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AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:58 am
by cataracs
Today in Tirreno 21h. After 5 or 6 days of on/off periods during the races. AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) comes online and helps his friend Pokemon who's team was dead from the previous race, and chases a GC attack. And then makes fun of the other managers when they question his behaviour.
Please don't make me part of the Fairplay hearing ingame for this case.

there the full chat, and there's the replay.
Rhodan Underdogs(23:13): i helped you and you complain
Rhodan Underdogs(23:13): what you are complaining about the team attack is really strange romoc
Rhodan Underdogs(23:11): of course, it could also be that the blocking starts 20km before the end romoc
Romoc Riders(23:11): if i do not believe in my chances who will?
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(23:10): see ya !
Romoc Riders(23:10): thanks for the tour. see you next time
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(23:10): that was very optimistic Romoc, but OK
Romoc Riders(23:10): anyway
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(23:10): nothing unfair in searching the best for my own team. Principle of the game is in common/compatible interests. Lenny did not complain when people helped him against Poké's moves everyday. That's not very fair too if you consider what you say. Or you criticize every similar action, or you accept them, but not only the ones that do not fit your own goals, that's not very fair imho. (not against you, huh!)
Romoc Riders(23:10): i was focused on the timing
Romoc Riders(23:09): Rhodan Underdogs(23:05): Remember the 20 km rule next time to get more riders into the group
Rhodan Underdogs(23:08): The fact that the classics are attacking has even been discussed.
Romoc Riders(23:08): AGF. i tried to go for a gc move. hopefully a podium. and that was not that far if only the teams that should have protected their podium worked .for that. but they had some extra help
Rhodan Underdogs(23:08): You can also win the stage by attacking.
Rhodan Underdogs(23:07): finanziell die schlechteste Tour ever FSG , habe sogar insgesamt Verlust gemacht
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(23:07): sorry but no, Rhodan. I can get 2 or 3 riders in top 10 stage today, was a good result for my team. Just like one of the first stages on this Tirreno, where I get p4+p6+p7
Rhodan Underdogs(23:07): just unfair
Rhodan Underdogs(23:06): Your main strategy was to help Poke

AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(23:06): but "not the best for yourself" imho^^ just to emphasize that some people are just targetting what does not fit to their own goals to criticize, and not objectively discuss actions ;)
FSG Sattelpuper(23:06): Würde mich mal interessieren, was ihr so über die T-A verdient habt, besonders die teuren Teams, bei mir sind knapp 350 k rausgesprungen, macht ein Schnitt von 50k, was ich ok finde, bei dem Feld
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(23:05): anyway, was ok
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(23:05): for what, then, Romoc ? No better thing for you to win that a stage, today, imho
Rhodan Underdogs(23:05): Remember the 20 km rule next time to get more riders into the group
Romoc Riders(23:01): my attack was not for stage win tho, and that was obvious
Team Scotland(22:58): congrats motor
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:57): btw, p4 & p7 of peloton, good money... if no group in front! Romoc easy win in peloton, but lose in frontgroup^^ Not that smart to attack instead if riding behind, but that's my strategy that is criticized... well done, guys :D Anyway, GG Motor, nice win with best sprintskill in front :)
Bearclaw Cycling(22:56): looks like trying to attack was not that bad as i thought. sprint in this group was impossible to win for Max.
FSG Sattelpuper(22:56): GW Trachen
Bright(22:56): nw motor
Romoc Riders(22:56): gw for GC Poke
Bright(22:56): ah okay and eternal points count towards 1500?
Motor Trachenberge(22:56): thx
Romoc Riders(22:55): gw Motor
Rhodan Underdogs(22:55): gw
Bearclaw Cycling(22:55): gw
Bright(22:55): Ah cool, I can reset end of the month then and do a 50/50 old and young team :)
Claw - CVIII(22:55): gw
Romoc Riders(22:55): as for the active points, each rider has some "active" points that are a sum of points from last month and the current month. if you sell a rider before the end of the month, you lose those points
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:55): "eternal" is meaningful ;)
Romoc Riders(22:54): you never lose your eternal points, Bright
Bearclaw Cycling(22:54): you can call this tour a lot of things, but boring is not the correct one imo :D
Bright(22:54): Thanks all, was fun, learned a lot, and failed even more :p
Bright(22:53): I picked up like 400 points this week so that's pretty cool imo
Rsc Spree(22:53): gw all and thx fore a boriing tour
Bright(22:52): If you do a team reset, do you keep the points towards 1500? (needed for d6)
Bright(22:49): thanks bear
Bearclaw Cycling(22:49): very smart
Bright(22:49): Is setting a form smart. or do most of you keep steady form
Romoc Riders(22:49): btw. you were 3 seconds too late to save your p6
Romoc Riders(22:48): cuz i am missing some words
Romoc Riders(22:48): is this peloton's stupid podium?
Romoc Riders(22:47): for your stupid podium
r TAKA(22:47): I'm calling the podium stupid not your intentions
Bearclaw Cycling(22:47): hm, expected Max much stronger :D
Pokemonogatari(22:47): Gw front
Romoc Riders(22:46): i didn't call your intention stupid tho. just grow up :)
Romoc Riders(22:46): don't bro me :p
r TAKA(22:46): and not like you're riding alone infront for your stupid podium
r TAKA(22:45): I just did that it was too late for you bro
Romoc Riders(22:45): don't play dumb
Romoc Riders(22:45): olaf was out of tempo when you went alone with 2 riders
r TAKA(22:45): check the replay
r TAKA(22:44): olaf protected his podiom don't blame it on me xD
Romoc Riders(22:44): you made tempo in the last 15kms...and i attacked around 25ish
r TAKA(22:43): no without me you still can't
Bright(22:43): @romoc, sorry was my fault should've kept my mouth shut..... :-(
Romoc Riders(22:43): ofc*
Romoc Riders(22:43): with you, of i can't
r TAKA(22:43): you can't get podiom
Romoc Riders(22:43): check the peloton tempo now :)
Romoc Riders(22:42): i'm not being manipulative or sth but i just notice Taka going yes alone to protect the others podium places
Bearclaw Cycling(22:42): not an idiot btw, but stupid to drop a random comment without checking the peloton really
Bearclaw Cycling(22:41): i know, no problems
