team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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auxilium torino
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team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:32 pm

he can today win a tour, but help RFM to win, and say already that ride for their this not against the rule?
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by Chense » Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:38 pm

The problem here is more: Aux asked him if he would help for the win when aux siebs rfm today (Armorique in Front of Aux guy in gc) ... "Nono i help rfm i am fine with place 2" ... then a gc attack goes ... who is reacting first even before rfm? Right its Armorique ... Thats really unfair behaviour ... you have to ride for yourself not for other guys gc ... even more in a tour like elektrotoer where nothing else then a win is important ... would maybe understand this behaviour in the giro but here? Anyway i dont know if we can demand a fine for something like this but at least we have to find a way to stop some guys from riding for their "friends" and not for their own.

auxilium torino
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:46 pm

like in others tour with Ambition, are in this tour also an work with same strategy, OPERA and OMEGA!

Both also work all tour without intrest for RFM!

Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by RainerT » Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:37 pm

same problem i had at tour de romandie. i launched a gc attack against idefix. omega did (offline-)tempo (together with once, who rode for p2) for idefix' gc, althought that stage was no business for them at all. its a common problem arising in almost every race. any ideas for measures/rules (eg. no offline-tempo in tours; operationalisation rule "doing best for your team")?

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by Rockstar Inc » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:22 am

just post the whole chat...and if the words are clear..something like "i ride for xy..." then the fpc COULD take actions
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by Chense » Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:11 am

