insults from team darsseul

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insults from team darsseul

Post by avesano » Sun May 29, 2016 8:47 pm

Hi all,

during the giro-20h, I (and some other managers, leso can say) had to receive insults from team darsseul very frequently (between others: "un homme sans couilles et surtout un déchet de la société" for the french readers who will enjoy the beautifull style of this pleasant colleague ^^). I think this kind of trash talk isn't appropriate here, I let you judge.

Thank you.

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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by luques » Mon May 30, 2016 12:18 am

All the conversation of today stage (Maybe I missed something to highlight):

Team darsseul: leso je t'offre le peloton okay ^^
SM Team: Thanks
Lubazim team: good race all
lesossies: ciao tutti
Vampire Slayers: also thx Luba
Fragola: gw to you SM, deserved, and thx for (almost? ;) )all participants to this giro. See you on roads.
RSG Elbflorenz: yes nice coop
Vampire Slayers: thx
Vampire Slayers: you too
Fragola: thx for nice collab in front
lesossies: gw
SM Team: gw front
Fragola: +1 Luba
Lubazim team: sory Villinger, nothink personal, but you need to understand this, this is a game, have fun playing it and dont ruin it... pls
SM Team: 87 leso?
Team-Villinger: Admire Fragola how well he knows me by chatting ......... Kudos
Fragola: once he said "silence is golden"...
Fragola: I think he does
Lubazim team: well yes xD
Vampire Slayers: but now you know, he don't read the chat
Fragola: ..and 2 attacks...
Vampire Slayers: yes:(
Fragola: ...and Luba
Fragola: he costed us 1 min...
Fragola: let me the -3 maybe
Fragola: I can help in downhill ^^
Vampire Slayers: Indo wait for fragola
Lubazim team: good luck
Fragola: try red in hill Luba, maybe enough?
Fragola: who tries?
Lubazim team: atack i will not follow
Fragola: :(
Lubazim team: lets see if he reads the chat
Lubazim team: atack again i dont folow
Vampire Slayers: yes:(
Team darsseul: vilinger follow lubazim ^^
Fragola: :/
Vampire Slayers: we still have too much km for tactic games now
Lubazim team: i want to kown to... i hate him
Vampire Slayers: Fragola?
Team darsseul: germans have lose vs slovakia lol #euroforfrance
Vampire Slayers: how he wins the sprints alltime?
Lubazim team: we cant stop tempo...
Vampire Slayers: if we are then still in front and we can take it... then we can attack
Vampire Slayers: wait in the last 10 km
Fragola: soon, we'll have to choose...or we give him the stage....
Vampire Slayers: attack will kill us 100%
Lubazim team: but ok, wanna atack?
Lubazim team: if we atack, break away is done...
Lubazim team: ok take blue
Fragola: we should attack now, after he will be able to follow us...
Team Indonesia: it is necessary to blue
Lubazim team: he's a multi
Lubazim team: Vilinger dont ride
Fragola: ok but Vili will be a pb...
Vampire Slayers: Villi?
Lubazim team: comeon fragola
Lubazim team: hope other team join
Lubazim team: i will waint 5 km
Lubazim team: other team come pls
Vampire Slayers: no fresh?
Lubazim team: i am in to
Vampire Slayers: for me okay
Team Indonesia: fresh blue riders
Team darsseul: if i will be ban i ride ^^
Team darsseul: si je suis ban autant rouler ^^
Lubazim team: all fresh?
RSG Elbflorenz: ms
RSG Elbflorenz: No Chance for ma today 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fragola: Petru nearly dead...we should make a subgroup maybe Vili can't follow?
Team darsseul: mdr
Team darsseul: je t'aime aussi fragola
Team darsseul: but it's her life if he like that ^^
Vampire Slayers: yes, i have so big chances for ms
Team darsseul: and indonisia suck sm, next day he said don't do auto tempo sm is off line ....
Fragola: let him talk, I opened a discussion in the fairplay forum
Team darsseul: you have a team sprint and you attack it's the true reason
Lubazim team: i think the problem is Villinger, he will not help
Team darsseul: no vampire i just hate fragola
Team Indonesia: moi aussi je t'aime dar seul
Vampire Slayers: all the world is bad and you hate it
Fragola: ofc we could try to put the fresh in tempo, guys, if Vili changed his mind?
Vampire Slayers: because of me?! nice
Team darsseul: and indo is in escap and he suck sm ^^
Team darsseul: because you are in escap and fragola is on escap and i hate this man ^^
Vampire Slayers: darsseul for what tempo?
Lubazim team: oh no :c
Team darsseul: mais sinon que pensez vous de la reproduction des huitres?
Team darsseul: fragola mon père pense la même chose que moi a ton propos tu n'es qu'un profiteur
Fragola: we all know you're more clever than me, dars, no pb with that :)
Team darsseul: mais au moins je serais tranquille sans fragola
Vampire Slayers: Fragola:)
Fragola: it's crazy how just one loosy manager can ruin a chat...
