Ban Team-Villinger

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Ban Team-Villinger

Post by cataracs » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:36 pm

He knows basics but always the same behaviour...a multi probably, ban him! if he wants his team back he should explain why he rides like this...

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by Liquigas-CND » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:43 pm

After attacking/following with 2 guys (sometimes better then the other riders from escape) he told me that "this is the new winning tactics in RSF".
He is simply distroying / weakening each escape, knowing very well what he is doing and continuing to do the same shit every day.

I think he is riding only to annoy the other managers.
Last edited by Liquigas-CND on Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by luques » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:48 pm

Liquigas-CND wrote:After attacking/following with 2 guys (sometimes better then the other riders from escape) he told me that "this is the new winning tactics in RSF".
He is simply distroying / weakening each escape, knowing very well what he is doing and continuing to do the same shit every day.
Yes the winning tactic... 2 races won in 260, this is how much he is dangerous...

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by Chense » Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:08 pm

Well indeed the problem with him is ... most teams just let him do it ... attack him to dead ... kill his riders ... attack him away ... steal his fun in doing those things thats the way to respond to him - at least i decided to and most teams in rsf are just whining and sheeping and letting him do it looking at his fairplay

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by auxilium torino » Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:58 pm

we hope something happens before 2018! Thanks!
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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by RainerT » Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:59 pm

luques wrote:Yes the winning tactic... 2 races won in 260, this is how much he is dangerous...
thats bad sarcasm luques. hes influencing races in a bad way.

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by luques » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:09 pm

RainerT wrote:
luques wrote:Yes the winning tactic... 2 races won in 260, this is how much he is dangerous...
thats bad sarcasm luques. hes influencing races in a bad way.
It's not bad sarcasm. You can't ban a team just because you don't like how he rides, and actually his behaviour, as facts proved, gave him much more problems than benefits.
Otherwise we enter in a discriminatory field where someone demand the ban everytime someone other doesn't ride accordingly to his mind.

The only thing that can be done is, as rQuick said some time ago and I approved, to automatically investigate, give a fine or a temporary ban to managers who receive a lot of bad fair play ratings in a really short time span. That's imo the best way to avoid useless discussions.

But as usual everyone cares just when something happens to him.

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by auxilium torino » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:16 pm

You see now that the problem with villinger is bigger, Multi, playing to destroy the game of others, and now cheating or bug,(i am not sure wich is from both, but is anyway an unfair and not allowed plaing art):
Maybe now you can considarate about a ban?
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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by cataracs » Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:08 am

I was just pissed when I oppenned this topic, actually watching villinger ride is fun, a ban will be unjust!

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by auxilium torino » Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:28 am

Cosa si intende come lealtà per noi

La questione di "lealtà" è oggetto di accesi dibattiti e, purtroppo, si registrano anche nella maggior parte dei giochi browser ,persone che cercano di approfittare degli errori del sistema per sfruttarne le lacune esistenti.

Lidea originale del gioco è stata, quella di dare la possibilità,agli amanti del ciclismo(e non ),di una corsa ciclistica in linea da vivere nel modo più realistico possibile.
Cosa sia giusto e cosa sia ingiusto, non si può certamente affermare sempre con certezza. Questo è anche il suo fascino. Robbie McEwen in volata è considerato da alcuni come sleale(a volte punito con una squalifica),da altri viene considerato come un atleta tenace che viene ricompensato con vittorie di tappa.
Come un comportamento sleale in un gruppo reale di solito viene punito direttamente dagli altri ciclsti. Chi si e´ reso impopolare con comportamenti sleali,sara´ seguito in un tentativo di fuga prima di qualcuno che è ritenuto sportivo e leale. Chi è noto per non collaborare con gli altri giocatori nei gruppi o nelle fughe, difficilmente trovera´ collaborazione quando egli stesso possa trarne vantaggio.
Le regole sulla lealta´,non riguardano la valutazione sullo stile di gioco o sulla simpatia di un giocatore,sennonche´ sulla possibilita´ di ottenere vantaggi attraverso errori tecnici (Bugs) che si trovano al di fuori della normale realta di gara.

Chi approfitta´ di questi errori verra´ punito.

I giocatori che giocano, approfittando dei bugs,in maniera sleale dovranno fare i conti con detrazione di punti,di soldi oppure con Squalifiche.

