BMX Bicycle Insulting

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by Chense » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:08 pm

This guy insults all the time in todays race ... and talks like a little terrorist some times ... just for your information think a fine is not really needed cause he is fined with his behaviour anyway

Team Trojer Vellau: yeah give up because you are such a little looser bmx
team AEROSTAR: fine by me,one stage and one jersey ))
Idéfix: at least I win teams...
Idéfix: deserved
Idéfix: gw Tulpe
Idéfix: 4 secs by my fault, I'm so stupid in these last 20 km^^
Tulpengeneral: iam soo stupid, i win the tour, my bad :D
BMX Bycicle: i give up with so stupid guys here all for dy
BMX Bycicle: three days in escapeand today no one let me and no stage win or a jersey
Tulpengeneral: 3 days tempo for nothing, but now a day without i :)
Idéfix: better if the peloton catch, I wanted too much
Idéfix: I should not work, as usual I do too much
Idéfix: pfff gw Tulpe
BMX Bycicle: gw Tulpe for stage and yellow
Team Trojer Vellau: lol bugatti schon wieder mit offattacken drin tztz ;)
Tulpengeneral: really, an offatack -.-
Tulpengeneral: huub huub
Auxilium Torino: gw tulpe
BMX Bycicle: for all of you
Team Trojer Vellau: allah ist das ned der typ der kinderficker salonfähig macht?
Auxilium Torino: allah, ist zu dick? der arme
Auxilium Torino: ist dick?
Team Trojer Vellau: islam is a cancer its a source of terror
BMX Bycicle: Allah ist groß und mächtig
BMX Bycicle: ne nach Irak
Idéfix: vctoulon ?
Tulpengeneral: holland ist die geilste stadt der welt
Team Trojer Vellau: entschuldigen sie ist das der sonderzug nach dachau?
Tulpengeneral: eigentlich bin ich holländer
Auxilium Torino: jajajaa
Team Trojer Vellau: ich bin kein deutscher aber im gegensatz zu dir hab ich erziehung geniessen und beherrsche die deutsche sprache
BMX Bycicle: Allah wird euch alle kriegen
BMX Bycicle: noch so ein scheiss deutscher <- Ich lass mir ja scheiss noch eingehen aber deutscher? ;)
Idéfix: gw GC and stage in front
Team Trojer Vellau: und bmx lern dich benehmen wir sind hier nicht im hasenbergl
Team Trojer Vellau: du bist gehangen ich hab attackiert du hast mehr flach bessere form und mehr spritn :P
BMX Bycicle: Tulpe deutscher Mutterficker
Tulpengeneral: glaub ich nicht so ganz
Team Trojer Vellau: jepp ;)
Tulpengeneral: mehr kraft?
Team Trojer Vellau: 3er fahr ich dann auch noch mit rest eher du alleine :P hast mehr kraft und mehr sprint ^^
Tulpengeneral: glaub am 3er biste auch stark
Team Trojer Vellau: jaja passt schon ^^
Tulpengeneral: bin den -6er raus
Team Trojer Vellau: ich mach die -km den rest machst du ;)
Idéfix: Uhlsport, vctoulon, any help ?
Team Trojer Vellau: ich helfe gleich tulpe ;)
Tulpengeneral: du die abfahrt?
Idéfix: pfff
Idéfix: I was sure of that... but wrong follow
Tulpengeneral: i attack
Team Trojer Vellau: tulpe stops i stop ;)
Idéfix: you stop, I stop :)
Idéfix: ok
Team Trojer Vellau: i am in ... hope tulpe to? ;)
BMX Bycicle: i will only the stage
Idéfix: not my interest to push. I'm ok to ride with Jean if you also want to coop.
BMX Bycicle: no chance Idefix
Team Trojer Vellau: so go for it i will follow ;)
Idéfix: I'm ok with that
Team Trojer Vellau: i wont let you a helper more ;)
Team Trojer Vellau: but you didnt ride with both guys at once ;)
Idéfix: I first rode with Romuald and Jean, but was alone
Team Trojer Vellau: you ride with both guys i ride with one guy ;)
Idéfix: I have no pb with a MS, you know, guys... if you don't help with Adrian and James...
Auxilium Torino: darsseul, with a 73 ?
Tulpengeneral: noone is fine with that, everybody rides
Idéfix: and it seems everyone is OK with that
Idéfix: I'm OK if Woodhull wins the stage with those 4 min :)
Auxilium Torino: so, i am happy for now
Tulpengeneral: all i do is win win win and take your money
Team darsseul: you are stupid see your attacks
