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Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:08 pm
by Allagen
Ronson wrote:Don't cry, just deal with it!
how do you handle this situation? 9 riders from gasgas follows 9 riders of you. no tempo, only sprint. take a look at his strong team. i really want to know how you handle this situation.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:57 pm
by Ronson
Allagen wrote:
Ronson wrote:Don't cry, just deal with it!
how do you handle this situation? 9 riders from gasgas follows 9 riders of you. no tempo, only sprint. take a look at his strong team. i really want to know how you handle this situation.
Throw the race and give the victory to another guy.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:17 pm
by Quick
Ronson wrote:
Allagen wrote:
Ronson wrote:Don't cry, just deal with it!
how do you handle this situation? 9 riders from gasgas follows 9 riders of you. no tempo, only sprint. take a look at his strong team. i really want to know how you handle this situation.
Throw the race and give the victory to another guy.
Yes, but you CANNOT do this at a cat 6 race.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:27 pm
by Ronson
Quick wrote:
Ronson wrote:
Allagen wrote:
Ronson wrote:Don't cry, just deal with it!
how do you handle this situation? 9 riders from gasgas follows 9 riders of you. no tempo, only sprint. take a look at his strong team. i really want to know how you handle this situation.
Throw the race and give the victory to another guy.
Yes, but you CANNOT do this at a cat 6 race.
why not? it's up to you ... so GasGas win the race ;)

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:36 pm
by Quick
If that's ok for you, I know now how to ride the next races against you. ;)

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:10 pm
by Allagen
rein von der argumentation her ist es natürlich nicht optimal, dass gasgas das rennen auch gewonnen hat. das ist mir klar. er hatte so gesehen das glück, dass ich nach msr nicht den nächsten klassiker abschenken wollte und für mich gefahren bin, was letztendlich auch für ihn war.

auf der anderen seite, es geht gasgas doch gar nicht um das siegen. wieso ich das meine. weil er immer am gleichen team hängt. weil er die arbeit verweigert. bei msr, kommt die gruppe durch. ihm war das egal. da ist ja sogar das peloton fast aus der zeit gefallen. und bei DW gewinnt ja auch die gruppe wenn ich nicht fahre. gasgas gewinnt auch nicht, wenn ich nicht an moscow hänge, der der einzige war der noch wegattackieren konnte. Wenn es GasGas wirklich um den sieg gegangen wäre, dann hätte er die hinterräder mal gewechselt. das wäre das beste für ihn gewesen. aber nein, er hängt einfach nur an mir. er hing ja auch mit einem seiner 3 leader an kepa, obwohl der schon völlig leer war und keine rolle mehr spielte. es hätte also überhaupt keinen sinn gemacht da zu hängen. er hat weil kepa nicht mehr mitkam, ja auch so einen leader für den sprint verloren. Das er letztendlich gewonnen hat, war zufall/glück, bzw. so gesehen meine Schuld, dass ich nicht den nächsten Klassiker abschenken wollte.

insofern, fährt gasgas eben nicht so wie es für ihn am besten ist. er fährt einfach nur gegen einzelne teams. Und genau das ist der Grund, wieso man ihn bannen sollte. mit ihm ist kein normales Spiel möglich. Das er jetzt mal 1 Rennen gewonnen hat schwächt meine Argumentation, aber sie macht sie deshalb nciht belanglos. Er zerstört das Spiel mit seiner Fahrweise, er benachteiligt ganz speziell einzelne Teams und das kann eben nicht sein.

wer möchte, kann das übersetzen, here ist einfach eine google übersetzung, die vermutlich wenig sinn macht. aber ich habe nicht das können/nerv dazu.

purely of the argumentation here is not ideal, that gasgas has won the race also. I'm aware of. he had seen such happiness that I did not want to msr abschenken the next classic and drove for myself, which was ultimately for him.

on the other hand, it's gasgas but not about the win. I mean why. because it always depends on the same team. because he refuses to work. at msr, coming through the group. he did not care. because even the peloton is almost fell out of time. and DW yes wins the group if I do not drive. gasgas wins even if I do not hang in moscow, who was the only one of wegattackieren still could. If it were GasGas had cared about the victory, he would have the rear wheels are changed twice. That would have been the best for him. but no, it just hangs just me. He hung indeed a leader of his 3 kepa, although that was completely empty and has no more role-playing. So it would ever hang out there made ​​no sense. kepa came along because he has lost no more, and even such a leader for the sprint. That he eventually won, was random / luck, or as seen my fault that I did not want abschenken the next classic.

insofar gasgas moves just not the way it works best for him. he just goes against certain teams. And that is precisely the reason why we should ban him. with him not a normal play is possible. He has now won 1 race times weakens my argument, but it makes nciht therefore irrelevant. He destroyed the game with his driving style, he very specifically disadvantaged individual teams and may not be flat.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:10 pm
by Ronson
Quick wrote:If that's ok for you, I know now how to ride the next races against you. ;)
If it's fun for you ;)

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:28 pm
by NicoVanarlo
The problem is that you can't ban this kind of team beacause he don't break any rules.
So the solution is to make him loose, each time, on each race and maybe a day, he'll stop to "play" like this... maybe.

