skyze, Barloo same IP and pw

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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skyze, Barloo same IP and pw

Post by Wookie » Sun May 29, 2016 3:16 pm

skyze and Barloo with the same IP and pw

New Zealand-Haka: xD crazy that you say now after 10 min that you know him
Back Again Team: lol
skyze: yes i know him he give me motivation to comeback to ride
New Zealand-Haka: or do you know brloo?
New Zealand-Haka: why should you complain a ban from another one?
Wookie: Yes, go to the thread i posted earlier
skyze: can i complain of ban ?
New Zealand-Haka: yeah, but that doesn´t show us, that your aren´t playing both acc´s
skyze: sorry for my bad english i dont use this proxy now unterstand ?
Wookie: So we decided for you now, Barloo will be banned and zkyze will get a fine
Wookie: btw Barloo is already banned, so...
New Zealand-Haka: how can you delete a school proxy?
Antiflag: and skyze you have to answer...
skyze: and i don't switch ip i delete proxy
New Zealand-Haka: @skyze, and what do show us - that you have a second proxy?
Wookie: So, with which one do you want to continue?
skyze: not the pw nothing guilty
New Zealand-Haka: xD
Wookie: He changed the IP^^
skyze: comeback
Back Again Team: offline
Back Again Team: lol
Wookie: With which team do you want to continue? Barloo or skyze?
New Zealand-Haka: skyze, nice tactic to undergo the questions.... but a bit too obvious
Wookie: No, not the exact password, just a code. But same password means same code
skyze: you can see all pw from database ? good to know
Back Again Team: password
Wookie: password
skyze: pw ? sorry my english is bad
Wookie: Just stop lying skyze. This could be a reason for the same IP, but not for the same pw
skyze: @wookie : the only thing i know is i use a school proxy to play
Wookie: My guess is both teams will be banned soon until you guve us a good reason in the forum
New Zealand-Haka: :-D skyze would be nice if you answer wookies question ;-)
Mez Team Belgium: wookie is the police of RSF :D
skyze: ok nice to meet you :)
Wookie: I'm in the FairPlay Comitee, so kind of, yes
skyze: you are inspector wookie ?
Wookie: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4936
Wookie: Because you have two teams, clear thing.
skyze: wookie : tell me why
Wookie: And why has "Barloo" the same IP and pw?
skyze: yes wookie i start this team 3yr ago
Wookie: skyze, is this your only team?

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Re: skyze, Barloo same IP and pw

Post by titi275 » Sun May 29, 2016 5:36 pm

Hi i'm barloo , I know skyze but not the same owner of 2 accounts

I begin to play with my account in 2009

Same ip because we play with the same proxy-company
Same pwd cause generic pwd like admin for instance fact is : make easier sitting

I want my account back

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Re: skyze, Barloo same IP and pw

Post by Wookie » Mon May 30, 2016 5:59 pm

skyze wrote me
"Can you ban skyze instead of barloo ?"

I guess we can do that.

Posts: 934
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:06 pm

Re: skyze, Barloo same IP and pw

Post by Wookie » Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:26 am

skyze is banned and for Barloo:
FPK has the following penalty set: FINE: 140.000 , WARNING: NO


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