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Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:15 pm
by Rockstar Inc
oh allagen, das hat er doch schon x mal in diversen chats gesagt

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:19 pm
by Hunsrueck
Hi Buh und Rest der Welt.

Ich habe diese ganze Geschichte so langsam satt!
PTT oder wie er sich auch immer nennen mag kann anscheinend tun und lassen was er will. Ok, solch einen ehrlosen Lügner kann man wahrscheinlich nie in den Griff bekommen, jedoch hätte ich gerne mal Informationen wie der Sachstand ist. Willst du das Ganze einfach aussitzen?
Da mir diese Speil gut gefällt habe ich mir eine Lizenz gekauft und versuche mich auch sonst im Spiel einzubringen ( Nationenkomittee, Rennen zeichnen) und denke ich habe ein Recht darauf zu erfahren was läuft.
Die ganze Geschichte mit dem Vollhonk geht ja schon etwas länger....

Hier eine kleine Gedächnisstütze:
viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1113 vom 06.12.2010
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2640 seit dem 29.02.2012

Jetzt schreibt mir Herr PTT eine PN da ich ihm einen Fahrer getrottelt habe:
armes kleines hunsi..
ProTour-Team wrote:bist du so verzweifelt in deinem wasauchimmer gegen mich, dass du meinen fahrern sogar nationen entziehn musst? :lol:

Younes Belhanda und Jamel Wazari, beides ehemalige fahrer mit nation, aber bei younes wazari passts nicht, ja ne is klar :roll:
Der Fahrer ist von MSV Regenwetter!!!!!

Also kommt da endlich was?

Mir würde auch schon reichen ihm jeglichen Gebrauch von Pn und Chatmöglichkeiten zu nehmen.
Sein arrogantes Geschwätz ist nämlich das allerschlimmste.

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:34 pm
by luques
glasgowracing wrote:isn't somebody who spend this much time playing RSf actually just a very sad creature without a real life? Maybe we should give him a hug.
Maybe he needs a woman :roll:

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:35 pm
by ATB - Racing
Yeah einfach Schreibrechte nehmen, das wäre so toll;
Das nervigste in meinen Augen ist nämlich, dass man sich von diesem Zitat:"Menschenmüll" immer noch anhören darf wie toll er und all seine anderen Teams sind.

Zudem hat er (PTT) mehrfach!!! zugegeben MSV und Hessen zu sein.
Nilkheim ist / war er auch; wie der Affe richtig vermutet hatte. (wenn das Chatprotokoll gebraucht wird, lad ich es gerne hoch.)

Dann noch die Nachricht bezüglich eines PTT Vergehens aus dem Account von Maurice ...
Da gabs bis heute auch noch keine Reaktion, weder von Seiten der Admins, noch des Fairplay-Kommitees noch von Maurice oder PTT höchstselbst (HAHAHAHA).

Will translate it later.

EDIT: Younes Belhanda is a clone by a former rider by Elaska ...

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:07 pm
by Allagen
nacher kommt raus, das buhmann ptt ist und deshalb nichts unternimmt, weil ansonsten nur noch roby und ich die einzigen user hier wären, insofern pupsmann konsequent seine eigenen multis löscht. wenn ich jetzt noch erzähle das roby mein multi ist, bricht für ihn wohl komplett die welt zusammen

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:13 pm
by ProTour-Team
ATB - Racing wrote:EDIT: Younes Belhanda is a clone by a former rider by Elaska ...
so you arent allowed to use the same first or family name twice in this game? :roll:

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:25 pm
by luques
ProTour-Team wrote:
ATB - Racing wrote:EDIT: Younes Belhanda is a clone by a former rider by Elaska ...
so you arent allowed to use the same first or family name twice in this game? :roll:
Why you care for MSV Regenwetter?

If he has a problem let him come to the forum to tell us!

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:45 am
by RainerT
Allagen wrote:rsv hessen und ptt? das glaube ich nicht.
no alla. regenwetter und hessen = ptt. he prooved in race chat.
ATB - Racing wrote:Yeah einfach Schreibrechte nehmen, das wäre so toll;
no permissions to write (and maybe read :lol: ) for ptt/regenwetter/hessen etc. would be nice. also because then he aint got the possibility to provoke ppl with weak nerves. its deadly silent in races hes taking part, or ppl are arguing all the time. and thats no fun!