Idéfix: The highway security announces: "there is a Belgian car driving in the wrong way, I repeat, there is a Belgian car driving in the wrong way." The Belgian, in his car, answers: "they are all in the wrong way!"
Team Trojer Vellau: bad manners and bad behaviour over there ;)
BMX Bycicle: no stage and srupid fuck boys here
Auxilium Torino: i am stupid, i kinow, but is ok, i am happy
Tulpengeneral: and 3 times his poins value :D
Auxilium Torino: :)
Team Trojer Vellau: thats why we have three times your experience ;)
BMX Bycicle: aou are all so stupid
Team darsseul: lol you think we help you with fresh man
BMX Bycicle: or help in escape
BMX Bycicle: TTV let us a little more time
BMX Bycicle: daesseul wait please
Idéfix: ^^
Team darsseul: i win the sprint one more time idéfix now stop to speak with me thanks ^^
Idéfix: perfect :)
Idéfix: so maybe you need^^
Idéfix: but I let more time if you do
Team darsseul: i don't need ^^
Idéfix: ;)
Idéfix: darsseul, try to win that IS
Auxilium Torino: darsseul, if you want stop,
Team darsseul: stop to say what i need to do or i stop
Auxilium Torino: come in , blue
Auxilium Torino: and 4 now
Team darsseul: ok 100 for me
Auxilium Torino: he take already 9 second in a km
Auxilium Torino: 110 is too late
Team darsseul: 110
Auxilium Torino: darseul, fresh in green tempo?
BMX Bycicle: shut up Tulpe
MAROC ProTeam: team darrussal je suis nouveau ici alors tout le monde fait des fautes quand il est debutant mais t'inquiète je vais lire les règles
Idéfix: ;)
Idéfix: 360 races like the 1st one, is possible
Tulpengeneral: how got bmx 360 races, unbelieveable
Idéfix: but if Arriagada doesn't win the IS at 108, I let a bit more chances
Idéfix: no
Tulpengeneral: you will do autotempo later :D
BMX Bycicle: Idefix stop the Tempo let escape win
Team darsseul: tu ne sais pas courir tu ne suit même pas les règles
MAROC ProTeam: i need a energy for race of tomorrow
Team darsseul: arrête de courir tu es trop nul
MAROC ProTeam: parle fr
Team darsseul: stop maroc no problem ^^
BMX Bycicle: why
Auxilium Torino: you can catch me before 3 IS, no problem
Idéfix: Maroc you are just a noob
Idéfix: your error was to earn points on the first IS. I let myself the possibility to catch you before the 3rd IS if you win at 108
Auxilium Torino: somebody will try to win
Auxilium Torino: i expect anyway that come no MS today
Auxilium Torino: is ok
Idéfix: I don't want to take the risk
Auxilium Torino: and emelin have more :(
Auxilium Torino: IS i can only come at 0, but Green points decide after
Idéfix: With IS, Tulpen
MAROC ProTeam: ok
Idéfix: Maroc, there is nothing free.
Tulpengeneral: danger? :D
MAROC ProTeam: tu peux arrêté maintenant ??
Idéfix: but now I should not wait. There is a danger in front
Idéfix: I was watching handball on tv
Idéfix: oh sorry Tulpen
MAROC ProTeam: idefix s'il vous plaît
BMX Bycicle: gw escape
Tulpengeneral: can you wait idefix?
MAROC ProTeam: he wont be in escape
Idéfix: seriously?
Auxilium Torino: what an incredible sieb, MBMX
MAROC ProTeam: BMX wwe can't wait whe have 2 sec with you and pelOton
Tulpengeneral: mohaa
BMX Bycicle: wait in escape or a little bit slower
Auxilium Torino: finaleeee oooohhooohhhh
Auxilium Torino: Ita USA 3 2 :)
MAROC ProTeam: you don't look (tempo) in my players ??
Auxilium Torino: don´t joke
Auxilium Torino: maroc, darseul, tempo?
MAROC ProTeam: no more energy for tempo
BMX Bycicle: i do it i will the stage
Auxilium Torino: sorry for big
MAROC ProTeam: MBX please don't do that
Idéfix: I know that, Aux
MAROC ProTeam: so me too
Team darsseul: auxilium
Team darsseul: i do what i want okay?
Auxilium Torino: maroc
Auxilium Torino: maroic tempo now
Auxilium Torino: are too next
Auxilium Torino: red, not green
Auxilium Torino: come, all in
Auxilium Torino: IDEFIX, anyway, by an MS you can lose yellow too
Auxilium Torino: maroc, wait darseul
Idéfix: I'm not favo, I'm yellow. Big difference ;) I have no option to win the stage, but I can do it for GC
