equipe-questions about the team

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equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:19 pm

WHO is equipe?

He has 5 posts in the forum.
He has posted from 3 different IPs.
IP 1: 3 posts. Same IP user "a" uses often
IP 2: 1 post: User "b" has had this IP too. Inscribed from this IP.
IP 3: 1 post: User "a" has had this IP too

Me thinks user "a" and user "b" have some explaining to do.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:21 am

Ok, nobody feels the need to say anything here it seems.

Then the ape is nice enough to tell you (including and especially the fairness committtee) his theory. This theory might be 100% wrong, might be 100% correct, more likely is something in between, maybe "a" and "b" can enlighten us.

The theory:

Pirati makes a second team. He calls it equipe. Among others, the fairness committee member Auxilium Torino is aware of that fact. Not only is he aware of the multi, he actually writes forum messages with the account of that multi.

Pirati then rides with equipe, (don't know if Auxilium Torino did too, my guess would be no) but never in the same race.

Tour of Yemen, for the first time both teams start at the same time. Both Pirati and Equipe participate in the 23h edition of the great Tour of Yemen.

Pirati manages Pirati, while Auxilium Torino manages equipe.
Riding for each other? Unrealistic agreements? Don't know, have seen maybe 20 min of the whole tour, can't comment.

So maybe the 2 can comment now?
What's correct, what's wrong?

Ah, maybe easier if I already answer the first 3 explanations

- "Roby hates me, it's personal". Roby thinks you (Aux) are incredibly stupid, that's true. Have no real understanding of fairness. Yep yep. But, I didn't make you ride with equipe, so talk about that, not about me. "molti nemici, molto onore"? Mussolini used that too... well, he coined that actually (I think)

- "the germans do it too and ride for each other all the time" Yeah? Then show us a another regular D1 team, that's what you (aux) are after all, that did something similar to what I'm accusing you of doing. Show us another occasional D1 team, like pirati is, that does/did what I'm accusing pirati of doing.

- "it's anti Italian racism" :roll: whatever. The dumbness and sheer stupidity of your action could almost be qualified as anti Italian actually, you the Italian nr 1 and pirati, who was like the 3rd ? regular guy here with such idiotic behaviour... you sure make it easier for other, new Italians for that. You're supposed to be role models...

So, since those 3 first explanations have been answered, maybe you can give us some more? Or corrections if I got it all wrong?
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by team fl » Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:20 am

Well, what to say? There is no way - or in other words: I have not means - that I could verify or falsify your theory...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by NoPikouze » Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:17 pm

Excepted that pirati and equipe had several times a 2+2 attack together. Doesn't prove a thing, but...
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:54 pm

The 2 that were expected to comment were not you 2... :D
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by flockmastoR » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:06 pm

You are sure about the IPs? have to conect the link to the FPK but dindt know which team, didnt find "a" and "b" in the statistics
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:22 pm

Thank you for the number 2 :oops:
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:25 pm

Well i think we just need an ip in game check for be sure of all and if equipe is for true team of pirati and he read (and he is a man) can go in first and cover the second ip..

But who race with 2 team the same time, attack togheder, let the second team make tempo with him (top favourite and yellow shirt with 2 different riders) is not a real men i think :roll:
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:56 pm

I'm sure about the IPs in the forum, yes.
All posts by equipe were made from IPs regularly used by pirati and Aux. And they live quite far apart, so a mutual friend who only posts when he's at eithers place is unlikely.
If you are moderator (there was talk about you being made one for the fairplay part, not sure if you are) you can check it yourself.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:09 pm

Last edited by pirati on Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:09 pm

Ho aspettato a rispondere per due motivi, primo perchè volevo uscisse allo scoperto questo individuo dalla dubbia moralità. secondo perchè dovendo dare riferimenti personali era giusto che avvisassi l'interessato.
Adesso veniamo a noi.

Allora tanto per iniziare caro Roby, sono felice che sia tu a riportare le parole di Motorizzati perché cosi posso rispondere in italiano. Mi spiace che comportamenti all’interno di un gruppo di ex amici si trasformi in farse e menzogne ma tant’è rispondo non avendo nulla da nascondere. Ma bada bene, sto rispondendo a Roby, non a Motorizzati che è oramai più di un mese che “stranamente” sta cercando di farmi fuori in tutti i modi. Adesso è passato alla diffamazione.

Ma veniamo ai fatti.
Pirati è corsa da Davide.
Equipe è corsa da Sergio.
Davide è proprietario di una attività sanitaria/commerciale (trovo vergognoso dover mettere i miei fatti personali per chiarire in un gioco ma se è necessario lo faccio).
Sergio è magazziniere nella mia attività, volete il contratto di assunzione?? Davide e Sergio vivono in un piccolo centro a poca distanza dall’attività commerciale dove c’è un contratto adls con sistema WiFi al quale entrambi hanno accesso. Questo è tanto vero che se vuoi verificare scoprirai che il contratto telefonico di riferimento dell'ip è ad uso commerciale (se vuoi te ne invio una copia) per cui le cose sono due: A- io dormo tutto il tempo nella mia attività quindi anche alle 22-23-24 di notte sono sempre li a giocare con equipe e pirati.
B- c’è una rete wifi che consente a me ed a chi ha la psw di utilizzare la linea internet adsl, cioè Sergio anche lontano dal luogo di lavoro.

