Robyklebt wrote:Team Franconia wrote:Libby okay...the last few days she rode for her sprinter, got victorys..absolutely nothing to for her pos. in GK...pos. 4 not the thing i'd ride for, but i can understand it...doesn't matter if i like it...
but the rest of your group is really disgusting...bernstein, berlin, bullshit today
Can we get back to the start?
Franconia here agrees with Pirkio. Total Bullshit. Bernstein, berlin, suessem.
So let's not try to turn the thing around here, Pirkio is just a whiner, wa wa wa.
Libby rode for place 4, according to Conia, he seems to have seen the race,Conia isn't afraid to say what he thinks even if it's an old friend/guy he respects.
For him Libbys tempo was not brillant, he wouldn't like it, but can understand it. So I trust his judgement. The other 3 he mentions.
Of those three one actually wrote something:
Berlin Marks wrote:iam sorry. i dont know why iam rode.
So after reflecting on it, he seems to agree that his tempo wasn't good. He apologizes.
The other 2? Nobody knows. But nobody has come up here to defend their tempo, or to say it was good.
Libby then shows up and writes:
jeden tag fährt pirati gegen mich und dann jammert er wenn ich meinen gk platz halten möchte.
Every day pirati rides against me, then he whines when I want to keep my GC place?
So she confirms that she was riding to keep place 4 in the GC. Agree with Franconia, understandeble, but doesn't mean I like it. On the contrary, I think it's a pity to ride for fourth place.
Her way of writing the sentence leads me to suspect it was kind of a payback too. Pirati attacked her (on the road) every day, he mentioned it too, her leader was in the back, he and later Moto I think he said, rode. Nobody else did. So, payback, which IMO is ok too, you tried to take advantage of the situation when I was in trouble (which is ok), no I a) defend my 4th position, b) pay back your anti-Libby riding. a) mentioned what I think of it, but it's not unfair, b) see no problem with it.
As for the Aux vs Libby sideline fight? Stop it. Reading my post and riding a few races with Aux, much less w Just let the other ride? And if you don't understand something maybe ask? In the race, if not, after the race in the forum? Didn't get the reason for your tempo.. can you explain why? You're fighting with yourself here, you're the same.
Back to pirati: So 1 of 4 seems to be understandeble. 1 of 4 seems to admit to bad riding. 2 of 4 say nothing. The beneficiary says nothing.
Pirati suspects illegal deals now.
Libby demands a fine for Pirati for getting -3
You guys are doing a great job.
Happy to ride when I ride and not with you nuts.
Why doesn't skull say his opinion? How he saw the situation?
Why does Liberty not do an effort and write English?
Why does Pirati not acknoweldge Berlins post?
Why doesn't Pirati answer to Lecce?
Pirati: scientificamente che c'é la truffa?
Adesso fai ridere: Libby sembra averti inseguito il 27? Tappe piatta per sprinter e ha uno sprinter con 95?? Mi sembra normalissimo che insegua, sarebbe stupido non inseguire le fughe con uno sprinter di 95. Quelli ai quali hai preso il posto non ti insequivano? Rileggi il mio post: Spesso verso la fine, quando si vede chi restera a 1000 d'energie per il prossimo giorno molti inseguono. Non al inizio. Paura di rimanere a meno di mille d'energia il giorno dope. Questa la prova scientifica?