Team darsseul: fragola je ne suis pas einstein je suis juste plus intelligent que toi mais dit toi que même un enfant de 5 ans l'est
Team Indonesia: lesossies, tu peux lui fermer son chat à darsseul, il a une nouvelle fois des problêmes avec ses hormones
Fragola: well, the good news is that it's my last stage with darss-einstein and Vili (sry Vili, you were hard in escape this giro ^^). But it was great to ride with you guys (I'm especially happy for celteam who was a lot courageously in front and won a stage ^^)
Team darsseul: we aren't in dictature like hitler
Team darsseul: if they want to speak german they can
Vampire Slayers: and if 6 teams are german, you would like it, when all speak german here?
SM Team: fortunately they don't
Team darsseul: 6 team are french and you speak french = 7 team who understand what i say
Vampire Slayers: How Vili wins all sprints without sprint or tempo?
Team darsseul: or not
Fragola: let's switch back in english, more respectfull for other managers, no?
Team darsseul: églises* désolé
Team darsseul: et non car ils sonnais les cloche des église
Team darsseul: tu es un homme sans couilles et surtout un déchet de la société qui a un bac pro car tu n'avais même pas le niveau pour faire une seconde général
Fragola: euh non, merci, je ne suis qu'en CE2 ^^
Fragola: car ils passaient à la fin du marché, quand on sonnait la cloche
Team darsseul: fragola tu veux venir chez moi on vera c'est qui le cm2
Fragola: se soir, non, ce soir, ok ^^
Team darsseul: Tu sais pourquoi on appel des mendiants, clochards?
Fragola: juste, t'as fait une erreur de frappe, tu voulais dire bac - 8, c'est ça?...non parce que point de vue orthographe, c'est juste CM2 là ;)
Team darsseul: tu veux te coucher moins con se soir?
Fragola: certes...
Team darsseul: bah oui très
SM Team: laissons le s'amuser, il trouve ça amusant
Team darsseul: bon moi j'ai mes épreuves la semaine prochaine je dois réviser ++ le bac +8 nse valide pas tout seul
Fragola: que t'es lourd mon pauvre darsseul...
Team darsseul: si tu veux plus tard je ferrais tes comptes mais bon a 500€ par mois pour un particulier qui gagnera peu ça fais chère ^^
Team darsseul: enfin bref tu n'as jamais fais de prépa donc tu ne me connais donc 3 mots ferme ta ......
SM Team: on en avait déjà parlé x)
SM Team: je l'ai déjà dit au début du tour
Team darsseul: un geek qui fais une école prépa la blague
Team darsseul: ou tu fais quoi si tu y es encore
Team darsseul: dit que je suis geek, dit moi tu as fais quoi en étude?
SM Team: ça arrive d'avoir des soirées
SM Team: on est aps tous des nolife hein...
Team darsseul: enfin c'est comme si en vrai l'entraineur de ag2r va entrainer cofidis ^^
SM Team: dépanne
SM Team: je me fais dépanner, et je dépasse aussi les autres
SM Team: c'est autorisé je vois pas ou est le problème
Team darsseul: ou elaska
Team darsseul: entre rfm free et alaska
SM Team: j'ai raté la 14, la 19 et la 20
SM Team: x)
Team darsseul: enfin la tu en a loupé 6 au moin
Team darsseul: bah t'inscrit pas alors
SM Team: Je rate souvent 2/3 étapes par GT, même si ça m'est arrivé de les faire en entier également
Team darsseul: and fragola jusy you will see where you are in div 3 and where i am okay?
Vampire Slayers: I would understand the excitement, if I had a team to chase, but I only a 79 and no chance for a ms
SM Team: ya pas que RSF dans la vie
Team darsseul: et sm je m'en fou de ce que tu pense car tu n'es pas capable de faire un tour tout seul obligé de demander aux autres de faire des étapes, aucun mérite, moi j'ai loupé 2 étapes et je me fais pas remplacé
Vampire Slayers: kidisasdfdsaf
Team darsseul: vampire you say that all the time you have 88-64-60-58 sprint
Team Indonesia: Vampire, bring down your rider in the peloton
Fragola: *silence assourdissant du courageux darsseul*
Vampire Slayers: with 2 flats with 84 and 79
SM Team: au lieu de rager darsseul si tu es pas content tu as qu'à rouler
Vampire Slayers: how i should ride for sprint? i have NO chance with my Team
Team darsseul: and you know we can help you vampire
Team darsseul: you never ride for your sprinter
Team darsseul: fucking retard vampires
Team Indonesia: ok
Vampire Slayers: @SM so fast in chase?
Team darsseul: hi all
SM Team: I won't let more room to the teams who do not assume their leader ;)
Fragola: blue?
Vampire Slayers: kurze leine heute...
Fragola: let's go red, guys
Fragola: Luba?
Team Indonesia: loose your rider
Vampire Slayers: no team
RSG Elbflorenz: Geht das wieder los wie soll er denn ein ms zustande bringen
Vampire Slayers: i have no chance for chase
Team Indonesia: 88sprint
SM Team: best sprinter in field
Vampire Slayers: why?
SM Team: Vampire in escape??? seriously
Vampire Slayers: hi
Vampire Slayers: yes, not normal this?
Fragola: no rider under 50 mountain finish this giro...
Team Indonesia: Mez je suis déjà revenu, merci à toi
Team Indonesia: bonjour hello
Fragola: hi