Romoc Riders(22:41): maybe i am an idiot in your opinion but the message from 22:36 was not an attack to you. it was just a race comment
Bright(22:40): I'm happy I wore the white yersey for 3 days :-) Wearing a jersey was my only goal :-)
r TAKA(22:40): if I wanted stage win I chase instantly, I wanted the group going through to secure the sprinter jersey
Romoc Riders(22:40): but he is also keeping a safe distance for a late attack
Romoc Riders(22:40): he is losing one gc spot while protecting all the other guys
Bearclaw Cycling(22:39): for me p5 or p6 doesnt matter. its much better thann expected :D
Romoc Riders(22:39): watch Taka get a stage win and we'll discuss after the stage
r TAKA(22:39): this guy is taking our GC money
r TAKA(22:38): you should speed up now xD
Romoc Riders(22:38): nah. that wouldn't be fair
Bearclaw Cycling(22:38): sure, who do you think should speed up in peloton? sometimes i dont know if you really believe what you all write or if these are just words to get a specific result...
Bright(22:38): All in front should ride for Romoc win of GC lol
Bright(22:36): That would be suprising lol
Romoc Riders(22:36): you are laughing Bear. but this whole stage was a joke in terms of fair play
Rhodan Underdogs(22:36): thx
r TAKA(22:36): autotempo started in the bacck check the colors xD
Bearclaw Cycling(22:35): :D
Romoc Riders(22:35): peloton will catch us easily tho
Bright(22:33): P13 sprint for the peloton....
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:31): gw front groups!
Team Scotland(22:31): @Bright Nae problem, ye did more than you should have to do
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:31): thx Romoc :D
Romoc Riders(22:31): Idefix, i will give you a +3
Bright(22:30): @scotland I'm done, can't get back and my team is pretty much toast
Rhodan Underdogs(22:30): very passive
Rhodan Underdogs(22:30): bahrain is a disspointement this tour+
Romoc Riders(22:30): Bahrain is already taking care of the peloton
r TAKA(22:29): Now go all in before others start chasing xD
Rhodan Underdogs(22:29): romoc just wait 2 km and its not a team attack ok?
Romoc Riders(22:29): you are ruining the move...for real
Romoc Riders(22:28): Rhodan...just drop it
Bahrain-Merida(22:28): team attack
Claw - CVIII(22:28): +
r TAKA(22:28): then the group will work
Romoc Riders(22:28): 2 on Zico, one on Soler
r TAKA(22:28): drop Nordli
Romoc Riders(22:27): Bahrain? for real?
Rhodan Underdogs(22:27): team attack?
Bright(22:27): no worries, if I learn the game, i'll be able to kick some ass in 3/4 months :-)
Claw - CVIII(22:27): ok for me romoc
Bearclaw Cycling(22:27): no, doesnt make sense for me right now
Romoc Riders(22:27): Rhodan...should you let one go?
Romoc Riders(22:27): all in? :)
Claw - CVIII(22:26): more like you are stuck with some of the others here :P
Bright(22:25): @Claw, you're stuck with my newby ass then :-)
r TAKA(22:25): Oh that sucks
Claw - CVIII(22:25): same here
Bright(22:25): I like most ppl here mate, and I work during daytime so 20.00 or later are the only viable times for me sadly
Rhodan Underdogs(22:24): Pokes team is as good as dead is only kept alive by AGF
r TAKA(22:24): You should ride in the afternoon if you have time Bright, the guys there are more friendly :D
Team Scotland(22:24): aye, us
Bright(22:23): anyone in group 2 wants to get back to the peloton?
Romoc Riders(22:22): but he was in good position after every sieb :)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:21): good to know Rhodan ;)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:21): that is calomny, Panda, sorry... just keep calm and pleasant, please, that's a game... Blaming others to play the way they think it's better for themselves to do, following the view of some bitter managers, is not very acceptable. But well, not touches me that much. Better to keep the game a nice place for everyone, don't you think?
r TAKA(22:21): "very"?
Rhodan Underdogs(22:21): my sprinter is not very fit
r TAKA(22:21): yes better save the energy for the end
Bearclaw Cycling(22:20): i think you are save. i did not try it because sprint skill is just much weaker
r TAKA(22:20): really, olaf was that close xD
