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Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:04 pm
by Liquigas-CND
Auxilium Torino: armselig
DrivenByRobert: I see that ^^
DrivenByRobert: Lel
Auxilium Torino: let him speak, driven, is an idiot
Liquigas-CND: !
Liquigas-CND: The greatest team ever existed in RSF
DrivenByRobert: full flat*
Liquigas-CND: Meet the Great Liquigas Team!
DrivenByRobert: With a full plat team :')
DrivenByRobert: I have only 33 seconds on your leader
Liquigas-CND: shame on you
Liquigas-CND: he is a very bad a\manager
DrivenByRobert: So ?
Auxilium Torino: he have 2 race... and a cheap team
Liquigas-CND: 2 against 4 and I win it seems
Liquigas-CND: This was a lesson MR Robert!
Liquigas-CND: ok, good win

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:41 am
by auxilium torino
adjetivo/nombre común

[persona] Que padece idiocia.
[persona] Que es poco inteligente o que molesta a alguien con lo que hace o con lo que dice.

adjective / common name

[Person ] suffering from idiocy .
[Person ] That is unintelligent or annoys someone with what he does or what he says .

Your behavior? You kidding a 2 race experience player that have no idea of the game and don´t broke any rule!

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:47 am
by team fl
I don't know how you use the word idiot in your private life but in German and in English, calling somebody an idiot is seen as an Insult. German Wiki article about it even states it:
Der Ausdruck Idiot ist im heutigen Sprachgebrauch als Schimpfwort geläufig (...)
Btw., to translate idiot into moron in english is quite an idiocy too, because the word idiot exists in English too, although moron is used in pretty much the same sense. I Quote from the English Wiki article:
An idiot, dolt, dullard or (archaically) mome is a person perceived to be lacking intelligence, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Along with the similar terms moron, imbecile, and cretin, the word archaically referred to the intellectually disabled, but have all since gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refers to someone with low intelligence. In modern English usage, the terms "idiot" and "idiocy" describe an extreme folly or stupidity, and its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is a historical term for the state or condition now called profound intellectual disability.
You didn't say he behaved idiotic. The fact that you played Robin Hood for the new users doesn't change that. You said and I quote:
Auxilium Torino: let him speak, driven, is an idiot
So if he's offended by that, he is (don't know what that says about Liquigas though). And at least, he's the greatest manager of all time... so...

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:56 pm
by auxilium torino
You see insult ever if you want, same the word from Liquigas are an insult for Driven, is new and hat no idea, Liquigas win, say it one toime, is ok, after is an insult, and a idiocy behaveur!
If you want see an insult in this, is because YOU WANT IT!

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:46 pm
by team fl
You're serious, right? Anyway, what do I care. Liquigas opened this thread. The FPC will deal with it (I guess). What I want is completely irrelevant. I just tried to fact it up a bit after your rant. Maybe you should consider to write a bit less aggressive. Otherwise people won't take you very serious, if that's still possible after all.

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:13 am
by auxilium torino
For me is ok, i don´t want that they take me to be serius, life is serius enough! :)

And yes, you are right, but Driven broken no rulem only play bad, is ok, he lose a race, probably with 30 race experience he will win easy, but i find that Liquigas was offensive after the first time, to repeat 3 time the same!

Really champs don' t denigrate a weak rival!

in my eyes, maybe i am the only one, but i think really this, the behaviur from Liquigas is deleterius, for the game more that my insult to him!

and NO, after this race, you are no a Champion, Liquigas
if you waa a really good champ, after the race you should explaine to Driven what he got wrong!

This is a Champs!

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:21 am
by IDF
"And yes, you are right, but Driven broken no rulem only play bad, is ok, he lose a race, probably with 30 race experience he will win easy,"

To see the race in spectator, he couldn't win this CN. His only mistake was to don't wait for his another guy in order to do a better group. But in classic stage ( it was one ), with only 47-80 *2 , it was impossible.. especially against Ortiz the cyborg.

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:56 pm
by Liquigas-CND
Guys, now i really don't care cause Auxilium made me idiot so please don't give him any fine or other type of penalty...
It's true, i had an aggressive atitude and I appologize to DriverbyRobert but sometimes I say stupid things when the adrenaline level is high.
I would like to highlight that i say stupid things but I am not insulting others.

It's also true that saying that somebody is idiot is an insult in my opinion.

Have a nice day!

P.S. Starting with today Liquigas will be known not only as "the greatest manager ever existed" but also as the "RSF peace-maker" :)

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:31 am
by IDF
Because the adrenaline was high?
For a CN hahahaha . Sorry i needed to laugh

Re: Auxilium Torino Insulted the Greatest Manager

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:33 pm
by chartreusecycle
IDF wrote:Because the adrenaline was high?
For a CN hahahaha . Sorry i needed to laugh
Dixit le mec qui a mis top forme pendant 4 ans sur les CN...