Altri fatti.
Le due squadre hanno all’incirca 250 e 350 gare. In una media di 300 gare e di quasi 2 anni di iscrizione quante volte hanno corso assieme?? Verificate, oppure ve lo dico io…al massimo 2 volte. Molto strano…due squadre che non corrono assieme e che cosi non possono aiutarsi per la vittoria. Tutto molto sospetto, due squadre che dovrebbero allearsi per fregare tutti e che poi non corrono mai assieme. Sai perché? Perché la storia delle stelline mi dava fastidio…cosi abbiamo deciso di non correre mai assieme senza dover giustificare nulla a nessuno. Poi, dopo quasi due anni mi sono incazzato e dopo l’ennesimo giro che mi hanno rubato con accordi palesemente illegali ho deciso di correre anch’io con un amico, cosi ho chiesto a Sergio di iscriversi al tour per correre assieme procurandosi una chiavetta per avere altro ip. Guarda la gara dell'altro ieri, lui l’ha vinta ed io ho perso solo secondi…davvero molto strano…

Oppure Roby pensi che io sia un autolesionista?? che faccio vincere B cosi perdo punti con A?? devo essere davvero scemo!!

Altri fatti.
Ed aggiungo che circa un anno fa Sergio si iscrisse distrattamente in un mio stesso tour e dimenticò di cancellarsi, tant’è (puoi verificarlo) non corse nemmeno la prima tappa. Sai chi sostitui sergio come sitter per evitare casini e per non dover dare spiegazioni? Il mio “amico” motorizzati!! Adesso due sono le cose…o motorizzati sapeva tutto e per un anno e mezzo, nonostante fosse un giudice, è stato mio complice…oppure è talmente idiota che per un anno e mezzo non si è accorto di nulla e come per miracolo si è svegliato.

Altri fatti.
Prendere un’altra squadra e per cosa? Pirati potrebbe aver creato equipe per prendere corridori da equipe per rinforzarsi…mmm sicuro ecco dov’è l’inganno, non corrono assieme ma si scambiano i corridori. Allora quanti corridori ha preso pirati da equipe?? Ti rispondo io ZERO!!!! In due anni nemmeno un corridore…molto strano davvero tutto molto strano…
Poi veniamo al forum, l’iscrizione forse l’ha fatta Aux su mia richiesta, se non ricordo male perché sergio aveva bisogno di un sitter ed allora mi ha chiesto di trovargliene uno. Ale non era disponibile ed ha pensato su mia richiesta di mettere un annuncio sul forum in inglese. Tutto qui. Niente di piu.

Ma come si suol dire adesso vengono i cazzi.
Chi si sta inventando queste cose è uno strano ragazzo che fino ad un mese fa si professava mio amico e dopo improvvisamente, ma io so il perché, ha iniziato a darmi addosso tanto nel giro quanto nel forum.
Roby, siccome ritengo giusto verificare sempre la verità vorrei che lo stesso senso di giustizia che hai usato con me lo applicassi a Motorizzati il quale, si dice in giro ma io sono convinto che non sia vero, abbia fondato con qualche altro amichetto una squadra Team Nepal(i suoi ciclisti piu forti sono sempre tutti nepalesi, che casualità!) che lui utilizza con qualche altro amichetto (se vuoi puoi dirci anche chi sono cosi da poterli smascherare) sia nelle gare come supporto che nel campionato nazionale del nepal dove i suoi corridori sono quasi sempre, stranamente, vincenti. Ovviamente spero che la stessa regola del sospetto venga applicata anche a questo strano ragazzo.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by pirati » Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:26 pm

Roby, non voglio entrare nel merito delle discussioni che hai avuto con Ale, sono cose vostre e del comitee. Non mi interessa, ma questa volta Auxilium non c'entra nulla, al massimo si può essere prestato a fare una traduzione decente in inglese un paio di volte. tutto qui.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:28 pm

Mr. Sergio don't exist :roll:
Why auxilium need to write from equipe in forum if he realy exist? And why if they play from the same location they NEVER have stars? :lol:

I request ip check of Equipe / Auxilium Torino and Pirati. And if possible payment check of Pirati/Equipe

P.S. i request immediatly search for mr nepal and motorizzati ip becouse i have not multy and you can search all the italian team nobody should have the same ip of mine ;)

P.P.S. 1 years and 6 month ago i was not in the fairplay jury so maybe.. :roll: i'm not proprely idiot, i always say to him to avoid to use 2 teams but he always say don't worry i don't race with equipe (ok i admit i don't see every race of the game and don't saw equipe run for like 6 month maybe he run the same but i don't know this)