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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by Spike81 » Mon May 30, 2016 5:58 am

avesano wrote:Hi all,

during the giro-20h, I (and some other managers, leso can say) had to receive insults from team darsseul very frequently (between others: "un homme sans couilles et surtout un déchet de la société" for the french readers who will enjoy the beautifull style of this pleasant colleague ^^). I think this kind of trash talk isn't appropriate here, I let you judge.

Thank you.
I'm Vampire Slayers and I was in the same Giro.
I drove already some times with him. he says all what we have to do, but he rarely helps to make tempo... I don't have anything against help, but he does this all the time and this is nervy.

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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by Chense » Mon May 30, 2016 3:46 pm

Its always the same with him he insults people or tries it (mostly have to laugh about him). He is the god of c4f that know everything except how to manage a team and ride races ;)

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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by Robyklebt » Mon May 30, 2016 4:10 pm

You're saying he's Auxilium's multi?
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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by drei.zehn » Mon May 30, 2016 7:12 pm

It's always the same with darsseul. Everytime somebody doesn't act like he want, he starts to insult them.

If you see his stats you know how often he got to think all others are idiots...

auxilium torino
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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by auxilium torino » Tue May 31, 2016 3:00 am

Robyklebt wrote:You're saying he's Auxilium's multi?
Arme roby, you think so much on me ???
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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by Hunsrueck » Tue May 31, 2016 7:51 pm

fpc is reviewing this case

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Re: insults from team darsseul

Post by Hunsrueck » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:37 pm

FPK has the following penalty set: FINE: 200.000 , WARNING: NO


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