r TAKA(22:19): Now have to not let Hudsin get 1 or 2 incase of an attack or not let Wil beat me in a sprint xD
Bright(22:19): claw lost p3
Lenny SnakeCycling(22:19): bye
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:19): Romoc or Rhodan will win this stage easily, but good crumbs to take
r TAKA(22:18): just 3" tho
PandaCycling(22:18): almost correct…“I do the best for my f r i e n d s team „
Claw - CVIII(22:18): omg.. i did not think there were bonus seconds..
r TAKA(22:18): Not sure it was a good move but we'll see
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:17): don't care Lenny, I do the best for my team, if that does not fit your own goals, not my pb if you lost the tour with a "anti-masterclass" :D
Bright(22:17): I do know cycling mate, RL cycling and what you do makes no sense whatsoever
FSG Sattelpuper(22:17): Nice move from Kenny
Lenny SnakeCycling(22:17): have fun with your -3
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:16): you seems quite unexperienced, and too much influenced by bitter managers ;)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:16): @Bright Magot is half dead and Coralie helper... it's good control for a tight gap, nothing more...
Bright(22:16): if they fail either a group escapes or the sprinters get back
Rhodan Underdogs(22:16): P1 is riding for mountain riders although its flat end
Bright(22:15): and keeping a status quo helps you taking them back doesnt
Bright(22:15): theres no logic for that
Rhodan Underdogs(22:15): you have to hang yourself properly
Bright(22:15): wow AGF if youre only in there for sprint, why two riders?
r TAKA(22:13): how do you go for classics in a flat end Rhodan?
Bright(22:12): Go lenny go, go, go
r TAKA(22:12): haha
Bearclaw Cycling(22:12): I prefer a sprint for p21 taka :)
Rhodan Underdogs(22:11): no sprint is boring
r TAKA(22:11): I'll help for the sprint
Romoc Riders(22:10): are you saying that we should coop for sprint?
PandaCycling(22:10): Poke can write only on 1 account? ;)
Rhodan Underdogs(22:10): romoc do you ride your classic or for your sprinter?
Claw - CVIII(22:09): no way this other guy is new btw
r TAKA(22:09): they had a good new manager at 15h and we have Bright
Claw - CVIII(22:07): thats the spirit :D
Bright(22:07): They should just sit back, east popcorn and strike if the escape is somehow terminated :-)
Claw - CVIII(22:06): it is! but some people just dont care^^
Bright(22:05): THis is really exciting, not helping me, but really cool :-)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:02): or maybe was it the days before TA? don't remember
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:01): not the first, again, Bright ;)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:01): haven't seen the climber in front anyway, but changes nothing imho
Bright(22:01): @AGF I'm really new, but do find it strange this is the first time I see you make tempo this tour tbh
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:01): sorry, Panda, the 2nd day in this tour, not the first ;)
Claw - CVIII(22:00): ruin*
Claw - CVIII(22:00): this is an argument to riun a gc-attack agf?
PandaCycling(22:00): sorry but it is the first time you are doing something this tour and it is messing with gc…so everyone knows what it is about
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:00): btw, guys with sprinters in first peloton are invited to ride too ;)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(22:00): long time without riding, good money is nice to earn
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(21:59): good chances for top 10 today with the first peloton. 0 chances if all sprinters come back
Claw - CVIII(21:59): why riding?
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(21:58): Panda it's not "pretend", it is the exact same account, just check history...
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(21:58): blabla, better for my team if sprinters in the back don't come back... just check a previous stage in the beginning of the week... You're embittered, guys, please keep calm, it's a game, everyone does the best for his team...
Claw - CVIII(21:58): idefix was only the forum-name, wasnt it?
Claw - CVIII(21:57): what was his teamname?