Team darsseul: idéfix ride because he is favo but you i don't know
Team darsseul: BMX Bycicle you are so stupid you ride for nothing
Tulpengeneral: du wirst die etappe? :D
BMX Bycicle: i will the stage
MAROC ProTeam: BMX why you do that's
BMX Bycicle: Maroc no it is not allowed
MAROC ProTeam: hhhhhhh
Team darsseul: maroc if you attack stop to ride in front
Auxilium Torino: ok, today all want ride in peloton :)
MAROC ProTeam: when i back in pelOton i tempo if someone attack is a goud choice to play this game because my pllayers lost a lot of energy because .......
MAROC ProTeam: auxilium stop tempo you kill your players for anythings
Team Trojer Vellau: yes
Team Trojer Vellau: seems like i am talking to you and bmx yey
MAROC ProTeam: me too
MAROC ProTeam: you talk to me ??
Tulpengeneral: iam a big child
Team Trojer Vellau: neither auxi nor tulpe are children ... compared to you anyway
MAROC ProTeam: why we have a children here !!!!!!!
Auxilium Torino: BMX, in moment the only stupid are you to insult all others
BMX Bycicle: Aixilium wait please
BMX Bycicle: Tulpe what now you are stupid now
Auxilium Torino: you have 9 riders, you send it the only oine dangerous for red
MAROC ProTeam: no more energy for me so no more tempo
Auxilium Torino: hey, i play hard but fair, insult are for others not, for this
Team Trojer Vellau: keep it cool girls ...
MAROC ProTeam: no he is a children
Auxilium Torino: come now, if you want
BMX Bycicle: fuck you mother boy
Tulpengeneral: insulting never does his job :D
BMX Bycicle: Auxilium you are stupid boy
MAROC ProTeam: BMX he will catch us stop tempo ??
Auxilium Torino: sieb me, please
Tulpengeneral: ain't your mama
BMX Bycicle: Auxilium stop or i sieb you
MAROC ProTeam: idefix
BMX Bycicle: believe me please i will only the stage
MAROC ProTeam: auxilium torino please attack and don't tempo please
Auxilium Torino: i have already some experience
BMX Bycicle: he will not the points you will see it
Auxilium Torino: then attac with an other, not knaller
BMX Bycicle: Or come into escape
BMX Bycicle: O. K. Auxilium i let you the red jersey i will only a few points and the last stage
MAROC ProTeam: sorry guys
Team Trojer Vellau: i rode only against the teamattack bmx now i am out ;)
BMX Bycicle: red Maroc
BMX Bycicle: Trojer wait with your riding in peloton it is not a attack for red and not for yellow
Idéfix: 11 km after...^^
Idéfix: voilà !
MAROC ProTeam: ouffffff
Idéfix: Idéfix: onglet "tactique", puis choisir, sous "relaie", "se laisse décrocher"
Dreizehn: pfff. drop him, now!
Idéfix: *Maroc
Idéfix: tu bluffes Maric
MAROC ProTeam: he didn't work
Auxilium Torino: BMX; not ride for maroc
MAROC ProTeam: il ne veut pas marcher
Idéfix: and still nothing^^
Idéfix: you say you do it, but the attack was km 1, and now we are km 8
Auxilium Torino: not say it, make it!!
MAROC ProTeam: yes i do it
BMX Bycicle: let one rider fall and stopp please
Idéfix: onglet "tactique", puis choisir, sous "relaie", "se laisse décrocher"
MAROC ProTeam: ok
Idéfix: Maroc proteam, décroche un de tes coureurs, car attaquer avec 3 coureurs au cours d'un même km est interdit par les règles de fair-play
Auxilium Torino: MAROC; YOU READ?
Auxilium Torino: MAROC; is not ok your attac
Auxilium Torino: not reguiloar
Team darsseul: team attack maroc
Auxilium Torino: stop 1 rtider maroc, is team attac
Tulpengeneral: thats a teamattack, maroc
Idéfix: Maroc pro team = team attack, this is forbidden
Team Trojer Vellau: teamattack maroc pro team let one rider fall please
Auxilium Torino: stop
Auxilium Torino: team attac
Idéfix: hello
MAROC ProTeam: idefix
MAROC ProTeam: we have someone ??
MAROC ProTeam: hello all
MAROC ProTeam: idefix tes online ??
MAROC ProTeam: idefix
Tulpengeneral: rawuff
BMX Bycicle: hi all guys and good luck
Team darsseul: hi all
Idéfix: even in the middle of the night it's not 0°C
Idéfix: today, around 20°C in Limousin
Idéfix: hello!
MAROC ProTeam: i have any idea
Tulpengeneral: its really cold in france?

