Carry Rhodan wrote: ↑Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:53 am
Aus welchem Grund findest Du "Big Donkey" denn die wortwörtliche Übersetzung meines Teamnamens witzig?
Easy, the contrast makes it interesting. The English meaning and then the completely different German meaning. You don't find it funny? Ok, everybody has a different sense of humor.
Carry Rhodan wrote: ↑Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:53 am
Es ist offensichtlich, dass es dein Ziel war mich mit der wortwörtlichen Übersetzung meines Teamnamens auf subtile Weise zu beleidigen.
Nur hast Du diese Beleidigung geschickt als "Anrede" getarnt.
And here we get into trouble. So you know better what
I think than I do myself? Not something I appreciate. Despite me saying it was a joke you claim to know better, it's obvious that, bla bla. No, that might be your impression (which is faulty)
But since seem to know all that much about my thinking process, easy question:
-Why would I insult you in a subtle manner? What for exactly? Don't remember having having any trouble with you, see no reason to insult you. But tell me, what's my motivation? Subtly insulting somebody with whom I have no problems or tell a joke (that obviously wasn't understood)? What's more likely? Go for it, tell me what my motivation is!
Carry Rhodan wrote: ↑Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:53 am
Aus welchem Grund redest Du mich denn zusätzlich mit "Du Unterhund" an, obwohl keine weitere Person mehr im chat ist?
Weil Du damit verdeutlichen willst, dass "DU Unterhund????" gar nicht als Anrede gemeint ist, sondern als Beschimpfung. Daher hast Du ja auch die "????" hinzugefügt.
Oh, same thing, you claim to know everything. Arrogance. Pointless to argue with you really, twice you just put your wrong opinion about my opinion (which I know better than you, as hard as it might be to accept) as fact. What your doing here is basically calling me a liar, nothing else.
Carry Rhodan wrote: ↑Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:53 am
Wo habe ich eine Strafe gefordert? Ich habe hier deine Beleidigungen thematisiert, und Du hättest damit auch die Gelegenheit gehabt Dich zu entschuldigen. Aber Du willst ja alle für dumm verkaufen und tust hier so scheinheilig als wäre es Dir nur um einen harmlosen Witz gegangen.
I'm already tired of explaining the obvious, but since we're at it: By opening a thread in the fairplay section you automatically demand some action by the FPC. Unless there's a clear disclaimer, "just for consultation/opinion, not demanding any action" something like that. If something like that is not there, it's an appeal to a third person (you're not even addressing your "adversary" directly), the FPC in that case, to take action, punishment. If then you add something like this "Ich fände es jedenfalls schade, wenn derlei Beleidigungen toleriert werden." you make it even clearer that you want the FPC to take action. Scheinheilig? Look in the mirror (maybe it will say seemholy!) Yeah, that one was a bit forced, but it's not like "Underdog=Unterhund" is the first time I make that kind of translation. Plus here I don't actually know the english translation of scheinheilig, so not even that forced.
Anyway, hypocrisy seems to be a big thing with you. Back to the first post:
Carry Rhodan wrote: ↑Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:07 pm
Man kann ja diskutieren und sich ggf. auch beschweren, wenn einem etwas nicht passt.
I suppose you meant that if I had a problem with you instead of calling you Unterhund I could have talked about that problem with you. But well, I had no problem with you, there was nothing to talk about. But clearly you had a problem with me calling you Unterhund*, so why didn't you think of doing yourself what you recommend to others? Oh, you did here? No, see above. Following your own advice would have been to post in that chat that you didn't appreciate being called Unterhund. But hypocrisy won.
* You said I called you Unterhund 3-4 times. I think it's rather more, 6-7? Didn't count. And you never said anything negative about it. I remember once you said something along the lines of "He calls me Unterhund!". (Could be something rather different too, but whatever that sentence was exactly, it didn't give the impression that you minded) after that the other few times nothing.... So if it's such a clear insult why didn't you have the idea to either mention it to me earlier (or of course open a fairness thread, since you're too good for your own advice)
Anyway, I apologize for the
But since you're too arrogant to consider the possibility that I'm not actually lying.... not sure what you'll make of it.
Confrontational? Try more sensible arguments, less obvious hypocrisy and less arrogance next time around maybe.