PandaCycling(21:57): No they pretend it’s Idefix
Claw - CVIII(21:56): he obviously has no reason.. but i thought he would be some kind of offline troll
Lenny SnakeCycling(21:56): other fairplay rules: Every manager must do the best for his team . Separation of private and C4F is required.
Lenny SnakeCycling(21:56): he has 0 reason to ride except for his friend poke
r TAKA(21:55): I mean banned from the game xD
Lenny SnakeCycling(21:55): this isn't even about offline rule
Claw - CVIII(21:55): cause the offline rules need a rework
PandaCycling(21:55): it’s Team B Poke
r TAKA(21:54): lol why is this AGF team not banned
Rsc Spree(21:47): thy Gip
Bearclaw Cycling(21:46): thanks gip
Lenny SnakeCycling(21:46): thx Gip
Claw - CVIII(21:46): ty gipfel!
PandaCycling(21:45): Ja nur Tempo ohne Sinn heute
Claw - CVIII(21:45): seems
Gipfelstuermer(21:45): 30'' tact working now I think?
Rsc Spree(21:40): sind jeden Monat 100 euronen für den Tierarzt
Rsc Spree(21:38): Danke
PandaCycling(21:37): Alles Gute für den kleinen Racker Spree :(
Rsc Spree(21:36): TamTam is auch ü 14 und topfit
Motor Trachenberge(21:36): thx, Gipfelstuermer
PandaCycling(21:36): Is there a bug?
Lenny SnakeCycling(21:36): hey Gip, thx
Rsc Spree(21:35): bin morgen wieder beim Tierarzt mit ihm um schmerzmittel zu bekommen für ihn
Gipfelstuermer(21:35): Hi @all, I am trying to solve the bug
PandaCycling(21:35): Und Moritz? Oder wie hieß der Andere?
Rsc Spree(21:33): na Maxe gehts heut relativ gut
PandaCycling(21:32): was machen die hundis heute?
Rsc Spree(21:31): fährst auch noch für poke
Rsc Spree(21:30): dümmstes Tempo ever
Rsc Spree(21:29): ist ja lächerlich
Rsc Spree(21:29): oh nee Rodan jetzt halt di füße stille
Rhodan Underdogs(21:26): guess Spree is happy about his working group
Rsc Spree(21:26): after stage 6
Rsc Spree(21:25): really after stage fight fore penuts?
r TAKA(21:16): see you after barcelona's game
Claw - CVIII(21:14): like a nightmare becoming real
Bearclaw Cycling(21:14): will be a long race like this
Bright(21:14): wow 88 DH....
Bright(21:13): tell me if you want me out at dh, im not sure with 56?
Motor Trachenberge(21:12): ok
FSG Sattelpuper(21:12): DH i go out
Romoc Riders(21:12): i swear gr3 will also go together
Rsc Spree(21:11): should we wait if g2 swear we go together?
Bright(21:10): thanks fsg
Bright(21:10): thanks olaf
Bright(21:10): FSG and Olaf can you join in please?
Bearclaw Cycling(21:09): yeah, seems there is really min tact at the moment :(
Bright(21:09): yeah im in
Motor Trachenberge(21:09): olaf, FSG?
Bright(21:09): I'll go in was just wondering why you guys went on.... sorry
Motor Trachenberge(21:09): group 2 tempo with pullers?
Rsc Spree(21:08): no reason to wait group 2 dont work together
Rhodan Underdogs(21:07): gw Simmons :)
Bright(21:07): shouldnt we all work together gr.1 and gr.2?
Motor Trachenberge(21:04): min
Motor Trachenberge(21:04): mi takt?
Rsc Spree(21:04): heho
Romoc Riders(21:02): nobody said congratulations to Simmons tho
Romoc Riders(21:01): can we form echelons in rsf?
Romoc Riders(21:01): but i can't say more
Romoc Riders(21:01): i mean. yeah. the gap is an interesting one
Rhodan Underdogs(20:59): but if you think so, only works with coop
Rhodan Underdogs(20:59): motor got a good team to do a Sieb
Motor Trachenberge(20:59): hi
Romoc Riders(20:58): that's a fairytale scenario Rhodan
Romoc Riders(20:58): hello
Pokemonogatari(20:57): Hello
FSG Sattelpuper(20:49): Moin
Bearclaw Cycling(20:47): hello
Claw - CVIII(20:44): hi
Lenny SnakeCycling(20:37): and hi all
Lenny SnakeCycling(20:37): a Lenny antimasterclass
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(20:36): again a Poké masterclass?
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(20:35): wasn't there this week and weekend. How has Lenny lost this TA ?
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(20:35): hi all!
Bright(20:32): oops caps
Bright(20:31): HI ALL
r TAKA(20:02): The rebels need you to step down from leadership for them to have a brighter future
Rhodan Underdogs(16:07): because someone would have to block in the end.
Rhodan Underdogs(16:05): and how fit the high flat riders are (bahrain, Lenny)
Rhodan Underdogs(16:04): I guess this also depends on Romoc what he decides to do
Rhodan Underdogs(16:02): perhaps there will be again an unintentional MS
Rhodan Underdogs(15:50): Theoretically, Romoc could even win the GK today with Soler if the classics teams work together. And Bahrain (Samuelsson) and Motor (Hudsin) the stage.
PS: flockmastoR edited the post to highlight relevant chat parts

