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OLcycle team attack Kisoro-Kabale 14h

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 4:21 pm
by cataracs
Km: 147, Incline: -1

Gojko Randelovic (OLcycle) attacks

Go Hojo (r TAKA) follows

Alfonso Bialetti (Gipfelstuermer) follows

Ernesto Pecci (OLcycle) attacks

Thorkell Haraldsson (r TAKA) follows

Angelo Moriondo (Gipfelstuermer) follows

Eimantas Capkauskas (OLcycle) follows

Re: OLcycle team attack Kisoro-Kabale 14h

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 4:57 pm
by olmania
Faster to post it here than in the race chat :roll:

I explained myself in the race chat; dropped the guy as soon as they wrote it down there. I did not count how many guys were in the group as I did not expect to end up with 3 in that group. Gojko, my rider who dropped, did not ride for the group between the attack and when he dropped.

Re: OLcycle team attack Kisoro-Kabale 14h

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:08 pm
by flockmastoR
FPC is reviewing the case!

Full Race Chat:
Medical Service(16:04): well i must say the last few races you did had really nice profiles .. where a lot of different outcomes are possible
Medical Service(16:04): haha :D
Medical Service(16:03): what do you mean with earlier?
Big Donkey(16:03): Winning one gives many managers a hard on! Why do you think so many of the players here are now fathers? It's that they can't control themselves after winning a RKL race
Big Donkey(16:03): Unimportant. You should know, no RKL race is unimportant.
Big Donkey(16:02): Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Big Donkey(16:02): Oh, didn't you ride earlier already too?
Medical Service(16:02): its not unimportant..but not cat 5 6 important^^
Medical Service(16:02): mersch beeing isolated i wxpected anyway.. i just forget to hang that was my biggest mistake didnt pay attention
r TAKA(16:01): if you think it's unimportant vote for it to go down to cat2
Medical Service(16:01): and carbs with 69 too weak in the end so
Medical Service(16:01): problem for me was i have no real good helper to bring today.. unless i bring antanas but i dont like expensive teams if it isnt for anrealllllly important race^^
Medical Service(15:59): yeah true donkey.. i was just riding coz of emir dropping and ol having less riders ..and since i only needed mersch and iskander it didnt really hurt..thought keeping emir away is one opponent less so worth it
Big Donkey(15:59): Today he probably came on late...
Big Donkey(15:59): But in the end I prefer teams that when in doubt ride, (Taka usually is one of those too) than the guys who go into escape while having one of the co-favorites. Which is what OL usually does for example.
r TAKA(15:58): I was mostly off, then when I came on I had to act pissed about Emir dropping
Big Donkey(15:58): But riding of course wasn't wrong, of course with 63 sprint you had chances, just the isolation vs teams that have 2-3 riders vs your 1 a bit difficult
Big Donkey(15:57): Medical, about the discussion you had with Taka before. Today maybe you did ride a bit much... OL and Taka with double 60 classics, you one that risks being isolated... letting others do more work, even if the work doesn't hurt your team at all would have been ok
OLcycle(15:55): Eimantas was not even my captain today, gw !
Romoc Riders(15:55): gw
Big Donkey(15:55): Yep, every year:)
r TAKA(15:55): Did I want this one off? I forgot
Medical Service(15:54): or at least some places^^
Big Donkey(15:54): Now I might join your campaign to get rid of this race, if even you manage to win it.... maybe shouldn't be an offseason classic:)
Medical Service(15:54): writing too much cost me the win maybe :D
Big Donkey(15:54): GW Taka
Big Donkey(15:54): Grrr, trying cost me a place
r TAKA(15:54): nice
T-Mobile-A(15:53): gw
Medical Service(15:53): gw
Romoc Riders(15:53): Sagan vs Demare
Medical Service(15:52): maybe he can push romo to the side^^
Big Donkey(15:52): But probably not strong enough anyway...
Big Donkey(15:52): Worst case scenario for Novelli, he can't go out
Medical Service(15:51): hang on pecci for him maybe going early..but now i forgot to change
Medical Service(15:50): damn now i made i mistake again .. all the writing is not good :D
Big Donkey(15:50): Oh, where is Mersch hanging? Normally on Rojas, no?
Medical Service(15:50): and if i dont forget to hang i might have been right :D
Medical Service(15:49): haha coz of form i didnt see a good way to win today unless i bring a really expensive team .. but since its no monument i thought mersch is enough :D
Medical Service(15:49): it is as long as bob is riding from now on coz he trains so hard^^
Big Donkey(15:48): Insulting an RKL race!
Big Donkey(15:48): Why is your acronym Bob? And why do you bring such a cheap team....
