Back now from some days away from any laptop and internet.
And does it stay hidden, obscure and confidential who the others are? Could you tell us who it is or at least give us a number instead of just giving a hint and indicating something? The only one I see is you. This is bad style, nothing else. I am sure they did not vote for you to take their case. If they want, they should show up here and tell their case. It’s not like they will be banned for it… *hint*.-
At least 2 other managers wrote something here that can give you hint on what some others than me can think.
And on my side, I heard few times ''I do not want to tell anything in forum because I ride with FPK members every day'' or ''Even if I disagree with some/many things going around, I do not want to create myself problems by saying it loud''.
At least, some like Flocke or Quick were not afraid like others that prefer to stay hidden and do not ''create problems''.
Last thing about that, what is the proportion of users reading/using the forum ? Not much, maybe not enough to have a good represatation of what's going in user's minds (hypotesis, nothing else).
But, 1.) no, the public must not know the whole decision process of the FPC, simply because that would lead to never ending discussions and would prevent the FPC form working effi-ciently. This is also not possible from an administrative point of view.
Public should not know the whole decision, you mean then that if they know it it leads to never endings discussions ? Right ?
But not knowing it is even worse, public doubt the fairness of the whole decision process of the FPC, public has no clue about that process and can imagine things they want, public will point out things that seems irregular to them because of not knowing the decision process that is existing, and so on ...
At the opposite, if you have a clear guide of the decision process, that explains how the things work inside the FPC and shows the way decisions are made, then the public accepts it by playing the game (signing-up to a race f.e or even to the game), then as it's clearly written, explained and accepted it's impossible to contest it (unless a reform is decided).
And 2.) no, the public must not know the detailed catalogue for fines, bans, etc., simply because then, cases would be compared, like you do it, even if the basis for the decision might be completely different form your assumptions. Additionally there is the risk of abuse of this knowledge. Sounds weird? Well it isn't at all. Have seen that many times as a Gamemaster of a big browser game.
Same reflexion here, knowing it and agreeing with it would help to accept the penalties when they come.
Not knowing them add confusion and sometimes the feeling of unfairness and being abandonned by the game.
Can you develop concerning the risk of abuse ? Isn't any chance to find a way to limit/erase that risk of abuse ?
The only advantages in my opinion you add are words like legitimacy and corruption/credibility. But, again on anther level: The FPC’s work has to be mainly legitimate and credible for leso and Buhmann. If power is abused, they have to interfer.
Of course they have to interfer of power is abused, and I am sure they would. Additionnal question : do they really have time to check that kind of things when you see all the rest they have to do with the limited time they have for the game ?
The point here would be to have a FPK that is legitimate and more transparent, so that leso and Buhmann do not really have to worry about it. Rules are clearly explained, penalties and decision process is public, so there is no discussion about abuse or not, about legitimity or not. If rules and guidelines exist, FPK applies them, if these are public, then Leso and Buhmann do not need to spend their time on checking every FPK case as they would know that in 98% of cases FPK just applied what is public, and if something was done wrong by FPK, public notices it fast and problem is easy/fast to solve.
This is a browser game you joined freely under certain conditions made by the owner of it. The FP decisions are made be these owners finally.
I am aware of that.
But nothing tells that owner of a game never changes is mind and never evolve/improve on anything he set up earlier in time !
That's why I think that bringing that up today might help to a change concerning the FPC.
I will not comment the personnal attacks and judgements you make on me down after the last quote (and also in the first lines of your answer), because that's totally out of the topic. That's just very poor and disappointing that you can't write such post without using personnal attacks and off-topic judgement.
Trust them. Trust Buhmann and leso.
I trust them. I only ask them to think again of the current system and the benefits we could get of some changes. Firstly, I ask them to spend some time reading all of this.
The FPC is not here to help people. The FPC is here to help leso and Buhmann.
I disagree on that point. FPC is here to help both owners of the game and users of the game.
Do you think the FPC members are not honest players? Do you think they misuse their power and help friends?
I think they are honest. But sometimes I can doubts seeing some decisions that are made, and I think it's normal with such system, and I am not the only one having such doubts time to time. I just want proofs of their honesty, and I ask to be fully convinced of it by making the FPK more transparent.
If you keep thinking that thread and previous questions I asked for weeks is a personnal attack vs one or some of the FPK member, it's very sad.
To finish I'd say that I see your point and can understand your view and opinion of the thing.
I only have a different one.
Merry Christmas