Siccome una formulazione esatta di tutto cio´,difficilmente si lascia catalogare, le varie infrazioni vengono discusse di volta in volta dai Giudici insieme a „Buhmann“, ideatore ed organizzatore del gioco.
Anche l´utilizzo di acconti multipli, oppure accordi irreali con squadre appartenenti ad amici non sono tollerate,e verranno punite.
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by chartreusecycle » Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:41 am

Why should we ban him ?
- He didnt break any fairplay rule
- He used a bug ? What about sectricks ? correct this bug

no reason at all to ban him.

stop whinning guys... And act in a clever way when he is in your group to get rid of him.
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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by Chense » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:50 am

chartreusecycle wrote:Why should we ban him ?
- He didnt break any fairplay rule
- He used a bug ? What about sectricks ? correct this bug

no reason at all to ban him.

stop whinning guys... And act in a clever way when he is in your group to get rid of him.
First I am always getting rid of him now that makes it a bit better but it makes normal races with him pretty impossible because no normal group building is possible. Second thing I am thinking about some kind of bug that he is using but nobody else knows and I want it to be changed and him fined for using it.

It seems that villinger is using some bug to get points in is without sprinting and without doing tempo ... First i also thought about sectrick, BUT i have seen villinger winning those sprints many times this way mostly in the last weeks and i have NEVER seen him doing tempo. And when i am in a group where i want some is for some reason (green points) i am having a pretty close look about sectricks. So it seems either he has a script for the perfect sectrick or he is using some bug making him sprint without beeing shown in the racelog.

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by olaf » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:55 am

he,s a dirty cheat, BAN HIM.

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by luques » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:11 am

Chense wrote:
chartreusecycle wrote:Why should we ban him ?
- He didnt break any fairplay rule
- He used a bug ? What about sectricks ? correct this bug

no reason at all to ban him.

stop whinning guys... And act in a clever way when he is in your group to get rid of him.
First I am always getting rid of him now that makes it a bit better but it makes normal races with him pretty impossible because no normal group building is possible. Second thing I am thinking about some kind of bug that he is using but nobody else knows and I want it to be changed and him fined for using it.

It seems that villinger is using some bug to get points in is without sprinting and without doing tempo ... First i also thought about sectrick, BUT i have seen villinger winning those sprints many times this way mostly in the last weeks and i have NEVER seen him doing tempo. And when i am in a group where i want some is for some reason (green points) i am having a pretty close look about sectricks. So it seems either he has a script for the perfect sectrick or he is using some bug making him sprint without beeing shown in the racelog.
I would add actually that this trick also can influence the others, because a couple of days ago I think Ambition was in front of Aux in the intermediate as it usually happens to Villinger. Someone can confirm that?

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by chartreusecycle » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:32 am

Chense, you are perfectly right and of course I do not appreciate either Team Villinger behaviour.

But there is 2 things important:
- We can not Ban somebody based on presumption
- Is using a bug cheating ?
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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by Chense » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:54 am

chartreusecycle wrote:Chense, you are perfectly right and of course I do not appreciate either Team Villinger behaviour.

But there is 2 things important:
- We can not Ban somebody based on presumption
- Is using a bug cheating ?
Based on presumption no but based on evidence by observation - And yes bug using is some kind of cheating as it gives you some unfair advantage which is commonly used as a reason for a ban in most online games.

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:28 pm

luques wrote: Otherwise we enter in a discriminatory field where someone demand the ban everytime someone other doesn't ride accordingly to his mind.
But that's what Aux has been doing since he's playing here.
A tactic that is in itself highly unfair, it puts managers that don't ride as he and the other fascists like on the defensive from the start. If anything something needs to be done against the managers with that fascist mindset.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Ban Team-Vellinger

Post by chartreusecycle » Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:35 pm

And actually there is no Team-Vellinger in this game...

This topic should be definitively closed
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Re: Ban Team-Villinger

Post by auxilium torino » Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:58 pm

@ Luques, , yes, i confirm that, i was in front and tempo, but i got lose...seem that Villinger can change order of others teams also!

@Chartreuse, is team Villinger, not vellinger, and Villinger same confirm that he use a System error, also, a bug, that is vorbidden like reglement!
He say yesterday already several times!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Ban Team-Villinger

Post by cataracs » Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:07 pm

What is also?

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Re: Ban Team-Villinger

Post by chartreusecycle » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:52 pm

Alster wrote:No, Team Villinger was not part of it. Thats what i mean, i had the same case with Novo-Banco, he won every sprint (for mountain points) without sprinting when he was in a escape group, even if i sprinted. Two similar cases with two different teams, so it looks for me like an bug and not like cheating.
Seems like the same case happened to other teams than Team-Villinger.
This bug should be solved and should not be used as an argument to ban Team-Villinger.
Unfortunately we have no reason to ban this dirty manager.
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Re: Ban Team-Villinger

Post by Pokemon Club » Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:17 pm

Well the "bug" and Villinger are 2 differents problem. Let's give a fine at people who obviously use it. And a bigger fine if the cheat has a GK or a jersey consequence.

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Re: Ban Team-Villinger

Post by Hunsrueck » Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:23 pm

A decision has been taken.

NO Fine, NO Warning.

case closed.


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