But ok, on a cat5 race, it's hard to take this decision, even if it's the best for everybody. When I'm in a race with him, I just try to make him loose. If everyone could do the same, he'll understand fast.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:39 pm
by Quick
Ronson wrote:
Quick wrote:If that's ok for you, I know now how to ride the next races against you. ;)
If it's fun for you ;)
And there's the point. No, it's not fun for me and it CAN'T be fun for gasgas too. Maybe gasgas has fun after his great race when people insult him or whatever. But it can't bring fun if you just sit there, hang on 3 other and do nothing else. Every goddamn race. It's not about fun for him. It's about destroying the race, the game and take the fun for all. Imo you should get banned for that.

Noone would blame him if he does that ocasionally but every race?

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:03 pm
by Rastaman
Team GasGas(BR)** in WC u23, now we have something to ban him :lol:

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:08 pm
by Avaya

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:35 am
by auxilium torino
Ich kann mir errinern das vor einiges zeit wurde es diskutiert uber kraftverbrauch beim folgen, nicht nur bei attacken, sonder wenn man ein fahrer auf folgen stellt, der fahrer verliert jedes km. kraft.
wenn ich mir gut errinern, fast alle haben damals die idee fur gut gefundet, sollte es nur diskutiert werden uber wieviel der kraft verbrauch ist.
gasgas ist nicht der einziges das dieses einstellung hat, Lorient zb auch, es gibt schon mehrere, bei NC zum beispiel das kleben ein fahrer und dann verschwinden, um 3-4 km. vor ende zuruck zu kommen.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:50 am
by NicoVanarlo
Mais arrêtez de parler en allemand quand il y a des autres nationalités qui participent à la discussion! Qu'est-ce que vous diriez si on se mettait à parler français hein? (ok, on est un peu moins mais pour le principe, imaginons que ce soit 50-50)
Pas très agréable n'est-ce pas? Bon...

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:56 am
by Pokemon Club
Ouaip, d'ailleurs pourquoi s'emmerder bas les steak de l'anglais. Bre de se que j'ai vu Gllier comme vagaderi comme saffunazos comme GasGas avait des étoiles durant le s mondiaux, c'est peut etre une dynastieitalo-germanique tout ce beau monde.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:19 am
by AlmavivaItalia

English please?

Otherwise i will ban!

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:57 am
by ATB - Racing
ban Aux, Alla and Gasgas immediatly

:D :mrgreen: :lol:

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:15 pm
by Rockstar Inc
ATB - Racing wrote:ban Aux, Alla and Gasgas immediatly

:D :mrgreen: :lol:
+1 8-)

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:07 pm
by Avaya
btw: dont get me wrong, my screenshot was more about the fact that gasgas has got a multi (or is a multi) than that vaga and suffa are "multis" respectively brothers. maybe buhmann is able to see which of the 18 offline teams is his multi. because then we would have got a reason to ban him.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:05 pm
by AlmavivaItalia
Not for defending Vagaderi/Saffunzanos but if i remember good Aux or Pirkio told me that they're brothers.

Oh, real, Aux told me too much people are with some kind of relationship.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:31 pm
by auxilium torino
i have a brother, but he don't play RSF, and he live in Rome, would be a different IP for sure

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:48 pm
by Pokemon Club
On s'égare. On s'en fiche de la relation vaga/saffu ou du frère de Auxilium. C'est GasGas qui interesse le monde là.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:50 pm
by Moscow Team Pro
I do not know what happened to the MSR because I was not there, but I was in this race to GW. We attacked at km 1 and GasGas was glued to Allagen, he knew that the flight would not go because Allagen rightly had different interests, that is run by its leader, GasGas even though it was promoted as a group has not prevented the escape because it always offline and the man who in the group would not have won. The leak has stopped. We left and GasGas is still in the wheel Allagen, we rifermati. Then we went out in 6, it will clearly Allagen GasGas inside. I came out because Allagen pulled in as Gasgas group was online and had more chances with other runners. I started working with Allagen to repair the leak because: 1) Gasgas always offline, 2) Gasgas not talk in chat. At the end all the work is Allagen and why behind my ATB works for his sprinter who would easily win if returned to the group, Allagen works for Sukru which is the 2nd best sprinter of the group and has a chance, I work for Jamieson and marinescu because with energy provision are respectively 86 and 87 plain and I hope they leave the group. GasGas 20km offline / online etc. 2 km. etc. GasGas hanging Allagen, probably Allagen hanging from me, no chance to do anything if you do not decide whether to win ATB stopping to pull or Gasgas continuing to try to make the race.

