Insulting language by Team TAKA

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Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by Floppzzy » Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:48 pm

During todays 22hrs tour of poland TEAM TAKA began insulting me as I started riding SS in word is attched. Not sure if there's punishment for this, but I wanted to discuss it as it's definitely not fair play in my opinion.


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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by Floppzzy » Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:19 pm

More insults added:

TEAM TAKA: why you're talking about me ? we're talking about you ! I'm a great player and that's all :)
Floppzzy: I do have one of the tour favs and taking responsibility. My team is designed for another goal which im not inclined to tell you about
TEAM TAKA: instead of leavin the work for lorient and let him weaken his riders in stages you might have a chance even without help him in saving them
Floppzzy: and you base that on the 1 (maybe 2) tours we rode together.... and not your stats, let me guess, you are really a great player, but you lost your account due to improper behaviour?
TEAM TAKA: you have a 2nd tour favo but without teammates...your shitty riders sucks
TEAM TAKA: those aren't really my statics...but points have nothing to do with bein good or not you're just an idiot
Floppzzy: seems you hve issues TAKA perhaps you should work on that ....btw if im clueless so are you mate as you scored about the same amount as I did in the same amount of races
pontepiscopiens: ok fpr me
TEAM TAKA: tempo km 120 pepe pont ?
Lorient: ok green enough ^^
TEAM TAKA: oh you're leaving tempo ? come on don't stop you an't even do what you say
Lorient: ok off so I try green ^^
Lorient: because I want to know if Kettel go green or blue
Lorient: ?
Lorient: Franjou have a lot of power
Floppzzy: ill leave you for a sec ill go in again in a bit
Lorient: Veneziano have very low power pp
Lorient: I'm not sure ^^
Chartreuse Monks: Red Floppzzy or you slow down
Floppzzy: thanks ;-)
Lorient: it's for you not for me ^^
Floppzzy: yeah sorry
Lorient: better together Floppzy ;)
Lorient: après le mieux ça serait de tout faire à 3 si Floppzy veut aider ou à 2 dans l'autre cas mais làà vu Veneziano ^xD
Lorient: il passera en rouge pour finir son boulot
Chartreuse Monks: ok Lorient on peu se relayer
Lorient: de toure façon Veneziano freine là alors
Floppzzy: sure mate
Lorient: je stoppe un peu je reviens dans quelques kms
Floppzzy: Let me check the guidelines of appropriate behaviour as im sure yours isnt
Chartreuse Monks: Blue in peloton ?
TEAM TAKA: like if you'd have stopped're just a sad clueless old idiot go sleep ^^
Floppzzy: just for that insult you've ensured my tempo until the end of this stage
TEAM TAKA: stop your fucking tempo idiot flopp
Lorient: sachant que CC a que ça à jouer les ms ^^
Lorient: m'enfin je suis pas sûr que aujourd'hui + simple que demain
peperefm: et moi juste coureur d'intermédiaires ^^
Floppzzy: hi all
peperefm: demain c pour les grands nous on est petits !!!
Lorient: bon Ox' probablement à moins qu'il envoie son grimpeur pour faire du tourisme ^^
Lorient: mouais on verra ^^
TEAM TAKA: demain oxffam ou leso vont jouer l'etape clair ^^
Lorient: les 2 qui sotn devant à pepere en échappée ils auraient été mieux sachant qu'il va surement repartir demain ^^
TEAM TAKA: you are a morron doing tempo all the time flopp
peperefm: moi ?? non rien de mieux et surtout pas en état !! lol
TEAM TAKA: qui sera interessant demain ?^^
peperefm: vous avez ouvert la chasse a 180 du bout ? vous allez pas etre frais dmain !!
Lorient: tu en avais d'autre mieux je pense ^^
Lorient: bizarre d'envoer 2 coureurs qui auraient pu être interessant pour demain alors que aujourd'hui ils sont moins efficace ^^
peperefm: oh m....
Lorient: y en a pas eu lol
peperefm: sorry je gérais mes ados !! je croyais qu'on faisait une pause ?? c déjà fini ??
TEAM TAKA: en roulant seul j perds rien c'est juste que le groupe aura moins de chance
Lorient: roulez :D
TEAM TAKA: pepe tempo ? :)
TEAM TAKA: j mets un album chaque course :D
Chartreuse Monks: très bon groupe de rock
TEAM TAKA: sisi je veux bien une pause mais je préfere perdre et ne pas faire ce que me disnet les autres....rise against quoi :p
Lorient: pas beau de faire semblant
Lorient: faites uen pause de 200 km ^^
Chartreuse Monks: bon visiblement tu veux pas de pause
TEAM TAKA: roulez !
Chartreuse Monks: sinon on roule
Chartreuse Monks: ba dit a peperefm d'arreter
Lorient: ^^
TEAM TAKA: une pause ? :D
Lorient: fais moi gagner aujourd'hui alors :D
Chartreuse Monks: anyway for me the tour is already a success with 2 stages win
Lorient: après pour une fois c'est pas trop dangereux pour le gk ^^
Lorient: de toute façon comme je t'ai dit mon train je m'eb fous ^^
Lorient: d'accord
Chartreuse Monks: je protege aussi Denis Dupraz
Chartreuse Monks: on peut laisser 10min
Lorient: sachant que pour le 4 % j'aurai Kubacki
Lorient: CM tu me dis quand tu veux démarrer ;)
TEAM TAKA: non pepe utilise bertal comme puller 66sprint c'est trop
peperefm: salut tlm
TEAM TAKA: come on barba pepe :)
pontepiscopiens: hello
TEAM TAKA: be all off and let me win
Whisbone: i will be off tonight, hope t o find a sitter , good race
free team: at 14km idiot
Chartreuse Monks: with a 4% at 13km it is important...
lesossies: I´l try to find a sitter for tonight but not very important, enjoy the rac