SM Team: ne pas marquer de points?
Team Armorique: en plus faut pas que je marque de points avec des mecs comme mentheour que je vais garder
Team Armorique: de rien rfm le choix était évident même si ils font mine de ne pas l'admettre, çà gênait juste leut petite cuisine habituelle
SM Team: I really thought Fred would win this ^^
Stamina: encore un sprint ou je suis pas ...mdr pourtant j aipas oublie cette fois
Freudenfeuer: wat auch formsache dabei. aber ok, passt auch so heute für mich
Team Trojer Vellau: naja wenn anti 100 form hat kommt er evtl. mit kessler hatte ja auf dauphine form ^^
vctoulon: gw
Team Trojer Vellau: ich weiss es doch freudi :*
clipperteam: gw
Freudenfeuer: ich fahre ein wenig unkonventionell Trojer.
Team Trojer Vellau: thx guys
Team Armorique: you wanted i ride... to better attack me then, i prefered to ride with RFM, i think it is a respectful choice, even if it is not yours...
Ralph Lauren: gw
RideforMoney: merci pour l'aide armo
Team Trojer Vellau: anti kommt ja nedmal mit tomform mit bei kessler
Freudenfeuer: GW Trojer
Team Trojer Vellau: warum du aber auch mit semjon statt mit anti fährst?
Auxilium Torino: und GW zum french team
Freudenfeuer: war klar, nach dem du gestern geschrieben hattest das du locker kontrollieren wolltest heute Trojer^^
Auxilium Torino: GW chense
Team Trojer Vellau: mach mir den kessler!
Freudenfeuer: solche manager sollten echt mal gesperrt werden die so nen müll zusammen fahren
Team Trojer Vellau: thats the mentality that is really killing c4f ... so what rfm always spoke about ;)
Auxilium Torino: hatte eine itaca gemacht wahre schon als multi bezeichnet geworden
RideforMoney: okay merci armo
Team Armorique: je reviens au 185 rfm
Auxilium Torino: hatte locker die tour gewinnen koennen
Auxilium Torino: was armorique hier fahrt ist schon scheisse
Freudenfeuer: versuchen mit schwächeren das tempo zu manipulieren, oder attackieren so offt bis die die hängen kaputt sind usw.
Auxilium Torino: aber damals hatte das ein paar grosse gegen mich organiziert... :)
Auxilium Torino: das ist der punkyt, aber deswegen ich wurde bestrafft, andere nicht
Freudenfeuer: hehe, du weißt ja garnicht was andere veranstalten aux
Auxilium Torino: ich wurde es mit 100k bestraft als sitter ( fuer equipe) , weil ich 5 km fuer pirati gefahren bin, obwhol ich war fuer rot
Team Armorique: you are three teams plauing together and it is me who have a bad mentality lol, poor guys, i can't stand your maffia
Auxilium Torino: das hat nicht mehr zu tuen mit pissiger, ist schon an limit von unfair, oder besser gesagt, ist schon unfair
Freudenfeuer: semjon hilft wenn er denn kann ab 181
SM Team: unable to control with yellow with that team... x)
Freudenfeuer: je mehr ihr Armorique ansprecht, desto pissiger wird er. das kenne ich irgend wo her^^
Team Trojer Vellau: horrible looser mentality but well well no comment ;)
Auxilium Torino: zusammen, ambi
Team Armorique: çà rentrera pas ride mais faudrait qu'on revienne un peu quand même
Auxilium Torino: hat schon Ambi recht gehabt, und waren damls auch ein paar team von heute davon
Auxilium Torino: was willst du noch dazu sagen...
Team Trojer Vellau: armorique i really dont understand you ... when you had the chance to win the tour you did nothing when its about saving p2 you help rfm?
opera: merci VC pour cette ballade
Freudenfeuer: ich hätte mal Gwenael mitnehmen sollen. wollte aber hier nur so " just for fun " fahren. war eine schlechte enscheidung meinen zeitfahrer zu hause zu lassen
RideforMoney: its mez here
RideforMoney: c mez pour rfm
SM Team: GW RFM for GC
Team Trojer Vellau: weiss ich doch kleiner ^^
Freudenfeuer: ich verlasse mich da zu 99% immer auf dich Trojer, das du alles regelst. ich brauche eine Vater-Figur..........
Team Trojer Vellau: du musst dann händisch aktualisieren ... ist bei allen so ;) bug ^^
Freudenfeuer: ich sehe teilweise echt nix wenn der km wechselt. kein scheiß
Team Trojer Vellau: hättest lieber mal geschaut dass da tempo gemacht wird ^^
Team Armorique: he hop je t'avais dit, trop facile, trop prévisible ^^
Freudenfeuer: haha, spassvogel du heute
Team Trojer Vellau: weil du nicht aktualisierst ;) ich war immer im flachen drin ;)
Freudenfeuer: ich hab nix gesehen du dödel :-)) das du im tempo warst. sehe teilweise meine fahrer und andere nicht nach dem km wechsel
RideforMoney: kiss.
Team Trojer Vellau: ich war mit drin du pfeife aber berg ab kann ich momentan nicht helfen ;) schau lieber dass du mal etwas schneller wirst ^^
Freudenfeuer: wär lobenswert wenn du so langsam mit fährst Trojer^^
Team Armorique: but if RFM cannot jin, i will
RideforMoney: Virovko pour aider ton 72-80 devant vct?
Team Armorique: bah 2nd or 3rd no difference
Auxilium Torino: so armoriwue, now you are minimally intresting to help?
Freudenfeuer: ok
Team Trojer Vellau: ich komme in ein paar km mit rein
Auxilium Torino: freude, warten, und dann zusammen?
Freudenfeuer: i ride for me RFM not for you or SM or ................!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RideforMoney: forgot to say that Freude is riding for you :)
RideforMoney: ah yes
RideforMoney: they said :)
RideforMoney: laura invicible !
RideforMoney: ho ho
Team Armorique: a voilà le truc attendu ^^
Team Armorique: ouiap dommage pour eux, ils jouent bien ! et du coup les hongrois quasi assurés de passer...en cdeau pour ceux qui les prendront en 8ème
RideforMoney: Gudjohnsen failed
RideforMoney: arf
Team Trojer Vellau: beeing 2nd or 130th ... no difference in such races around the shit hill
Team Armorique: i cannot sorry
Team Armorique: i know i can get better, so i just try to optimize and the best way is to cooperate with ride