Medical Service(15:48): that explains that he was that strong for sure
Big Donkey(15:46): He got 2 helpers Uru and Woldemariam 0 at one point... wanted to rotate them a bit when I only had 2, somehow 2 ended both on him then I kind of forgot all... so hehad 1000 and Uru 950 then...
Medical Service(15:45): damn why didnt i hang on emantas earlier ..could have put it in from the beginning to be honest^^
Big Donkey(15:45): I had a few helper mishaps today....
Medical Service(15:45): true
T-Mobile-A(15:45): good luck
Romoc Riders(15:44): Novelli so strong
r TAKA(15:43): you might wanna block now OL
Big Donkey(15:43): Should have attacked earlier, costs energy, then Novelli wins!
Romoc Riders(15:42): not enough dh, Okafor would have caught you
r TAKA(15:42): it's still 66v64 and you dropped my Sultan in the downhill
Big Donkey(15:42): Paul can relax Mobster, Okafor can't catch us
Medical Service(15:41): so taka if you win today a round of tempo for everyone in your next race?^^
r TAKA(15:41): He should've attacked the moment OL went off to solo win
Medical Service(15:41): ah ok missed that sry^^
r TAKA(15:41): Hojo so strong
Big Donkey(15:40): No no, the original proposal was: Everybody goes in immediately, 163, except Novelli, who waits till 171, but doesn't matter...
Big Donkey(15:40): Just put Art in anyway, for my sprint thing
Medical Service(15:40): you confuse me wrote 171 i went in on 170 thought too early .. :D
Big Donkey(15:40): Mass, mass
Romoc Riders(15:39): he also dropped at some point
Big Donkey(15:39): Novelli wanted an extra 2 km..... now 1.. .give him that. He's a known asshole.
Romoc Riders(15:39): Art cant do much on flat either
Big Donkey(15:39): Sure nothing to lose sounds nice but I only see Uru joining, not Mersch and Art....
Medical Service(15:39): oh 171
Big Donkey(15:38): Ignore Pecci and Moriondo
Medical Service(15:38): sure nothing to lose
Medical Service(15:38): yeah true i know .. hope maybe kirill would train some mountain but hes not very keen on that^^
Big Donkey(15:38): All in except Novelli who joins at 171?
Big Donkey(15:37): Hm, one more rider here wouldn't have hurt, although he probably would have been dropped at the last 7.... but like this you really miss flat power!
Medical Service(15:37): good question
Romoc Riders(15:37): what we do from 169?
Medical Service(15:36): but well that was a mistake today
Medical Service(15:36): left him today coz no i thought he wouldnt make it anyway and cant help
Big Donkey(15:35): But why do you always leave Karbauskis at home Medical?
r TAKA(15:35): This Donkey loser can't harm us infront, so only Bialetti to look out for
Medical Service(15:35): but still only at the 16 not the steep ones before and this is only 9 and 12
Big Donkey(15:35): Go go Zangerle, keep Hoebeke away
Medical Service(15:34): oh didtnt see...nvm then^^
Romoc Riders(15:34): Art also dropped
r TAKA(15:34): Emir had fight off and bad form
Big Donkey(15:34): He'll get the 2 last places in sprint anyway:)
Medical Service(15:34): not necessarily ..emir only dropped at the 16^^
Big Donkey(15:34): I would be ok if both groups wait for the Mobsters!
T-Mobile-A(15:33): yeah, wait for T-Mobile. Both groups
Big Donkey(15:33): Ah, now I see the problem, Rojas has to ride the downhill already.... so the +5 with others made sense
Romoc Riders(15:33): Art will probably drop here anyway
Big Donkey(15:33): Oh, Almirall can ride tomorrow if he doesn't ride now, excellent
r TAKA(15:32): you should wait for T Mobile
Big Donkey(15:32): 51 vs 57 sprint, and I might as well take 4th place in front... but would prefer winnig with Novelli (what an asshole that guy is though)
Romoc Riders(15:32): Novelli!
Big Donkey(15:31): I can imagine joining at some point but a +5 Rojas is stronger than Art
Big Donkey(15:31): Rojas!
Big Donkey(15:29): They were in the escape
Medical Service(15:29): and there are some more 64 63
Big Donkey(15:29): Could have kept Almirall fresh in the back and win with him, pfff
Medical Service(15:29): i did :D well i hoped ..hes strong
Big Donkey(15:29): Didn't expect Iskander to be here...
Medical Service(15:29): i guess mersch has to do the 7
Medical Service(15:28): haha :D
Medical Service(15:28): damn why is art so bad at dh..could be one of my riders :D
Big Donkey(15:28): Iskander for downhill!
OLcycle(15:27): ok
OLcycle(15:27): nope
r TAKA(15:27): if you ride the 7% Hojo will ride afterwards
r TAKA(15:26): you have one million races pretty sure you realized it was a team attack
OLcycle(15:26): smth like 7kms, and if you mentionned the team attack earlier, I'd have dropped Gojko immediately; i did not realize it
r TAKA(15:25): he already gained enough helper adventage
Big Donkey(15:24): Ok, dropped at 154