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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by cataracs » Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:25 am

copy the whole chat next time ! anyway you should have told me about this thread , this is very bad insulting performance by me :evil:
peperefm: ^^
Lorient: pfff
peperefm: Mon tour a moi etait sur 4 jours !! ;)
peperefm: c'est ce que je viens de dire !!
Lorient: ^^
TEAM TAKA: le blanc tu vas le perde et la montagne c'est demain que ça commence :D
peperefm: ^^
peperefm: demain je rends les maillots !!
peperefm: montagne et blanc ! mon tour est fini mais j'ai réussi ce que je voulais !!
free team: hihi chart, i see you winning all 4 sprints and whining for help all race long so guess what ;)
Chartreuse Monks: thanks peperefm
free team: you really believe wouldnt have went 150 to make sure i dont win? ahahahah :D
Chartreuse Monks: as usual
Chartreuse Monks: free team whining
peperefm: gw chart !!
Lorient: so better for me to do that
Lorient: no if I take Chart wheel you win
free team: if not you take charts and might actually win, your choice :D
Lorient: know *
Lorient: you knwo it and you do your choice
Lorient: that's all
Lorient: you don't ride I go in your wheel
free team: nope, as you and lorient sprint against me i have no chances
Lorient: you ride I don't take your wheel ...
Lorient: I just want see you lose :)
Chartreuse Monks: free team you have all the weapon to win but you are such a bad manager...
Lorient: ;)
TEAM TAKA: I don't know why such a bad form for john
free team: if everybody likes to see you winning chart why not, i dont mind but would have loved to see taka beating you
Chartreuse Monks: will do my best to help you tomorrow lorient
Floppzzy: taka stop being an ass
TEAM TAKA: you should have been sleeping flopp
Chartreuse Monks: 4th place for Lukas his best result on this tour
Floppzzy: shouldve been in your wheel chart lol thought holtz would be in yours tody
TEAM TAKA: no chance at 50
Chartreuse Monks: Idiot
Chartreuse Monks: free team giving advice LOOOOL
Chartreuse Monks: :)
free team: wait til 50 taka urghs
Chartreuse Monks: you right
Chartreuse Monks: we will see if you lie or not
Chartreuse Monks: Candide is top form
TEAM TAKA: John is just to weak to win
Chartreuse Monks: what and idiot
Chartreuse Monks: free team the worst manager ever lol
free team: all fine, gw taka
TEAM TAKA: it's bad time to change
Chartreuse Monks: bye bye sucker
Chartreuse Monks: anti free team sprint worked perfectly
Lorient: it's a good question :D
Lorient: or not ?
Lorient: wheel *
Lorient: and now time for go in taka's cheel :D
Floppzzy: was considering it at 300 but didnt.... duh
Chartreuse Monks: it was a true option for you at 300m
Lorient: I said chat I do yesterday ^^
Floppzzy: no chance for me
Floppzzy: luc will do that i think
Chartreuse Monks: Floppzzy if you want to join catch White wheel
TEAM TAKA: c'est du 95 quand meme
TEAM TAKA: avion
Lorient: mdr
Chartreuse Monks: allez Taka en voiture
Lorient: pas pris de risque ^^
Chartreuse Monks: Lorient launch your train
Lorient: lol
TEAM TAKA: parcontre c'est maintenat que je vois que c'est du -1 là :p
TEAM TAKA: nah rien a foutre avec le meilleur jeune ^^
Lorient: m'enfin pour le meilleur jeune why not ^^
Lorient: Kieft < Vergara de loin
Lorient: je vais pas reprendre 3 heures sur le itt hein
Lorient: on va voir ça dès demain ...
TEAM TAKA: 88clm c'est trop on a peut etre une petite chance mais pas aussi favoris que toi ^^
Lorient: voilà vous êtes autant favo que moi mais quasiment rien foutu
TEAM TAKA: depend de oxfam et j'essayerai d'aidé :D
Lorient: donc j'ai tour gagné
TEAM TAKA: flopp ne vas pas rouler il n'a pas de coureurs ^^
Lorient: m'enfin à priori y a que 2 favos pour le général donc aps de problème
Lorient: si je peux éviter à Kemp de rouelr sur ça ça sera ça de gagner
Lorient: y a quelques kms quand même
TEAM TAKA: tu n'as pas vraiment besoin de plat c'est plus la descente ^^
Chartreuse Monks: je sens la victoire de free team le suceur
Lorient: parce qu'il aurait très bien pu me laisser tout rouler aussi sur certaines étapes
Lorient: plat *
Lorient: ça suffira sur le palt ^^
Lorient: ben il te reste un 89 ^^
Lorient: et là ça me coute rien ils seront en reg
Chartreuse Monks: putain mes des etapes de plus de 200km serieux
Chartreuse Monks: mais la question c avec quoi lol
Lorient: puis bon ça m' a évité d'avoir à rouler comme un bourrin sur les étapes où y avait un plus gros danger