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:37 am
by Allagen
ah okay. hessen, ptt, regenwetter,.....

....brrr i was wrong

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:37 am
by ATB - Racing
ProTour-Team wrote:
ATB - Racing wrote:EDIT: Younes Belhanda is a clone by a former rider by Elaska ...
so you arent allowed to use the same first or family name twice in this game? :roll:

i thought so, yes. if not i will name all my future riders just: Henry Kaltenbrun
first OR family name you can choose, for sure.

BUT elaska had a rider who was named Younes Belhanda.

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:36 pm
by Robyklebt
You guys are in the wrong forum

But: I had Markus Leibundgut and Adrian Oesch. So if now somebody makes a Markus Oesch this guy will not be accepted??
Makes no sense whatsoever. The Hunsrückthing that he didn't find Wazari, ok... but clone?

Anyway, just ban Regenwetter and Hessen and let him use PTT for a while again.

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:11 pm
by Rockstar Inc
beachball<14:04>: is there no resolution?
beachball<14:04>: so pissed off never can win racepoints when riding against the known multi teams of former ptt
beachball<14:03>: someone here

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:13 pm
by luques
But why you still answer him?

He is a banned player, so he is not welcome here.

His team is dead, you are talking to a zombie.

If sir MSV Regenwetter has problems he can come to tell in the forum, i don't see why anyone should give him infos about other teams.

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:08 pm
by lesossies
The case PTT is for me closed.
His team has been banned for ever !

If you mean you have enough indices against Hessen or Regenwetter or what else, somebody of the fairplay comitee can open a new thread against this team and his case will be then proofed.

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:17 pm
by Robyklebt
IMO is not a good solution.

Indices against MSV Regenwetter?

He is posting under "Pro Tour Team" about his rider, his rider riding for Regenwetter.

Probably similar stuff going on with Hessen.

Problem is, this guy will always ride. Block Hessen, block Regenwetter, he will make himself a new team. He probably has a few anyway.
So what's the point in blocking all his teams, one after another? Better solution IMO.
- Unblock PTT. Then we know who he is, or what his main team is.
- PTT isn't allowed to sit any more teams. He sits somebody, both the team being sitted, AND himself get a fine or temporary ban (which PTT will just bridge with a "temporary team")
- Keep deleting the addional teams he will make.

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:25 pm
by Hansa
PTT isn't allowed to sit any more teams. He sits somebody, both the team being sitted, AND himself get a fine or temporary ban (which PTT will just bridge with a "temporary team")

IMO very bad solution

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:12 pm
by Robyklebt
But ok, the problem is that somebody might get sitted by him without knowing it isn't allowed. Otherwise? Why bad?

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:31 pm
by luques
Robyklebt wrote:Why?
But ok, the problem is that somebody might get sitted by him without knowing it isn't allowed. Otherwise? Why bad?
Maybe it's his friend and he sit him? PTT has much time free and sit many people i guess, so can be useful for many other managers ;)

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:18 pm
by Hansa
ptt is the one i can ask to sit me and i can be sure the sitter is there and won´t do bullshit

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:27 pm
by Rockstar Inc
you share your team with your father/son...don't know to who i'm tlaking right now...2 options...really need that bastard as safe third option?

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:12 pm
by Hansa
my father is working in 3 schicht system and i have training everytime at the same time so every 3rd week noone can ride at monday and thirsday

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:01 am
by luques
Ban PTT and let him do only sittings all the time :lol:

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:15 am
by ATB - Racing
worked perfectly during Le Tour :evil: :cry: :x

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:22 pm
by luques
ATB - Racing wrote:worked perfectly during Le Tour :evil: :cry: :x
And i think it will work again and again and again... Some just don't feel it as a problem ;)

Re: Multi suspects: Pavler/Sporties/ProTour

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:04 am
by Quick
luques wrote:
ATB - Racing wrote:worked perfectly during Le Tour :evil: :cry: :x
And i think it will work again and again and again... Some just don't feel it as a problem ;)
Might also be that some simply gave up and stopped bothering about a simple idiot who has nothing else to do with his life than riding 4 races per day.