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Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:53 pm
by NicoVanarlo
Km: 165, Dénivellé: 3
Carmel Edouard (Team darsseul) Attaque au km
Björn Daehli (BayernPower) Attaque au km
Jindrich Nemec (celteam) s´echappe avec
Liam Mcarthy (Team Anobrain) s´echappe avec
Johannes Klaebo (BayernPower) Attaque au km
Owen Catoire (celteam) s´echappe avec
Pinot Romain (Team darsseul) s´echappe avec
Frederik Neuendorf (Schappy) s´echappe avec
Adam Adams (Vampire Slayers) s´echappe avec
Rui Vinha (celteam) s´echappe avec
Clément Dumarais (Team darsseul) s´echappe avec

It was 2 group after the attack, 1st with 8 riders (3 dareul) and a second with 3 others

Long long chat discussion, but finally, Darseul refused to drop ;-)

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:19 pm
by polist4ever
He and 2 other teams break the rules. Those 2 teams send a rider back to peloton but Team darsseul didnt send

Hope Team darsseul will be fined because it destroys the fight for general

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:44 pm
by ProTour-Team
no teamattack

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:11 pm
by luques
More than 2 riders of a team, who, through attacking or following, escape out of a group.
This rule is deactivated if more than 10 riders from at least.4 teams are represented or if the original group has less than 15 riders.

They escape out of a group, it was more than 10 riders from at least 4 teams. So no team attack. In other languages is it different?

P.S. Just to be more clear, there is not any condition both in english/italian that says that riders must end in the same group after the attack/follow.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:48 pm
by TheDreamTeam
There were 1 group of 8 riders, and 1 group of 3

in the group of 8, there were 3 riders of darsseul... is it ok?

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:24 am
by bogis
they escape out of peloton luques

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:50 am
by Spike81
we were 11 riders, but included his 3 riders and celteam had also 3 riders, so if they send back both one of their riders, we were 9 riders... not over 10 riders...

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:31 am
by team fl
Spike81 wrote:we were 11 riders, but included his 3 riders and celteam had also 3 riders, so if they send back both one of their riders, we were 9 riders... not over 10 riders...
It's the number of riders that attacked/followed at the same km out of the same group. This number was 11 (from 6 different teams). That's what is important regarding this rule. And as Luques has already stated, according to this, it was all fine.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:49 am
by TheDreamTeam
rules must be rewritten

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:20 pm
by CircleCycle
no, rules are very clear, as FL and luques stated above.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:43 pm
by Spike81
team fl wrote:
Spike81 wrote:we were 11 riders, but included his 3 riders and celteam had also 3 riders, so if they send back both one of their riders, we were 9 riders... not over 10 riders...
It's the number of riders that attacked/followed at the same km out of the same group. This number was 11 (from 6 different teams). That's what is important regarding this rule. And as Luques has already stated, according to this, it was all fine.
also when 5 riders from different teams attacks, you can attack or hanging on one of these with the whole team?
then we have 14 riders from 6 teams... thats also okay? ok, thats a strange rule...

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:59 pm
by team fl
Spike81 wrote:
team fl wrote:
Spike81 wrote:we were 11 riders, but included his 3 riders and celteam had also 3 riders, so if they send back both one of their riders, we were 9 riders... not over 10 riders...
It's the number of riders that attacked/followed at the same km out of the same group. This number was 11 (from 6 different teams). That's what is important regarding this rule. And as Luques has already stated, according to this, it was all fine.
also when 5 riders from different teams attacks, you can attack or hanging on one of these with the whole team?
then we have 14 riders from 6 teams... thats also okay? ok, thats a strange rule...
It's neither strage nor unclear. What's not to understand? It's a rule with exceptions. Rule says something, but if one of the exceptions occurs, the rule is not valid anymore. In this case, the exceptions are:

- more than 10 riders from at least 4 teams from the group they attacked out of are involved in the attack;
- the group they attacked out of has less than 15 riders;
- they attacked at a climb of 4% or higher;
- they attacked during the last 20km of the race.

The other rules are still valid though (rule 1 and rule 2).

Your Example: 5 riders from 5 different Teams attack at the same km, you hang on one of them with your whole Team (and very strangely all riders are able to follow), so it's 14 riders involved eventually. It's okay. Has the group only 14 riders after all? Then it's okay too. Is it on the last 20 km? Then it's okay too. Did it happen on a climb of 4% or higher? It's okay too.

But feel free to offer other Solutions for such a rule. There have been discussion about abolishing this rule in the past too. So, if you don't like it, open a thread, try to convince the admins.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 2:41 pm
by Robyklebt
I agree, rules must be rewritten.

By now it's obvious that something around 40% of users here are mentally retarded and don't get the simplest things. LIke this rule, that is pretty clear for the other 60%.
But we need to be inclusive, just because many here are dumb as fuck doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make the game as enjoyable as possible for them.

Rewrite the rules.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 2:49 pm
by CircleCycle
Robyklebt wrote:I agree, rules must be rewritten.

By now it's obvious that something around 40% of users here are mentally retarded and don't get the simplest things. LIke this rule, that is pretty clear for the other 60%.
But we need to be inclusive, just because many here are dumb as fuck doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make the game as enjoyable as possible for them.

Rewrite the rules.
:D :D

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:00 pm
by Liquigas-CND
The following last phrase of rule 3 should be amended:

This rule is deactivated too, in the last 20km of a race and if the road rises 4% and more.

as per below:
This rule is deactivated too, in the last 20km of a race or if the road rises 4% and more.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:30 pm
by team fl
Liquigas-CND wrote:The following last phrase of rule 3 should be amended:

This rule is deactivated too, in the last 20km of a race and if the road rises 4% and more.

as per below:
This rule is deactivated too, in the last 20km of a race or if the road rises 4% and more.
Indeed. The current phrasing is misunderstanding.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:50 pm
by Spike81
the attack was about 30 km before the end and on a 3%.

and if this rule is written so good, why no one of my vuelta-members know the rule exactly? and why this rule is always in question?

why so complicated, why not say that max. 2 riders attack per km and same group, no exceptions. and max 5 riders attack in 20 km in the same group.

Re: Team Darseul team attack vuelta 20h

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:54 pm
by ProTour-Team
the question is: why is it so difficult to simple read and understand that rule? afterall it is really easy