What i want is just

1) Equipe ban
2) Pirati out from the tour NOW! Last stage he will win the tour, maybe 1 and 2 place with 2 team is very easy
3) Medium /high Fine for me and auxilium torino, as member of fairplay jury we should tell the pirati multy very very much time ago but we protect him always now is the time to tell the truth, in case of problems the exclusion from the jury to of both becouse he run with equipe and i didn't say nothing untill race 6 or 7 when i send a pm to buhman, buhman say i don't want to know nothing write in forum.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:08 pm

Its so easy to play from one pc with two accounts and no stars for both accounts in the race... so an ip check is senseless.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:19 pm

RS Ostfriesland wrote:Its so easy to play from one pc with two accounts and no stars for both accounts in the race... so an ip check is senseless.
Btw 12 days of attack coordinate and tempo togheder with equipe and pirati (yes one stage win from equipe but is very easy when all are taking pirati weel).

All this don't let you think something is going wrong? like i say sergio don't exist in the game, in the forum, even in skype where we all are and talk every day, (and where pirati is insulting me since one week becouse my sitter maked tempo against him)
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by flockmastoR » Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:25 pm

Robyklebt wrote: If you are moderator (there was talk about you being made one for the fairplay part, not sure if you are) you can check it yourself.
well it takes more time it seems or has been forgotten, no mathematical moderator so far
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:10 pm

Moto, i dont say thats every think i fine! I just sayed, that a ip check is relative senseless, if they are multi teams and the multi knows how to fake an ip. Thats all. I dont know anything about the both teams, so i have nothing to say about the thing. :)

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:33 pm

Pirati, I answer in english.

Anyway, you don't need to convince ME, I don't decide anything, it's the fairness committee that recommends something, and Buhmann that decides.

Your explanation, ok it could be like that, but there is 1 major thing that remains unexplained.

equipes forum account. Saying Aux has nothing to do with the whole story except maybe registering the account and writing a post is not correct.
Facts are, and these I know:

Forum account registered from Piratis IP.
4 of 5 posts from IPs Aux used as well.
1 post from piratis IP.

So Aux made 4 posts with equipes account. For what reason? English translations? One is 100% in Italian in the Italian forum. .. one is a question about sprint, one about the "equipe team attack" and one the sitting request you mentioned. (or not, thought I read that somewhere but not anymore)
Why does Aux need to post in equipes account? Even if equipe asks him to ask for him, wouldn't it be easier to just post under Auxilium Torino?

Then my theory says that Aux is riding for equipe at the moment. You say no, equipe himself is.

Easiest way to figure this out is: If Buhmann has logs of signing in into the game accounts, he could see if it was indeed the same IP Aux uses that signed into equipes account these last days.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by chaos_men » Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:03 pm

mhh nice theorie roby

i have seen that too...

eqipe with a bad team and no chances ever rides for pirati.... they hänging all the tour and you can see in many many stages that they work together...

many times 1 team are off for 10-15km then team a is on and team b off.... thats i have see in some stages more then 1 time.....

i dont say multi but i it looks like multi or not corectly "absprachen" (sorry i dont know the english word)

and the 2 teams rides all the tour together... and they know which rider atack from the other team so they hänging on shit helpers.... to safe them... they never have problems with ride tempo.... eqipe never have a chance to win stage or get a very good postition at end but he rides with his riders when pirati is in the group....

so mhhh i dont know... but this two teams in the field make many many trouble together!!!!!!!

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by chaos_men » Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:58 am

and 3 stars yesterday :) which team looks in the team.... or coordinate this team??..

iam now sure its a pure MULTI and pirati use them "name" from a member in work to have 2 teams and now they ride together and pirati have because his 2 team so many wins.... alone he never had a chance but now with his multi team he wins all and make over 150km tempo in field to delete the sprinter in back.... alone he will lose all in this tour with his fucking team!!!!

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Pirkio » Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:45 pm

chaos_men wrote:and 3 stars yesterday :) which team looks in the team.... or coordinate this team??..

iam now sure its a pure MULTI and pirati use them "name" from a member in work to have 2 teams and now they ride together and pirati have because his 2 team so many wins.... alone he never had a chance but now with his multi team he wins all and make over 150km tempo in field to delete the sprinter in back.... alone he will lose all in this tour with his fucking team!!!!
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Quick » Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:28 pm

I can remember of a suspicious attack from motorizatti and equipe. Think said something to franconia then in ICQ... well, yesterday i told aux several time during our race that he should read this thread and answer. He didnt... ???
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:35 pm

The silence from Aux is deafening.
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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by team fl » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:40 pm

I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: equipe-questions about the team

Post by Buhmann » Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:48 pm

Aux has sent me a pn. Of course it would be better if post here directly. But i don´t think that he is a multi or somethink like this.

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