Catalunya h 22

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Rockstar Inc » Mon May 23, 2011 4:29 pm

moah nerv nicht und les einfach mal das was geschrieben wurde :x

Hmm, maybe you should rather blame the manager who gave Liberty the order to defend his gc position, if ever.
Libby did what the team-owner asked for...nothing more, nothing less...
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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by NoPikouze » Mon May 23, 2011 4:38 pm

Hang them all by the balls! Ha!
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Zentaron » Mon May 23, 2011 4:44 pm

Than you can't hang Libby. :P
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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by NoPikouze » Mon May 23, 2011 4:51 pm

Nor you :P
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Radunion » Mon May 23, 2011 5:26 pm

Are you sure that your idea that nobody should help the favourite has anything to do with real cycling. In reality many teams ride for minor targets. Yesterday in the Giro (real race) Contador got help in some situations that would surly lead to a complaint in RSF. Rujano helped several times in the mountain to get himself in the top 10 of the GC, Weening rode before the last climb to give his team mate a chance to finish in the top 10, robbing everybody else the chance to attack Contador in the flat sections. The main victim was Euskaltel, loosing time in the GC with Anton and Nieve, but they should not complain after the "senseless riding" on Friday.

In real cycling as in RSF you cannot be sure that other teams will not destroy your plan for reasons you were not aware of beforehand. This makes cycling an interesting sport to watch.

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Mon May 23, 2011 5:39 pm

Radunion wrote:Are you sure that your idea that nobody should help the favourite has anything to do with real cycling. In reality many teams ride for minor targets. Yesterday in the Giro (real race) Contador got help in some situations that would surly lead to a complaint in RSF. Rujano helped several times in the mountain to get himself in the top 10 of the GC, Weening rode before the last climb to give his team mate a chance to finish in the top 10, robbing everybody else the chance to attack Contador in the flat sections. The main victim was Euskaltel, loosing time in the GC with Anton and Nieve, but they should not complain after the "senseless riding" on Friday.

In real cycling as in RSF you cannot be sure that other teams will not destroy your plan for reasons you were not aware of beforehand. This makes cycling an interesting sport to watch.
I thought that blocking the escape for the pink jersey to defend the 20th position was nonsense. Sorry, thanks for your words I understand why Libby and his friends follow me. genius

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Pirkio » Mon May 23, 2011 8:17 pm

Radunion wrote:Are you sure that your idea that nobody should help the favourite has anything to do with real cycling. In reality many teams ride for minor targets. Yesterday in the Giro (real race) Contador got help in some situations that would surly lead to a complaint in RSF. Rujano helped several times in the mountain to get himself in the top 10 of the GC, Weening rode before the last climb to give his team mate a chance to finish in the top 10, robbing everybody else the chance to attack Contador in the flat sections. The main victim was Euskaltel, loosing time in the GC with Anton and Nieve, but they should not complain after the "senseless riding" on Friday.

In real cycling as in RSF you cannot be sure that other teams will not destroy your plan for reasons you were not aware of beforehand. This makes cycling an interesting sport to watch.

Yesterday when nibali attack only contador do the work on the downhill.. and howewer.. contador gave to euskaltel one race, to rujano too... i think they help him becouse of an "irreal accord" in this game this is impossible to do so no escuse in this sense
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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by claw » Mon May 23, 2011 9:08 pm

good pirati.. arent you just angry about being passiv in important stages? about the time you missed to get there?
these 20 secs (and everybody would have ridden to have the sitted-teams gc-rider back in "peloton"), and i guess the phoenix-helper would have been able to come back alone, are just a "blop on a hot stone" ^^
Last edited by claw on Mon May 23, 2011 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Liberty » Mon May 23, 2011 10:21 pm

