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teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:36 pm
by Wookie
10h one day race. 05.01.16
MgN-Redteam attacked with three riders at km 158 (18kms before the finish)
Km: 158, Steigung: 3
Lexi Hartmann (MgN-Redteam) attackiert
Jamal Bouaha (MgN-Redteam) attackiert
Tiago Ampolas (MgN-Redteam) attackiert

Luna Team Bike: ok
MgN-Redteam: last 20 km
Luna Team Bike: but is team attack ?

MgN-Redteam: Sorry for all of you
Wookie(FairPlay): I guess you will get a fine, nothing serious.
Luna Team Bike: It was wrong, but for me it's ok
MgN-Redteam: I saw guys attacking in 4 with 3 riders last 25km. you guys make your decision, i broke the rules, so make a fair the decision, look at the race and make the better
Wookie(FairPlay): Yes. This with 4% is also rule 3, attacking and/or hanging.
MgN-Redteam: if was in 4, it was a teamattack to?
Wookie(FairPlay): Shuld i make a thread so you can defend your position or make a statement?
MgN-Redteam: let me ask you something
MgN-Redteam: yes, for sure
Wookie(FairPlay): I guess so too, but you still broken the rules.
MgN-Redteam: nobody hanging on me in my attack, so the gap i won with attack, with 3 or 2 was the same... so the i think you can desqualify 1 of flat riders
Luna Team Bike: but for me isn't a problem
Luna Team Bike: rules are rules
Luna Team Bike: for you..
Bengals Udine: sure
MgN-Redteam: ok sorry, but i think, the win is not in question...
MgN-Redteam: oooh sorry
Wookie(FairPlay): After 655 races you should know that
Wookie(FairPlay): Last 20km is with hanging. Attacking is last 10km
Bengals Udine: and now ?
MgN-Redteam: last 20km
Wookie(FairPlay): Then it was a teamattack
Bengals Udine: yes
Wookie(FairPlay): Were the three MgN-Redteam (Hartmann, Bouhana and Ampolas) in the same group at km 158?

After 655 races he should know the rules. He won the race with Hartmann, but i think he would have won anyway. But still he should get a fine.

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:37 pm
by Rexona
yes i agree with you

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:41 pm
by Liquigas-CND
I propose 1M fine :)) just kidding ; i think 50-100 K should be enough.

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:47 am
by Hunsrueck
FPK has the following penalty set: FINE OF 100000, WARNING: No

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:47 am
by Coroncina2
Another team attack:
29/04/2016 h 24 1 day race
Km: 137, Pendenza: -1
Juho Kaurismäki (MgN-Redteam) Attacco al km
KangDae Yoon (Coroncina) contrattacca
Atilio Noli (VeloPiemonte ) contrattacca
Bjorn Svenson (MSIDB) contrattacca
Danny Gonzalez (MgN-Redteam) Attacco al km
Petri Paakkolanvaara (free team) contrattacca
Bruno Degano (Coroncina) contrattacca
Joseba Landa (barba roja) contrattacca
Erik Patalong (free team) contrattacca
Anton Valach (MgN-Redteam) Attacco al km
Frederic Coventry (Riding Stars) contrattacca
Simon Hunter (barba roja) contrattacca
Emil Danielsson (MSIDB) contrattacca

race was of 147 kms

no stop before. Just at end of race said was a "mistake" :D

here the chatt:

MgN-Redteam: ok so you are the most lucky guy in my mistake^^
free team: danny, as one can see in the log
free team: but maybe some more to the story wouldnt hurt^^
free team: thx coro
Coroncina: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4788
Coroncina: posted on forum
free team: and you didnt realise that in the next 10mins?
MgN-Redteam: who you followed in my attack free???
MgN-Redteam: 137+10=147 was my firts thinking, but i was wrong wtf sorryyyyy
free team: and all your arguing instead of just straight admitting your mistake and maybe showing some sort of regrets make it way worse
free team: whereas your attack obviously decided the race
MgN-Redteam: ok ok ok ok sorry. wtf
free team: but that situation ended up nowhere
free team: he let fall on the first km but ended up in another group which brought him back to the front
MgN-Redteam: do what you whant man, i still the same, dont change anything in my life kkk
VeloPiemonte : the third rider never ride, was on follow, not possible to ride
MgN-Redteam: save from what?? this is a game kkkkk
VeloPiemonte : you can lie to save your ass
VeloPiemonte : no, i let fail, i know it
MgN-Redteam: the escape was catched and you was on tempo
MgN-Redteam: no you dont let fall
VeloPiemonte : sorry
VeloPiemonte : don´t know english
VeloPiemonte : multa , punishment
free team: multa?
VeloPiemonte : not same
VeloPiemonte : but i let fail
MgN-Redteam: so you need a multa to
MgN-Redteam: well VeloPiemonte you did a teamattack to
VeloPiemonte : you play dirty, and you know it
VeloPiemonte : also a team attac
VeloPiemonte : this is already you MGN
free team: + if you just attack with 2 guys instead of 3 it highly changes the race
VeloPiemonte : viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4788&p=87911&hilit ... eam#p87911
free team: you broke the rules, tried to deny it and made nothing about it
MgN-Redteam: my attack and my work give you a win
free team: thats clearly not the point mgn
MgN-Redteam: Gw
free team: but still dont like those 7men races a single bit
MgN-Redteam: well i worked, i try to win, i didnt, do what you whant
free team: thanks
barba roja: gw
Coroncina: as said ..
VeloPiemonte : you still riding, not mistake
VeloPiemonte : he admit only to not become multa
MgN-Redteam: i already admit befor, was a mistake
free team: but good that you finally admit it^^
Coroncina: perfect bug on MS
free team: no point in arguing
free team: 137 to 147 is 11..
MgN-Redteam: 137 147 look 10km but ok i admit now its 11km bcs 137 count
free team: bah barba
free team: arguing makes you mistake even worse imo
VeloPiemonte : and you still riding, very bad comportamento
free team: not importnant mgn
MgN-Redteam: Danny not in front
Coroncina: but not with 3
free team: and did nothing to change it
free team: at least admit that you broke the rule with your "mistake"
MgN-Redteam: and you followed lol
MgN-Redteam: was a little mistake, but i dont think is to bad like you whant to show
free team: yap coro
MgN-Redteam: no
Coroncina: or not?
free team: for 1km or for 250km, you broke the rule..
Coroncina: rule is rule
MgN-Redteam: lol
MgN-Redteam: ye for 1km
Coroncina: sì
VeloPiemonte : corooncina, lo metti tu in forum?
Coroncina: and good win free
VeloPiemonte : not fair to play in this art
free team: last km petri, simon and frederic?
free team: expected him to follow there aswell
VeloPiemonte : you stay riding, i think you need big multa
Coroncina: amazing multy
Coroncina: Gambrinus stop in front and wasn't in 2 ° group
VeloPiemonte : MGN , is not first time you got one team attac i believe
free team: if you count 10 you are just stutid^^
VeloPiemonte : 137 is incluso then 11 km
Ban Esto: 147-137+1 = 11
free team: count from 137 to 147
MgN-Redteam: nop
VeloPiemonte : you must stop
free team: are you for real?
VeloPiemonte : is team attacac for sure
MgN-Redteam: legal
MgN-Redteam: 137 finish 147 last 10
Coroncina: drop one
free team: 11
free team: 137 147 = ^^
Coroncina: yes..
MgN-Redteam: lasdt 10km
MgN-Redteam: nop
free team: 11km to finish instead of 10.. smart :D
VeloPiemonte : 3 attac only in last 10 km allowed
VeloPiemonte : team attac

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:05 am
by auxilium torino
magari mettere la chat?

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:13 am
by ProTour-Team
chat from right after the attack, bottom to top as always
the teamattack of velo that mgn mentions was 2 attacks + 1 follow, that 1 being dropped the next km but right into another attack so he ended up in the group again but 5km later peloton caught that group anyway
whereas mgns teamattack decided the race obviously and he used all his 3 guys without dropping anyone anywhere

edit: coro already included the chat as i see, so just my2cents remaining

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:56 am
by team fl
So the attacks happened during the last 10 km of the race? If yes, then it's perfectly okay according to rule no. 1's exception.

Edith sees it were 11 km... me and math... 8-)

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:10 pm
by Wookie
fpc is reviewing this case.

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:00 pm
by ProTour-Team
Give FL a fine too!

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:26 pm
by team fl
ProTour-Team wrote:Give FL a fine too!
50'000 for Bella!

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 11:25 am
by Wookie
FPK has the following penalty set: FINE: 200.000 , WARNING: YES

Re: teamattack 05.01.16 MgN-Redteam

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 3:37 pm
by cataracs
the race chat is really funny