The point is that any other team with 3 runners in the first two group respectively 64 and 60 sprint sprint would work so as not to fall behind the group, Gasgas not, and not because the work we did it but only because he ran on Allagen. If Allagen he said "ok, I'll by" would win the flight before or after ATB.

This is not lelae, is not regular and I can not understand what's so fun to run like GasGas runs, and since this is a game, you go to win, but we do it for fun.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:03 pm
by glasgowracing
auxilium torino wrote:Ich kann mir errinern das vor einiges zeit wurde es diskutiert uber kraftverbrauch beim folgen, nicht nur bei attacken, sonder wenn man ein fahrer auf folgen stellt, der fahrer verliert jedes km. kraft.
wenn ich mir gut errinern, fast alle haben damals die idee fur gut gefundet, sollte es nur diskutiert werden uber wieviel der kraft verbrauch ist.
gasgas ist nicht der einziges das dieses einstellung hat, Lorient zb auch, es gibt schon mehrere, bei NC zum beispiel das kleben ein fahrer und dann verschwinden, um 3-4 km. vor ende zuruck zu kommen.
Read my suggestion: There should be an additional offline rule. If you're offline for a certain time, you lose "follow" settings.

Maybe there should also be a harder offline rule for the last half of the race.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:15 pm
by auxilium torino
Glasgow, your idea was proposed several time, to buh, but he already say no, to this idea, don't know why, that i think is also a good idea...anyway that will be not a 100% solution, that you need only to be online, and you got the same result, like GasGas...destroy the race will still possible.
lose energie for setting follow, otherwise, will make the race open, conterattac will be harder, you need to be online, to setting follow at the right moment, or you risk to be to weak to follow, if you set that at start.

Re: Please ban Team GasGas

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:20 pm
by glasgowracing
Moscow Team Pro wrote:I do not know what happened to the MSR because I was not there, but I was in this race to GW. We attacked at km 1 and GasGas was glued to Allagen, he knew that the flight would not go because Allagen rightly had different interests, that is run by its leader, GasGas even though it was promoted as a group has not prevented the escape because it always offline and the man who in the group would not have won. The leak has stopped. We left and GasGas is still in the wheel Allagen, we rifermati. Then we went out in 6, it will clearly Allagen GasGas inside. I came out because Allagen pulled in as Gasgas group was online and had more chances with other runners. I started working with Allagen to repair the leak because: 1) Gasgas always offline, 2) Gasgas not talk in chat. At the end all the work is Allagen and why behind my ATB works for his sprinter who would easily win if returned to the group, Allagen works for Sukru which is the 2nd best sprinter of the group and has a chance, I work for Jamieson and marinescu because with energy provision are respectively 86 and 87 plain and I hope they leave the group. GasGas 20km offline / online etc. 2 km. etc. GasGas hanging Allagen, probably Allagen hanging from me, no chance to do anything if you do not decide whether to win ATB stopping to pull or Gasgas continuing to try to make the race.

The point is that any other team with 3 runners in the first two group respectively 64 and 60 sprint sprint would work so as not to fall behind the group, Gasgas not, and not because the work we did it but only because he ran on Allagen. If Allagen he said "ok, I'll by" would win the flight before or after ATB.

This is not lelae, is not regular and I can not understand what's so fun to run like GasGas runs, and since this is a game, you go to win, but we do it for fun.
The fun is to destroy other team's fun. I.e. people who offend in the chat. I offended a lot - especially last summer, so maybe he chose me as a target this reason (. But this should still be no reason to destroy races I say maybe, because I have no clue what his reasons are). Punishment for offensive behaviour in chat is the fairness commitee's job, not the one of certain teams. In real life we can't just walk out onto the street and stalk every person who uses bad language or misbehaves otherwise, so this shouldn't happen here as well.

Teams who are just online (or hmm actually mostly offline) to destroy some team's races without a serious attempt at achieving a best possible result should be banned.

I saw GasGas in my races with some of the clear cut favorites for a race win. Instead of trying to win, he hung in my wheels. I could not even have followed his attacks, if he chose to go for a win. Such unrealistic riding by such experienced accounts should not be tolerated. I once or twice intentionally did not set an realistic follow settings to allow others to attack without having me and therefore GasGas in the wheels. Once ot twice is enough, won't do so again.