwunsch zum 300. Sieg! Klasse Leistung! Wobei, wenn ich mir die ganzen Ex-RVA Fahrer anschaue, dann ist es ja kein Wunder, dass du so erfolgreich warst.
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

team fl
Posts: 5043
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:43 am

Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:10 am

Team FL ne vait pas attender le Tour

It was a hard decision, but Team FL will not attend the Tour de France. After Long debates and nightlong discussions also Hugo Marxer has been convinced that riding it would not make much sense.

While Team FL was pretty succesful at the Giro with 4th place in GC (Lampe), winning the Points classement and two stages (Oxley), the Liechtenstein cycling team will not ride the Tour de France. Due to Problems with the time management, decision swung in the direction of smaller tours and one-day races, like Luxembourg at the beginning of june, where Lampe won the GC. Anyway, although the team Management is not happy about missing the Tour, it seems to be the right move in the current situation.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
Posts: 5043
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:43 am

Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:41 pm

10 years Team FL in RSF/C4F (on 3rd August) and 2'000 races reached today

What a crazy thing to spend your time with... And because it is, here the statistics of said 2'000 races (see also post 1 of this thread):
Team Statistics:

Stage Wins (312):

25 - Image Fran Peterlin
21 - Image Stefano Benni
18 - Image Phineas Federspiel
13 - Image Cédric Schmarotz
12 - Image Jean OlléOllé
10 - Image Gaudenz Taverna
10 - Image Xaver Unsinn
8 - Image Stefan Küng (3x NC)
8 - Image Joe Friesenbichler
8 - Image Elwyn Oxley* (NC)
8 - Image Perry Henzell*
7 - Image Harald Mühlenberg
7 - Image Lorenz Dürr (U23 WC, NC)
7 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo
7 - Image Ryan Kilfeather
6 - Image Eric Lichtenstein
5 - Image Pedro Garrido
5 - Image Severino Nicolosi
5 - Image Kari Steinsson
5 - Image Martti Rosenblatt
5 - Image Carlos Tejeda
5 - Image Breyten Breytenbach*
5 - Image Carlos Lampe*
4 - Image Steve Hasler
4 - Image Gilles Braas
4 - Image Roy Lichtenstein
4 - Image Jan Flachbart (NC)
4 - Image Royston Lighting
4 - Image Robertlandy Simon
4 - Image Harrison Tasher* (NC)
3 - Image Andrea Clavadetscher
3 - Image Sylvain Boss
3 - Image Louis Thuilliez
3 - Image Raffael Kämpfer
3 - Image Keyser Söze
3 - Image Alex Goop
3 - Image Guus Nederlof
3 - Image Victor Fargas
3 - Image Eddie Sixpence
3 - Image Ariel Weisman
2 - Image Roger Schnitzer
2 - Image Jens Scholz
2 - Image Frantz Granvorka
2 - Image Toni Hassler
2 - Image Nathaniel Biedermann
2 - Image Janis Smedins
2 - Image Wilhelm Wahlforss
2 - Image Paul Betancourt
2 - Image Valentin Bratoev (NC)
2 - ImageHassan Dif*
2 - Image Iwan Franko*
2 - Image Otto Ospelt*
1 - Image Josef Fichtl
1 - Image Knut Bakke
1 - Image Bill Schneider
1 - Image Ewald Wolf
1 - Image Dimitri Jiriakov
1 - Image Elmar Goop
1 - Image Zak McKracken
1 - Image Tommy Zech
1 - Image Larry Erkisson
1 - Image Steve Becker
1 - Image Hannes Büchel
1 - Image Chuck Bass
1 - Image Hugo Marxer
1 - Image Wesley Lichtenkiesel
1 - Image Tim Hamberger
1 - Image Harry Hole
1 - Image Tomasz Kowalski
1 - Image Lars Hirschfeld
1 - Image Alain Yoda
1 - Image Elvis Bodganic (NC)
1 - Image Desideriu Vatca
1 - Image Bambang Megaranto*

Classic Wins (28):

3 - Image Phineas Federspiel (Gent-Wevelgem'14, Scheldeprijs'14 + '15)
2 - Image Harald Mühlenberg (Züri-Metzgete'07, MSR'08 )
2 - Image Pedro Garrido (Omloop'11, Gent-Wevelgem'11)
2 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo (Flèche'11, Tre Valli'11)
2 - Image Stefano Benni (Lombardia'12, MSR'13)
2 - Image Kari Steinsson (Scheldeprijs'13, P-R'13)
2 - Image Iwan Franko* (Omloop'16, RVV'16)
1 - Image Andrea Clavadetscher (Lazio'08 )
1 - Image Roger Schnitzer (Scheldeprijs'09)
1 - Image Keyser Söze (Tre Valli'09)
1 - Image Guus Nederlof (Omloop'10)
1 - Image Jens Scholz (Flandern'10)
1 - Image Gilles Braas (P-R'11)
1 - Image Hugo Marxer (Piemonte'11)
1 - Image Stefan Küng (Omloop'12)
1 - Image Harry Hole (Quebec'12)
1 - Image Alain Yoda (Montreal'14)
1 - Image Elwyn Oxley* (Hamburg'15)
1 - Image Eric Lichtenstein (Quebec'15)
1 - Image Breyten Breytenbach* (LBL'16)