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by luques » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:26 pm

FPK reviewing the case

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:56 am

sorry and let me in the play

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:03 am

yesterday i have 14 points more where are the points?

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by DonOh » Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:05 am

BMX Bycicle: Poke shut up
r Sukuran Pokemon: l'et's try red in front
r Sukuran Pokemon: one day he will understand that his way of riding is wrong
RideforMoney: BMX will at least ride for his sprinter, wouahou
Buttons Bashers: every race i do with you BMX, it's the same ..
Buttons Bashers: Je l'ai envoyé lui car il était pas a 1000 au début ^^
Buttons Bashers: so NP
Buttons Bashers: I didn't look at this, butFergus will be destroy for the TT ..
r Sukuran Pokemon: BMX = multi ?
r Sukuran Pokemon: Are you rsc rheindeahlen too ?
r Sukuran Pokemon: stupid ? How can you talk for Tiele saying he go only until km 55 ?
r Sukuran Pokemon: no problem
r Sukuran Pokemon: he will lose 5-6 min
BMX Bycicle: you are so stupid Poke you are the always stupid guy
Every race ...

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by team fl » Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:06 am

Let's also have a look at the posts from other teams too
Chense wrote:This guy insults all the time in todays race ... and talks like a little terrorist some times ... just for your information think a fine is not really needed cause he is fined with his behaviour anyway

Team Trojer Vellau: yeah give up because you are such a little looser bmx
Team Trojer Vellau: allah ist das ned der typ der kinderficker salonfähig macht?
Auxilium Torino: allah, ist zu dick? der arme
Team Trojer Vellau: islam is a cancer its a source of terror
Team Trojer Vellau: entschuldigen sie ist das der sonderzug nach dachau?
Team darsseul: you are stupid see your attacks
Team darsseul: arrête de courir tu es trop nul
Team darsseul: BMX Bycicle you are so stupid you ride for nothing
Auxilium Torino: BMX, in moment the only stupid are you (...)
So if BMX is (also) accused of calling somebody stupid, so are enough other teams in this chat. Beside the whole Anti-islamic Posts, the Dachau reference and religious insults. I hope the FC also has a look at that. By the way: child fuckers? from a Christian person (most likely)? :D

Not that BMX doesn't deserve a Penalty here, but no need to fight fire with fire. Stay calm, some of the race participants did that really well, f.e. Idéfix or Tulpengeneral, who both should get a fine for that! Be more agressive! Argh! and yes, 50k fine for Bella Italia of course.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by Eagle » Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:51 am

Pah, fine for not insulting. This Fl is a mother loving Ödipus :D, is that enough?
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by DonOh » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:43 pm

I'm ok with you. Say stupid when anyone ride bad it's not important and don't need penalty .. but, on every race it's the same. Insult or cry like the race is not like he want.

A little bored ..

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by Chense » Thu Aug 25, 2016 7:45 pm

Hey fl - i know what i said ... was also pretty agressive that day - thats why i said no fine for him ... but mostly the same with him ... just give him a warning me a warning and everythings fine ;)

for the child fucker thing at least ... was just to messed up by this allah shit ;) and no i am no christian :P i am atheist :P ... darsseul anyway the same all the time and auxi and me just to aggressive that day i have to admit

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:02 pm

i would say dam me from the game

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:18 pm

i mean condemn/ban me please and it is good

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:06 am

ich will weiter spielen ansonsten mache ich ein neues Team auf und fange bei Null an.

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:45 am

Wo ist der andere Thread hin? Kann einer etwas dazu sagen? Bitte

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:23 pm

Stelle hier eine einfache Frage und es kann keiner vom FPK oder einer der etwas weiss dazu beantworten wo der andere Thread hin ist und werde nur noch ignoriert. Seid ihr einfach so Arrogant oder seid ihr einfach überfordert? Auch wenn ich am arbeiten bin dann nehme ich aber auch meine ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit ernst und stecke meine Energie da rein. Vielleicht habt ihr ein anderes Verständnis davon. Bei mir ist es so als erstes kommt die Arbeit egal welche ob Hauptberuflich oder Ehrenamtlich und dann kommen meine Hobbies und danach erst die Familie bzw. der Rest den man erledigen muss/kann wie z. B. Hausarbeit.

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:41 pm

Zumindest werde ich Euch so lange hier nerven bis ihr mir Eure Entscheidung mitgeteilt habt. Werde Euch auch notfalls immer wieder anschreiben. Morgen ist Mittwoch und spätestens dann will ich wissen was los ist. Notfalls schreibe ich Euch jede halbe Stunde an. Ihr könnt mich halt nur daran hindern wenn ihr Euch beeilt oder mich löscht.

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by Chense » Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:27 pm

Kapiers doch endlich mal ... wenn ich das fpk wäre würde ich das laufende gespamme auch ignorieren das nichts zum sachverhalt beiträgt ..

BMX Bycicle
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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by BMX Bycicle » Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:17 pm

Ich würde sehr gerne morgen wieder spielen. Wäre das für das gesamte FPK in Ordnung?

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Re: BMX Bicycle Insulting

Post by Wookie » Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:07 pm


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