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To which kilometer does the command I give my cyclist apply?

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 4:43 pm
by kolofon CC
Hello. I am new to the game and would like you to answer the following question:
Suppose my cyclist is covering the 25th km and in 5 seconds he will start the 26th km. At that moment I press attack (or tempo). Will the order I gave apply to the 25th or the 26th kilometer?
Thank you!

Re: To which kilometer does the command I give my cyclist apply?

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 5:13 pm
by Schnuggeritos
Hi, just to make it clear: 24 km are done, you are now on km 25 and in 5 seconds game will calculate 25 and start 26?
In this case race log says "Km: 24, XXX" so your attack / tempo will be on km 25. Sometimes, if you press it when the game is already calculating the result of km 25 it gives you a yellow or red indicator on the refresh button. If so your attack / tempo won't be realized in most cases, I think.