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Goliasjo team attac/sett lombarda 18 Hours

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:16 pm
by auxilium torino
Goliasjo start several attac, from peloton to a second group in front, and after from the front group attac another time with the same riders to be in front

He take for sure from this move no advantage , probably all riders are tomorrow dead, but he destroy the race and the tour

Give no answer in chat, and is not the first time!

Re: Goliasjo team attac/sett lombarda 18 Hours

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:43 pm
by Radunion
Was there an actual breach of the fairplay rules? If yes, please give exact data which rule was how breached.

Re: Goliasjo team attac/sett lombarda 18 Hours

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:29 am
by luques
I think it is quite difficult to rebuild all the race story, and probably he didn't break the rule.

But i think that his continuos attacks ruined a bit the race for the first 90kms (it was like neutralization).

Today he will have all riders dead so won't be a problem, but i think that in a single race day can be quite annoying.
And it is good also for him if he understand how the game works, to have better results.

Hope he will read the chat today, i will try with my portuguese skills :)

Re: Goliasjo team attac/sett lombarda 18 Hours

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:11 pm
by RS Ostfriesland
team attack or not? thats the only important point. if not, its not a nice style to ride but still nothing we need to talk about.