Pirkio wrote:i saw that it's look a shame you have no reason to do it giro is not one of the all stupid sprint tours. There are the shirt every one have to defend his shirt, nobody else have to do it. there are teams who lose 200.000 every race you can't do tempo for no reason.. or we can open giro to all the teams and let them destroy all.. i think poor pirati today lost giro becouse of a wrong race control of one sitter
pirati verliert den Giro wegen mir? selten so gelacht. Er attackiert mit Pirata und Brunelleschi ohne mein angeblich schweres eingreifen liegen die beiden immernoch über 2 minuten im GK hinten.
Ihr italienischen Superradler solltet mal etwas die Kirche im Dorf lassen und mal anschauen was Pirati mit seinem Überteam im vergleich zu den anderen beim Giro fährt. Er fährt auf 3 Fahrer und das ist sein Fehler und das musst du Aux auch endlich mal begreifen. Wenn Pirati konsequent auf seinen Müller fährt, gewinnt er den Giro, aber das möchtet ihr nicht verstehen. pirati nutzt seine übermacht einfach nicht aus und das hat absolut nicht mit meinem tempo gestern zu tun.

Nur mal zum vergleich zu meinem Team.
Mike Müller 86berg 59 zf 1:32 hinter Rosa
Marco Pirata 84 berg 69 flach 2:26 zurück
Filippo Brunelleschi 82 berg 69zf 3:59 zurück

OskarPall Elfarsson 0:00 hat Rosa
Alfredo Burgato 82berg 69 flach 22:52 zurück
Marc Macramet 86berg 28:42 zurück.

Nun mal genaue erklärung der Situation gestern.
Socca Team mit seinem Bergfahrer und einem starken klassiker vorne. Pirati attackiert mit den oben genannten Fahrern. So nun sind Poisons fahrer abgefallen. Auf dem hügel fährt phönix mit seinem klassiker die zwei km flach und ist ca 15!!! sek. hinter den anderen bergfahrer, danach mach ich 3 km tempo und dann wartet da feld auf meine. vielleicht weil sie auch gesehen haben das ein klassiker mit in der gruppe war. dieser klassiker hat aber sicher keine 600 kraft mehr und mit 69 relativ abfahrtsschwach. er hat im flachen dann zusammen mit Steel seinem 80 70er tempo gemacht und vorne fährt ein kraftloser klassiker von socca.
Pirati schreibt socca das er die etappe bekommt wenn er alleine weiter tempo macht und da ist piratis grosser fehler. hilft er in der abfahrt mit Brunelleschi und lässt socca ausruhen verlieren sie nicht so viel zeit und mein eingreifen bringt ihnen am ende vielleicht nur 30 sekunden rückstand und nicht 40.

auxilium torino wrote:mir wir fast jedes tag gefragt eine oder die andere neue italiener zu belehren, das man kein tempo macht in solche fälle, und schon für viel weniger...
Haben grosse team haben sondergenemigung oder sonderregeln?
@ aux. sorry für meine ausdrucksweise, aber bist du so schwer von begriff oder tust du nur so dumm.

wenn mir der manager den ich sitten soll schreibt ich soll den GK platz verteidigen, dann mach ich das auch, genau das gleiche würde ich bei jeder anderen tour machen. was ganz anderes wäre es gewesen wenn es mein team gewesen wäre, dann hätte ich kein tempo gemacht. Das Tempo hatte dennoch keinen Einfluss auf die Tour und das solltest du auch begreifen.

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Tue May 24, 2011 12:57 am

OskarPall Elfarsson 0:00 hat Rosa

maybe you can tell everyone that your only opponent in the mountains with 88 did not appear in the main mountain stage of the first week. Easy ...

I run to win the white, and if you had not pulled today was Brunelleschi very close to the success of the Rose. Instead he lost another minute thanks to you.

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Luna » Tue May 24, 2011 11:13 am

Just for the records: After Nibali attacked at the descent of the Giau, Contador got help in the valley from Lastras (Movi) and Weening (Rabo) in the valley.