OLcycle(15:24): did not count the number of riders in the group as I did not expect to have the 3 in front. anyway, Gojko did not ride after the attack and drops now.
Medical Service(15:23): yeah
Romoc Riders(15:23): now Medical?
Big Donkey(15:22): Now let's see what Mr Fairplay does
r TAKA(15:22): it was clear team attack, I already posted...
Big Donkey(15:22): Wasn't sure if it was 15 or under 15, so took me ages to check.
Big Donkey(15:21): 3. Chained Attacks. Escape (attacking or following) with more than 2 riders of one team at the same km out of the same group. This rule is deactivated: - if ≥11 riders from ≥4 teams escape, or - if the original group has ≤14 riders, or - if there are ≤20 km left in the race, or - if the road incline is ≥4%.

Romoc Riders(15:21): should just wait now
Romoc Riders(15:21): :o :o :o
Medical Service(15:21): yeah true
Big Donkey(15:21): It was 15 riders
Big Donkey(15:21): - if the original group has ≤14 riders, or

Big Donkey(15:20): The fairplay thing at inscription says:
Big Donkey(15:20): It was a team attack after all.
Medical Service(15:18): romoc i take the flat with iskander
Big Donkey(15:18): I was thinking about it, it's classic OL, but then decided to rely on others.
Medical Service(15:17): damn forget to hang
Romoc Riders(15:17): one km away and this happens
Big Donkey(15:16): Hm, hoped to win time, not lose on the 15... grrrr
Big Donkey(15:15): Couldn't resist with just Karim in tempo, too bad Rando came in...
Medical Service(15:14): well to be fair andres palmares is way better ..bob started winning very late ..and not many good races
Medical Service(15:14): he has to min some more giro stages.. but he cant damn^^
Big Donkey(15:13): 2 Giro stages for Bob, not bad, but I prefer Chassot, even if Bob wins another 9 races and Chassot 0
Medical Service(15:12): he doesnt have a nickname yet so who knows maybe ...^^
Medical Service(15:12): haha damn ii did ..didnt notice haha :D
Big Donkey(15:11): Ban Bob the bot!
Big Donkey(15:11): You wrote about bot, clearly you forgot that admitting your cheating was a mistake and told the truth in a moment of inattention.
Big Donkey(15:11): For once I didn't forget "yes with all" in front, so not my fault that a guy didn't get into tempo
Medical Service(15:10): its bob not bot :D
Big Donkey(15:10): And delete his palmarès!
Big Donkey(15:10): Why, I'm sure it's written somewhere that using bots doesn't count. if Gipfel was online he hopefully would ban Bob for being a bot!
Big Donkey(15:09): Ok
Enigma1(15:07): red?
Big Donkey(15:06): Probably blue if we want to survive until km 145.....
Medical Service(15:05): whaaaat? why?^^
Big Donkey(15:05): Well, bots don't count!
Medical Service(15:05): bob plans to rider with 90 sprint till the end of 39 :D
Medical Service(15:04): btw bot is now even with andre maybe he overtakes him in wins soon :p
Medical Service(15:03): :D well some of these statement are obviously false coz my guys beat at least bucquoy and chassot :D
Big Donkey(15:02): You misjudge your chances in every race with the Donkey! Bob will not beat Chassot, Mersch will not beat Wolduruvelli, nobody ever beats Bucquoy, you can't hold Henri, and in the future Lanfredini and Ganambarr will make you cry regularly.
Medical Service(14:58): well sometimes that might be right that i misjudge my chances..but the okinawa wone was just a lucky sprint coz no one was in my wheel
Medical Service(14:56): i do .. that doesnt mean you have to ride all the time iespecially someone has bigger chances..and sometimes there is not much need you can end up winning with little work..ihapends to me the other way round a lot too
r TAKA(14:54): but you do that, you just can't learn when you have chances and when
r TAKA(14:54): you should ride for your chances that's the game
Big Donkey(14:53): I'm in early so I don't forget
Enigma1(14:53): ok
Big Donkey(14:53): Ok for me...
T-Mobile-A(14:52): from 110?
Big Donkey(14:52): Add the leaders green in front?
Medical Service(14:51): well coz i won in a sprint ? well happends not like you didnt profit from other peoples tempo before either..sometimes it just doesnt go your way as a favo..thats the game
r TAKA(14:50): For the Okinawa race Medical...
Big Donkey(14:49): I stay blue here, can go red after, but don't want to drop mobsi
r TAKA(14:47): and OL probably if he rides for me the rest of his life he won't make up for his sucking lol
Medical Service(14:47): again what? :D