Team Trojer Vellau: 3rd place in such a race counts exactly nothing at all
Auxilium Torino: in game give not friends , every team ride for their best, but you say already, you ride for RFM
Team Trojer Vellau: well it is maybe not against the rules just styleless to ride for 3rd place
Team Armorique: against the rules ? i just want to protect my 3rd ranking...not more, it is agaonst the rules ?
Auxilium Torino: this is only against the rules Armorique, no problem
Team Armorique: en fait il est niqué le fiston lui a mis une seconde hier et il peut pas me décrocher du coup, il fait sa pleureuse
Auxilium Torino: simon is in front to dainese...
Auxilium Torino: ITT give no more
Auxilium Torino: and???
Team Armorique: yes i think it is fair to say it
Auxilium Torino: and simon is oin moment third in GC, daines is fourth
RideforMoney: because maybe you have 85 TT and him 79 ?
Auxilium Torino: explaine...both 57 mountain
Auxilium Torino: RFM, why dainese is favo and simon not?
RideforMoney: lol
RideforMoney: Simon favo?
Auxilium Torino: i know Armorique, i understand this....really fair...
Team Armorique: enfin quand je dis sorry c'est une litote
Team Armorique: sorry aux i will ride for rfm
Auxilium Torino: and armorique that real favo...( is from Dainese) not help...french connection
Team Armorique: bah arpès çà revient tranquillou tkt il a pas le team pour le faire seul
Auxilium Torino: you are soo stupid, or you joke
RideforMoney: au fait armo, t'as Gael derrière
Auxilium Torino: only 80 ;)
Auxilium Torino: and after 80 km.....
RideforMoney: 109-110 in coming.
Freudenfeuer: vctoulon opera Tempo please
Auxilium Torino: so RFM, you see the big sieb danger?
Freudenfeuer: km 82 blue tempo with fresh riders @ group
Freudenfeuer: dann fahr aber rot mit Martin den berg hoch
AEROAD TEAM: better is 82 ;)
Freudenfeuer: wie viel kraft hat Martin noch Aeroad?
Freudenfeuer: ok group lets start at km78 with fresh riders and green tempo
RideforMoney: say me when you need Karimov ;)
Auxilium Torino: sind noch nicht 11 uhr und schon 40 grad draussen und 60 in die kuche
Auxilium Torino: hi all
Team Trojer Vellau: too fast for now ^^
RideforMoney: hmm ok 4 sec with Karimov in green ^^
Freudenfeuer: wegen solchen Vollpfosten werde ich nie meinen teamnamen ändern^^
RideforMoney: just put Linus in red, i'll join him
Team Armorique: le premier jour sprint derrière une échappée pas pour la victoire, donc tout intérert a pas le faire à fond pour pas avoir à rouler le jour d'après, ensuie on peut habiller çà comme on veut...ceci étant je trouve çà bien joué car beaucoup de pigeons sur des coups comme çà
RideforMoney: i'll help with Karimov soon
Team Trojer Vellau: yes rfmß
Freudenfeuer: who is chense? i see Team Trojer Vellau.......not chense
RideforMoney: Chense? ^^
RideforMoney: j'vais pas foutre Ana juste pour me faire tricker petitement.
RideforMoney: et vu que je sais très bien comment tu sprintes
RideforMoney: il y a pas d'écart avec ton 89..
RideforMoney: je te rappelle qu'hormis moi
SM Team: ce qui a aidé
SM Team: hier personne de très fort m'a suivi
SM Team: ça dépend qui me suit
SM Team: mais comme d'habitude
SM Team: certes
RideforMoney: 79-85-85 , excuse moi.. mais t'es pas si loin avec 75-83-89 ( ou même 78-83-89)
Team Armorique: bref tu peux raconter ce que tu veux çà prendra pas
RideforMoney: herakles a eu un train moyen hier
RideforMoney: et comme on a pu tous le voir
SM Team: avec son 79 1er lanceur
SM Team: Herakles avant lancé super tot
Team Armorique: bah oui avec un train comme çà n'importe qui gagne à moins d'en faire exprès
SM Team: vu l'écart qu'il y avait, même en le mettant plus tot pas possible
RideforMoney: Ce qui prouve que t'as le train nécessaire pour gagner.
RideforMoney: pas les autres.
RideforMoney: donc c'est TOI qui a fait une erreur
RideforMoney: ouais
RideforMoney: tu peux même oter Rasmus et le mettre derrière Shoukichi
SM Team: j'ai juste lancer Evaldas 50m trop tard oui
RideforMoney: ton premier lanceur bouffe n'importe qui
RideforMoney: 75-78-83-89
Team Armorique: le premier sprint tu as fait zxprès pour pas rouler après.... trop gros ton truc
RideforMoney: et sans grosse bétise.
SM Team: il a gagné parce que surement les autres trains plus forts que le mien ont merdé
RideforMoney: ouais mais t'as gagné aussi. Donc ça prouve également que ton train estsuffisamment bon pour gagner
SM Team: en faisant le même train que OL a fait
SM Team: et vu comment s'était déroulé le 1er sprint ou je fais 5 et 6 du peloton, ça ma conforté dans l'idée que je n'ai acune raison de rouler
RideforMoney: même OL trouve ça abusé.
Freudenfeuer: lustig, 2 im tempound nur Pär holt die punkte^^
SM Team: je roulerais autant que toi si j'avais un homme bien placé au GC, ce qui n'est pas mon cas
RideforMoney: avec le 2nd meilleur train du groupe.
Team Armorique: 15 pardon
RideforMoney: dit-il en ayant gagné une étape sans rouler 1 km
Team Armorique: te plains pas moi je fais 156 mais bon mon spr est hors forme et je le vends en fin de mois
SM Team: ;)
SM Team: je remarque aussi que le GC favo ne fait rien
RideforMoney: que le second stage favo est aussi devant
RideforMoney: que le stage favo est devant
RideforMoney: tu remarqueras
Team Armorique: de toute façon le scnénario est easy aujourd'hui, ils lancent leur help et ils siebent le tout sera de rester groupé et soudé ^^
RideforMoney: mais surtout, j'vais faire 3 ou 4 encore
RideforMoney: j'ai pas de train
RideforMoney: bah déjà y'a intérêt
Stamina: oui comme a chaque fois ou mon sprinter... c est tt le temps ca commence a me saouler
Team Armorique: pas sûr tu devrais recevoir de l'aide
RideforMoney: demain, on va bien rire
RideforMoney: bref toute façon Ana va se retrouver fanny encore
RideforMoney: tu as ptet fait l'ordre trop tard
Stamina: bon ben si je peux pas jouer salut
Team Armorique: so ok like that
Stamina: marrant encore une fois mon ordre est pas pris en compte
Team Armorique: aero you should work in peloton to catch them instead of chasing alone...
RideforMoney: m'enfin, continue à te voiler la face SM.. continue.
RideforMoney: sachant que t'as le 2ème train ..
SM Team: mais ça va dépendre d'ajd d'abord, on verra
SM Team: si mon but est de gagner le vert, je laisserai l'échappée devant
Freudenfeuer: vc
RideforMoney: c'est clair
SM Team: non
Team Armorique: bah de toute façon çà changere rien t'aurais eu le vert au final donc pas grave
RideforMoney: " ouin j'ai une team en mousse"
RideforMoney: et au fait, demain, t'échappes pas au taf demain. ;)
clipperteam: hi
RideforMoney: les résultats de la 1ère étape en ligne n'ont pas réellement comptés..
opera: je crois qu'ils ont annulé l'étape
RideforMoney: il y a eu un bug..
SM Team: qqun peut m'expliquer pk jsuis en vert? l'échappée avant gagné avant hier
RideforMoney: mais bon, j'ouvre trop ma gueule, ça plait pa à tout le monde :)
RideforMoney: ça va encore jouer pour faire 15ème au classement
RideforMoney: je serai pas étonné
Stamina: rajoute un italien:)
RideforMoney: teutonne? pas seulement armo !
RideforMoney: yop
Team Armorique: bon courage ride face à la coalition teutonne ^^
Ralph Lauren: hi