-> 2. Plätze: Josef Fichtl (Züri-Metzgete'06), Ewald Wolf (P-B'07), Steve Hasler (Placci'08, Hamburg'08 ), Sylvain Boss (Piemonte'08 ), Elmar Goop (Harelbeke'09), Mavolio Bent (Omloop'10), Luigi Mastrangelo (AGR'11), Cédric Schmarotz (MSR'12), Toni Hassler (E3'12), Stefano Benni* (Omloop'13, LBL'13), Jean Ollé Ollé (GW'13), Jan Flachbart (MSR'14), Fran Peterlin (LBL'15), Perry Henzell (Hamburg'16)

-> 3. Plätze: Schavi Nator (LBL'07), Ewald Wolf (Fourmies'07), Andrea Clavadetscher (MSR'08 ), Tim Hamberger (PR'11), Stefan Küng (E3'12), Xaver Unsinn (Tre Valli'12), Arni Steinsson (RVV'13), Wilhelm Wahlforss (Harelbeke'14), Eric Lichtenstein (GW'15), Fran Peterlin (RVV'15, San Sebastian'15), Perry Henzell (MSR'16), Breyten Breytenbach (San Sebastian'16)

Stage races (20):

4 - Image Fran Peterlin (Solidarnosc'14, Alberta'14. Minas Gerais'14, Romandie'15)
3 - Image Gaudenz Taverna (Bayer '12, Elk Grove'12, Moldova'12)
3 - Image Carlos Lampe (Lux'16, Sibiu'16, Utah'16)
2 - Image Kari Steinsson (Sachsen Pflaster '12, De Panne'13)
1 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo (Akropolis Tour'11)
1 - Image Jan Flachbart (Beijing'13)
1 - Image Janis Smedins (Tour des Pavés'14)
1 - Image Tomasz Kowalski (De Panne'14)
1 - Image Phineas Federspiel (WPC'14)
1 - Image Valentin Bratoev (Tour des Pavés'15)
1 - Image Paul Betancourt (Down Under'15)
1 - Image Harrison Tasher* (Tour des Pavés'16)

Youth jerseys (14):

2 - Image Fran Peterlin (Solidarnosc'14, Wallonie'14)
1 - Image Gilles Braas (Sachsen Pavés'11)
1 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo (Tour Med'11)
1 - Image Stefan Küng (Tour des Pavés'11)
1 - Image Stefano Benni (Correze'12)
1 - Image Roy Lichtenstein (Oman'13)
1 - Image Eddie Sixpence (Trentin0'13)
1 - Image Wilhelm Wahlforss (Sachsen Pavés'13)
1 - Image Phineas Federspiel (WPC'14)
1 - Image Valentin Bratoev (Sachsen Pavés'14)
1 - Image Royston Lighting (Tour des Pavés'15)
1 - Image Carlos Lampe* (Ruta del Sol'16)
1 - Image Bambang Megaranto* (De Panne'16)

Mountain jerseys (5):

1 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo (Giro'11)
1 - Image Wesley Lichtenkiesel (PN'12)
1 - Image Eddie Sixpence (Scotland'13)
1 - Image Alain Yoda (Down Under'15)
1 - Image Carlos Lampe* (Utah'16)

Points jerseys (22):

6 - Image Stefano Benni (EAT'13, Down Under'13, Ruta del Sol'13, Trentino'13, Romandie'13, Giro'13)
6 - Image Fran Peterlin (Alberta'14, Minas Gerais'14, Mexico'14, Tour des Pavés'15, Romandie'15, Giro'15)
3 - Image Elwyn Oxley* (Ruta del Sol'16, TA'16, Giro'16)
2 - Image Cédric Schmarotz (Burgos'11, Qatar'12)
1 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo (South Alps'11)
1 - Image Nathaniel Biedermann (California'12)
1 - Image Kari Steinsson (Sachsen Pflaster'12)
1 - Image Phineas Federspiel (WPC'14)
1 - Image Carlos Lampe (Lux'16)

Team classement: 18

Most Points:

17667 - Image Stefano Benni
16332 - Image Fran Peterlin
10147 - Image Luigi Mastrangelo
8104 - Image Roy Lichtenstein
7780 - Image Xaver Unsinn
7553 - Image Paul Betancourt
6571 - Image Stefan Küng
6552 - Image Eddie Sixpence
6433 - Image Cédric Schmarotz
5850 - Image Phineas Federspiel
5789 - Image Jean Ollé Ollé
5484 - Image Nathaniel Biedermann
5432 - Image Pedro Garrido
5361 - Image Gaudenz Taverna
4979 - Image Harald Mühlenberg
4878 - Image Jan Flachbart
4818 - Image Kari Steinsson
4624 - Image Steve Hasler
4529 - Image Toni Hassler
4367 - Image Lorenz Dürr
3856 - Image Andrea Clavadetscher
3779 - Image Wilhelm Wahlforss
3614 - Image Joe Friesenbichler
3145 - Image Severino Nicolosi
3128 - Image Gilles Braas
3024 - Image Mbo Owokorenko
3004 - Image Louis Thuilliez

Most Races:

282 - Image Victor Fargas
276 - Image Stefano Benni
268 - Image Henri Bienvenu
267 - Image Kenny Banzer
262 - Image Wesley Lichtenkiesel
262 - Image Niels Hörnö
256 - Image Stefan Küng
245 - Image Daniel Clavadetscher
242 - Image Fred Colon
237 - Image Frantz Granvorka
233 - Image Stéphane Antiga
232 - Image Tim Hamberger
230 - Image Pit Schlechter
228 - Image Ronny Beck
214 - Image Haruki Murakami
208 - Image Walter Walch
206 - Image Xaver Unsinn
206 - Image Dominikos Petrakis
200 - Image Hannes Büchel

*still riding

Team FL rider's nationalities (63/80):

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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