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just read this sitting stuff

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:30 am
by stinull57
Think its good that the get punished . But what with people that missed some money becourse of what the did ?
Do the get te
money back that the should have get . like if somone was 2 and the have won the race get one that was second then the preismoney of the 1 place ?? Becourse there big differnce between 1 and 2 place .

just curiuos .

Re: just read this sitting stuff

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:34 am
by Alkworld
It's a bit like the Tours Lance Armstrong won, they have no winner now. Compensating for all that is practically not possible or would involve long discussions, deep analysis of data, complex compensation, etc. The races themselves all went normally, just with the difference that there were less people controlling the teams than we thought.