down to up as always ... as you can see first the "i ride for rfm" thing then "maybe i ride for my own goals" for what now?

And the maffia he was talking about - I am going for the stagewin - Freude also with some kms a helper in front ... aux for gc ...
As i said i am not really sure if it has to be fined but at least we should think about that kind of mentality it has just nothing to do with reality ... and he didnt say WITH RFM but FOR RFM thats the point i really hate ... maybe it was a mistake not everyone is a natural speaker but at least he should be forced to tell us reasons for his kind of behaviour and riding here ... everything else is open for me then.

Oh and somehow he is speaking of the german army ... nono the german army is not existing anymore ... its 70 years ago when rsf didnt exist ... auxi also said he is talking about something like "french army against german army thing" just cant find it... have to add i dont like rfm´s riding style but at least he did not force him into tempo armorique did without anything just to help for whatever


auxilium torino
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:27 am

already the first words from armorique, before the start, announce to ride against germany team, as french national team...since second stage we have the whole tour with french team riding as 1 team

OPERA, OMEGA, und jetzt sogar das sonst favo ARMORIQUE, fahren die ganze tour ( und ist fuer ein paar von dene die 3 tour in folge ) fuer RFM ( heute )
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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auxilium torino
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:32 am


das ist zum erganzen!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by IDF » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:02 pm

auxilium torino wrote:he can today win a tour, but help RFM to win, and say already that ride for their this not against the rule?

Hmm just saying one thing :

You had 45 sec against Laura just after the sieb.. you prefered to wait for an intermediate group which was 15-20 sec in front of Laura's group... so you rode for me too :D and not for your win...
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by Chense » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:26 pm

IDF wrote:
auxilium torino wrote:he can today win a tour, but help RFM to win, and say already that ride for their this not against the rule?