(Clever Contador to never sign with Movistar. So he always has got two teams working for him, his actual one (currently Saxo) plus Movistar^^ - not that I would appreciate it)

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Wed May 25, 2011 10:44 pm

Enough, shame! Today I won the GIRO. But the same friend of Libby has done time with me without any sense. The ROSA jersey and the strongest chrono watch Steel which is time, time time.

Enough, I abandoned the game at the end of the tour. Needless to run well. you have fun.

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Steel » Wed May 25, 2011 11:24 pm

You talking about shame? That's a joke. It is a shame the way you rode GIRO with your team. You did nothing, except siebing an stop riding after a couple kilometers, until the last days. And right now after you start doing something you also start to complaining. It's ridiculous. If you would have rode the Giro the whole time there would be no question that you would be winning the GIRO. And by the way, why do you complain about winning the GIRO when you are riding for the white jersey?

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Thu May 26, 2011 12:20 am

You are ridiculous and shameful. Now you want to win the tour with those who say so. You're evil. Between yesterday and today I'd win easily pink, white and teams. Too bad that your sweet friend yesterday and today you have, shamefully, I've pulled against. At one point you made a time with two runners, all by myself! You also have the courage to write?

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Steel » Thu May 26, 2011 5:52 am

What a surprise that you probably won... This all should be clear from day one in the mountains, but you did not use your team accordingly. That's the point. Of course i made time once only because you watched the race instead of riding it. To write that had nothing to do with courage, it is the truth. I said from day one that you are the man to beat. And now enough said....

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Thu May 26, 2011 12:57 pm

Confirms exactly my theory. So you make time on me because I have decided to win (according to you) around the third week. A divine punishment!

Fortunately, after this tour I will stop. I play for fun. You and your friend you play against me.

If anyone has doubts, Zauberlehrlinge yesterday was shameful witness of your race. You are a coward.

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Steel » Thu May 26, 2011 7:55 pm

The only coward here is you. You don't reflect your own actions and blame everyone else for everything that dosn't fit your own sight. Yesterday you pulled Jennay forward in the GC. Probably you did not recognize that. By this action from you you forced my tempo. Jennay was before the start behind me in the GC. If you had been alone in front i would have do nothing.

And you didn't catch at all what i said. If i would not have know some italian, i would start thinking that whining, complaining and blameing is a national sport in italia. And now don't whine again, you brought it to this personal point...

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Bear » Thu May 26, 2011 8:36 pm

Noone let me win a stage with Jamie. So I stop playing RSF. You are all evil and I am the only nice one. Keep that in mind!!

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Thu May 26, 2011 9:44 pm

Bear wrote:Noone let me win a stage with Jamie. So I stop playing RSF. You are all evil and I am the only nice one. Keep that in mind!!
no, you're the idiot of all

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Thu May 26, 2011 9:48 pm

Today on the finish yet another impropriety. While Philip was returning with the pink jersey group, for a pull km Zeller. Phoenix immediately asked to stop time and so it is. While Claw recalls his wingman has done time for Phoenix. They've all seen ... that clown that you Claw.

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by claw » Thu May 26, 2011 9:54 pm

:roll: :lol: :roll:
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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Bear » Thu May 26, 2011 9:57 pm

pirati wrote:
Bear wrote:Noone let me win a stage with Jamie. So I stop playing RSF. You are all evil and I am the only nice one. Keep that in mind!!
no, you're the idiot of all
I know. But I don't say this is your fault. You see the difference?

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by Liberty » Thu May 26, 2011 9:59 pm

mäh mäh every day against pirati mäh mäh

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Thu May 26, 2011 10:04 pm

Liberty wrote:mäh mäh every day against pirati mäh mäh
Ask your buddies ...

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Re: Catalunya h 22

Post by pirati » Thu May 26, 2011 10:08 pm

Since I do not want to go to the person who complains in vain, should request the forum Zauberl. He can say what happened yesterday and today.

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