Chartreuse Monks: si je peux je le ferai
TEAM TAKA: pour quoi il t'aidera sur le vallon :D
Lorient: mais bon si je peux avoir un peu d'aide sur les étapes vallonées je prends
Lorient: depuis longtemps ^^
TEAM TAKA: là on a pas de chance...mais ton job est fait normalment lorient ^^
Lorient: xD
Chartreuse Monks: I have 4 riders at 0 energy lol
Lorient: with the two on tempo easy to block
Lorient: I try to protect all my team so hard ^^
TEAM TAKA: we go red in fonrt we have no chance ^^
Chartreuse Monks: Dupraz 993
Lorient: Kubacki 900 no problem
Chartreuse Monks: hum Lessosies connected
Chartreuse Monks: yep
Lorient: and if I go with Kettel we lost 1 min so ^^
Lorient: but at 222 no choice
TEAM TAKA: he needs helpers
Lorient: one km no rpoblem
Lorient: ok Kilian out but no problem he sucks
Chartreuse Monks: you killed them
Lorient: no
Chartreuse Monks: grrr you will sieb my team
Lorient: Kemp it's not bad Cervantes and Hernandez can too
Lorient: they have good advantage so yes you have other one so no problem and I Have some guys for help
Floppzzy: sure
Chartreuse Monks: km 204 I go
Chartreuse Monks: ok
Chartreuse Monks: is it the best option ?
TEAM TAKA: bon 203 et 222 rouge oui seul les autres bleu
Lorient: I have some other riders who can ride later
Lorient: if you want ...
Chartreuse Monks: should I put Cotentin now ?
Floppzzy: lorient and me are mostly done
pontepiscopiens: oui ok
Floppzzy: help chart?
TEAM TAKA: km 203 is ok ?
TEAM TAKA: shit let's go blue
Floppzzy: 5-6 mins is much easier to maintain and wheel in
Lorient: ^^
Floppzzy: this is why i hate 10 min gaps
Lorient: I just hope CC help them in the 2 others days xD
Floppzzy: thisll have to do until chart comes online
Lorient: maybe we have some time to go faster but not a lot
Lorient: with this tempo we never keep them and I can't go faster now ...
Lorient: I can ride but tomorrow we lost a lot of time against classics so ^^
Lorient: ok so I ride a little bit more but after CC your job
Floppzzy: lorient, chart?
Floppzzy: if no sprinter teams join in im done
Lorient: I know low power but ...
Lorient: if you have one for some kms CC ;)
Lorient: or go red :D
TEAM TAKA: Yates is weak change him !
TEAM TAKA: I was on him the first day but he didn't even tried..and the day he tries..hihi
Lorient: yeah we know you have no chance to win free
free team: psst taka, dont tell them.. maybe they really didnt see it yesterday
TEAM TAKA: not only free
Lorient: or try to kill his train :)
Lorient: just all on his wheel and let CC win
Lorient: free
TEAM TAKA: we know who has the strongest train today :D
Lorient: hum not easy I can't kill all my riders for tomorrow ...
Lorient: ^^
Chartreuse Monks: others are under 90 energy
Chartreuse Monks: and renard for the end
Chartreuse Monks: next one is cotentin / dupraz
Lorient: maybe if you have someone CC ;)
Floppzzy: this is less fakeable
Floppzzy: yeah, lol
free team: couldnt you just copy paste the chat, floppzzy? :D
Floppzzy: nice comeback lol
Floppzzy: ouch no response for several minutes, gues i struck a nerve there ;-)
TEAM TAKA: I should ignore you or I'll start saying really bad words :)
Chartreuse Monks: :)
Floppzzy: you should find a girlfriend TAKA
Lorient: and by not amking tempo your chance are lower to win free :)
TEAM TAKA: I wish there's a button to ban you :p
free team: oh come on taka, by making tempo his gc chances definitly get bigger :D
Lorient: ok blue maybe
Floppzzy: I wish there was an ignore button here as there's nothing usefull coming from you
TEAM TAKA: your team have no goal , and you have 0 chance by helping're really clueless
Floppzzy: you are a bit pittyful imo whining because your group didnt get the 20 minutes you are dreaming about
TEAM TAKA: why you're talking about me ? we're talking about you ! I'm a great player and that's all :)
Floppzzy: I do have one of the tour favs and taking responsibility. My team is designed for another goal which im not inclined to tell you about
TEAM TAKA: instead of leavin the work for lorient and let him weaken his riders in stages you might have a chance even without help him in saving them
Floppzzy: and you base that on the 1 (maybe 2) tours we rode together.... and not your stats, let me guess, you are really a great player, but you lost your account due to improper behaviour?
TEAM TAKA: why you're talking about me ? we're talking about you ! I'm a great player and that's all :)