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:53 am
by team fl
FPC is reviewing the case.

It would be helpful, if teams that rode this stage could give their view on the case. Thanks.

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:37 am
by flockmastoR
Highlighting relevant parts of the chat can help :!:

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:10 pm
by Gipfelstuermer

General Comment:

If you want FPC to discuss, please explain in detail what happened (as the replay is only available until daychange).

Edit: Yes, I saw parts of the race because I was solving the bug at the same time. But certainly not all FPC members saw it live or the replay before daychange.

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:33 pm
by cataracs
I was thinking the replay was available from the calendar...
Other involved teams could say more maybe.
In the previous races of that exact same tour AGF never made tempo, sometimes he'd leave before the race ends. So clearly the guy doesn't really care about "placements"
Then yesterday, some sprinters were dropped. He wasn't the one siebing them, and he did not ride instantly after they were dropped, but he started riding right after Lenny's GC attack, this was a clear help for his friend who had all his team dead by that point.

This is not the first time some of these teams "help" each other, and because it never gets reported they think it's not against the rules to ride for a friend or pull them in a sprint, or even gift a NC.

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:31 pm
by claw
AFG rode ridiculous tempo, arguing that "place 6 to 10" (at the stage, not gc) or something like that would be a success for him.
Unfortunately it was lenny vs. poke for the tour win at this point and since pokes team was pretty dead, this might have become decisive.

But what i wonder most about is that poke did not say a single word about it. He should know whats fair and whats not and be honest enough to not win like this..

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:52 pm
by Pokemon Club
claw wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:31 pm
AFG rode ridiculous tempo, arguing that "place 6 to 10" (at the stage, not gc) or something like that would be a success for him.
Unfortunately it was lenny vs. poke for the tour win at this point and since pokes team was pretty dead, this might have become decisive.

But what i wonder most about is that poke did not say a single word about it. He should know whats fair and whats not and be honest enough to not win like this..
AGF reason to ride isn't my deal. People can ride or not coop because they have gk chance, stages chance, jersey chance, differents with an other team, sleepy, drunk or I don't no the reason at the end I don't manage them.
We play an online game, sometimes tempo/coop is in my favor, sometimes not, I don't see why I should explain other actions just because I won gk. I wasn't here to sk teams why they coop with Lenny while he lead GK and was the stronger for gk and hard stages

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:11 pm
by lennylenny
First of all: i wouldn't drag Poke into this, if he told AGF to stop tempo i would argue Poke did something that isn't best for his team

on the other hand it is ver suspicious that AGF doesn't really do tempo during the tour at all except for the last stage where a gc attack went against his friend Poke.
At the start of the stage a pretty big group formed and Poke was alone in tempo, if AGF was that interested in a Top10 stage result he should have done tempo there already
so to me the goal of Top10 for stage very strongly looks like an excuse to help his friend Poke

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:36 am
by flockmastoR
cataracs wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:33 pm
I was thinking the replay was available from the calendar...
Other involved teams could say more maybe.
In the previous races of that exact same tour AGF never made tempo, sometimes he'd leave before the race ends. So clearly the guy doesn't really care about "placements"
Then yesterday, some sprinters were dropped. He wasn't the one siebing them, and he did not ride instantly after they were dropped, but he started riding right after Lenny's GC attack, this was a clear help for his friend who had all his team dead by that point.

This is not the first time some of these teams "help" each other, and because it never gets reported they think it's not against the rules to ride for a friend or pull them in a sprint, or even gift a NC.
No the replay is only available at the exact date of the race (Probably changes possible, but storing all the data too long is probably not what we want)

If you can specify what you mean by "these teams" with clear situations, it would help to observe the whole situation better. Otherwise it sounds like a generalization i dislike.

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:11 pm
by team fl
The FPC came to the following conclusion:

The FPC sees too little evidence for a conviction due to unrealistic arrangement or unrealistic riding, both AGF and Pokemonogatari will neither be fined nor banned for their actions (or not actions).

But we think this needs a short explanation due to the circumstances:

The FPC understands that AGF’s riding behaviour, the race situation, his behaviour in the past (as Idéfix) and his relationship with Pokemonogatari could lead to the suspicion of unrealistic arrangement or at least unrealistic riding by AGF without Pokemonogatari’s influence.

Still, the FPC sees too little evidence to come to that conclucsion and both statements form AGF and Pokemonogatari to the FPC were plausible. To like or not to like this kind of riding style is another thing.

AGF’s actions may look suspicious. The FPC will keep the situation under observation.

One request though: Next time something like this happens, post as many details about the teams, the race situation (who did when how much tempo in the peloton, the group, etc. with details about km (roughly) etc.) as possible, esp. if a replay is not possible anymore. Thanks.

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:17 am
by cataracs
team fl wrote: Still, the FPC sees too little evidence to come to that conclucsion and both statements form AGF and Pokemonogatari to the FPC were plausible. To like or not to like this kind of riding style is another thing.
What statements? They should be public. (what if) he lied, will you just believe that?

Re: AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) Riding for friends

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:01 am
by Pokemon Club
cataracs wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:17 am
team fl wrote: Still, the FPC sees too little evidence to come to that conclucsion and both statements form AGF and Pokemonogatari to the FPC were plausible. To like or not to like this kind of riding style is another thing.
What statements? They should be public. (what if) he lied, will you just believe that?
You copy all the tchat already