Triple Italian Multi

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Triple Italian Multi

Post by BMG-Allstars » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:02 pm


second try to post, a this time possible, kind of unfair action here, multi this time. And no "Beleididung" this time Luna...

The case caused in the very important :P Ijoh - Hechang Highlands race, 16 pm, today. From the beginning till the end team "ivan basso" was online with two **. Teams "pippo boy" and "Mercantone Uno" were offline a lot (pippo mostly the whole time, except once to attack perfect out of a group). As Pippo came on, he had one *. Mercatone no star, but at the end of the race suprisingly also with one *, fast went of, back than with no star... A bit strange, I tried to ask whats going on, which made it stranger. Mercatone told me not to know basso (but was kind of happy to see him as he came on first), but also told me he'll ask him what is going on and gave us the info, that basso is the brother of pippo, or will only race with one team (whatever). Funny is, that Mercatone got that info without asking basso in the chat - so, remember he does not know him, he must ask him somewhere else, if he is not the same person. At least they did not ride for each other in this race, but could not explain really the stars. Also funny, that basso gave Mercatone and Pippo a +3 and me a +1, everone else nothing:

ivan basso
Mercatone Uno 3 ahahaha xD cunnit't 18.04.2011
Pippo boy 3 buona fuga iniziale 18.04.2011
BMG-Allstars 1 bella vittoria 18.04.2011

Here is a copy of the chat, make your own picture of it:

Mercatone Uno: @BMG ruhig ;)
BMG-Allstars: @mercatone: ok. well, thank you
Mercatone Uno: Jede Rasse allein sagt
BMG-Allstars: @mercatone: wo sagt der das? und warum attackiert sein bruder dann...
Mercatone Uno: ist aber nicht schafft er seinen Bruder, und wenn das Problem klärt einige
BMG-Allstars: wer ist denn das zweite team? pippo dann doch wohl, oder?
RC Hypo: 5 rennen oder so
RC Hypo: was erwartest du sorry
Mercatone Uno: sagte, dass nur jeweils eine und das Team, dass niedrige verwendet
BMG-Allstars: ich weiß, natürlich. deswegen bitte ich dich ihn zu fragen, wer das ist und ihm zu sagen, das es verboten ist!!! er soll sich erklären bitte
Mercatone Uno: hat zwei Sterne, weil es zwei Mannschaften auf dieser Website
BMG-Allstars: und?
BMG-Allstars: danke
Mercatone Uno: jetzt frage
BMG-Allstars: @casino: merci, but as you are not favo you do not need to help in the peloton
BMG-Allstars: wenn du italienisch kannst und du eh mit ihm quatscht frag ihn mal danach bitte
BMG-Allstars: sorry mercatone. du redest mit ihm, warst off und der hat sterne.... so ungewöhnlich das ich frage???
ivan basso: xDDD
Mercatone Uno: ahahahahahaha
Mercatone Uno: basso è tedesco
Mercatone Uno: nein nein, aber was willst du tun?
ivan basso: bmg i don't speak english...
BMG-Allstars: @basso, mercatone - wtf is going on?
ivan basso: ahahahhah
GUDE LAUNE: das is ja ne lustige gruppe davorne...
Mercatone Uno: ciao basso
BMG-Allstars: pardon??
ivan basso: o.O
BMG-Allstars: @basso, mercatone - do you know each other?
BMG-Allstars: auch das noch
RC Hypo: toll nen multi

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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by BMG-Allstars » Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:01 am

Schreibt keiner was? Siehste Luna, muss ich wohl doch beleidigen 8-)

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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by Luna » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:18 pm

Wenn dein Repertoire nicht mehr hergibt...

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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by Radunion » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:32 pm

The situation is clear, what should we discuss?

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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by Pirkio » Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:18 pm

Stop say shit :D

I will translate the vote now for you

Mercatone Uno 3 ahahaha xD cunnit't 18.04.2011 "Mercatone uno 3 ahahahaha xD log in 18.04.2011"
Pippo boy 3 buona fuga iniziale 18.04.2011 "Pippo boy 3 good initial escape"

Is clear that Basso is not friend of Pippo boy so not triple account. Basso and mercatone uno don't know but in the chat i don't see nothing wrong, just words in German who i don't understand and they are italian like me so they don't understand this too. Next time try to speek english almost for have a better valutation
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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by Zentaron » Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:33 pm

We even tried in some races to talk italian with them (google translation).
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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by BMG-Allstars » Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:33 pm

Pirkio wrote:Stop say shit :D

Is clear that Basso is not friend of Pippo boy so not triple account. Basso and mercatone uno don't know but in the chat i don't see nothing wrong, just words in German who i don't understand and they are italian like me so they don't understand this too. Next time try to speek english almost for have a better valutation
Why is that clear?? :shock: They had stars, so they must have some connection, that is the only thing clear is. Giving a +3 to a team on about 10 km the whole race, and yoú tell me they don't know eachother? The chat is not the problem, that's true. But it is funny Mercatone can ask someone he does not know without using the chat. :?

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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by Radunion » Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:18 pm

What more evidence do you need? It is clear that Pippo and Basso were playing from the same computer (very likely being the same person). Pippo set his attack before the race started, was off for a long time, came back in the right moment to attack and had the same IP then Basso. And the behaviour of Mercatone was very strange. They must have a very good explanation to convince me that the 3 teams belong to different persons.

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Re: Triple Italian Multi

Post by Pirkio » Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:32 pm

Just read the vote.. Is not in confidential way.. if i have a friend in game i just write:" Nice race we killed them" or "Bad luck but great try" if is another player i write "nice escape" but is true the stars are strange
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