RS Ostfriesland
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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:14 am

Posting not as an fpc member:

I love this insulting topics. We need more of them. =)

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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by chartreusecycle » Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:51 pm

Floppzzy, we all know Taka is sometimes a bit retarded (is it an insult too ?) but honestly he was not really insulting you...

He get nervous that is all. Not a big deal !

Prove him on the road that you ride the good way :)
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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:00 pm

fpc is reviewing this case.

Anonymer RSFler: ich trink glaub ich 2 mal im jahr alk und einmal resette ich :-D

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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by cataracs » Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:05 pm

how can this be a "case" it's just a little child whining about some common words in the game...he should get a fine for posting something like this , if every one open a thread for a "case" like this it will need a new part on the forum :P

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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:21 pm

Taka stop talking. Every shit is a case, so let us do our work and go for a walk. :)

Anonymer RSFler: ich trink glaub ich 2 mal im jahr alk und einmal resette ich :-D

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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by cataracs » Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:07 am

Because of your fairplay problem your team get a fine of 20000 credits. We hope that you will follow our game rules next time. Thank you.
I followed the fucking rules but I won't next time "a fine" for a shit like this it's just rediculous...

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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by team fl » Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:49 am

first you use offensive language and now you can't live with the consequences? That's lame. I agree with most here that your "insults" are not really grave (neither very creative), and so imo it's not necessary to open a case. but if the victim feels insulted, it is free to do so. And then the FC has to decide. insult? yes. grave? no. -> very little penalty. Where's the problem? If you're so keen to use that kind of language, be so keen to take the consequences as well.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Insulting language by Team TAKA

Post by Hunsrueck » Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:09 pm

FPK has the following penalty set: FINE OF20000

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