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Tour de France 18h

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:56 pm
by Enigma
Hello guys,

First : sorry for my poor inglish ;)

I come here (Bears thank you for you help ;)) to explain whats happen at the end off this tour. Just for the people know because i understand that nothing happens for this 2 unfairs teams : BugaTTi and Maurice.

During all days, this tour was very interesting , with bigs Teams (Galac, Francais and Starforce...) . Fighting with good communication on the Tchat , very good....and we arrived at the last day. I must fight with BugaTTi for the green But off course, against one team it was may be possible, but against 2 teams not.

This 2 teams use ICQ to communicate together and off course they FUCK ME!

I attack and who is ridding...Maurice! because BugaTTi don't have enough ridders. And when they go back during the 4 last Kms , BuggaTTi put a blue tempo , to give a chance to Maurice to escape.

I loose my green jacket but its not very important because its just a game. But i want that all the people knows than BUGGATTI and MAURICE are UNFAIR TEAM!

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:10 pm
by Maurice
I'm not a unfair Team. I think the group had been trough and i passed. That's why i maked Tempo. You could drive for a easy MS, but you don't,so it's your own faute.

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:39 pm
by Bear
@maurice: The tempo in the group is one thing. Maybe they were through, ok. But on the other hand there was this situation in the end. Bugatti in blue tempo, and you tried to attack. just failed because gala blocked:
Km: 102, Steigung: 0
Olmus Karabatic (Maurice) schafft es nicht auszureissen
Hendrik Kwist (BugaTTi) schafft es nicht an die Spitze
Because of your questionable cooperation it seems like you made an agreement (maybe in icq?). And this is defentily unfair.

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:48 pm
by Maurice
no we didn't

is he even german?

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:51 pm
by Lizard
Maurice wrote:no we didn't

is he even german?
Is this a criterion?

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:26 pm
by Bear
@Maurice: You are just ridiculous. Riding a three-week tour together and don't know that he is german. You are kidding me right? By the way it's not important where he comes from. For me this stupid question just shows that I can't believe what you are saying.

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:08 pm
by Leibach

kann mir bitte jemadn kurz übersetzten um was es genau geht??? weil mein englisch ist nicht wirklich top..
muss so bei renne schon oft dass wörterbuch benutzen:) danke:)

gruß BugaTTi

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:12 pm
by Luna
Die Attacke von Maurice und dir im Finale, bei der dein Sprinter zufälligerweise genau das richtige Hinterrad getroffen hat, um mit dabei sein, und gegen Enigma das Sprinttrikot gewonnen hat, sah sehr nach unerlaubter Absprache aus.

Just a little summary in german language for BugaTTi

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:37 am
by Maurice
sry but i don't understand....
My 3Drivers go with Bugattis 87 at first. I had known, that he would attack.... i hoped.
And my plan was, to attack at the last kms, because Catanulu would have followed. But Los Blocked.
What's the problem?

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:48 pm
by el Galactico
Absprache war das Problem! Du hast ihm geholfen gegen Enigma, vollkommen ohne Sinn und dafür ging er auf blaues Tempo, auch vollkommen ohne Sinn um dir die Attacke zu ermöglichen und dich für deine Hilfe zu belohnen....

Alles via ICQ abgesprochen.

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:35 pm
by gaurain rx
Well, can you prove there was a discussion between them?

And it doesn't go against the rules. I don't know why so many complains here! Nothing against Claw/ELb on Austria (which was in my point of view worse)... So nothing here too :)

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:08 pm
by Enigma
Bien sur qu'il y a triche Gaurain:

tu te retrouves a 4 Kms de l'arrivée et tu as le meilleur sprinteur et le meilleur rouleur et bizarrement au km -4 tu te met en tempo la attaque de Maurice (heureusement contré par Galac). Comme cela ne fonctionne pas BugaTTi le refait au Km-2...tempo bleu...attaque de Maurice heureusement a nouveau contré par galac qui veille.

Je n'ai pas ouvert ce topic pour pleurer...juste denoncer 2 equipes qui ce sont entendus pour je ne sais quelle raison car autant BugaTTi jouait le vert avec moi, autant Maurice n'avait aucuns interets a rouler contre moi. Je trouve dommage que le combat ai été faussé et je me souviendrais de ces 2 equipes.

Maurice and BugaTTi shame on you!

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:11 pm
by gaurain rx
Enigma wrote:Bien sur qu'il y a triche Gaurain:

tu te retrouves a 4 Kms de l'arrivée et tu as le meilleur sprinteur et le meilleur rouleur et bizarrement au km -4 tu te met en tempo la attaque de Maurice (heureusement contré par Galac). Comme cela ne fonctionne pas BugaTTi le refait au Km-2...tempo bleu...attaque de Maurice heureusement a nouveau contré par galac qui veille.

Je n'ai pas ouvert ce topic pour pleurer...juste denoncer 2 equipes qui ce sont entendus pour je ne sais quelle raison car autant BugaTTi jouait le vert avec moi, autant Maurice n'avait aucuns interets a rouler contre moi. Je trouve dommage que le combat ai été faussé et je me souviendrais de ces 2 equipes.

Maurice and BugaTTi shame on you!
Il y a surement triche, j'en conviens :) Mais on ne peut rien trouver. De plus, ce genre de cas n'est pas sanctionné par les règles. Va prouver qu'ils ont discuté ensemble!

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:19 am
by Elaska
Pfff it's not something new with this ******* Maurice :twisted:

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:32 am
by team fl
Elaska wrote:Pfff it's not something new with this ******* Maurice :twisted:
Do you really need this?

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:44 am
by Maurice
Ach kann jemand beweisen, dass es ne externe Absprache gab? nein!
Ach los... ich wär auch ohne Blau weggekommen! Karabatic war voll

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:51 am
by team fl
Maurice wrote:Ach kann jemand beweisen, dass es ne externe Absprache gab? nein!
Ach los... ich wär auch ohne Blau weggekommen! Karabatic war voll
if i am "voll" then i won't get away anywhere ;)

and btw, this is the english thingy...

i've just read the whole thread. now, of course nobody is able to proof you did something that is not allowed. anyway, for all the others: discussion is over i think, the vicitms say they did it, they say they didn't. just keep it in your head for the next time. that's all.

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:09 pm
by auxilium torino
Maurice wrote:Ach kann jemand beweisen, dass es ne externe Absprache gab? nein!
Ach los... ich wär auch ohne Blau weggekommen! Karabatic war voll
deine antwort ist die beweis!

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:47 pm
by Enigma
yes team fl

i remember it ;)

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:24 pm
by team fl
Enigma wrote:yes team fl

i remember it ;)

be sure I'll ask you about it in a few weeks... :geek:

Re: Tour de France 18h

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:17 pm
by Buhmann
For BugaTTi: Fine: 400.000. Because of haveing an (inactive) multiaccount and this illegal agreement. Furthermore a warning. Hope now you stick to the rules.

Maurice: Fine: 100.000 because of the illegal agreement.