Hmm just saying one thing :

You had 45 sec against Laura just after the sieb.. you prefered to wait for an intermediate group which was 15-20 sec in front of Laura's group... so you rode for me too :D and not for your win...
The guy that waited was freude indeed and i didnt understand it too why the guys didnt go full power even as i would have helped for the stagewin ...

But look at today its the same again ... This guy has the 11th best sprinter is lucky to get the 6th place in the end and rides nearly the most of all teams for what? For not giving any other team the opportunity to attack your gc ... no offense against you as said in the race but what this guy does is just horrible riding the question is just is riding horrible and not for your own goals on purpose fineable or not?

auxilium torino
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:32 pm

IDF wrote:
auxilium torino wrote:he can today win a tour, but help RFM to win, and say already that ride for their this not against the rule?

Hmm just saying one thing :

You had 45 sec against Laura just after the sieb.. you prefered to wait for an intermediate group which was 15-20 sec in front of Laura's group... so you rode for me too :D and not for your win...

o yes, i was in front, but without helper, the helper was in second group and ride...for me!

if you must justify something, justify the reason because somebody ride for you, and say it!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by IDF » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:34 pm

I know that it was Freude but he (=papy freude :p ) had no interests for gk and Dainese was in the 1st group ... so... it's Auxi's fault.

Just the gc ok, maybe, but don't forget that he was 3rd in GK and we had already seen so many guys in this situation and nobody cried...

Instead of crying about losing GK, it would be better to recognize our own mistakes and the way how Aux has lost the tour...
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by IDF » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:35 pm

Without helpeR?

you had 2 helpers with Dainese... you lost the tour, it happens.. but don't only blame others because you failed too..
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by IDF » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:36 pm

And as i said in the chat, don't involve me in the business with a kind of "blabla RFM did a deal with Armo ".. because it's totally false.
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

auxilium torino
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:43 pm

5. Accordi irreali sono vietati. Ogni Manager deve agire nel modo migliore negli interessi della sua squadra. La separazione tra amicizia nel mondo reale e competizione tra squadre nel gioco RSF è sottintesa ed assolutamente prioritaria!

Autres régles de Fair-Play:
- Le remplacement du directeur sportif est interdit pour les courses d´un jour.
- Chaque directeur doit faire de son mieux pour son équipe (avec fairplay bien entendu).
- Les connections irréalistes sont interdites:(par ex.: une équipe travaille pour une autre équipe sans rien y gagner.équipe profite de l´absence imprévue d´un concurent dans un tour, etc.).
- Les régles de fairplay prévalent, dans les courses, sur les relations familiales ou amicales.
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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auxilium torino
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:48 pm

rfm, then let the 3 teams answer...Armorique, Opera and Omega
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
Allenatore Italia WC 9/11 Oro RR
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by Chense » Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:21 pm

IDF wrote:And as i said in the chat, don't involve me in the business with a kind of "blabla RFM did a deal with Armo ".. because it's totally false.
As also stated in the chat and before here in the thread:

I am NOT accusing RFM to have done any deal with Armorique

What i am accusing is that Armorique willingly rides for another team without ANY outcome - also clearly stating in the chat that he is going to ride for another team and then doing so on 2 stages were he had nothing to lose but something to win if he just does nothing or rides in another way.

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by IDF » Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:34 pm

" sans rien à y gagner".

His podium can count as something...

But as i said, the problem is that you failed on your business in this tour. :(
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

auxilium torino
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:23 pm

he say : i ride for RFM...this is the points!
rule 5 in inscription rules, then Armorique was favo for win the tour, and ride for you until he prefere to be third and that you win...are you serius, when you say that is a third place better the first place?
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by IDF » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:19 am

Where i said that third place is better than the first one?
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by IDF » Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:32 am

And just, because i don't remember but... Armo had how many riders during the chase between Freude and me ? ( i mean in the Freude's group) ?
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:44 am

Armorique have 5 in front, i have 5 too!, and Armoriuue was third in GC, i was fourth!..but you stay saiing, i am favo and armorique have no chance because Armorique have 79 crono, and i have 85...

:o :roll:

PS: crono was alredy rided!!!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by Rekt » Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:00 am

Bah i didn't see that he was in the same.time than you.. sorry to don't have an look about p3 or p4...

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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by auxilium torino » Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:11 am

Rekt wrote:Bah i didn't see that he was in the same.time than you.. sorry to don't have an look about p3 or p4...
who are you?
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: team armorique Elektrotour 19 uhr

Post by DonOh » Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:28 am

It's RFM himself

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