r TAKA(14:47): you owe me a race of tempo
Medical Service(14:46): after me? what? :D
T-Mobile-A(14:46): you planned to ride with a 64 sprint and 66 sprint classic? how nice :D
r TAKA(14:46): after you joined
r TAKA(14:45): I planned to ride
Medical Service(14:45): anymore? you didnt ride until then either^^
r TAKA(14:44): it's a good excuse for me to not ride anymore in the famous sucker logic xD
Medical Service(14:44): that was really bad timing there .. and bad luck i guess
r TAKA(14:42): But he insists on not retiring...
r TAKA(14:42): He keeps getting dropped in dh when I'm off lol
T-Mobile-A(14:41): Grande Mika
T-Mobile-A(14:39): bye bye bye
Medical Service(14:39): well looks like taka doesnt come on now in time anyway anymore
Big Donkey(14:37): I'm not scared of Emir.... plus somebody off a few km, I can ride for them a slight bit, but ok, now he's off too long, I'm out 77
Medical Service(14:37): but since you went green i would have lost time i didnt want to lose
T-Mobile-A(14:36): Emir
Medical Service(14:36): that was the plan romoc.. i didnt ride against you ;)
Big Donkey(14:36): What move?
Romoc Riders(14:36): keep the gap to Taka now too
T-Mobile-A(14:36): nice move from Donkey
Medical Service(14:35): well romoc only coz you went green i want to keep the gap
Medical Service(14:35): thats the only reason i ride
Romoc Riders(14:34): what a game Medical
Big Donkey(14:34): As should you, Medical, give up, Alan is just too powerful!
Big Donkey(14:34): I ride for poor Emir a few km more.. want my helper there after all, but at some point I'll give up.
Medical Service(14:33): ah ok it was the 16 the others were not enough it seems
Romoc Riders(14:33): close your c4f window ^^
T-Mobile-A(14:33): some more favourites in the back would have been fun
Big Donkey(14:33): I was running back and forth between the kitchen and here because when I saw light rain....
Medical Service(14:33): was that heavy rain on the last steep dh?
Medical Service(14:32): that wasnt even my plan zhiger ndiddnt start frsh..just wanted to help on the dh ^^
Enigma1(14:31): blue guys?
Medical Service(14:31): haha no your riders know how zhiger usually feels :D
Romoc Riders(14:31): Aaaaart
Big Donkey(14:31): The nice Donkeys, never siebed you, never hurt you, and you do something as reprehensible as this¨!!!
Big Donkey(14:30): Damn you Zhiger!
Big Donkey(14:30): no no Zhiger, no
Romoc Riders(14:16): hello Gipfelstuermer, can we have the updated jersey for Art? ^^
T-Mobile-A(14:14): duuurch
Big Donkey(14:11): Green energy!
Big Donkey(14:11): Ok, they gave up, we're too strong, let's green
Big Donkey(14:11): He's from Kärnten, they don't have real mountains there I heard
Big Donkey(14:10): And saved Glück over the hill then, since he rode a bt, at risk..
Big Donkey(14:10): You were nervous about some helper saving, only decided to get a puller with downhill, that's all
T-Mobile-A(14:10): already in, nervous again :D
Big Donkey(14:09): So, let's go Mobster
Gipfelstuermer(14:08): Hello hello !
r TAKA(14:07): for inscription
Big Donkey(14:07): Glück will drop back after 20
r TAKA(14:07): -150k
T-Mobile-A(14:07): hmmm...helfer-rettung oder gruppe? :P
OLcycle(14:04): hi !
Big Donkey(14:02): Afraid of Stanley, I knew it
Big Donkey(14:02): They sure start early!
Big Donkey(14:02): My nerves!
T-Mobile-A(14:01): everybody nervous :D
Big Donkey(14:01): Chillyboy is a Allagen rider
T-Mobile-A(14:01): chill
Romoc Riders(14:01): TMA?
Big Donkey(14:01): One Mobster too many
T-Mobile-A(14:01): damn, missclick
Big Donkey(14:01): Dumbasses hanging on Almirall, pff
Romoc Riders(14:01): i'm still on positive balance, but who knows
Big Donkey(14:00): Haha, haha
Medical Service(13:58): dont know either but i read something like 100k before too i think
Big Donkey(13:57): But not sure.
Big Donkey(13:57): minus of course
Big Donkey(13:57): Don't know, I'm rich. I thought it was 100'000
Romoc Riders(13:56): -150k was the last value acceptable to inscribe in races?
Medical Service(13:55): ola
Romoc Riders(13:53): hello
Big Donkey(13:52): Hi
T-Mobile-A(13:49): hi

Re: OLcycle team attack Kisoro-Kabale 14h

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 10:38 am
by flockmastoR
Decision of the FPC: No fine! The FPC has recognized a violation of the rules (Rule 3 Chained Team Attack). The reaction to this was appropriate to the circumstances (number of riders in the original group, reaction time).