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Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:10 pm
by auxilium torino
is not the first time, already is a normality for this boy:

team sansoucci: Taka one fore tempo
Poggio al Vento Si: taka?
team sansoucci: team taka tempo
Auxilium Torino: the only insult are from you
Auxilium Torino: what do you want?
Auxilium Torino: insult??
TEAM TAKA: Stucki very strong for the group
NoPikouze: shut up fucking asshole, dont start with your insults, son of a bitch
NoPikouze: yeah and you also have bargnani
Auxilium Torino: why should me let drop???vasco cannot resist, you are nut, or what?
Auxilium Torino: Auxilium Torino: Good evening, only a little info for intresting teams, i will be not ride for yellow tonight
team sansoucci: ey gus tempo in front and aux let you drop please
Auxilium Torino: and you can read???
Luna Team Bike: hi all
Auxilium Torino: you see the stage, pikouzza???
NoPikouze: yellow in the group, bah
Hansa: zurück nach dem ende des bayernspiels
Auxilium Torino: will work the whole night...the new programm is hard...
lesossies: ok
Auxilium Torino: tomorrow i send you the others long stage
PP BikeTeam: vai-te
Auxilium Torino: hi, leso
lesossies: hi
equipe: grazie per l'infotmazione
TEAM TAKA: Hi Boys and Girls
Auxilium Torino: Good evening, only a little info for intresting teams, i will be not ride for yellow tonight
Lagaffe Team: hello
PP BikeTeam: Sono portoghese, io parlo italiano
NoPikouze: yo
PP BikeTeam: Portuguese
PP BikeTeam: no
PP BikeTeam: si
Audi Sport: Italiano?
PP BikeTeam: :)
Audi Sport: Ronaldo 2 Bayern 1 I'm sorry.
PP BikeTeam: :)
PP BikeTeam: Ronaldo 2 - Bayer 0

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:51 pm
by NoPikouze
Calling me "pikouzza", an analphabet, a crazy man... that all in approx 15", and then complaining about insults... Funny.
I also remembered some other tours where you started with insults, but I'm not such a crybaby to copy/paste all of them.

Ever the man is personal... Pff

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:57 am
by auxilium torino
you can insult me, no probleme, but not my family...son of bitch, this is that i don't like

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:24 am
by NoPikouze
Ok for the next time :P

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:20 am
by Robyklebt
So wait... Aux can insult as he likes, but decided what insults the others should use when they insult him?

Can you give us a list?

I will make my list too, Aux can insult my family, but not any pets I ever had or will have or whatever.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:12 am
by chartreusecycle
It is not the first time AUX is provocating people and it is really boring. Teasing is all right but most of the time AUX attitude is too much.
I can understand NoPIK reaction even if he overreacted using unappropriate words.


Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:19 pm
by Quick
Auxilium Torino: why should me let drop???vasco cannot resist, you are nut, or what?

Insult from Aux! Came even BEFORE the insult from NoPik.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:27 pm
by bergwerk cycling
But in my eyes its a great difference beween:

A) vasco cannot resist, you are nut, or what?

B) shut up fucking asshole, dont start with your insults, son of a bitch

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:13 pm
by Quick
bergwerk cycling wrote:But in my eyes its a great difference beween:

A) vasco cannot resist, you are nut, or what?

B) shut up fucking asshole, dont start with your insults, son of a bitch
True. But otherwise aux will never understand, why he gets insulted.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:26 pm
by Robyklebt

He will never understand anything anyway.

Mmmh, anyway, it was nice to have you here in the game NoPik. Unfortunately know Mr Fairness committee member will see to it that you are expelled from the game.

ps: Can I offer you a defence strategy?

1 If it wasn't you, the thread wouldn't even have been opened
2 It's racism, ever against the dutch

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:18 pm
by team fl
Robyklebt wrote:OTHERWISE?

He will never understand anything anyway.

Mmmh, anyway, it was nice to have you here in the game NoPik. Unfortunately know Mr Fairness committee member will see to it that you are expelled from the game.

ps: Can I offer you a defence strategy?

1 If it wasn't you, the thread wouldn't even have been opened
2 It's racism, ever against the dutch
I expect at least a warning and 100k fine minimum. Otherwise I am really pissed off.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:33 pm
by NoPikouze
And I expect a warning to know when I have to defend myself for the comittee. I don't think I have to argue with just any random guy who is passing by in this place, and btw I don't have a clue who I have to answer to since the only member I know of is Auxilium.

But let's recap the whole thingy until now :
Auxilium has a personal hatred against me after a couple of tours we had together in the past, Auxilium was being provocative and insulting in the chat, Auxilium has opened this fairness-thread to submit the case to the comittee, and Auxilium is a "major" member of this same comittee.
In order to be totally clear on what is going on, please tell me if there is any mistake in this statement ? Thanks guys.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:04 pm
by Eagle
You will get normally a warning.

And to your question, i don't know why aux is still a member after the last months, therefor you must ask Buh.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:19 am
by flockmastoR
Eagle wrote:You will get normally a warning.

And to your question, i don't know why aux is still a member after the last months, therefor you must ask Buh.
as long as he is (well dont even know if he still is) i boykott the FPK

@nopikouze, if you feel provocated (and the provocations are there imo), open a thread and demand a fine for Aux too. You will very likely get a fine for what you said anyway

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:30 pm
by Lizard
I just don't understand: Why is Aux in the fairness committee? Who put him there? I dont remember him as one of the most fair players around us here, there are plenty others better for this committee...

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:15 pm
by Aixteam
Lizard wrote:I just don't understand: Why is Aux in the fairness committee? Who put him there? I dont remember him as one of the most fair players around us here, there are plenty others better for this committee...
Because Italians feel provocated by everybody and they need to be represented by their fairest member.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:26 pm
by Rockstar Inc
flockmastoR wrote:@nopikouze, if you feel provocated (and the provocations are there imo), open a thread and demand a fine for Aux too. You will very likely get a fine for what you said anyway
opening a thread for provocation is useless, buhmann + the fc showed us this in many cases ;)

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:01 pm
by team fl
Team Franconia wrote:
flockmastoR wrote:@nopikouze, if you feel provocated (and the provocations are there imo), open a thread and demand a fine for Aux too. You will very likely get a fine for what you said anyway
opening a thread for provocation is useless, buhmann + the fc showed us this in many cases ;)

I am with NoPikouze, but I know what happend to me doing this once (!) after almost exactly 1000 races with no bad behaviour and got a warning and a relativly huge fine. Others who are always dancing on the edge of the rules and on exploiting the good will of otheres seem never to be punished in any way or with ridiculous fines. It almost seems that this behaviour is so much expected, that it is tolerated by most persons in this so called fairness business. Everybody else just gets screwed until they are pissed off and start breaching the rules themselves and getting punished for it hard.

Re: NoPikouze

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:46 pm
by Robyklebt
Pay your fines and be happy